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June 17, 1998
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Publication Date:
February 15, 1980
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REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800700001-7
Approved For Release 2000J8/07-7I '-RDP96-OO788ROOO8OO7OOOO1-7
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol'(S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
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Approved For Relea
1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source s media
information, classified overhead imagery and ph graphs of many of
the hostage personnel. The viewer knew he d be working against
the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (5) At the time of the sessi , the viewer was asked to describe
an area referred to as Area "A. The viewer was shown overhead
imagery of the US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The area
designated as area "A" was pointed out to the viewer and identified
as the US Embassy building proper. We were specifically asked by the
requesting agency to provide the above information to the viewer.
The imagery is not included herein due to its classification.
3. (S) The viewer has not been targeted against this area of the
compound since December 1979.
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#14 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for
Alright #19.5, the time is now 1130. At the beginning of
the session, I showed you some overhead imagery of the
Embassy compound in Iran. I want you now to go to the
area designated as Area "A," which is the Embassy building
itself. I want you to enter the building, and describe
your perceptions.
+02 #19.5 I'm going in the back door; getting the impression that
I am...ah...entering the large high ceiling foyer. There's
a large, decorative...ah...lamp hanging in the center of
the foyer. There's ...ah...two large paintings on the
opposite walls to my left and right. Coming in the back
way, I'm...ah...walking under a overhead staircase. I have
a feeling that there's.. .ah.. .probably 10 or 12 people in
this building. There's ...ah...
Access to...ah...two formal floors, what appears to be a
basement through a stairwell type group of stairs and...
ah...also an elevator type of thing. There's two...ah...
+05 two people in the basement area. I get the impression
that...ah...they're down there going through... going
through filing cabinets. See three separate rooms inter-
onnected, and there's ...ah...ah...kind of a profusion of
iling cabinets and desks, and these two people are going
through... through the filing cabinets, file by file. One..
one of these people of these so-called
( The other.. .the other person is there under some
kind of a advisory role, which I don't seem to understand.
Une appears dvisor type person appears to be
of a...more of a Arabic type descent than the other person.
Feeling is strong...strong feeling for...ah...appears to
have been a fire in one of tl
small fire that was... very easily extinguis Get
+08 a feeling of a...a vau type feeling, I suspose, when I'm
in the basement. There may be vault doors involved here.
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The.ah...the only other place I se peopl~...on the
second floor ther T a...a ...very large room and there's
a large table, two tables, appear to be some kind of
conference tables pushed together. And there's a...ah...
+10 so
s t7a' ' ' a a ained
as...ah...valuable. There's a lot of papers on the floor,
there's a lot of empty folders there, folder jackets
thrown on the floor. And...ah...1 see four. .four people
here, and they're ...ah...they're writing, marking the
folders in writing. I think all of these people are
,Iranian. There's ...ah...two other people in the...ah...
,in another room that looks like a...a very fancy office.
It's an extremely expensive rug on the floor. Appears to
be a light blue and beige color mix. On a finished floor,
.it's not...not a wall-to-wall carpet, it's just a rather
large carpet, almost wall-to-wall. There's a
wainscoting design around the outside edges of the wall,
and there were some ...ah...some kind of decorative objects
that apparently been removed for some reason from the wall.
+12 And there's ...ah...two people here in there. They're
talking. I sense that this is also...ah...the room were...
ah...visitors are brought when there's visitors. I don't..
rlnn 1 ~ar~ n~~_n~~
s one
uiulj o Feeling I get 777777.-a7- ivity is I LX_
hink they're...ah...they're ...ah...packing-packing some
kind of documents for evacuation. Some o these ar" going
o...ah...going to be used somewhere and some are going to
be...ah...taken somewhere else that won't be used. I see
+15 a...trying to get a feel for what's in the documents, and...
Iah...I get a strong, very strong sensation of...ah...
biographical documents, and...ah...some kind of economic
type documents, financial records. A lot of biographical
data, and.. .ah.. .financial documents. Ah...think...ah...
ah...two of these people that are...ah...are acting in and
advisory position or...ah...I think they're political
+16 representation. They're ...ah...politically tuned to the
current government. Part of their.. .their political
establishment. The balance are.. .have been partic:ipat_ing
in of Me hostages. I sense Lh-ings of
+18 value are being strilpped from the building, as well.
Souvenirs ...ah...I see...ah...decorative objects 1'e...
ah...ah...swords and scabbards and things, flats. Strong
sensation that the...ah...(mumble) the news media been in
this building, as well, this being the only building
they've been allowed to enter. I don't see any...ah..
any real frenzy or excitment or anticipati or anything;
Q~ Y ~01
?.-.~-- y it i u r15 uu=
don't see any hostages at all in this building,
I h
ave a very, very strong feeling that there'
hostages in this building, except ...ah...perha
two that havp,_been...ah...brounht hrrp fnr _?M
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+19 I see a very methodical...ah...very hodical stripping
of this building for some reason. T ere's a comm center
+20 in this building, as well. Apparent y there was..ah..
quite a few documents that were shred d in the comm
center. Just shredded all over the floor. -BLLt-t+ e ..I
see what appeared to be...I don't understand this...
folders.. .the folders on the floor are marked; appear to
have red tabs of some sort. There's a lot of folders wit
yellow tabs that ...ah...that were apparently stacked to b
put in the shredder but didn't make it for some reason.
That means they're all thrown into one corner. That's
about it.
#14 I have no further questions. Can you think of anything
else that might be of importance?
#19.5 Ah...there was real fine wood paneling in the room with
the...ah...with the two conference tables, dark wood
paneling, and...ah...some kind of curtain wall, there's a
wall with curtains in front of it, you know, like
decorative curtains. And a...ah...relief map of...ah...
Iran. That's it, I guess.
#14 OK. Ready to draw.
#19.5 Ah...turn off the recorder a minute.
#14 OK.
#19.5 /I...ah...I have a strong impression that ...ah...the
+29 'I\ kept in two of the...what appear to be house type
Pa Had an impression as you come throucjh-tt
oor, you go under a...I don't know why I call this a bac
door, but it's a back door; to me it's a back door. You
go under a...ah...they got a staircase, and this is like a
lar t. these
are walls and there's a light hanging here. Get
the impression that there's two very.. .these big, heavy
black lines next to these walls are...ah...paintings,
depicting some scenes; they're quite large. And...ah...
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being kept in the...ah...the warehouse type building, and are being kept.. .are divided up and being
ostages are all being kept in the...a lot of them are
lassrooms. I don't know where that is, but just an
mpression I have. That's it, I suppose.
buildings in back of appears to be a
school or something.. .ah.. .with some classrooms... group
#19.5 Start with the back door, I suppose.
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that's Page 1. Maybe that'll help, whether or not I was in
the right building, pretty sure I was. I got sort of a view
of a...I have a lot of trouble recalling this session, for
some reason. I get a view of a room...
#14 The next thing you described was...ah...10-12 people in the
building. Then you went on to describe two people in the
#19.5 OK. I got an impression of like ...ah...I was looking through
walls and there was a...a group of three rooms interconnected,
a vault type door, and these folks were...ah...where these
two "X's" are in this room, and they were... there was a lot
of file cabinets and dust in this room. They're just going
through folders and stuff there, you know, like sort of
picking things out of folders, going through like a last
minute check type thing, it impression
of a small fire or something had occured in the third room
back. Just a strong impression they're going through file
s Page 2 , i s e asemen , i ere is a basement,
looks like a basement. I guess the reason why I get the
impression of a basement is I don't sense any windows there.
Ah...floor covering in these three rooms is orange. I don't
know if it's carpet or tile or what it is, but it just struck
me as being orange. There's another room I saw, had two
conference tables pushed together. Standard long conference
tables pushed in. And...ah...there was like ...ah...people
sitting in chairs.. .wish I could draw. Four people sitting
here ...a guy sitting here, and there's stacks of folders,
and they're going through all these folders, and there's
stacks of folders on the table, and there's just big piles
of papers and stuff littered around on the floor. And I had
an impression that this big room here had pictures on the
wall and windows around, and they're just.. .they're also
going through papers and folders and things, and...ah...
compiling folders more t
writing and everythi And there''s either this room
or e e o her room had wainsco in . ink this is
room that had the paneling, this dark wood pane
the wall where this arrow is had...ah...was covered with a
curtain and had a map...a relief map of Iran somewhere ne4r
it or behind it. And there's a fourth room, on Page 4,
there's another room that...ah...I got an impressio ...
ne with the
conference tables pushed together, but it had wainscotting,
you know what I mean, around the sides where it was only
half paneled, and the walls.. .only one wall had windows, this
being the wall with windows, and there were like decorative
objects that had been removed from the wall, like there was
a:..a...a...kind of an outline of dust or something and left
form of these decorative items. And there was a large rug,
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patern rug, that fit.. .almost fit the room, like this.
And it and tan, predominant color tan
with ...ah...the border being the edge being blue, and
decorative designs in it being blue. And there was a
desk at one end, and there was two...two people in this
room that were ...ah...also doing something with ...a...
some boxes or something, putting papers in boxes or
whatever, and they were like sitting by this desk. I
don't really have a feeling for much furniture in this
room, for some reason. (Mumble) an open room with
some know, furniture accouterments, like a
couple chairs, couple small tables. That's really
about it, not much to sketch.
#14 describe some type of comml area.
#19.5 The impression I had of a comml area was...ah...Page 5.
It was like a gray.. .some kind of a gray shredder
sitting on a table, and all this.. .this shredding stuff
was all over the floor by it, you know, just a mass of
shredded stuff on the floor, and there was a stack of
folders on the table next to it that had...ah...yellow
tabs, and there was open folders laying on the floor
over here with all the shredded stuff, but they were
empty, and they had red tabs, and there was like a desk
over here, and had stacks of folders on it, you know,
just stacked every which way, like folders that had been
stacked to go into the shredder but didn't make it, and
there was just a big pile of folders and papers all over
in this corner. And back here, against the wall, I get
a...the impression of like some racks, just a corner of
some equipment racks; that's what made me think it was a
comml area. know the standard clipboards
hanging on the wall. There was some kind of equipment
cabinets here. I don't know how to spell shredder.
And...ah...there was some boxes too that were ...ah...on
the... scattered on the floor here, which somebody was in
the middle of doing all this and...ah...didn't get
through. And that's about it, I guess.
#14 // Alright. Later...later on you said you had a feeling
that ...ah...the hostages were being kept in a warehou
type building and some other buildings.
#19.5 0K. I get a distinct impression the corner
of a large warehouse and right next to it were two houses,
well, there was a group of houses, but I had the distinct
impression that it was behind a...kind of a...I don't know
what to call it. If I call it a school, and the reason
wfiy it appeared to be a...ah...I don't know,
classrooms of some sort, two or three classrooms in a row,
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two classrooms for sure, side by side in a row, and behind
that, I got the impression that there was a...OK, like, if
I drew two blocks on this Page 6...if I drew two blocks,
and this is a very ...I don't know how to explain why...why
this impression occurs. If I did this, and said, where
these arrows are, and said these are classrooms, OK, it's
like I was looking through this building. Behind it was
a warehouse, and then, and a house, and a
/ house, you know, this sort of effect, right, your row
" houses. It's like these ...ah...these last two houses and
this warehouse... this area _oo warehouse is the
hostages are. It's -s't"an impression I had for som
reason. This. ot this view, and there's ward
here or some ing, I just got that impress
#14 You see any'inm on the?Lap-:t.t t-' correlates to that; or
the map, the photo?
#19.5's either's ...strong impression for these
like.. .these two buildings in the corner of this one...
yea, the back corner of this one. I don't know what this
one is. These apparently are homes or something, these
two, last two.
#6.5 Ok #19.5, it's my understanding that during the session
there that had a feeling where the hostages... at this particular time, and...ah...
you made a drawing here, Drawing No. 6, OK, and...ah...
you've got a building with some classrooms, a building
that you've labeled warehouse, and three other smaller
buildings that you've labeled just house, and...ah...
#19.5 Right, three that I.could see, right, and they all looked
to be the same.
#6.5 OK. Ah...for the record, arid ...ah...for...ah...the
requestor, I'm going to identify by area designated the
buildings that you're talking about on...on another
photo which I'm not gonna show to you, OK.
#19.5 OK.
#6.5 OK. The...ah...
#19.5 Do you want me to mark these on Drawing 6?
#6.5 No, th s OK. Ah...frb the view th ou have discussed
then, it ap i
pears that you are iii fying buildings ...ah...
D, E (and F with buildinrs-F""nnd E as being the ones that
most likely ...ah...hvehostages in them, and then the
ware use building is an unlettered area that is to the
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rear of buildings E and D, so for the record, the customer
will be able orient himself to what you have described to
me. I also want it to be stated that you're not sure
exactly which way you've looking at these buildings, is
that correct?
#19. Right. I'm not sure about which direction I'm looking at.
But I am...I am perceiving them through a building that has
o classrooms back to back.
#6.5 OK. Fine. And I think that will help the requestor itself.
Ah...why do you feel that there are hostages ...ah...what'
your sense that tells you there's hostages in those
particular buildings?
#19.5 OK. When I couldn't find any hostages in uilding A /I
said, OK, I'll just hover here over build ng A and can the
compound and see if there really are host es i his
compound, and my very next impression was to ing through
these two classrooms at this layout of roof tops with a
strong impression that there ...I had a flash there's two
groups of hostages; one group essentially being.. .they
being separate into two groups - civilian and military.
Military being to the left, civilian being to the right,
and the two house type buildings struck me as being
hostage containment areas as well as the corner of this
arehouse building.
#6.5 Is the warehouse type building is the one where you felt
the military were?
#19.5 Right. I just felt like th y've -een broken into
two distinct groups; one i mil.ita ( mble). I don't
know why, it's just an im ession; t got an impression.
#6.5 OK. I don't have any other questions, then.
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