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June 17, 1998
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Publication Date:
March 26, 1980
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_A99/08/07 :CIA gRDP96-007888000800830001-3
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800830001-3
Approved For Relea 6-00788R000800830001-3
#14: This will be a remote viewing session for
26 March 1980; mission time is 1400 hours.
All right #07 the time is now 1400 hours. Your
mission for this afternoon is to locate Don Hohman
and Bruce German. It is believed that these two
individuals are being held hostage at the same
location in the U.S. Embassy compound. I want you
now to locate German and Hohman. Describe their
location to me.
+05 #07: I got a skinny guy, a skinny guy sitting on a
floor..... steps above me. Steps or something
+06 above me. Skinny, dark beard, barefooted, T-shirt.
PAUSE ~..~? - --_
Looks like...uh...I got feeling of a basement.
Feeling of below ground.
I, I, I've been looking for the...looking for the
other person. I don't see him, but I have the
feeling...that he's...on the same floor.
Are there any other hostages at this location?
I don't know. I found, found this guy for some
reason sitting on the floor leaning up against
the wall. His arms look awfully slim, and he
looks in pretty bad shape. Dark, dark-colored...
uh...some kind of trouser bottoms ...uh...T-shirt
top. I looked for a bed. I didn't see one. I
looked for windows. I didn't see any. I tried
to find out how he got here. I saw steps leading
up away from me. I assume this space is below
ground ...................Wait a minute.........
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~5E %J I \ L_Tma
+14 #07: Nearby ..... Let me see. If I left this space
I would go through that door. Facing the door,
I'm aware of individual to my left. There's,
there's something about a sphere or a globe, globe.
Appearance is slightly better than..... this
individual I see appears younger than the other one.
He's apparently asleep on his stomach.
+18 #07: Bearded one.....has alot of old, old newspapers
near him.
#14: Where is this location on the compound?
+20 #07: Ok. I was trying to talk to Don. We're on
+22 #07: I'm the building.
aving trouble seeing..... I g of a window.
Looks like brick, and it's two-story. Fug
contraptions associated with thisbuilding.
on t know what they are.
#07: Cylinder like shapes...uh...seems to be fitted
into.....from building into ground below grade.
#07: Other things seem electrical. Maybe heavy
#07: I was trying to compare what I see with
photographs that I've seen of the compound.
I'd better stop that. I'm afraid I'll make it fit.
#07: Cables associated with this building, and something
definitely goes below, belovrtie`T level.
Below the normal floor level.
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#07: I have a feeling this is not normal to common
construction practices.
#07: I'm, I'm going back to the.....take a look at
#14: All right.
+28 #07: Second time I've seen a bare light bulb hanging
from overhead in the vicinity of Don. I see .......
Dam! I keep seeing this..... two individuals
above with white parka hoods pulled over their
face. I almost crossed in front of 'em......
looking towards Do saw an old Army windbreak
type ja tia gang on the wa1T.""'-4-. ink Don's
rirt`" el gr foot is bothering him. .l k it
to do with one of his toes. Very weak, I
I see, I see some kind of blue print. I thi
I think that's some kind of journal. I think
he's keeping a journal. Must hideit.
#07: It's weird .....................................
Felt there was a terribly...uh...tiny and sailed
right into the mist of some kind of electronic
components. I saw the capacitors on my left
that's bigger than I am .........................
Colored bands around 'em, and silver numbers on
'em. It must be that .............?. They couldn't
be that big. I don't know whether this is
something to do with what ........ held done his
thinking.......whether that's located in this
vicinity. It could be something running through
his head. I, I don't know.
I, I just he other person
name, 8"ruce. Seems somewhat passiv oll with
punch type. Don seems ...... I feel
;(resisted and has probably brought undue suering
on himself. Mental, mentally and physical -
Q Q2 Q L;;
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#14: Describe his physical harassment.
#14: You said he brought undue hardship upon himself
mentally and physically. What do you mean by
+37 #07: His physiual appearance is somewhat emaciated.
I sense something wrong with right leg and foot.
That is physical. The other individual's
appearance is, appears somewhat...... legs appear
a little thin around the knees..- tendons,
but is not nearly emacjat in appearance s Don.
I feel either ther is not alot of pressure on him
or, if there is a is just falling back-an
ignoring it o does not recognize t he's
under pressur Seems passive
#07: You push on Don, he pushes back. I sense that
this has made it somewhat rougher on Don. Don
almost has the appearance of being in solitary
confinement. If I know what that means. The
other individual seems to be in somewhat greater
comfort. __1_sense that has.a very strong
feeling of responsibility. on , 't know
why I say that. He has strong awareness o
duty, and responsibi ' y. I don't know if that
means he is tryi o communicate with theoutside
or or a e other hostages, or negotiate better
trea ment. I just feel about Don a sense of
+40 #07: I see the bones in the foot. In the ankle again.
The right foot. I just assume that is his. I
know this doesn't make sense but I feel dampness.
I would think that thin area would be very low
on humidity, but I sense dampness. Maybe that
will isolate this place.
#14: I have no further questions about Don or Bruce, but
I would like you, before parting the compound to
take a bird's-eye view, and locate this building
that they're in for me.
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+44 #07: 1 believe it is near what appears like enlisted
mess. I saw where you make bread. I saw mess hall
type tables and. seating. I cannot see the outside
of the building because I think I am seeing the
compound as it appears on photography, and I can't
separate the overlay.
#14: Do you have an impression of....even with overlay....
where this location is?
+45 #07: Two conflicting impressions, but it won't shred
out of overlay. I can see one end of the chancellery.
Then something keeps telling me to look to the,
to the right of the chancellery. the right.
That means if I'm standing in the field looking
at the chancellery I keep wanting to look over to the
right. Building seemed somewhat lower there.
Conglomerate and I can't separate it. I don't know
if I'm using one as a beacon to the other or......
what it's all about. I also had the feeling of
+46 very high blood pressure when I was looking at Don.
I don't know whether that was mine or his. I had a
sense of real high surging blood pressure. That's
about it.
#14: Ok. I want you to stretch, open your eyes. We're
now ready for debrief.
#07: Ok. Most of the imagery was bits and
being in a very dark room. with dim flashlight. and
you only see what's in the dim beam of the flashlight
and you try and put it together as you move this thing
around. I don't have a feel for the hold
inside of the room where I found...uh...Don. There's
really nothing to draw. There was a, a man, T-shirt,
dark long-leg trouser type bottoms. Maybe pajamas,
maybe trousers. I don't know. Bare-footed. Uh...
on the floor...uh...leaning up against the wall. I
remember he had...uh...he had his hand against his
forehead; head leaned forward. He didn't move. I
assumed he was probably asleep or just very, very
tired...... and, ok....I could kind of draw...figure
out a floor plan..; .................Our guy was to the wall, and above him to
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the left where the Xs were 'I saw two fuzzy
figures with white parkas or hoods on. I couldn't
see the face, looking down at him. I don't know
if that was symbolic or whether there were people
dressed like that in the vicinity or not. Uh...
the wall at A, annotation A, was where I saw the
...uh...Army type windbreaker hanging o a,wall.
I fwas standing somew sin'ie vicinity of
and somewfiere W-Mie-opposite side in the
direction of the arrow was where I saw Bruce. I
could not make out whether he was in the same room
or whether he was in another room, down the way.
I tried several times to go out through that door
and look around and see where he was relative to
things, but something happened, I don't know. I
didn't make it.
#14: Uh...when you were talking, I believe it was about
Bruce, you mentioned something about you had an
impression of sphere or a globe.
#07: It, it was a thing that was separate again. Like
you moved the flashlight around and you see the
globe sitting there. I did not see alot of surround-
ings so I could tie it to things, but I felt since
I saw it while I was looking at Bruce he faded and
this thing came on. I had ...feeling ...something
to 1J tfi ? he globe was pro iabTy irr #kis_vicinity.
You know. It could have been a map room, you-"U.
I don't know. It could have been symbolic. TPh,
thought it looked like aw
Uh...Bruce was lying on his stomach facing away from
me. I think it was Bruce. You know. It was the
only other person I saw and I thought it looked like
#14: You enlisted type mess room.
Mess hall type atmosphere.
#07: Ok. That had nothing to do with....I did not see
these people in there, but I was searching around
trying to find something to say, "Hey they're near
this, or they're at this place," and while I am
looking for this type of information, I saw
several loaves of bread in a row, and I saw the
types of racks, and I saw that you put bread on it
after it's baked.- Then I saw an oven, and I
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thought, well, gee, this is garbage coming in
from some other place and I tried to shake it
off. Then I saw tables and benches like you
sometimes see in the old enlisted mess. Uh...
so I assumed that they're location was in the
vicinity of this because I was looking for
information to tell Ene where I was. Though
I did not see them physically connected. I
don't know. The enlisted mess may be in the
same building...uh...I don't know. But, there's
really not much I can draw that would be.......
AAppromed-for-Reftase 2000/0810.7_.:__CIA-.RDP - 0Q,Q8.OO830OQ1._&.
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Approved For Relea?,g ?,(WK0PQW-RDP96-00788R000800830001-3
1. (5) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew he
would be working against the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session the viewer was asked to
locate Don Hohman and Bruce German. The viewer was shown the attached
photographs, was told that they were located on the compound and were
believed to be at the same location. The viewer was asked to describe
their location and their physical condition.
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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800830001-3
Approved For Relea - DP96-00788R000800830001-3
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RU) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS, Pentagon,
Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was to provide informa-
tion relevant to the hostage situation in the U.S. Embassy compound
in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are provided
as raw intelligence data and as such have not been subjected to any
intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation. Interpretation and
use of the information provided is the responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the document
Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing Protocol (5), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions during
the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made by the remote
viewer reference his impressions of the target site. At TAB B is target
cuing information provided the remot
5. (S) The remote viewer Wds asked to locate Don Hohman and
Bruce German. He was ask d to describe their location and physica
condition. Don Hohman s described as being in poor physical
condition. Bruce Gern n appeared to be getting along much better.
Approved For Release DP96-00788R000800830001-3