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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
June 17, 1998
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Publication Date:
August 26, 1980
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000070001-4
Approved For Release 2000
6-0078=_70500 1-4
Approved For Release 2000/Pe"=EnrRR001000070001-4
1. (S/NOFORN) This report documents a remote viewing session conducted in
compliance with a request from SOD, 33, OJCS, Pentagon, Washington, DC..
Thepurpose of the session was to provide information relevant to the
hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data, and, as such, have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and use of
the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S/NOFORN) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (S).1 undated.
4. (S/NOFORN) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote viewer
reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target cuing
information provided the remote viewer.
5. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer was asked to locate Bruce German and
describe his surroundings. The viewer felt that he was located on the
grounds of the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran. The viewer also described
three- other U.S. hostage personnel with German at the time of this session.
The tall man could have been either Nehmen or Daugherty; the skinny,
clean-shaven man was possibly Englemann; and the round-faced individual
coOld have been Sharer, Hall, or Metrinko.
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Approved For Release 2d86/
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000070001-4
#14: This will be a remote viewing session for 26 August 1980,
mission time is1000hours.
All right #07, the time is now 10:00. Your mission for
today is to find Bruce German, and I want you to describe
his surroundings to me.
+07#07: He's at a table...looks around...right arm on table, legs
crossed tall guy with beard...cue stick...two guys...
over there...the guards too...guards inside
ing...three people and...and Bruce
#14: Who are these other people?
#07: Oh, I don't know...hostages...but I don't know who they are...
one kind of tall...fiddling with a cue stick...and there's
two sitting over there...Bruce is over here at the table.....
There's lights outside the room...even on the ground floor
there's a deck outside the door...door seems open to outside
of this room...Guards seem to be concerned about...well
being of these people...I feel they came here from some
other place...outside is a lot seems to be...four
or five people with weapons I can see from here...there's
a couple over there...near some kind of...entrance to the
grounds...seem to be four others walking about...two of them
look like they're going someplace in particular...other two
walking slow...leisure, like they are patrolling.....
countin s room that makes eight...
lis structure feels like...feels like a ructure...
at least it's broad in comparison to it's height....
ce is work.i23.0117117,..look like some kind of
craft thing rue was doing with his hands...guards have
weapons slung, one standing near door, other one keeps
walking around the room with his back close to the wall...
Parts of these grounds look li a colle e must
be...must be part of the pound...Fr wherever I am now,
I'm not sure, eems to be. .dwelling like structures,
two or three of them over on eft, in front and to my left.
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#07: I see...big flat top building...two story building...over's either...keep seeing this place in daylight,
and then I see it in the dark...I don't know which one's
real I'm having trouble with time...this room is empty
now, there's nobody here...
They got Bruce somewhere...second least above
the ground...lying on a bed with his hands behind his head,
like (mumble)...ivory colored walls...don't see anyone out
the window...
#14: I want you now to go outside, to the grounds, and tell me
what it is on the grounds that reminded you of the compound.
#07: I...saw...what I thought was dwellings over there to my left...
and a big long white building that's...used to have antennas
in it...white, it's white colored...I thought I saw another
gate over there...I never noticed it from this angle before,
but I think this, is the compound... I seem to be
time I was...I don't know direction...I thought I was near
one corner of the compound...and I felt the main embassy was
somewhere to my right behind me...didn't turn and look but
I felt I, was where it was kind of over my right shoulder.
#14: Okay. I have one final task for you. I want you to go
back to that space and time where the people were gathered
in the room with the pool table. I want you to take a good
look at each of the U.S. hostage personnel in this room.
We will try to identify them from photos during the debriefing.
#07: Okay, I'm back there.
#14: And feel free to describe out loud as you're observing
these people.
#07: The tall guy with the cue stick...maybe 28-32, bearded,
1"...lot of hair, no glasses...dressed sloppy...about
the same age, another guy, from the look of his beard, I
think he's got a, cheeks kind of round face, 5' 10"...
both guys have got darkish hair...other guy sitting over
there reading something...long thin arms, glasses, seems
he has an awful lot of hair for the thin face, no beard...
shorter guy has hair on his chest, slim guy also has his
shirt open but no hair...seems awfully skinny, glasses...
bored as hell...both of the guys sittin' down...guy with
the cue stick imagines he's in the States, Ohio.....
That's about it.
#14: All right, I have no further questions at this time. Is
there anything else you feel that it's important to add?
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#07: I see an awful lot of imagery, but...doesn't appear to be
important to the problem, like the short bearded guy is
wearing dark...curderoy jeans, a detail like that is...
I feel not important...I do this is a compound...
I saw more guards than I normally see, but they didn't seem
to be hyper...seemed almost as bored as the hostages...
that's about it.
#14: All right. We'll pause for debriefing.
Ready for debrief.
#07: I started off, I found Bruce sitting beside a table that was
either round or the portion I could see was rounded, light
colored table, had his right arm on it, and his main body
was kind of faced away from the table, as though he had been
watching the people at the pool table
There was some things on the table he was working on, I
thought it was some kind of craft or something.
There was a guy fiddling with a cue stick here, and I'm
having trouble seeing him. He was right handed. Tall guy
was standing over there chalking a...chalking a cue stick.
He was holding it, uh, holding it right handed and chalking
it with his left, but he was right handed. One guy was
over here, uh...I think he was reading or something, and
there was another one over here that was kind of stretched
out, slumped in a seat, I'm not sure what he was doing.
This is the round faced one, this is the skinny one here.
#14: You, uh, you started to describe later on the grounds outside
of this building or structure, and mentioned dwelling like
structures to yourleft, and a long building also. Could
you put that in a- put together, put together composition
and show the relations
#07: And there was. was aware of the bass n here somewhere
and I felt t t the Embassy building w ack over in here
somewhere.-. hese things are not in eir right position,
but I felt was somewhere in th icinity of this circle
here, I'll ut an "X" in he in here somewhere, but there
seemed to be omethin erent when I was looking out here
and I saw guards wa ing around in the gate, because when I
was looking at these buildings and the big building over
there I didn't see the gate. And then I became aware that
part of the stuff I was seeing, daylight part of the stuff
I was seeing, dark, So I think I had shifted position, uh...
There are some other buildings in here to my left, that I
don't remember looking at, but I was aware of them. There
was something close on my right, too, that I didn't get into
r-r% ry.
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#07: looking at... Uh, there was a curved walk, broad walkway,
and I saw guards on that and I saw a guard back over...
But I'm not sure that's part of this scene, I'm very confused
at this point about this scene. Let me draw another one, #3.
When I looked out a door I saw a curved walk coming towards me,
I saw, and I saw, uh, a couple of people walking, one over
here headed towards him. You wouldn't believe those people,
would you? And I thought, I was aware of shrubs and trees
and what-have-you, and I thought there was a wall or a fence
or something, and then I thought I saw the gate over in here
somewhere, this is further away than it looks on my drawing.
And I saw a couple guards, uh, standing right there, they
were on the other side of these bars, just lounging around.
And there was a couple over here to the right somewhere,
couple people over here, way over to the right that, uh,
looked like they knew where they were going, but they were
not actually with each other...0kay...These were guards that
were outside. And I was getting flickers of bits and pieces
as you see it's kind of fractured, uh...there was some shrubs
and driveways or something in here but I couldn't get it
all together.
These two over here were, definitely had a destination in
mind, they weren't just mosying around.
#14: Okay.
#07: Uh, the two guards here were...over there near a, there was
a door over here somewhere. One was near that, the other
one kept moving around with his back close to the wall.
There was eight guards in all.
#14: Okay. I'm going to take this opportunity to turn the tape
over, and then I'm going to get some pictures of other
U.S. hostage personnel and see if you can identify any of
those that were with Bruce.
The remote viewer has come up with three possible candidates
for the shorter fellow, who was described as about 5' 10".
Uh, these candidates could have been Commander Don Sharer,
Joseph Hall, or Mike Metrinko.
#07 I don't know the heights of any of those people, but it was
that type of face.
#14: Okay. The tall man, described as holding a cue stick, the
remote viewer has chosen possibly Daugherty or Don Hohman.
And a third individual may possibly have been Robert Engleman.
#07: Okay. That's it.
#14: Anything else you can add?
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#07: No, except that the tall one was not wearing glasses. And
the slim one did not have a beard, the other two did.
#14: End of session.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/C17 : 788R001000070001-4
1. (S/NOFORN) This remote viewer has been working against the Iranian
hostage situation for months and has been exposed to much classified and open
source material.
2. (S/NOFORN) The remote viewer was asked to locate Bruce German; describe
his surroundings; identify any other U.S. hostages at this location; and
describe physical security.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R001000070001-4