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May 28, 1958
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Approved For Relea e_2Og6/,Q3/1l
28 May 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 28 May 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Cutler, Mr. Dulles, Adm. Foster,
Mr. Gray, Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter, Mr. Smith,
Mr. Sprague, Mr. Staats
1. Compromise of Document on Biological Warfare
Mr. Sprague told the group about a possible compromise of
a document issued by the Biological Warfare Center at Fort Detrick,
Maryland. This document, entitled "Intelligence Agencies Biological
Warfare Briefing 20-21 November 1957, " classified, Secret, was
recently sent through the open international mails to the Army
Attaches, including those in Iron Curtain posts.
It is not known whether any compromise has actually occurred
or whether by good fortune all copies reached the addressees un-
molested. The Board was informed that Defense (General Erskine)
is conducting an investigation as to the extent and significance of a
compromise, if any. The Board agreed that appropriate agencies
should follow this situation closely, in order to be in a position to
take counteraction of a psychological warfare nature, if indicated.
(General Cabell will follow up on the compromise an le, as
soon as General Erskine has given him the pertinent data.
will then see that any appropriate action in the DDP field is arranged. )
2. Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Explosives - Alaska Harbor
Adm. Foster informed the group that the AEC, as part of its
program for developing non-military uses for nuclear explosives,
is investigating the possibility of creating a harbor in northwest
NSC review(s) completed.
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Alaska. He said that the AEC wants to proceed with a survey of the
feasibility of such a project and that they feel it necessary to make
an early announcement of these plans. Mr. Herter pointed out that
before any such public announcement is made, the USSR and Canada
should be informed.
The Board also discussed the possibility of inviting foreign
observers to such a demonstration. It was agreed that State and
AEC should consider the matter further and that any announcement
should be coordinated through the OCB. It was agreed that, from
the point of view of impact on foreign opinion, the OCB could perceive
no objection to proceeding with the survey.
Plans for the blasting include at least two devices in the megaton
range and two smaller ones.
3. Trip to Cape Canaveral
Mr. Sprague said that an orientation trip to the Missile Center
at Cape Canaveral was scheduled for June 10, and expressed the
hope that members of the OCB or their alternates could be on hand.
(The OCB Staff, which is coordinating responses to these invitations,
has been informed that Mr. Dulles will not be able to attend but that
General Cabell would like to.) 9-~'~+~?.. C " 4e&k. .
4. Publication of Radiation Study
Mr. Straus referred to the forthcoming report of the United
Nations Radiation Committee, which is due to be released about July 1.
He said that the report was a pretty good one and that an eight-page
summary of it covers the essential points quite well. On the other
hand, a one-page summary which has also been prepared, is quite
misleading, in that it leaves out certain qualifications which appear
in the report and in the longer summary.
In view of the possibility of public misunderstanding, the Board
felt that someone of the stature of Dr. Bronk, President of the U. S.
Academy of Sciences, should be urged to make a public statement
summarizing this report, at least three or four days in advance of
its release. It was felt that such a statement could emphasize the
fact that the UN report confirms a similar one by the Academy of
Sciences issued in June 1956, and that a coordinated information
effort with the UK should be developed.
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It was pointed out that some parts of this report have already
reached the press and there is a probability that more of it will
become public.
5. Latin American Youth Programs
Mr. Allen informed the Board that the Vice President had
expressed some interest in arranging special programs for Latin
American students. One of the suggestions which had been made
was to hold a Youth Congress in this country.
The Board felt that the disadvantages of such a Congress
probably would outweigh the advantages. They felt it preferable to
try to develop mechanisms for making it possible for Latin American
students to come to this country for longer periods of study, and in
greater numbers than is now possible. It was agreed that an ad hoc
OCB working group should be established under the chairmanship
of USIA to develop concrete proposals for consideration by the Board.
6. "Winter-Summer School" Institutes
In line with the above discussion, Mr. Gray said that the
University of North Carolina had conducted several years ago an
exchange program with Latin American universities, involving
reciprocal visits during vacation periods. He said that this program
has been dropped, largely for financial reasons, but that it might be
7. Education Programs for African Students
Mr. Allen referred to a situation recently reported from
Cairo. This involves a number of African students who are currently
residing in Egypt and who have been approached by representatives
of the USSR with offers of scholarships or jobs in the latter country.
It was pointed out that a number of these students may be political
refugees from their own countries, and without substantial resources,
so they may be particularly susceptible to Communist overtures.
It was agreed that the situation of this group and of other African
groups, in Paris and elsewhere, should be investigated by the OCB
Working Group on Africa South of the Sahara.
Approved For Rel as6`2b?WO3/1' ;f",;ICI R B i676R002700050031-6
Approved For ReI s e . /3/17,. -,CIA, RD M
In this general connection, it was stated that Dr. Sproul,
retiring President of the University of California, might be available
to head the overall student exchange program under the auspices of
the State Department.
D' ctor
Orig - DCI files
1 - DDCI
1 - BA/OCB
Approved For Release 2006/03/17,4CIA-RDP80B01676R002700050031-6