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541T Approved For Release 200M4/17 : CIA-10/M6A0001001401364-2 Approve Sti! CONE'DENT1AL A authorlty Woo anl major tuly on Office pared and are homy/ : CIA-RDP78# 369A000100140001-2 E El' Security Infer reatirm. 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : bx- OPPICt IVO 8-06.369A0001001400W2 v of Trekinir OV: tor of Contra a intelligent* * *flproficiencies to tome ciploo, standards, methods and ranch of learning, including the mam- mas and many teohnical and eeninistra - facilities, as required, in the Agoncy, ,tth domestic and foraigni -,PG2..." Dt Objectives of the Qffico of effort of the 4ger for qualified peonnel rational requirement the Agency, To, develop a highly qualified Qom: of prefocsionsl career nol with experionott in foreign language and eves fields., an facility in specific functional and technical fields. To direct a treining program for selected junior ?Moore occupy, during a period of training* 150 training slots p for this purpose. This *adet Corps* will be trainod in ciplos? standar:40 methols and taohniqueo of intelligent* ane. emoignad or rotated into the various offices of the. Agency in accord- 4110f with their interesto alt0 domomstrablo capabilities. To provide training for all now personnel recruited to fill profit* colonel positions in Ve. Agestw in ardor to moot the peoulier long range requiremonts of the flpowlorirg srflee9. To formulate advanced try Avg prog in the Amoy in creel, to moot the f the sponsoritv officer, To cooperate wall approve, tiatct and !Wonge in oraor programs, sontiel. To collabora formulating poliniet for foreign. r 04 r lam Pors ranee requirements- ith appropriate son of 4 officers of the agency in botl- domestic and 4410440;MC 00 IA-RDP75 000100140001-2 security nF\o`rmation Approved For Release 20001i4/17 : CIV3 1. 2. norkgri if a 1952 9A000100100.4-2 uguet JONFIDENTIM The D rector of Central intelligence Staff Study on Office- of Training Area-Language Preerame o obtain approval for Offl ar.a..1anuag In reviewing t R Budget for fiscal The Comptroller and the Assistant questioned the value of VTR area-Langu of their approval by the eirector of Cent ctor (A eministration ?grams and the etatus lligence. ? Public Law 110 authorize*, the /CI to use public or private facili- ties for this purpose, at home or abroad, and to meet all costs in- curred in such uee. 25X1A C, CIA authorizes the Director of Training to approve training at domestic and foreign facilities. D. The regular sourcesof recruitment have not proved adequate to meet Agency requirements for trained area and language speoialista. ? A. breakdown of each area- language prorram currently in operation or planned ie included. under Tab A. SPSUSSitEr A. The Officeof Training im responsible for resolving Agency trainix zquireaent0 as they develop* The operating Offices have been un- able to recruit enough personnel who are qualified as area special lets. The nnivereitier? en meet cases, do not provide the breadth in training to develop aeequate area specialiate for the Agency. To meet the requirements of the Officer for area and language train- ing for their personnel, the Office of Treinire has arranged to pro- vide the necessary training at foreign installations. At these in- stallations, Agency personnel can study at first hand the area, the people*, the customs, ane the political, economic and sociological problems in their natural habitat. Short term program, have been developed so that personnel now working at a regional desk, but who have never been tn the area of their responeibility, can have the opportunity of participating in an area program. Longerange programa have been developed wherein intensive language and area training are given so as to develop caeable professional careerists as area special- ists. Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-R 9A000100140001-2 -tion ? 0 Approved For Release 2000/CM/17 :fel ;-06369A000100140004r2 ? n ormation , Go The operating Offices nave enthusiastically endorsed an the area and language programs. They feel that their personnel grasp more accurately tho significance of the various reports com- ing from the field if they have studied and traveled in the area, The Office of Training is assietimg the Offices to develop better trained area specialists uy setting up area and language training programs in the vital regions of the world. 4, conclusion: The operating Offices have a neea for more qualified area and lan- guage specialists for tr,e major regions of the world. The univer- sities, in most instances, do not have adequate cross-cultural area programs to develop enougf, young professionals to meet the needs of this Agency. Many personnel now working as specialists have n vor been Lr ths region of their specialisation. It is, therefore, con- cluded that there is a need to provide area and language training to meet the requirementz', oC* the operating Offices for trained area specialists; and that the uffioe of Training should provide domestic and foreign training facilities, as required, to increase area and language competence of Agency personnel. ommendallat It 14 recommended that the D/CI approve the development and conduct by the irector of Trainin6 of area-language programs to meet con- tinuing raquirements of the Agency. M1TTTIE0 IRD Pirector of Training REM:pdb cot A/DDA Comptroller AP MED: CONFIDENTIAL ( Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP7 06369A000100140001-2 SE RET Security 'in rr,..4i-... ? aCLIS.0 I Security I nformatiori Approved For Rele lix494-M1 THE OFFICE or TRA Training programa now in operation: 4 to 25X1A 1. Summer Seminar on the Near ITAst a. Number of CIA paiipante (1952): 16 b. Length of course: approximately 13 weeks c. Place of stilt,: (l) FSI? Washin ton L. C. 2) d. Total cost of training exclusive of salary): 646,655 0 0 Average cost per student: 2,916 ? Near rest Language and Area Program a. Number of CIA participants(1952): 15 b. Length of course; approximately 2 years (2) (1) FSI, Wash 'ton D. C. c. Place of study: d. Total cost of tra:thLng exclusive of salary): $58,400 *. Average cost per student: 3,893 . Summer Workshop a. Number of CIA participants (1952)t 1 b. Length of course: 6 weeks c. Place of study: ?g3 e. Average cost per student 1, d. Total cost of training (exclusive 0 ' Awe and Area Academic I'rogravic a. Number of ak partic1,2ants (1952): 3 b. Length of courae aproximate1y 2 are c. Place of study: d. Total cost of t fsalary) t $8,610 e. Average cost per tudnt approx. 2,070 Training programa which will be available as rapidly as the necessary planning and coordination can be accomplished: 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 1. Language and Area Program: :.orutheaut Asia 2. Language and Area Program: Far East 3. Language and Area Program: Eastern Europe 4. language and Area PrograTt Western Europe These programs will be spenboi,cd 4 the Foreign Service Institute. Normally, it is planned to include one year of study in the basic language and the area at FII? followed by one year of study at a field installation to be established in the area. Operating Offices Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RDP78A6369A000100140001-2 SECRET Security In format SECRET Approved For Release 20001t4/17 : CIA-hfte83196140001001400414-2 have been informally appriseri. of these proposed programs and have ex- pressed great interest in the early establishment of these programs. The number of CIA participants in the programs and the coat have not been determined. 25X1C 25X1A 6. Area Training Thio program involves at located at 25X1A The trainee would be attached one career traine 25X1A to the senior eatative who wou14 supervise the training as requested by he affice of Training. It is esti- mated that the cost for Vlis training woulJ be approximately t10,000 per year per trainee. Approved For Release 2000104/17 : CIA-RDP7Aga 00100140001-2 gb Security Informatton 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/17 :SCAIREIFIR849369A000100140004M2 Cr'ee:.Summer Seminar on the Near East. Length of Course: Approximately thirteen weeks. z.oe or gourse; To provide ax, opportunity for selected Aency personnel o study -in the area, the political, historical, economic, social, and cul- tural institutions of the Near Last. entation on the eludes lectures a temporary problems ofcar Sponojr,g Agencv !lace of StudY, 25X1A 2. 1. 25X1A s on the Ti ZEit t at F21. AElifht 25X1A This periodieo itice and con- Foreign Service Institute, Department of ,,te Orrerd; Each year pproximately l5 June to 15 September, inclusive. ar.tcipan 1951 - 30 1952 - 140 frailty; This program has been strongly endorsed by Office heads who have any rimponsibility in this area. It enables personnel who have never been in the Near rast to study and travel in a vitaa ants of their specialization, thus giving them greater competence in avaluatinc material that deals with that araa, :SECRET `Securdy informatiolt Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA-RD1/74706369A000100140001-2 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA*07/62bpV94000100140001*-2 oree Near East Language and Area h,ocram. IggmajaLagamst Approximately two yearn. ose of Gose; To train seleoteo personnel in an intensive language-area program .es1gned to produce area experts in the Near East. Description of Pqnrsql One year of intensive study in basic Arabic language an the gear treat area at the Foreign Service Institute in Washington, D. G. 25X1A The second year is spent at a field installation at . Advanced Arabic and area studies are given there. Extended field trips are an important part of the area program in the field. 25X1A 25X1A 82soinera: Foreign Service Institute,Department of State.. 1. FSI Washington D. C 2 Offtle Each year. ar programs for E;outh Asia, Far East, Eurasia, Eastern and pe will be set up as rapidly air staffs can be assembled and field I set up. It is expected that iigency interest in these programs . OAR will support I in establishing. these programa as the s of the Agency develop. CPFT Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CI1RDP78L06369A000100140002 c-urity Informstfori 10.2 25X1A SE Approved For Release 2000/021/17 .s2Ar g 4 Language and Area Academic Programs Imp of Course.: Approximately years. 04660111014.0PM arqe of Course: To train person;-'el so that they will understar4 the Soviet on, s peoples and its language, and when placed in positions of responsi- bility win have sufficient backgroNnd to make sound decisions and estimates concerning the capabilities, limitations, and potential of the Soviet Union &nd its satellites. ourse: tensive trainne conducted in the Russian language. ouee ons andaminars on the military, economic, and political of the rovist Union are its 7uropean satellites. Advanced Russian a training. Field trips to local points of interest. Special projects prepared by each trainee. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA 6369A000100140001-2 mewl Approved For Release 200Q404/17: 25X1A' CARZEI: Surmiaev1-Mrk5hiv on 40.41141a1.22gtel Six veeks, c et To provide a opportunity for selected personnel to study ittInjtbe political, e2onomic? educational, social, and cultural in stttit?ons of the state of Israel. 69A0001001400t1-2 Lectures and seminars on the politics, economy, and 25X1A a. eld trips to local points of interest to give the trainees knowlecge of the agricultural an industrial growth of IIIIIIh as well 25X1A standing of its historical and archeological significance, Immuleajoimu: Nev York University 25X1A !giPtiAr dt Each a 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/04/17 : CIA 0369A000100140001-2 formatieri