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September 18, 1958
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Approved For Release 2001/03/RDP78-06365A Office Memorandum UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Director of Training FROM : Chief, Plans and Policy Staff svsJECT: Public Law 85-507 ' DATE: 18 September 1958 1. I received a call from the Office of General Counsel on this date and was advised that on the date of 17 September Mr. Dulles received a letter signed by Roger W. Jones, Acting Director of the Bureau of the Budget acknowledging the CIA letter dated 26 July which proposed a Presidential Directive designating this Agency, its officers and employees as excepted from certain provisions of Public Law 85-507. The Acting Director of the Bureau of the Budget concurred in the CIA view that the President should excot the Agency from various provisions of the training act. He stated that most of the exceptions listed in our proposal seemed necessary and desirable. A few, in his opinion, do not appear to be required. 2. In his belief, the Agency would need exception from only the last sentence of Section 5. Section 5 states that the head of each department shall conduct and complete a review of the needs and - Y x; sion for security reasons. available to the Commission at its request. " We should agree that fhi~ infnrmatinn nl~fain?ri cahrnilrl nn+ ho marln atra41 1-d +n +J- f'r. vv;c- its jurisdiction. " The sentence referred to above reads as follows: X "Information obtained or developed in any such review shall be made 3. The Bureau of the Budget does not feel it is necessary to exempt the Agency from the directive in Section 7 to establish a training program and plan. The Bureau prefers to exempt the Agency from that part of Section 7 which reads "shall conform, on and after the effective date of the regulations prescribed by the Commission under Section 6 of this act, to the principles, standards, and related requirements contained in such regulations then current. " Section 7 would then read as follows: "Each such program and plan or plans thereunder shall be operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this act and shall provide for adequate administrative control by appropriate authority (within CIA). " I feel that with this Approved For Release 2001/03/30 i DP78-06365AO01200030018-8 Approved For Release 2001/03/30 I' SUBJECT: Public Law 85-507 P78-06365A99'1200030018-8 modification, Section 7 should be acceptable to CIA and meet its require- ments for security control. 4. The Bureau stated that if the Agency (CIA) is exempted from the regulatory authority of the Civil Service Commission in connection with the act, the discretions in connection with the general requirements for the Agency's training program authorized in Section 8 would be entirely exercised by the Director. His decisions as to what was practicable, necessary or appropriate would, of course, be governed by his knowledge of Agency requirements. It therefore does not appear essential that the Agency (CIA) be exempted from Section 8 of the act. I feel that we should agree to this proposal, and Section 8 therefore would merely mean that the Director will decide how the training shall be conducted and by, in, and through those Government facilities acceptable to him within his regulatory authority. 5. The Bureau of the Budget suggests that in subsection 9 (b) of the act, the provision numbered (1) appears to be the only portion of the sub- section which would appear inappropriate for CIA. The Bureau can see no benefit from exceptions from other portions of the subsection. Subsection 9(b) (1) requires that each department will "provide for information to be made available to employees of such department with. respect to the selec- tion and assignment of such employees for training by, in, and through non-Government facilities and the limitations and restrictions applicable to such training in accordance with this act. " With exemption from this provision, CIA would follow the procedure presently in effect. 6. The Bureau of the Budget recommends that we go along with Section 19(c) with respect to travel, subsistence, and other payments. Normally the Agency operates in this manner and as prescribed by standardized Government travel regulations. However, under certain conditions mem- bers of the DD/P who require official cover for outside training can be provided with expenses through the Agency's independent authority under Public Law 81-110. It is therefore recommended that CIA accept the suggestion of the Acting Director of the Bureau of the Budget in this regard. 7. The last item refers to Section 23 (a) which provides for regulation by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget in regard to absorption of training costs. Since it appears that the Director of the Bureau has made a rather firm commitment to the House Committee respecting maximum absorption of 2 Approved For Release 2001/03/30: CIA-RDP7846365A0012000018-8 Lae- Approved For Release 2001/03/ 1 A-- RDP78-06365AOO129OO3d018-8 .WWI - L fl .. t,. SUBJECT: Public Law 85-507 costs without additional appropriations, it would appear that our advanced budget planning should provide for our needs in this regard and we should withdraw our request for exception from this Section. 8. If you are in agreement with the suggestions made by the Acting Director of the Bureau of the Budget, the Office of the General Counsel is prepared to draft an Executive order and an appropriate statement in ex- planation of the proposed order and forward same to the Bureau of the Budget. 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2001/03/30S' DP78-06365A00120`6030018-8 Approv 25X1A9a FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER App rove UNCLAS I~1-/~ FORM NO. r~ Replaces Form 30-4 ioo ac `'37 which may be used. OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP .90 or e ear * r_ 16 1 Dir or o nin 2 ans_ an .o 3 Mr. 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT 4 FILE X RETURN CONCURRENCE X INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks : Mr. Baird and Mr. - accepted the mendation of PPS and approved our re- recom questing the Office of General Counsel to prepare the draft of the Executive Order and the letter of explanation for the Bureau of the Budget. General Counsel was contacted 19 September and requested to proceed as above. 003001 03001 (40) * U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1955-0-342531 -8 -8