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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800690001-9
REVIEW ON: / zl- J- =
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800690001-9
T ~..
Approved For Release 2000/08/07`=-CIA RQf'96788R000800690001-9
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, ,Cashington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol'(S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-I0188R000800690001-9
Approved For Release 2000/08 ,, - ",MP q6-00788R000800690001-9
1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open urce news media
information, classified overhead imagery photographs of many of
the hostage personnel. He knew he wou be working against the
hostage situation in Iran.
2. (5) At the time of the secs on the viewer was asked to describe
an area referred to as area ".V He was shown overhead imagery of
the US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The area designated as
area "A" was pointed out to the viewer by the interviewer. The
imagery is not included herein due to its classification.
3. (S) The viewer had not worked against this target in the past.
The viewer was not told anything about the area he was trying to
describe except for its letter designation.
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#14 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for
At the beginning of this session you were shown imagery
of the US Embassy compound in Iran. Area "A", the
building in area "A" is what we are interested in today.
I want you to relax, relax and concentrate and focus
your attention on the building in area A. I want you
to move, project yourself to the front of this building
and describe the building to me.
#49 All I can see, I'm not getting very much at all..uh..
+09 looks like a parquet floor, blond parquet tile squares.
Or it might be a light wood. Seems to have some kind of
finish shine to it. I'm inside. I don't know where
though. '
#14 Ok. While you're inside I want you to feel free to
move around up and down the halls from room to room.
What I want you to look for is any type of activity
or personnel in this building.
+12 #49 I think I see a guy in bed, sleeping.
#14 Is he alone?
#49 I only see one person. Doesn't seem to be a row of
beds or anything.
#14 Can you describe the room?
#49 Like a double bed. Uh..I see a fireplace. If you're
in the bed the fireplace would be on your left. Further
in front-to your left in front of the bed. Looks like
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uh..glasses. Image is really not coming in very strong.
+16 Well, looks like a Persian rug on the floor with red
designs. I think I'm still in the same room.
#14 Why don't you try to get a......
#49 I'm getting faces again.
#14 Good. Good. I want you to focus on these faces. It's
important that later we can identify some.
#49 They're not coming in strong as they have come in
before. This is very freaky. I feel very uncomfortable
with this session.
#14 Can you tell why?
+19 #49 I just have a very uneasy feeling. Um...uh...I don't
know why.
#14 Can you identify it as apprehension on your part.
#14 Or is it the apprehension in the, the target. Feeling other words are you apprehensive or are you
feeling that something at the target area is.....
#49 1 don't know. I can't tell. When I've had this before
I usually associate it with the target.
#14 If it gets to be a problem, you know, we can end the
session at any time.
#49 Ok. Well, if it does, I'll let you know.
#49 It's nodding to alarm. I don't if it's me or if it's
this place. I'm getting alot of red. Like red carpeting
or something. Red pattern. I saw a fireplace, I think.
Seemed like fireplace was going which is odd, this time
of day.
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Approved For Release 2000/ /O,7 ClA RDP96-00788R000800690001-9
#49 Wherever I am, it's very dark.
#14 Ok. What I'd like you to do is go to the first floor
level and from there I want you to go down to the
basement level. When you get down to the basement level,
moving to your right, I want you to describe what you
find or what you see.
#49 There seems to be a long hallway and a relief.. .a bar
relief along at least part of the hallway. It's very
elaborate. It's like..uh..reliefs all over the place.
You know. Like they're carved in wood it seems. Feels
like a catacomb. That's the feeling I'm getting. It's
very dark. It's very elaborately carved. Uh..looks
like there's a window. Almost like a sky light. Can't
+22 be a sky light. There's a window. Very high. It's..uh..
oh, god, what do you call this, like church windows,
stained glass. Yeah, if in fact it's where I am it's
+24 almost like a church atmosphere. An old church.
#14 D u perceive any personnel or activity taking place
/at th1s,,level?
#49 i No.
#49 I just can't ...I mean, this, this..uh..wherever I am
is definitely might even be a church. It really
seems like it. Th; feeling I get and it looks like it.
A chapel of some kind. It's like one of those chapels
in the basement of Immaculate Conception Shrine. That
kind of idea.
If 14 15 a ICic al 'y ?~ .y
#49, I don't see anything.
Ok. I want
to go back, now to the room with the
like you to t to get a look at this
enough that, p rhaps you can identify
him in subsequent photos.
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#49 I'm not getting it.
#14 All right. Is there anything else in this entire
building that seems to draw your attention?
#49 Ahh...I think there's 1a girl in there. I'm getting
some faces. Let's sEe. On was fairly clear
+32 #49 I'm not getting anything else.
narrow...... ever been in the
like..uh..varial arrid (phonetic)
now. On both sides. Seemed more like
but it could have been (mumbling) Lot
you know. Like some little scene or something.
ly ...I don't (mumbling) shed any light on
ings. Is that on...(mumbling)
#14 Yes. Yes. It's supposed (mumbling)(static).
The little...... take little ball on the end-like
that. You've got to hold the little ball on the end.
Its kind of spring loaded...get your finger nails in
between there.
#49 Ok. When walking I seem to be cruising along this dark
hallway. It seemed like way up here with the window.
It almost seemed like a sky light, but, you know... I
don't know how it could have been, and it seemed like
a stained glass window... some kind of clear window.
Ok. I was drawn to window, for some reason. Ok. the
whole time I was down there it was just through that
effect (phonetic). I was walking around. was dark.
it seemed like there ?were-alo`t of windows like-this.
At one point, it wai almost like a rose Andow...1
cathedral's havg4'` It just gave me a fling of a church.
Some kind of...`.something like that. ..or catacomb with
the chapel or something like that. I don't see any
religious symb is or anything ' e an alter. But, might
have been just l catacpff6 affect. Uh..that was
all (mumbling). I did- t see any people or activity.
Approved For Release 2000
f figures
good than st
~atacombs? It'
c_ V I
d1brk, narrow....
I DP96-00788R000800690001-9
ights on here and exercise
mewhere like that. Urn...this very
110 as definitely
Let me get some
isEt \talent
is r
Approved For Release 2000/08/07: ?CIA-RDP96-00788R000800690001-9
#14 Uh...the person that you saw.....
#49 In bed...
#14 Yeah in the room. Did you get a feel for the layout
of the room?
#49 Well, It's hard to say whether I stayed in that room.
At first it looked like a.... the first image.....which
was very clear was just like a single bed with this
fellow lying in know, it was a regular bed.
It wasn't a cot or anything. I can't see drawing that
Do you? It's just a bed. Well anyway.....
Ok. When I first looked at it, it looked like
was very clear anyway, in my mind .... one fellow in this
bed, ok. Then when you said look at it again it was like
I was behind it and it's a double bed. It seemed like a
double bed. It definitely was double bed, ok. And to the
left..... here's a wall, over here, the left of
this bed there is a ..... did I say fireplace.... yes....
fireplace.... right here. Like here's the end of the bed
and here's the fireplace, over here. It seemed like...
I really think it's inconsequential.. .it seemed like
above the bed there was some kind of these..
uh..they're decorative fans that are made out of that
rattan stuff, ok. I...throughout this whole place...
the whole-at least the first and/or second floor I got
alot of red images. Like red-and supposedly in this
room I thought I saw red. You know, the red Persian
carpeting. Uh..again, I don't know how useful this is.
Again, I got that alot throughout the whole place. I
didn't get much detail in this place. I did get the
feeling there was...I didn't see anybody else in this
room. I didn't get the feeling there were other people
in this room. I did get, you know, when I would query
my mind as to people I got some images. Nothing...
couple that were fairly clear. that I think
I had seen the last time, in fact seemed the same,
uh, view... (mumbling). I don't think was a hostage.
I don't think any of these were hostages. That's all.
Ok. That's just uh...wrong impression.
#14 Yes. Sometimes those help.
#49 Uh, I was trying not to use my conscious mind and I
really got the feeling that none of these were hostages'
I saw-like a couple fac at one point. (Mumbling),,,,,'
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Maybe 4 or 5 ple (mumbling) especia ly the o e
...was defi tely a girl...very young...23 ...s mething
uh..I am si e it was not a hostage. I'm sure h tat
group was no I don't think this guy was.. h..
I didn't see.... ..the last two ses nos before this
I got some of the same .. --gct-tW`o every distinctive
faces and I didn't see any of them in this ...ok...
um.... I'm trying to think (mumbling)...I just didn't
get (mumbling) images in this...
Let's see. You want to put a page
Page 2 and page 1 over here.
number on that.
Ok. This is not the sequence, but
come out in the transcript.
I guess
Can you think of anything else? I can't.
ch c
No. That prett
I think there was only one p son
I think it wa a bedroom. `mean,
in this bed.
I don't think
was a meke-sift arrangeme t. Probably second floor.
(mumbling) That's about 't.
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