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Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800610001-7
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800610001-7
, Approved For Release 2000/0
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the
remote viewer.
( '
Approved For Release 2000/08/07k: bIA-RDP96,0
Approved For Release 2pr1&bil7/6;7' ? qiA-PriP96-00788R000800610001-7
#27.5 This will be a remote viewing session d for
#14 All right #27.5 the time is no (edited for security).
Relax and concentrate. Prior o this session you've
seen some overhead imagery sf the area that we are
interested in. Area "J". This time I want you to
project yourself to the front main entrance of building
in area J. Describe the front of this building to me.
#27.5 I get..uh..two glass doors.. .appears to be..uh..-
gold/brown band of metal going across the side.
Appears to outline or frame going around
the doors. It's glass in it. There's..uh..
two smooth, smooth stone designs on the face of the
building on both sides. And the..uh..the building
kind of.. .sits a cube.. .sort of
suspended.. .suspended off the ground.
#14 All right #27.5 I want you to
#27.5 There's steps there 4-5 steps and they're very
#14 Is that noise getting to be too much?
#27.5 No.
#14 Ok.
#27.5 It sounds far away.
#14 Good. I want you now to go through the main doors
of the main entrance and when you get into the building
from the entrance I want you to look to your left and
describe what you see.
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Approved For Release 2000/ ,t5/Ut 6P96-00788R000800610001-7
I see
a a
going up t
re appeare
spended st
rts that'
ars to be a flight of steps. They
wall on my left. I see..uh..
to be open like I can see through 'em.
. And there's like a hallway of some
next to the steps.
#14 Dscribe at you see directly in front of you.
Str ahead.
#27.5 There's a large open's like a..uh..
a receiving area or something with a..uh..some kind
of a counter information desk or something. (Mumbling)
+09 The ceiling is very high.. .appears that there's like
a off-set for some kind of split level (mumbling)
got a long-wide section is lower. I am not sure.
#14 Look to your right and describe what you see on your
#27.5 See a wall. Ma b feet away and there's doors
along tha a 1. Two or s. I don't know.
The wa is some kind of stone. I se it's some
kind if man made stone, 1.,ke brick. Get feelin
there's expos balcony or something in
this -ntrance here. mething up high that you can
walk s . It's, it' (mumbling) corridor.
#14 All right I want you to go to a specific room.
The room I want you to go to is the kitchen. Go to
the kitchen and describe the kitchen to me.
#27.5 There's a (mumbling) whole large itinerary like a
banquet down the hall (mumbling) and the kitchen is
+13 alot of..alot of blue.. .blue color. Maybe
its... .blue wall there's tiles....alot of blue
tiles. There's counter with sink, everything along one wall.
Appears to be to the right against the outside wall
as you go into the door of the kiLchen. There's a
window against the back wall. There's a large table
and chairs. There's some kind of (mumbling) kitchen
very large counter type thing. It's very dark in the
kitchen, also. (Mumbling) left side of the building.
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#14 How many, how many entrances or exits?
#27.5 I get the impression that there are two that are
normally used. But, I also think there's a third
floor that goes to a..uh..some kind of
a pantry type room with an external door. So you
could say three. Two normally used and a third
one is (mumbling).
#14 What I want you to do is. .each one of these doors,
one at a time, from the kitchen, step outside of
the door. Look around and briefly describe what you
#27.5 The one that's never used is like..uh..small room
with boxes and cans and things. There's a door from
the small room that goes to...goes to the outside.
There's another door that goes to a small dining
room. Small eating room like. There's a table there
with maybe 20 chairs and dishes...counters of dishes.
The other door goes to like a..the split level part
of the building. It's square and open with...looks like
couches or small couches. There are large easy chairs
all around and fireplace, and alot of windows. Sort
+20 of a very large lounge or party type room. There's
predominance of the color brown.
#14 Ok. That's all I have on the kitchen and the
surrounding areas. Now I want you to move throughout
the building in search of personnel or activity, and
describe this activity and where it's located in the
#27.5 Ther
's people in a large split lev
eneral gathering place.
#14 Describe these people to me.
#27.5 I get the distinct impression that these are people
t/iat are part of an organized group that..uh..people
hat took the hostages. More guard type people.
here's people on the roof.,
I room. Looks
#14 Ok. As long as you are on the roof describe the
features of the roof also.
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#27.5 It's flat. It's made to walk on. See glass walls.
Alot of them are broken. There's some plastic tape
taped over some of the holes in the glass. Two, two
walls. I don't understand this. There's a room
on the roof. A large room with a walk-in closet type
of room in it and a large bathroom. But almost two
+25 walls are all glass. You can walk on the roof. There's
big guns stored in this... .in this room...heavy...uh..
heavy caliber machine type guns and there's..uh..there's
guard personnel there in this room. Get the feeling
that there's a private entrance. There's also snow
on the roof.
#14 All right. Now, I'd like you to move from the roof
back into the building and I want you to try and focus
on any hostages that might be in this building.
#27.5 I get the feeling that there was a female hostage
in this small room next to the kitchen but I don't
+29 think she's there now. I don't see any hostages.
#14 How many stories to this building? How tall is it?
#27.5 here's..uh..two main stories. There's..uh..floor
split level that could be considered a third and
there's..uh..there's a floor on the roof like ..
maybe three.
#14 Bk. What I want you to do now is go back to the
main entranceway and you described a stairway to your
left. I want you to move to that stairway, go up to
the top of the stairs and describe what you see.
#27.5 he stairs are zigzagged. Feel like I'm looking at
the corner of a hallway and that I have my back to a
curve I believe it's a curve uh..handrail of
some sort.
#14 When you are at the top of the stairs, and looking to
your left, what do you see?
#27.5 There's nothing (mumbling) just a wall and there's
a corner in front of me. I don't.. .1 don't understand
that, but I can't..uh..see anything.
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#14 What is on your right? When you look to your right.
+30 #27.5 Like a balcony. I can see down in the foyer.
#14 Do you perceive any personnel or activity on this
second floor?
#27.5 Just a minute. There's..uh..2 rooms in the hallway.
I think there was hostages in these rooms, also. But,
I don't see them there, now. Get a strong feeling -
t.12.1.1Lv.y..22uy.g_bgQu_gpLuQJ. Getting a conflicting ,
'mpression of some (mumbling) doing. I'm getti
a recurring image of..uh..I'm getting a recurring
image of a room with about 6 hostages. I keep wanting
o make it part of this building. Something tells me
not to. I don't..uh..I don't think there's hostages
+35 in this building.
#14 o you feel that you are being draw to this room
with the hostages, even though it may be in a different
#27.5% Oh, yes. Yes. I don't...uh..
#14 I Bk. Why don't you let yourself go to that location
and describe that room that location to me and
we will try to understand where we are from there.
#27.1. I don't get anything exceptthereis a room with
6 people . Just a recurring flash.
#14 Is there anything else that you want to add?
#27.5 There's..uh..there's a difference in this building.
here's..uh..there's alot less security in this
building than there was ....they are just not watching
as closely. That's about it, I think.
#14 Ok. How do you feel? Do you want to try to move
sideways in time, or...
#27.5 Probably wouldn't be a good idea right now.
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#14 Ok. that's all 1 have.
#27.5 This main room had like a fireplace, and that
there's windows all the way around this...
This is actually split level with downstairs, kitchen.
There are small couches, large easy chairs or
something...go all the way around in here. Some
kind of a big formal type room... .carpet. If I
were to say there were predominant colors I would
say the kitchen was blue. The dining room was
a green and that this area was a brown. Apparentl
a brown color. Strong feelings of brown. That
was also a room that..uh..had a guard type people...
the organized people in this group ...holding hosta e
...not staying permanently, that's where they meet..
Sort of an informal meeting area of some sort.
Then..uh..looking at the stairs from the side...
just a feeling that these stairs were like..uh..some
sort of a free form...stairs like this...they went
up to a platform and they went back the other way
to a balcony with..uh..some kind of a railing that
curved around. So you could actually see down into
the. .into the entry foyer. This was a wall, here.
Up here there's a wall.. .and could
see the foyer. Back over here, all I could see was
a wall which was very confusing in the corner.
(Mumbling) Right. As you stand at the door and look
to the right.., get the impression I was looking at
a wall like this with..uh..some doors in it.was a
stone wall. These were the steps that went..uh..
downstairs into that other room. Like that party
room. Back, over here was like a balcony. I don't,
I don't know what was in this area over here. I don't
remember. Distinct impression was like that, though.
Some of the (mumbling) were over here. Oh! I'm sorry.
#14 Was there anything on the roof? (Mumbling)
#27.5 Here' the area of the roof, there's..uh..
a room.. .1 get the impression there's..uh..what
call a private entrance. I don't know why. No steps
though. I didn't see any steps on the other side or
the door. Just..uh..another area and I got the feeling
like there was a bat (phonetic) session, here (mumbling)
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#27.5 and (mumbling) what this was.. .you walk through
this door and this was like a walk-in closet and
this was like a bath area.. .and that this was glass
wall. I got the impression that this was..uh..
room that's stripped and..uh..used for..uh..heavy
gun storage.. .and that this area all out in here was
#14 You said you had two personnel up there.
#27 5 Yeah. Just two people. I'll mark where I sensed
where they X and a circle.. .sitting back
in this corner, somehow. This being the..uh..front
of the building. I'll go back here to page..uh..4..
and..uh..put the people in here as well. Just got a
feeling.. .you know.. .like clumps of 3.. .people just
standing around.
#14 Ok. And the only other thing that we've got left...
you said kept getting flashing images
of hostages, but, not necessarily in this area.
#27.5 There was.. .oh! I got a feeling...I want to mark this...
back here on page 3 where I got the dining room and
the kitchen.. .1 got a feeling that there was a...a..
uh..I'll mark this by putting in hash marks..uh..there
used to be a female hostage here. And..uh..for some
reason I got an overhead ...a flashing overhead image
of a...a wall with door that was a hallway an
this sort of thing. Some kind of a corner divider....?'
With..uh..this kind of affect with 6 hostages. These
being some kind of..uh..cot or something. I kept
getting these flashes, but, I honestly don't think
'that these were in this building. There was a..uh..
trying to think of something significant to this room..
#14 0 3S you i there was aM711?
unique at this location.
#27.5 I got a feeling that, that this wall where I am drawing
the arrow, I'll do an inset, was..uh..had wood coming
down to a decorative type thing that came out from
the wall and that this was like a..uh..either wallpaper
or fiberboard, here. This is wood. That's the only
thing.. .only 'cause I happen to be looking in that
direction. That's all.
#14 End of session?
#27.5 Yes.
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1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information as well as classified overhead imagery. He knew
he would be working against the hostage situation in
2. (S) At the time of the session, the vie was asked to
describe an area referred to as Area "J." He was shown overhead
imagery of the US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The area
designated as Area" J" was pointed out to the viewer by the inter-
viewer. The imagery is not included herein due to its classification.
3. (S) The viewer has worked against this target once before (see
session CC24). The viewer was not told anything about the area he
was trying to describe except for its letter designation.
Approved FoTRelease 2000/08/07 : CIA-R