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Approved For Release 200P/91I97 , .,IA-RDP96-00788R000800520001-7
REVIEW ON: 3i Sxw~-~cnr c~ a
REASON: 2-301c (3 & 6)
Approved For Release 2000/08/07 : CIA-RDP96-00788R000800520001-7
Approved For Release 2000/QA to-FDP96-00788R00080052000~-
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, Washington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the U.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
site. At TAB B is target cueing information provided the
remote viewer.
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Approved For Release6MIl~DP96-007888000800520001-7
#66 This will be a remote viewing session (edited for
For the past few minutes, you have studied a
photograph of Clair Barnes. Focus your attention
now on Barnes. Relax and concentrate. Locate
Barnes. Move to the area with Barnes. Become
aware of the surroundings and describe the area to
#1 See a large ...ah...window. See a wide hallway.
There's a window just down this...(mumble) hallway.
This ah...see a...a wall that's got ah...some kind
of wood paneling on it, half way up. It's in the
1 hallway. There's ah...there's a deadend to the
hallway. There's ah...
#1 It's a deadend hallway.
#66 And the walls again.
#66 Describe the hallway to me a little more.
#1 The wall with a...the rooms behind it. It's got
ah...some kind of paneling coming half way up.
#66 OK, and how is the hallway lit?
#1 There's ah...very little light in the hallway.
There's ah...appears to be kind of a...looks like
a small light at each end, and there's a...looks
li+- a row...a row of three... three rooms. The
ah...insides of the rooms...he's in the end room.
Th:?.re's a...what appears to be two...two beds in
the...the room he's in but he's in the room by
himself. The room's all white; white walls, white
ceiling. There's ah...there's 2h... there's wall
windows. Have to wait a second, I'm ah...having a
little trouble here.
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#1 There's a...see a "S" turn in the hallway. I went
in, saw a zigzag. Get the impression that there's
a...some kind of a door on the outside on my right,
and the hallway's (mumble) door (mumble) corridor.
#66 What floor is this hallway on?
#1 It's on the second floor. I'm a little dis-
oriented. I see a staircase; I'm looking down a
staircase I get arympression it's somewhere by
the end of the c idor. This building is gray.
area for other personnel.
#66 OK, search the immediate
#1 There's ah...there's two...two people in the next
#66 Describe these people to me.
#1 One's got glasses and a beard and a (mumble) short
haircut; he's not a very big person, maybe 5'4 and
he's got ah...ah...brown hair and his beard's a
little darker than his hair.
#66 OK, look at him very carefully for a minute now
without reporting to me; just look at him very
carefully so you might be able to recognize him
latter. When you feel you can recognize him, then
tell me about the other individual.
a very stocky person9
#1 The other...other person has got a...small...
small part of his hair ' the front and his hair
line is very receeded nd ah...looks like he's on
the verge ...ah...of 1 osing most of is hair on the
front and he's got a mustache. H s kind of stocky,
maybe 5'6, about 200 pounds; no a lot of fat, just
#66 OK, take a minute to look at h:
able to remember him.
so you might be
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#66 Move up in the air so that you might look down and
describe the shape of the building.
+18 #1 ,L,boks like a backwards "F"...sort of a backwards
OF." The ah...backwards "F" is buried in a gray
square shape. The roof looks flat.'s got
a.... garden by one side. There's a...there's ah..
something wrong with the top right corner of the
"F." It's different there, the shape, it's
indented a little bit. I'm getting a large cross[ 3
pattern on the front.
#66 Alright, move now from the area where these
individuals are; move from that area to the exit of
the building, moving in a normal manner, describing
as you go. How would I get from where these
individuals are to -be exits of the building?
#1 There's ah...let's see. ' I see a corrdor; I'm
going down a zorridor and iere's a right turn
through a do ble doors, d there's ah..there's a
funny wall n the fron of me (mumble) as I make my
right turn, on left. It's kind of a
corrigated w 4l or omething; curtain wall. There's
a small area on my right as I go down (mumble)
corridor it's like a visitor center area or some-
/thing; a place for receiving...receiving people.
There's another set of doors and it bends to tif'e '
left a little bit and there's a large open area
with doors on my left; it's like...ah...many seats
hind the doors. There's a...
three stories when I'm inside and it looks like two
stories outside.
#66 Focus your attention on moving towards the exit.
#1 /(Mumble) Think it's on my right; my right hand
side.'s a simple exit; it's ah...two doors
that open out, slightly recessed and there's a
stone steps; like two steps, and it's ah.-.Like a
court yard in front. There's ah...building's gray
and it's two stories. Get the impression it's
#66 OK, and once again now, what floor is Barnes
located on?
#1 I get the impression that it's-it's the second
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#1 There's ah...the gray... the gray area I think is...
ah...the building, and ah...the "F" shape is ah...
maybe the outline of the walk around it. It's very
strange. I see trees, like a garden or something
(mumble). I have ahmm...I've a hard time telling
4;!iat part is building and what part is walk, but I
remember the designs... (mumble).
#66 Alright. I have no further questions about this
target. If there's anything you'ld like to add, do
so now.
+22 #1 Yes. There's ah...there's funny looking windows in
the hallway across from the rooms. They look like
they have broken glass patterns when the light hits
#66 OK. Anything else you'ld like to add.
#1 Ah.
#66 OK, can you draw for me these impressions you have
of this area?
#1 Page 1. I get the impression that there was this
wide hallway that had some kind of shape at the end
of it like this; like a zigzag or something and
somewhere... somewhere in this side of the. zigzag
where the arrow is there was a door. And there was
a...the reason why I got the... that impression is
there was a exit light that was making
quite a great deal of light in this corner of the
hallway. Call it exit "L." There's an exit light
there. And this is a deadend; this hallway was a
deadend down here, and down here on the deadend was
a room and another room and another room. I got
the impression of two bed type things lik
this with ah...Barnes being where the "X" and the
circle is, and this one being empty; and then two it
this room that were occupied. I'll just put a "X"
on the two that are occupied. The rooms are all
white and there appeared to be two very small
windows in these rooms, like this. And ah...the guy
with the beard is labeled with an arrow and the guy
with the receeding hair line is labeled with an
arrow, and the ah...ah...there's like a light at
each end although at the end were the...I sensed
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there was an exit door of some sort; there might
have been no light there, that might have been
light just from the exit door, but to get out you
had to proceed in a direction of...of the out
arrow that I drew here, and then ah...I get the
impression of going out - Page 2 - going out was
ah...going down a corridor and going through a...
ah...double door affair and making a right onto
another corridor in the direction of the arrow.
As you make the right, for some reason going
towards this interse
a str
there was
I got an i
the ri
gated type shap
e impression
aight ahead, but a r making
mpression on the left a
e; a sawtooth type; I do t
w how to explain that; an accordion shape all,
and on the right I got the impression there was
a...ah...visitor area, and then the corridor" around to the left through another set double
doors into a reception area, and t he exit w s
your right of that somew ...the exit to th
bui And t I got impression of
doors... some... somewhere back over to the left.
And a lot of seats behind these doors ...I don't
know why, just an impression. And...ah...Page 3,
I got an impression of ah...three stories while
I was inside and two stories while I was outside.
The ah...
#66 Excuse me, can I ask you a question here? Can I
interrupt you?
#66 I noticed in 2 you drew this reception area and
you do an arc; are you telling me this is a
circular area or you don't know or what?
#1 I don't know. I get the ah...I get the impression
that there's curvature to that reception area...
you know, I don't know whether it's full, perfect
arc, whether it's a full circle, whether it's a
half moon shape; it's just an impression I have
that this is a circ...there's something curv...
there's some curvator in that area.
#66 OK, this is... see, this is what I didn't under-
stand from your drawing, whether you were just
being vauge because you didn't see that area or
you definitely want to say there's curvature.
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Approved For Release 200Q1081O7; CIA-RDP96-00788R000800520001-7
#1 No, I have a distinct impression that there's
curvature to that area for some reason. Ah...the
ah...the ah...the exit area... the exit door itself,
I got an impression of a...a recess in. the building
wall with ah...two stone steps coming out and
double doors. I don't know what kind of doors
there were; it was like I was looking through it...
you know.. .like they weren't really there; I was
just looking through the double doors. Page 3 -
the ah...also, I got an impression of ah..,you know
ma'd out of brick, you get a pattern, like a...a
flat zigzag pattern, I got this kind of patter, I'll
write pattern next--to'-"It. On the right corner of
the building, I just get an impression that pattern,
~w when you look down the edge of_a.building that's
but I...I felt like the building was gray for some
reason. It could be painted brick or something.
Page 4 - you asked about the shape of the building
and I'm gonna draw what I see in my mind as the...
the outlines, but I gotta be clear about the fact
that the ah...I'm not sure if part of that's
walk way around the building; you know, I'm not
sure which part of these lines is the building and
which part of these lines is the walk --wl,y or
whatever, they just kind of all blended tog'ether_.,.
I just got an impression of a backwards "F "sitting
on a black thing, and I don't...there'was
area over here, so I SJgn.'_t w Frew .ai.f this... I'll
e"Ii79c area. I don't know if the
you know.... it's just... the pattern is there... it's...
I get a clear impression of the pattern, but I'm
not really sure what's roof and what isn't. I
don't know how to explain that. It's like they
blended together, maybe it's two buildings
connected. But the roof was flat. I guess that's
about it, really.
black area is the outline of the roof, with the
"F" being a walk way or if the "F" is the... the
roof outline and the black being a walk way, or...
#66 OK, anything you feel you want to add.
#1 Oh, yea, you just reminded me of something. I
get the impression that, in the corridor, this will
Page 6 - 5, I'm sorry. In the corridor where the
rooms are, on the hallway side, I get the impression
there was some small windows, but there was ah...
the glass, if it was glass in the windows, is not
broken, but I got the impression that there was a
pattern there like broken glass. You know the way
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glass breaks into shards. I got this shard like
impression which I'll draw as just a bunch of
triangles in a square, but I got an impression that
this window had broken shard type designs in it.
I'll label this window in hallway.
#66 OK, anything else?
#1 Nope, that's all.
#6.5 OK, we're back here. During your session #1, you
said that there were a couple people that you might
be able to identify if you look at some photographs,
OK, so I'm gonna show you some photographs; we'll
put this on hold while we run through all the
photographs and then we'll come back on; if you
have any comments about them, we'll do it. OK?
#1 OK, good.
#6.5 OK, during the session you described a couple of
people. OK, now I've asked you to look at some
photographs, you've now reviewed the photographs,
and you picked up picked out a couple of
photos here, you don't know the names of either one
of the individuals, that correct?
#6.5 OK. I want you to look at this first one and tell
me why you selected him?
#1 I selected him because the... the... his frame, this
build is approximate height as evidenced by the
picture, and ah...the beard, and... and... just the
way he looks is why I picked him. I'm not sure,
the hair is different though, and ah...I would be
about half sure of that one.
#6.5 How confident are you of this identification.
#l Uhm...not as confident of this one as I am the
other one. I, you know, I just feel like that's the
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Approved For Release 2000 ~a _ 6-00788R000800520001-7
#6.5 OK. The name of this individual is Donald J Cooke.
OK? OK, fine. .Alright, the other gentlemen that
you identified is... is the one I'm holding in
#1 Yes. And that... I'm really sure that that's one of
the people in the...ah...second room marked
with the "X" on Page 1 of the drawings, and the
reason why is the hair line is very accurate, what I
was... the impressions I was getting. The build, the
weight, the age, the glasses, the nose, the mouth
structure; everything looks very.. .very much like...
I would say that's a positive identification.
#6.5 A positive identification, then? OK. OK, the name
on the back of this photo is Richard H. Morefield.
OK, good. Anything else you want to add at this
116.5 OK, that's it then. Thankyou.
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roved.FQ.r.Re eAse_ZQ9.,OI 8/07 :..CIA-RDP - 88,.000.8005200 - ____.
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1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media
information, classified overhead imagery and photographes of many
of the hostage personnel. He knew he would be working against the
hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session, the viewer was told that he
would be trying to locate Clair C. Barnes. The viewer was shown
the ,I.tached photograph and was asked to locate and describe the
surroundings of the individual in the photo.
I S r S w G a.a V- '&i.
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