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ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET Office of the Inspector General Study of Agency Boards of Review Harry E. Fitzwater STAT Deputy Director for Administration Deputy Director of Central Intelligence 112. 61 0 USE PREVIOUS EDITIONS DDA 81-1308/7 OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 81-1308/7 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM : Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration SU10 l,t. f: Office of the Inspector General Study of Agency Boards of Review RI FER NC1 : Memorandum to the DDA from.?the DDCI, Same Subject, dated 14 August 1981 As requested in reference, the appropriate Offices of the Direct-orate of Administration have reviewed subject report and the suggestions contained therein. Forwarded herewith are statements submitted by the Offices of Finance and Logistics (on behalf of the Heads{u.iirters Claims Review Board, the Headquarters Survey Review Board, the Board of Review, and the Overpayments Review Board) which provide, in a summarized fashion, reports on their progress in implementing the Inspector General's suggestions. Harry E. Fitzwater Attachments : Comonts from OF/DDA Continents from OL/DDA cc: IG D/NFAC DDO DDSiaT OP OF/DDA OL/DDA All Portions of This Memorandum are Unclassified EO/DDA (26 Oct 81) Distribution: Original - Addressee Watts 1 - DCI Watts 1 - ER w/atts 1 - D/NFAC w/atts 1 - DDO Watts 1 - DDS&T Watts 1 - OP w/atts 1 - IG w/atts 1 - OF/DDA w/atts 1 - OL/DDA w/atts %f- DDA Subject w/atts 1 - DDA Chrono w/o atts l - EO%DDA Chrono w/o atts Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Si -/_7 e g MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officer, DDA Deputy Director for Compliance/OF SUBJECT: IG Report on Board of Review and Overpayment Review Board Attached is Office of Finance response to subject report. STAT Attachment: OF Response to IG Report Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Chapter 5 The Office of Finance also endorses the IG report at page 35 wherein the IG endorses the PMCD standard to raise OSA 1:positions to the GS-09-08 level. Early resolution is needed. IG Suggestion (at page 35) We suggest that no new OSA be given cash custodial responsi- bilit:ites who has not taken and passed the course (Field Administration ours( ) . Current regulation and handbook changes have been written and are now out for Agency coordination stating that the Director of Finance will approve all cash custodians. In the case of OSA assignments that include cash custodial responsibilities, Finance will use the Office of Training and Education (OT&E) certification that each new OSA has successfully passed the Field Administration Course wherever possible. In addition each request for D/F approval will be supported by the in- dividual's certification attesting to his or her understanding of custodian duties, responsibilities and liabilities, and a review of each candidate's work record for evidence of un- suitability. IG Suggestion (at page 35) We suggest that area division B&F officers certify to the Director of Finance the suitability of an OSA to be a cas custodian. In addition to formal OTEE training Finance will require responsible B&F office provide each OSA with on-the-job training within the area division finance unit prior to their departure. The Director of Finance will wherever possible require the chief B?F officer to evaluate as to how well each OSA performed and provide a recommendation as to whether the OSA should be granted the assignment. IG Suggestion (at page 36) We suggest that senior managers ensure that the Performance Appraisal Report of employees and supervisors (including COSs and Bs response le for cash management include a statement on how well that responsibility is carried out. The Office of Finance endorses this suggestion. It is more appropriate for DDO/CMS to respond as to what procedure will be employed to im- plement this suggestion. Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 IG Suggestion (at page 36) We suggest that the Deputy Director for Administration take the action necessary to have a c a~ rter for t Be oa-rc-of Review written ancT toestablish procedures, phil.osop es, and ff f r4 on o terms for board use. There s IOU- -be added to the api~ 1 of r late Agency rel;_ulations and handbooks and made a a lable to ;!! Employees. fhe Office of Finance will draft philosophies aria t.~ eco-Tures for DDA approval . We do believe however that HR and I-IIIB Chapter VIII has established an adequate .1 511 ;,-,:Ton for such a charter. 1G ;_'Hil;esti.on (at page 37) We suggest that the Director of Finance revise I-IR to ut ~iarize tic: rrcfquarters operating off:ic-ials to settle s for age and xivc t awe -cases for amounts throul;Ii X100 in accounts of ier than the s r ot~ri~. Pinar ce agrees with tie suggestion and will incorporate the h i ge in the revision now being drafted. IC ;;w, est_LOn (at page 37) P ,'e that the Director of Finance revise regulation to Iritic "Agency funds" lost, stolen or missing in a single incident sett led by the Board of Revieiww. While Finance believes the Board o:f Rev Lew c~ui ad_j udTcate all cases involving "Agency funds" there would need to be a close coordination process between the Headquarters Claims Review Board and the BOR. This would occur where a case such as a pickpocket involved true personal funds and "Agency funds." Both boards would need to adjudicate their findings the same way - one could. not hold in favor of the employee while the other found the employee at fault. This area needs further study. STAT IG Sitggestion (at page 37) We suggest that the Director of Finance revise HH STAT to hrciv.i._de for a DO representative as a permanent number o the Bo ir~l o f Iev:.i.eiv. We believe tit tie current wording-off paraarat~h 76 o J1HB Chapter VIII is appropriate. . ."The Board will include a representative of the Deputy Director or Head of Inde- pendeiit Office responsible for the activity that gave rise to the case under consideration by the Board." It is true that most cases involve the DO area however it would seem inappropriate to have the DO representative in attendance should a case under con- sideration be one involving another Directorate. At present DDO cases are all heard by the same DI)0 representative. IG Suggestion (at page 38) We suggest that the Director of Finance revise HHB to increase to 90 days tie time for completing action on each STAT report of siortage of overage unless extenuating circumstances indicate additional time shoull be permitted. Finance agrees Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 that the current 30-day requirement for resolution of cases is unrealistic. We however believe that a 120 day requirement for completion is needed. In addition to the reasons expressed in the IG report we believe that we should allow 60 days to see whether the reported shortage or overage will surface within the two succeeding accounting periods. If the shortage or overage remains the additional 60 days should provide ample time for the BOR to complete the case`. IG Suggestion (at page 38) We suggest that the Director of Finance revise HR IIto grant em loyees found ecuniaril liable t e rig t to appeal tTe_ce.c sion to the DCI through the Inspector General. Further, the communica n notifying the employee o is liability should c:LL tt i~ e regulation that describes the appeal process. While the Office of Finance has no problem with including a standard statement advising each employee held liable of their rights of appeal it does seem as though with minor revisions, HR adect.aatel addresses each employee's appeal (grievance) process. HR needs to be revised so that the grievances (appeals) process will not exclude "any matter for which an independent channel has been established by statute or regulation for ad- judication". . .We will revise both HR Ito incorporate this suggestion. Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 3 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 Chapter 6 Overpayment Review Board IG-Suggestion (at page 42) We suggest that the Director of Finance explore the possihility of modifying ETARS so that other data pertinent to Pay and allowances also can be transmitted electronically fo.r timer action. Finance and the Office of Data Processing _ are currently involved with the development of a new payroll system that will incorporate many new systems changes including this and related suggestions. IG Sugestion (at page 43) lYe suggest that the Director of Finance establish a training progriut in ,,.,Compensation Division and a oint a training o icer. Finance agrees with the suggestion for training programs an plans to develop two programs, one applicable to the automated payroll and the other applicable to the non-official cover payroll. A position is currently available for the former payroll awaiting a qualified candidate, whereas the latter payroll awaits approval of a position for a trainer. Finance is also exploring the feasibility of providing computer assisted instruction (CAI) capabilities. IG Suggestion (at page 43) We repeat our suggestion that the Deputy Director for Administration take the action necessary to have a charter for the Overpayments Review Board written and to establish proce ures, phiilosopdies, and definition of terms for board use. These shouldWe added to t e appropriate Agency regulations and handbooks and male available to all employees. The Office of Finance will draft philosophies an procedures for DDA approval. We do believe however that HR 0 has established an adequate foundation IG Suggestion (at page 44) We suggest that each employee be advised of his opportunity to request a waiver of the overpayment and of the appeal process i the waiver is denied. Finance also believes every employee should be allowe a right of appeal when a waiver is denied and in the future will so direct each employee to HR 0 As stated STAT in our response to a similar suggestion addressed in the Board of Review report we believe with minor revisions,HR 1I could STAT adequately Satisf the anneal mechanism y Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Finance disagrees with the blanket suggestion that all overpayments include a statement advisin employees of their opportunity to request a waiver. HR s available to all employees and certainly cannot be denie ow ever to call ones attention to every overpayment would most probably add undue burden to the paper system. However Finance is not adverse to calling attention to the waiver process for those instances where the overpayment has resulted from complex administrative mp ogee has a responsibility to review their pay entitlements and as an aid the Agency goes to great expense to advise the majority of our employees what each has been paid. STAT STAT Approved For Release 2003/08/132 CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 13TCIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009r5 . ---gL _ i 36 S /S' 15 OCT1981 MEMO}U\NDUM FOR: Executive officer to the DDA FROM: James H. McDonald Director of Logistics SUBJECT: Office of Inspector General Study of Agency Boards of Review REFERENCE: DDCI memo for DDA, dated 14 August 81, same subject (DD/A 81-1308/4; ER 81-4829/1) Per your request of 21 August 1981, attached are comments. concerning the Headquarters Claims Review Board (HCRB) part of the IG report on Agency boards of review. The attached comments have been prepared by the Chairman, HCRB, and coordinated with all members of the board. Please call if you would like additional information or otherwise prefer a more in-depth response. 25X1 Attachment: A. Reference B. Comments w/atts OL 1 3558(a) THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE DECLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM THE ATTACHMENTS "Ir Approved For Release 2003 i ! CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 Headquarters Claims Review Board (HCRB) 1. This memorandum is to advise you on the progress in implementing the suggestions contained in the I.G. Report. 2. The Inspector General's (I.G.) Report has been circulated to the members of the Headquarters Claims Review Board (HCRB), and analysis and discussions between the office of the DDA and the HCRRB have been completed. Each recommendation was reviewed against the constraints of the legislative act, the morale and interest of the employee, and the equities of the Government and taxpayer. Due consideration was/is given to the logic of staying in basic synchronization with Army policy, (Army is tasked by Congress to develop and publish the standards for adjudicating claims) and STAT in ana- lyzing the I.G. recommendations, the HCRB did not assume the role of defender of the public treasury, nor did they play the public cornucopia. Responsibility for public funds is taken seriously by the HCRB, as is the need for high morale to further Government purposes. Changes have been made and procedures have been imple- mented to continue to review the suggestions in the I.G. Report against the realities and complexities of claim adjudication. 3. Specifically, as a result of this review, along with action initiated prior to the study, the following changes have been initiated/implemented. The category limit for jewelry costing over $100 per item has been raised from $1,000 to $3,000 per claim. An additional position is being requested (part-time GS-7) to assist the Claims Review Officer (CRO) (GS-11). The assistant will improve the response to claimants and also enable the establishment of a computer data base. Statistics from the data base will better enable the board to identify problems/inequities. The statistics, plus continued will better enable the board to justity and recommend policy changes. Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 SUBJECT: Headquarters Claims Review Board (HCRB) A pamphlet has been revised and distributed. The pam- phlet identifies and clarifies the criteria used in the adjudication of claims, identifies category limits, and generally establishes the limits of Government liability for property loss. This pamphlet is distributed to all Agency support officers and to attendees of the various training courses. Central Processing Branch also distri- butes copies of this pamphlet to all personnel in process for PCS overseas and domestic assignments, and all are required to sign a form stating they have received the information explaining the policy of adjudicating claims (copy of pamphlet and form are enclosed for your convenience). The concept of incident to service has been broadened to give additional protection to TDY personnel. Settlement authority by operating officials has been raised from $100 to $300. The CRO provides instructions on claims to personnel attending the various training courses, such as the OTE Overseas Orientation Course, Field Administration Course, and the OC Overseas Orientation Program. The CRO is available on request to provide a presentation on claims. Changes will continue to be made as necessary to best balance the competing requirements of Government equity and employee morale. 4. I, of course, am available and would welcome the oppor- tunity to further discuss the complexities of reimbursement for personnel property losses. Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B00890R000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 20 / - 8- i 4B0089OR000500010009-5 CLAIMS INFORMATION 1. Authority. You have a right to file a-claim against the government and to be paid for personal property which is lost, damaged, or destroyed in a govern- ment move. However, there are restrictions and limits on the amounts that the government will allow you. You should he aware of these rules before you move. Some of the more important restrictions are: a. The maximum amount that can be paid on any claim is $15,000; b. 11.ithin that $15,000, there are limits on the amounts that can be paid on certain types and categories of property such as noted in the Table of Maximum Allowances listed in the attached pamphlet, "Government Liability for Personal. Property Claims." 2. Provinc; damages. A claimant is required to prove the amount of his damages. This is done y proving the type, quantity, quality, and condition of the items lost or damaged in the move. I-have this information before you move ! Based upon these facts and the damage and loss estimates, the government computes the amount of money damages to be awarded. 3. Planning;. Prior planning is essential to avoid financial losses. If you are sTiii!:1r% property pursuant to government orders (PCS, TDY) take the following steps before you move: a. Dead Headquarters Regulation I "Claims for Lost, Damaged, STAT or Destroyed Personal Property," very caretu y; b. Make sure that you have receipts, appraisals, photographs, or other valid evidence of the type, quantity, quality, and condition of items shipped; c. Consider purchasing insurance if you are shipping property of more than $15,000 in value or property that exceeds the limits in defined categories (para. lb, above); and d. Purchase traveler's checks rather than carry large amounts of cash. 4. Action when damage occurs. If you sustain any damage or loss in your move, carefully not- amnaged and missing items on the carrier's inventory or other paper at the time of delivery, and promptly notify your support office of all damaged and missing items, and submit personal property claim in accordance STAT With HR I have read the above information and have retained a copy of the pamphlet entitled "Government Liability for Personal Property Claims." S GNATURF DATE HCP\1 8/81 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5 Headquarters Survey Review Board No suggestions Approved For Release 2003/08/13 : CIA-RDP84B0089OR000500010009-5