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May 22, 2000
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Publication Date:
December 14, 1979
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Approved For Release 208
REASON: 2-301-C (3) (6)
Approved For Release 2000(MU.k- LI DP96-00788R000800240001-8
Approved For Release 2000IS ; c.~ - 96-00788R000800240001
(3 IL
1. (S) This report documents a Remote Viewing (RV) session
conducted in compliance with a request from SOD, J3, OJCS,
Pentagon, 1ashington, D.C. The purpose of the session was
to provide information relevant to the hostage situation in
the C.S. Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran.
2. (S) The remote viewer's impressions of the target are
provided as raw intelligence data and as such have not been
subjected to any intermediate analysis, evaluation or collation.
Interpretation and use of the information provided is the
responsibility of the requestor.
3. (S) The protocol used for this session is detailed in the
document, Grill Flame Protocol, AMSAA Applied Remote Viewing
Protocol (S), undated.
4. (S) .Following is a transcript of the viewer's impressions
during the remote viewing session. At TAB A are drawings made
by the remote viewer reference his impressions of the target
site. At TAB B is target cueing Jnformation provided the
remote viewer.
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#661 This will be a remote viewing session (edited
for security).
For the past few minutes now you've been study-
ing a photograph. Focus your attention now on
the area designated as Area H. Just relax and
concentrate. Focus your attention on Area H.
Relax and concentrate. Describe the area to
+02 #49: There are steps at the far end of it. East end
of it. A doorway that goes inside.
I'm getting images of faces.
#66: Tell me about them.
#49: I saw . . it . . let me see. The first few
that I saw looked American although I don't know
what anyone looks like who's there. Expression-
less. One fellow seems to be about 30 to 35
with a moustache, big moustache, dark hair.
#66: Tell me about the areas where these people
are located.
#39: Yeah. I'm getting an awful lot of clutter.
I . . Its as though I'm seeing these faces
superimposed over a huge crowd of people.
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#66: Just relax and concentrate for a moment. See
if you can't focus more clearly.
#49: It appears to be wood paneling. Wood paneled
room. The paneling is in squares.
There looks to be on the wall some sort of a
. . a . like a mirror. Very ornate. Its
an oval piece. Its surrounded by very ornate
gilding, like a gold. . . framework.
Its very elaborate.
And where is this room in the building?
Its .
. . Hmm.
Could you get the lights?
now that I've got the lights off, focus
attention once again on Area H. Just
and concentrate for a moment.
to be
this room seems to be. . I don't know
it is in the building yet. . it seems
an elongated building, room rather, long
and narrow. It appears to be furnished like an
executive office. It has . . . The far end wall
is the squared type of wood paneling. There
seems to be like a leather couch. Maybe a two-
seater couch with an end table and a . . lamp
on that. I don't see anybody in the room, however.
I really don't know why I'm in this room.
#66: Okay.
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I'm in a darkened room now. Its very dark.
1~, mean like the lights are off.
#66: Okay, good. Tell me about this room.
#49: It seemed. . again, it seemed like heavy wood.
You know, wood. Either wood paneling or wood
walls, beautiful exposed type wood.
I'm getting flashing images of Persian rugs.
I'm getting the feeling its very quiet. Where-
ever I am, its quiet.
#66: Okay.
Move through the building searching for people.
- #49: Um hm.
I ?15 I see what appears to be one guy moving around.
I'm sure he's not a hostage.
#66: Tell me the raw data that makes you say that
about him.
#49: Well, he seemed to be looking . . .
he was . . like . . I could be conjuring this
up, I'm not sure.
#66: That's fine. Just feel free to report your
#49: There was one guy. He had . . . You know, I was
looking down at him, but he seemed to have sort
of longish dark hair. And then there was a
round table at which he was looking at a paper
or something. I mean some sort of document.
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#49: And . . he appeared to be alone. I just didn't
have a feeling he was a hostage. You know, he
seemed intent on planning something or doing
#66: Okay.
#49: I can see, I think, rows of people sleeping like.
Again, you know, . . it seems like they're all
lout in the open. Just sort of like right next
to each other. Lying right on the floor. Or on
. . . mattresses, I can't really tell.
#66: Okay, tell me about the room where these people
#66: Is the room lit?
#49: No.
I can't tell.
#66: Okay.
i I think it is exaggerated in my mind, it looks
very long and narrow. It looks like there are
two . . . rows of people in the sleeping positio
and they're very, I mean there's only about two
feet between the feet of one and the head of the
Q one down from him. Or across from him, whateve
I see a baldish, much older guy, with glasses.
#66: Where do you see him?
#49: I just saw his face sort of like he was sitting
bold upright in this room.
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#49: I most definitely think there are a lot of
people in this one room. I can't tell if
there's activity or not.
#66: How many people are there?
#49: Oh. . .
'm sure I'm prejudicedby what the man said on TV-
last night as far as number.
#66: How many do you feel there are?
#49: j Its hard to say. I mean, its a lot. It looks
I would say more than 30.
#66: Okay.
#49: And they look like they're all in an open area
to me.
#66: Okay. Tell me a little bit more about-where
this open area is located in the greater build-
#49: I can't tell.
#66: Okay. These people in the room that you perceive,
who are they?
#49: Looking at it now, I think the lights are out.
The fellow I saw with the glasses, I think is
in He looked American to me. Seemed
to be . . . .
Its crazy. Looks like one guy is waking up and
looking around. I would guess they're Americans.
I don't get a feeling that, you know, that they're
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being watched over or there's any kind of a
guard (not audible).
(Not audible) or anything like that.
#66: Okay.
Let's work on attempting to identify where this
room is in the building now. Tell me about how
you get into this room. Tell me about the door-
way. Tell me about how you get into this room.
Describe that to me.
+27 #49: Down a hallway.
I think its at the end of a long hallway.
#66: Okay.
#49: I don't know what floor. I think its at the
end of a long hallway and the doorway-is-.facing
you as you're walking to the end of the hallway
as opposed to being on your left or right.
#66: Okay.
#49: There seems to be a carpet in the hallway, too.
Another.,. like a Persian. It seems like a long,
narrow, hallway.
#66: Okay and what's the lighting in the hallway?
#49: Dim, but enough that one can see.
#66: Any personnel in the hallway?
#49: Yeah. I think there are a couple people stand-
ing out there. ._,Oh.,_. the one person I saw, had
seemed;: to "have on a . . . Wow! A- white Ioose-
fitteng outfit. Like some sort of native garb.
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#49: He has a beard, kind of long hair. He's a
:.young guy. Twenty-five, something like that.
#66: Okay.
#49: He's looking (not audible) around. He looks
#66: And the other one?
#49: This hallway also seems to be paneled.
I also think that this room is upstairs. At
least one flight of stairs.
#66: Tell me about the imagery that developed into
that decision.
#49: Just now?
#49: I just saw the stairs, you know. I'm trying
to program my mind-to go in a door of the build-
ing to that room. And, as I was doing that, I
suddenly saw . . . a flight of stairs. Stairwell.
#66: Okay.
#49: Picture on the wall.
#66: Let's concentrate for a minute now on the out-
side of the building. Moving around the outside
of the building, seeing if we can't . . . . .
locate any personnel that might be outside the
#49: I get the feeling that there is, but I don't
see anything. I just . .
#66: Okay.
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#66: Explore the roof of this building now.
#49: I'm not getting anything.
#66: Okay.
Is there anything you feel you'd like to add
about the impressions that you've had before
we try to draw some of the things?
#49: 1 think there are some people up and about.
But I don't think there are very many.
I think there's some kind of planning going
on. How major it is, I don't know.
I base that largely on that one image that
I seem to have gotten.
There doesn't seem to be any large scale effort
or any kind. . going on.
I think a lot of the place is darkened.--The
lights are out.
#66: Okay.
Any further comments about the room, this large
room that you've told meabout.
#49: Nothing seems to stand out except that its a
long, it seems to be a long, narrowish room.
#66: Okay anything else that you want to add before
we draw?
#49: Of all the people that I've seen that were not
in a sleeping . . . or at least in that room
where they appeared to be asleep, the guy in the
hall, the guy at the table, . . . . . at least
those two or three that I saw were young.
I'd say under 30 even. They all, both of them
had kind of longish dark hair and beards. But
it was my overall impression.
#66: Um hm.
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#66: Were they armed in any way?
#49: The guy in the hall might have been. I didn't
see it, but I got that feeling. He seemed . .
like he was watching. Very watchful. . position.
He was like away from that door looking towards
the door where . . that went into this room where
all these people were.
#66: Um hm.
#49: It seemed like there was some kind of bar along
the wall of the hallway that went down to that
room and he had his hands like on this bar. You
know, stretched out like that.
#66: Okay.
(Not audible).
#49: No, I don't think so.
#66: Okay, let's draw some of the things that you've
had then.
#49: Okay, this is the first thing that I saw.
The first room that I saw was long and narrow
and it seemed like an executive office. . type.
There was a leather couch at one end. . . at the
far end also a lamp on a table next to it.
I didn't see anything else in the room. It
seemed long and narrow. There wasn't anybody
in it. Or I didn't see anybody in it.
I guess the next thing that I saw. . . or at
least the room where these . . where I saw these
. . the next thing that I saw was this flash
of various faces. But not attached to any
particular thing. Then I saw the room with the
The whole impression of the building is long
and narrow.
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Everything. The room was nondescript and there
was like just row, ter ro of what seemed to be
people sleeping;on cots or something, not on the
floor. I didn't see par itions between them. I lkl- just saw . . . . Then ere was another row over
here. Same th _aybe two feet inbetween
Just really close together. All along the whole
width or length of the room. That's what I saw.
I was sure these people were sleeping. I'm sure
they were. The room seemed darkened.
Then the hallway, again, the hallway that led to
it was very narrow. Seemed unusually narrow for
a hallway to me. Maybe four feet; five feet. I'm
not terribly good at dimensions. It was, let's
say narrow. And, the door, that went into this
room was at the end and it would be facing you
at the end rather than on the side like that.
(Not audible).
Okay. So you perceived it obviously to be a
at the end of the hall versus a room off the
of the hall.
Yeah. And it looked like there was a carpet.
One of those Persian carpets with a red background
along this hallway.
I didn't see, much more than that.
Oh, it was darkened. But you could see.
The guy was . . seemed to be standing like right
around in here somewhere. He had on this white
kind of flowing thing like a white sort of full
sleeve, like tied in with a rope or something
here. It seemed like he was standing like that.
Holding onto a bar of some kind. I sort of think
it might have been - I don't know why - but there
would be like a waist high bar.
#66: Along the wall?
#49: Like a . . . ballet bar. That kind, yeah.
#66: Okay.
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r r-,xi
#49: Protruding out from the wall somewhat. A couple
of times (not audible) standing like that.
#66: Okay.
#49: Looked very nervous. He was looking this way.
Towards the door. I thought he seemed very
#49: This . . The hallway seemed to have that paneling
too. Dark, like dark wood or . . .
#66: Okay.
#49: Really beautiful wood. I saw it throughout
the whole building.
I remember seeing at one point, right towards
the beginning that mirror, that gold filagree
thing. I don't know where that was though.
I just saw it against a wall.
#66: Okay.
#49: (Not audible) of the rooms that I was in, did
I get into any area that seemed like a big open
area. I mean like a big open . . living room
or sitting room like I did before. I didn't
see anything like that.
There was one room that seemed to be like a
. . well, I don't know if this will be worthwhile.
The guy that was standing at the round table. I
don't know what kind of a room that was. I didn't
get the feeling it was even a room. It was
like it was out in the open somewhere. Just a
nondescript area - there was a bright light on
,it seemed. It seemed like he was looking down
at this document.
#66: Okay.
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And there seemed to be, like I said, some
I didn't get anything outside at all. I didn't
pick up anything.
You didn't get any feelings about anything
outside. Just didn
t seem to . . .
I feel like there was somebody like there
some activity. Nothing . . . not much.
got that feeling. Impression.
I just
I didn't get anything on the roof. I wasn't
picking up anything on that.
You. . . I want to make sure I understand your
perception. You were unable to obtain any
information about the roof or the information
you obtained is that there's nothing going on
on the roof?
#49: I was getting an awful lot of clutter. I wasn't
getting anything clear. But I wasn't . . I wasn't
getting any image . . . When I was focusing on the
roof . . . the roof, generally I'll get some sort
of images, something, you know. I didn't get
#66: And you had no images when you tried to focus
on the roof?
#49: No. Right.
#66: All right. Um hm.
#49: Oh. . . I can't think of anything else.
#66: Okay. The . . Now, as you looked at this room
where you found many people from time to time
you seemed to perceive individuals. . within
the room. Tell me a little bit about that
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#49: Well, its nothing really dramatic. Its really
funny. One guy around in here some where, its
as though he was sleeping and he was looking up
like this a couple of times as though he'd been
awakened. Definitely looking this way, you
know, like he was startled or awakened by some-
#66: Okay.
#49: The other one I saw - that was the young fellow
(not audible).
#66: Okay.
#49: The other one was an older fellow - sort of looked
like (not audible) sort of had that look. I would
say in his 50's maybe. It was as though all of a
sudden I saw him, you know, focused on him and it
was like he had sat bold upright. (Not audible)
#66: Okay.
#49: That's interesting. But he had glasses on and if
he had just been awakened, he definitely had glasses
on. But he had black rim glasses. And .I just caught
him (not audible).
#66: Could you recognize these people if shown a
#49: I would recognize the fellow with the glasses. I
might recognize the guy who looked up. He looked
like a lot of guys of that age group. I would
definitely recognize that one I saw at the very
beginning. But I just got a flash of his face.
#66: Okay.
#6.5: That one at the very beginning is not one of these
people . . .
#49: It could be the guy looking up. I'm not sure.
Could have been.
#66: But you definitely had an impression, very strong
impression of the first one, when you were just
generally looking at the area and this is when
you told me that you see kind of these faces over
#49: The first thing I got, right.
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#66: Over the top of the crowd.
#49: The crowd, I . . I . . am interpreting as
clutter. But yeah, I did, I saw several faces
and two or three sort of stood out. Its the
first time I've ever gotten such strong images.
But this man's face seemed to
#6.5: (Not audible) put that on the drawing.
#49: I didn't . . I don't know where it was in
connection with the rest of the house, I just
saw the stairs and I just trying to focus on
where the room was.
#49: And I got the impression it was up at least one
#6.5: Your concept that planning was going on, can
you expand on that at all? Why you felt that way.
#49: Only that I saw, this one fellow too, is all that
I saw. . . at a table, lot of light, arid he was
looking down at this, or he appeared to be looking
down at this paper and I just got a feeling of
. . some sort of business thinking, you know,
some sort of activity he was planning, or some-
thing he was really concentrating on.
#6.5: No weapons?
#49: Possibly on that guy in the hallway.
#6.5: Um h
#49: Well, again, its an impression. I didn't see it.
#66: Okay, that concludes our questions. Is there
anything that you would like to add in general
about this session? Any impressions you feel
that you'd like to add about this?
kppr ved Fort e ,f:4 ? k I PP96-- II788R000800?44WOJ--- "
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Not for the session itself, only, you
when I could conjure up (not audible),
. .
that's . . . I think I've said everything
I really got from the session.
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1. (S) The viewer has been exposed to open source news media information
as well as classified overhead imagery. The viewer knew that the session
was going to involve working against the hostage situation in Iran.
2. (S) At the time of the session the viewer was shown overhead imagery
of the US Embassy compound in Teheran, Iran. The area designated as
Arez' yas pointed out to the viewer by the interviewer. The imagery is
not included herein due to its classification.
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