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Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700910011-1 EXECUTIVE SEATARIAT Routing Slip ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DD 3 EXDIR 4 D/ICS DDI 6 DA DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG 12 - C-Om-pi-13 D/EEO 14 D/Pers M 15 D/OEA 16 C/PAD/OEA 17 SA/IA 18 A0/DCI 19 C/IPD/OIS 20 21 22 ecu rve Secretary Dot. Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700910011-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700910011-1 John N. McMahon Deputy Director Central Intelligence Agency Statutory Offices Washington, D.C. 20505 11111111 M R C 25 August 1983 MIDDLESEX RESEARCH CENTER, INC. 3509 M STREET, N.W. ? WASHINGTON, D.C. 20007 ? (202) 342-1170 DAD/-.-4--Registry i ova In the last several months you should have received an announcement about our new microcomputer workshop. Middlesex Research Center designed this seminar especially for government managers and administrators who need to know how to use the power of small computers. By working closely with line managers and adminis- trators in virtually every sector of the Federal government, we have been able to prepare a seminar that is both timely and responsive to the needs of the govern- ment manager. Each of the seminar sessions has been enthusiastically received by the attendees. This is a sample of the reaction of some of the attendees: "The entire course was well put together ... class size about right and availability of equipment, good." "You provided a lot of good information in an unbiased manner in a short period of time - Well done!" "Excellent update on the state of the art." The enclosed brochure provides summary information about the seminar. We are limiting each session to 30 attendees so that you will get as much hands-on experience as you need. Since many of the workshops have been sold out, please do not hesitate to call in your registration (342-1170). We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, MTMI FSFX RFSFARrH r'FNTFR _ _ TNr. STAT Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700910011-1 0 USING small COMPUTERS A HANDS-ON SEMINAR FOR GOVERNMENT MANAGERS September 21, 22, 23, 1983 SEMINAR FEE: $535 REGISTRATION FORM Name: Position Title: GS Grade (or equivalent): Department or Agency: Office Mailing Address: Office Telephone (Code and Ext.): (Direct Dial): Person to be notified concerning acceptance of this registration: Office Telephone (Code and Ext.): (Direct Dial): Please Attach Purchase Order or Furnish Following Infor- mation for Payment: Agency: Name of Billing Officer and Title: Other Identifying Information, Required by Your Agency for Billing: Your letterhead may be used in supplying the above information. 11111111 Middlesex Research Center Institute for Public Management Education 3509 M Street, N.W. ? Washington, D.C. 20007 (202) 342-1170 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700910011-1 Middlesex Research Center USING small COMPUTERS A Hands-On Seminar For Government Managers Sept. 21, 22, 23, 1983 Stouffer's Hotel in Crystal City ? You Can Learn To Use The New Desk Top Microcomputers! The current generation of microcomputer is inexpensive, powerful and, most importantly, designed to accommodate managers with no computer background. The technology is ready, and governmental managers are beginning to utilize this powerful new tool effectively in their own operations. Middlesex Research Center presents a comprehensive, hands-on introduction to microcomputers in its seminar. A Hands-On Workshop This is not a course that focuses on the "bits, bytes, bauds" and other technical aspects of com- puters. A computer will be provided for each two or three participants so that each individual attending will gain actual experience and confidence in using the computer to solve a variety of problems that frequently face the governmental manager. The instructional staff will guide you through each of the steps necessary to build office budgets, track expenditures, forecast program activities, develop reports, plot statistics, and transmit data. The examples and exercises used in the workshop will be case studies drawn from governmental expe- riences. The Government Line Manager responsible for a program or a functional organization - not the computer specialist! Executive and line managers with little (if any) previous computer experience are finding the per- sonal computer,or "micro" to be a powerful tool in assisting them in managing their programs and organizations. Managers at all levels are using per- sonal computers to plan and budget their programs, to provide accurate and rapid answers to "what if?" questions, to transmit data and reports among regional and area offices, and to keep track of a wide variety of information from telephone numbers to legislative hearing schedules. Using "user friendly, off-the-shelf" software pack- ages, managers are able to utilize personal compu- teres in their day-to-day activities with little more effort than that required to operate a hand-held calculator. What You Will Learn: ^ How to operate a personal computer and such accessories as printers, disk drives, and telecommunications modems. ^ How to use such "electronic" spread sheets as Visicalc or Supercalc in laying out pro- gram plans and developing organizational budgets. ^ How to construct simple analytic models that permit you to address the potential impact of a wide range of assumptions and "what if?" questions concerning your pro- gram. ^ How to establish data files that can be readily accessed and easily transformed into the report formats that you specify and select. ^ How to use graphics software to build proj- ect schedules, construct graphs, and plot trends. ^ How to use personal computers to transmit data and memoranda around the office or across the country. ^ How to use personal computers to handle such day-to-day information needs as tele- phone listings, suspense files, status of key projects, or maintenance of up-to-the- minute budgetary "cuff" records. Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85B01152R000700910011-1 Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP85BO1152R000700910011-1 a) 3 O 0 5 U) L O (n L (0 a) a) C _C ca C a) E O -O C CO E 0 O U ai'0 i a) m U E ca ca m 7 L E E O a) o E 0) > Q j ? a) U m m E x 3 Eo a)-o C U > ca d ~ L L C 3: Q 0 U) ? ? Qa a) 666 0 0 0 0 a) >.0 L O_ U - Y C C: cz a) Q) C U E 3 O U a) 0 ca?YEc.-O n a) +" N c c O ca -o:= - i0 -C 3 O 'D C"0 a0 O o N E L m C- N L -0 C a) O O N 0 a) c00.E 2Ca C~ 00 0 o C c O U ,r c)~ m ate' 0) z 0 CL O m y M .Ca U a) 0 ? > o a ai >... c cu m U) .2 c E a- m 1c 0 O - U E ,N E a-o E i 0) O a_ m 0 0 0) c0 a) 0 0 0 m V CU a) E N E C _ m 0) a) ro E a) m 0) C: vO) a O L C o ca 0 co E Y a) 0 o m = 12 E LL E CO E 53 O O O C L a- m L Y U m3a m 0 a -6 L m ?' 3 a m O- m U a) U N -0 E a 3 U) 0 > 0- 4f a) a a) 0 ai a) a) C E U L ma U) ULn caH U)) 0 0 E>> C a) E C 'a 0 0 C N C. E C N '0 H a) m 0) C 2 U O Ca y o cp R) a C ca (1) ? ? 0.>o, 0 N U U O C vi -aN HU 70 E0 c to .LO O O U X C. 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