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Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR005 2 July 1974 Dear Walt: Just a note to let you know how well received was your "CIA History (Historical ?) Staff Monthly Report #1". Indeed, in certain aspects, it was more interesting to read "between the lines" than to have the eyeballs follow the ADD/MFRS ADD/M&S:JFB/ms (2 July 74) Distribution: Orig - Adse (Chief, CIA Historical Staff - Mfr.. Walt Eider) 1 - JFB Chrono 1 - DD/MMS Subject, w/Orig of Report' (D])/MF,S 74-2405) & Background (DD/MF;S 74-2195) Approved For Release 2003/04/29 CIA-RDP84-00780R005900020020-6 STAT Approved For Release 25O31j04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR005900020020-6 Please tell me -- do you want me to just hold Mr. Elder's report for a week or two and then - after his personal situation-settles down - set up a meeting for discussion with him? Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-0078OR005900020020-6 STAT STAT 25X1 25X1 ^? UNCLASSIFIMproveEflorljM 2003/04/29: CIA-R[ 4-qW I20020-6 ^X SECRET ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) FROM: EXTENSION NO. Walter Elder 25X1 C/CIA HS DATE 27 June 1974 TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) 1 ? A/DD/M&S CVO Out 7L'd - dcfy L 6 u,_, . 5' "-4 - 2 DD/M& S - - -- 9. A 3. // ` 2WI 40 d A4 &// 15 lO- t 4 - . - p . P / . M Bl k s\\ ,,1~ I R ? 44..J44y guar - o* cc wee j/ r. a e s. Mr. Brownman 25X1 8. 10. il. 12. 13. 14. 15. Approved For Re lease 20 3/04/29 : CIA-RD 84-00780R005900020020-6 FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 3-62 EDITIONS ^x SECRET ^ CONFIDENTIAL ^ USE ONLY ^ UNCLASSIFIED TAT Approved For Release 2003/04/2 mx F[84-00780 R005900020020-6 MEMORANDUM FOR: DD/M&S THROUGH: A/DD/M&S CIA History Staff Monthly Report #1 1. Approved Program During June 1974,1 continued his research and interviewing on the history of the overthrow of Mossadeq. He has complete access to NE division files and officers and confers frequently with John Waller who is an enthusiastic supporter of this project. also seesl :1 e has interviewe aut or of a previous history); he plans to sit im Roosevelt soon. II has submitted an outline and a chronology and is well on top of his work. He has space in NE division, and I consult with him daily. During June, Colby sent us a memorandum for the record about a conversation at a WSAG meeting concerning the role of a New York Times correspondent in the Iranian operation. rote a reply setting the record straight. I uis working on a massive, most complicated project, e History of Vietnam. He has completed a working chronology and a topical outline. This is not the kind of work you can measure by discrete milestones. I am confident that he is on top of an enormous amount of raw research material, and he plans to complete his history before he retires in two years. He has temporary quarters in EA division, and I consult with him daily. He may lose his space at any time. Should he be forced out of headquarters, he would lose easy access to files and people. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20031O pIDP84-00780R0f 5900020020-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/ fDT84-00780R005900020020-6 Kt, L_ I During June, Larry dealt with a 25X1 retired Agency employee, who was seeking declassification of a history of the Agency's involvement with the Vietnamese Montaguards. This was at the request of ISAS and EA. is working on the history of the Bay of Pigs. acc as virtually completed his supervision of the DD/M&S history program. He deserves very high marks for this effort, and when the program is actually finished, I shall opose that the DD/M&S take official notice of I Iwork. Jack is on his maiden voyage in creating an actual history, and he has submitted one of the most elaborate work plans I have ever seen. He is even thinking of interviewing 50 to 60 Cuban exile leaders. I am whittling away at this and trying to compress his projected time schedule. During June, Jack did, in response to my request, submit a chronology and .a topical outline. After being moved many times within WH, Jack has retreated to Key Building. This has hampered his work. I don't see him regularly. I retires as of 30 June 1974. She leaves behind a comp ete, coherent, comprehensive component history of the DD/S&T. She has also been doing research into the tenure of James R. Schlesinger as DCI. She will turn the material over to me when she leaves. I'll review it and consult with Carl Duckett to see what further there is to do. Carl is the prime mover behind this and claims that Schlesinger has an active interest. The other topic added by the Management Committee, the history of Richard Helms as DCI, has been dropped for sufficient reason. by agreement with OCI who provide him an office an set ary, is writing a segment of history covering the Agency's involvement with for a period 25X1 of years. This he will work on until He retires in July. Phil works with minimum supervision; he has submitted a topical outline. His history was to have been dovetailed with a more comprehensive work on how the Agency has gone about estimat- ing Chinese Communist intentions and capabilities. This was Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : f M[410780R005900020020-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R005900020020-6 to have been done by I las a consultant. The project has been disapproved, an nave no plans for work on this history for the foreseeable future. I Icontinues to slog away at the history of Air America. give him substantive guidance from time to time, but Charlie Kane supervises his work and pays his salary. This is an enormously complicated chronicle, and Tony is being very thorough. At some point, we shall confront I hope to remain on the sidelines for that event. Sherm Kent has submitted to me during June a long essay on the theory and practice of producing national intelligence estimates. At Sherm's request, his paper is being read by Sherm plans to let it simmer while he summe ia. On first reading, I think it will make an acceptable issuance in our miscellaneous studies series and possibly an article for Studies in Intelligence. Sherm is muttering about this being his swan song. My response has always been that Sherm can do precisely what he wants about staying or leaving. Dave Phillips, WH Division, says he will shortly nominate someone to write the history of the operation in Guatemala. The writer will be detailed to the history staff for six months at no cost to the staff. Larry Devlin, AF Division, has been asked to detail someone to take the pieces of Congo history and produce a single, comprehensive account. I am confident that Larry will leave this project for his successor to wrestle with. Services Staff, has inherited the remains o the old overt Action Staff which has produced a number of motley histories bearing on the covert cold war, particularly in Europe. Chuck is prepared to entertain a request from me to nominate someone to work on this history, but he has asked me to hold off until he learns his way in his new job. I have agreed to this. There are two topics in Carl Duckett's bailiwick, reconnaissance satellites and technical intelligence, which require pulling together existing material into a coherent history. Tactically, I plan to hold off pushing Carl until Approved For Release 2003/04IC P84-00780R005900020020-6 %J L- Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R005900020020-6 after I have reviewed the Schlesinger material. Otherwise, when I talk about my approved topics, Carl will want to talk about his favorite subject. I am holding off for another reason. Should Colby approve in principle my suggestion to have a go at sanitizing and releasing a history of the U-2, I am going to need quantities of good will and support from Carl and his people. There is one approved topic, a history of the intel- ligence community, which will involve the intelligence community staff. The embryonic piece, John Bross' history of NIPE, is being sourced She is on contract to finish this for . She works when she is able, which is not often. When Bross' history is finished, I plan to go to the ICS, probably through John Clarke, and induce them to think in terms of history. My tactic is to use them as a. model for preserving history material which we can then apply to other Agency components. The actual production of an intelligence community history is somewhere down the road. Harold Brownman has agreed in principle to have an overview of what I term support activity for the cold war. The next step is to grab the right people at the right time and have them go through the completed histories with a view to producing segments of a single, coherent account. Another approved topic is a history of the Agency's involvement in Laos. I have asked Ted Shackley to nominate a candidate, citing Colby's active interest in this project. Finally, the Management Committee approved a topic called before CIA. If I understand the exercise properly, OSS-SSU papers are going to the National Archives and being de-classified at a great rate. I hope this will resolve this problem on its own. Clearly, a major problem for the history program is manpower. All components are reluctant to release people on detail, and I frankly can't argue a high priority for the history program. If we can hold our own on people assigned to major topics, I'll be content. I continue to interview candidates who want to write histories, but so far no component, except for OCI and WH, has been willing to give me anyone for free. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/,IgV QP84-00780R005900020020-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/29, , ;CtLfr pP84-00780R005900020020-6 C1 I During June, I was told that my staff would be reduced from 10 to 7. This is a mixed blessing. It will actually help solve a couple of personnel problems. On the other hand, I have had to re-think some of my priorities with the following results: The idea of a formal, full-scale oral history program is out of the question for the foreseeable future. It has been reduced to interviews with people in connection with specific histories. You can't send any Tom, Dick or Harry to talk to people like Bissell, Lundahl, Bannerman, Karamessines, or Kelly Johnson. One possibility would be to re-channel Sherm, but that can wait until after his summer sojourn. Frankly, Sherm, at 70, ain't what he used to be. He is also remarkably ignorant on the non-analytical sides of the house. I can report little or no progress on the twin objectives of consolidating (and reducing) the history staff files and of integrating the files with the Agency archives. We have taken certain internal, preparatory steps such as working on a new cover and a new numbering code for all Agency histories. This will replace the present five systems of covers and numbers. During June, I have agreed to take on two safes of DD/O histories to relieve congestion in the DD/O registry. They will make chock-a-block. Space is the key here, but I hear nothing from anyone, probably because there is nothing to tell me. Ultimately, my idea is that once the new archivist gets his arms around his task, the history staff will then provide the records management officers in each major component with criteria for identifying and retaining historical documents. These can remain in the archives, and the history staff will keep a card index. Blanket guidance, such as a regulation, won't work at all. That is why I think ICS will provide the model. My deputy, has been asked to propose a scheme whereby Agency histories will be more useful internally. Pat and I would finish reading all the completed histories and earmark those which could be: 1) used by the components to eduate young officers; 2) sanitized for use by the Office of Training in formal courses; 3) adapted for publication in Studies in Intelligence. Frankly, if the histories are not STAT Approved For Release 2003/0 P84-007808005900020020-6 fit`' Approved For Release 2003/04/29 CIA-RDP84-00780R005900020020-6 1, R LPL to be used more widely and are intended only for ultimate de-classification and release, then we are missing a good deal by simply writing them and squirrelling them away. Part of the problem has been the separate directorates' obsessions with their own secrets (disasters and triumphs). Now that we have a single CIA history program, we can be less fearful of parochialism. I presented this task Isome time ago. Pat 25X1 moves at a very leisurely pace. e e ics have not yet completed their diagnostic mark-up, and I refuse to push Pat. June, Pat did send me his editorial suggestions on history of USIB. They are very professional, but tney wou involve getting Jimmy back on contract to do revisions. You will receive no such proposal from me. I have scrubbed one other project, that of setting up a small reading room for Agency use. I do not have any resources, and I can't even consider reviving it until we are gathered together, people and papers, in headquarters. 2. Ad Hockery Completion of the component history program continues. I know of no new ones and no major problems with those which have been submitted or still to come. I have directed that they receive cursory editorial attention. There are a number on hand which I shall probably reject. There are two new directorate history officers in DD/M&S and DD/I. I have conferred with who will ride herd on the remnants of the component History program, help me organize the overview of the support activity history, track down the missing responses to my query on an intelligence museum collection, and serve generally as a referent on history staff business. I have an appointment next week to confer with the new DD/I history officer. During June, as DD/O history officer, sent a memorandum to all components asking them to inventory items for a possible intelligence museum collection. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/04/ V t 84-00780R005900020020-6 ?P84-007808005900020020-6 Approved For Release 2003/03-9Mltl 0 .L , It t ook him a while to do this, and the replies will probably be equally long in coming. During June, we started photographing executives and should complete our first run-through on the current roster very soon. We have also rummaged through two safes of prints and negatives which had been bandied from PSD to CRS to Angus Thuermer. After we have completed the current roster, we'll examine our holdings to see what past executives need to be filmed, and we'll keep up with executives as they move up. The ultimate disposition of the portraits is beyond my competence. When the file is ready for use, I'll so notify the DD/M&S. During June, I re query to 25X1 do some research into the Committee report or 1950 to evaluate the contributions o some "unsung heroes" who promoted the concept of national intelligence. Ben's father-in-law was involved. I have taken note of the request. During June, NPIC submitted to me an essay entitled "Eisenhower and econnaissance." Dave Brandwein is interested in it for Studies in Intelligence. It's very interesting. Eisenhower had a long-standing interest in photographic reconnaissance and made all the critical decisions which gave us the U-2 and the follow-on systems. I shall review it and add my own contributions. During June, we were able to help who 25X1 was working on a task force in connection wi e appeal on the Marchetti case. The history staff coughed up the Darling history and source documents on how the Agency got into the espionage business in the first place. Sam said he hadn't been able to find this anywhere else. During June, I conferred with Jim Critchfield on how to go about a story of the Agency's involvement with the has written a draft which Critchfield considered myopic. has written a draft which I returned to the origin- ing component as not worth all the work it would require to turn it into an acceptable history. In due course, Critchfield admitted that he had played a major role in CIA's relations with the and had a lively interest in seeing an accurate history pro uced. He also revealed 25X1 ' 0 Approved For Release 2003/0/ ,rBEDP84-007808005900020020-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA- .DP84-00780R005900020020-6 thati a retired I1 official, had comprehensive notes, was writing a history, and had agreed to show his work to Jim. Jim has seen the work and claims it is first- rate. Since a history of our liaison ties is one of the topics I have proposed for future work, I am inclined to the view that we may have a unique opportunity here. I shall pursue it further after Critchfield has finished his retirement ordeal. Twice during June, I became involved with the present DCI and a former one. Once it was a threat against Mr. McCone and other ITT officials coming at the time when Mr. Colby was going to Los Angeles to speak. This was all turned over to Security. The other involved a query from McCone about his files. I proposed acting as middleman. Colby approved, but I don't know if he has so informed McCone. Near the end of May, the Director approved the proposal that I sign with Ray Cline granting him access to Agency documents for his projected history. Ray returned the signed agreement on 21 May. I then asked Security to clear Ray and his research assistant citing the DCI's approval. The mills are still grinding. During June Ed Proctor, Howie Stoertz, George Carver, Dave Brandwein, I I and I met with Al Goldberg, OSD Historian, to discuss An y Marshall's project to produce and release a history of the arms race with the Soviets. We all took a very dim view of the project, raising the spectre of the Pentagon papers, trotting out sensitive sources and methods, using intelligence to support a controversial policy position, and all that. None was so eloquent as Carver who elected himself to carry our views to James R. Schlesinger. It ain't over yet. On 6 June, I was interviewed by R. Harris Smith who has been retained by the family to write a biography of Allen W. Dulles. I have sent around a couple of warning fliers that Smith's book may be another expose in depth. Smith has told Larry Houston that he has promised to submit the part of the manuscript which deals with the Agency for review in accordance with Smith's agreement with Colby. Smith estimates a comple- tion date of mid-September. Approved For Release 2003/019P84-00780R005900020020-6 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 CIA-6 84-0078OR005900020020-6 During June, I notified Chief, ISAS that the history staff on 7 March 1964 decided to reduce the number of copies of completed histories from 3 to 2. This has saved and will save a lot of work and paper. 3. Personnel During June, I was notified that the staff would be reduced from 10 to 7. I have identified the po deleted. One will be simple. We won't replace The other two involve an intelligence assistant (a GS-06 in a GS-08 slot) and a GS-07 secretary in a GS-07 slot. I am prepared to move on this when I'm told to. My administrative assistant has been declared surplus by her career service, DD/I. We have no position. She will leave in a fit of pure feminine fury. About all I can do is to advise her to keep it from getting too bloody. The DD/O component is termined as of 30 June. Bill is retiring. has a contract valid until her scheduled retirement on April 1975. is thinking of letting her stay with the history cost to us if they can't find anything in DD/O. We can use her. I told Gordon simply to let me know soon what he was going to do. I Ia DD/O officer who has burned his bridges with EA ivision an they with him) has been offered to me to work until he retires next year. I told DD/O that I could not assign him to any of my approved topics. However, if they could come up with a history project which I could accept as contributing to my overall program, and if they would guarantee him access, space, and salary, I'd see that he spent his terminal days usefully. A large silence has followed. The net effort of personnel reductions will be to leave the staff with a minimum of support in administration, typing, and editing. We will cope. On the substantive side, we're brushed but not really hurt. I plan to continue scrounging for good mid-career officers on detail. During June, I was notified that Walter Pforzheimer would be assigned to the History Staff on contract for six months to compile the history of the legislative origins of 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 20M0#Y l C IA-RDP84-00780R005900020020-6 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 ~ DP84-0078OR005900020020-6 CIA. Harry Eisenbeiss of CRS wants Pforzheimer's services for eight hours a week for six months. John Warner wants Walter to be available for the Marchetti case. A suitable contract has been submitted for approval. 4. Looking Ahead The key issue at this moment is Colby's decision on my suggestion to see if we should and can try to sanitize and release a major Agency history. If he approves, then the history staff and other Agency components will have a new and formidable task. I have a draft plan ready, but the actual work will have to be very much a learn-as-you-go exercise. 25X1 Chief, CIA History Staff Approved For Release 200 RDP84-007808005900020020-6 J;W L_ 3 t Approved For eye1 S i'24( 31/M/297:1-@" E1 ~0 , qR005 1 200tf OA', DD/MF?S 74-2195 JUG 1974 MEMURRIDIIM FOR: Chief, CIA Historical Staff 1. I think it would be advisable if we had a better insight into the workload and progress of the CIA (and as you prefer) History or Historical Program. In addition to that, and based on your own background, I know you are the recipient of ad hoc inquiries from time to time, knowledge of which would also be of interest to us. 2. Would you, therefore, commencing with the month of June, shit to the DD a monthly report, to be received on the last working day of the month. The report, at the minimum, should equate activity in progress with your approved History Program; mention any ad hoc inquiries or matters receiv- ing attention; raise any appropriate personnel matters; and any other material you wish to record. It may well be, after the receipt of the report, we would look forward, within a week or two of it, to an oral discussion. John V.' Blake Associate Deputy Director for Management and Services ADD/M&S:JFB/ms (17 June 74) Distribution: Orig E 1 - Adse 1 - DD/M&S Chrono 1 - DD/MFS Subject 1 - JFB Chrono Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R005900020020-6