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August 16, 2005
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Publication Date:
August 20, 1958
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1031 E~-!
F tq r,i7'01676 R002700050020-8
20 August 1958
SUBJECT: Resume of OCB Luncheon Meeting, 20 August 1958
PRESENT: Mr. Allen, Mr. Dulles, Mr. Harr, Mr. Herter,
Mr. Scribner, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sprague, Mr. Staats
1. Article in Saturday Evening Post
Mr. Sprague spoke about an article on our bases in Spain,
which is scheduled to appear in the Saturday Evening Post's issue
of 30 August. He pointed out that the writer had succeeded in
extracting from military personnel in Spain some statements and
philosophy as to the use which might be made of these bases in
time of war. These statements could be interpreted as indicating
a lack of regard on the part of the U. S. for the retaliation that
might be directed against Spain should we launch nuclear attacks
from bases in that country.
It was agreed that the results of the publication of this article
can only be unfavorable to our foreign policy objectives, but there
is nothing anyone can do about it at this stage. The hope was
expressed that the mechanisms for future clearance for publication
of this type of article might be somewhat tightened up.
The discussion then turned to the general subject of U. S.
military bases abroad and the implications of their existence,
with particular regard to the effect on host countries. It was
agreed that communist and neutralist propaganda will continue to
emphasize the view that the presence of U. S. bases will invite
nuclear attack on the countries in which they are located and that
this propaganda is bound to have some effect on local populations.
NSC review(s) completed.
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In this connection there was discussion of the desirability of
recommending to the President that an analysis should be under-
taken of possible alternatives to our overseas base system, with
recognition of the possibility that certain elements of the base
complex might be lost to us over the next few years.
3. Articles by Roscoe Drummond
Mr. Dulles told the group that he had had prepared a study
of Soviet or Soviet-inspired fabrications of alleged U. S. documents
over the past 18 months and that he had arranged with Roscoe
Drummond, of the New York Herald Tribune, to make these data
available to him for a newspaper series. Mr. Dulles said that
Drummond had received this material enthusiastically and that
he proposed to write a series of three articles, the first appearing
on 22 August.
The group agreed that this constitutes an effective step
toward nullifying the effect of Soviet bloc or UAR attempts to make
propaganda capital out of Baghdad Pact and other documents.
4. Expansion of Terms of Reference of IAC Committee
With further reference to the Board discussions of 30 July
and 6 August, the DCI reported that, as agreed, the Intelligence
Advisory Committee had been asked to consider the expansion of
the terms of reference of its East-West Exchanges committee,
to include materiel as well as people. He said that the JAC had
agreed to do this and that this action had been recorded in the
official minutes, a copy of which he lent to Mr. Staats.
5. Publicity on the Attempted Lunar Satellite
The Board then discussed once again the difficult situation
posed by widespread publicity on satellite launching attempts, and
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other tests of this nature, with particular reference to the fanfare
attending the unsuccessful lunar shot on 18 August. The only
agreement was that this is a very difficult problem to control
and there were no really constructive suggestions for effecting
such control.
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1 - DDCI
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