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25X1 Approved-for Release 200*42*.:5:\CIA-RDP84-00780R003800_160011-4 L, /? 5173 DD T S.Tn7; L E 1 0 AUG 1971 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Officer to the DD/S SUBJECT : Refuse Act Permit REFERENCE : Ltr dtd July 23, 1971 to DCI fm Director of Civil Works, Department of the Army, Re: same subject 1. A review of the referenced letter and enclosures indicates that in order to fully comply with the President's Executive orders, the Agency will need to file for a Refuse Act Permit to cover discharges from its storm sewer system at the Headquarters Complex. 2. To file for such a permit, considerable data must be collected and furnished with regard to chemical content, temperature, toxicity, amounts and frequency of 25X1 discharge, etc. It will require several weeks to collect this information. As men- tioned during our telecon, the architect-engineer firm of f.s currently studying the whole problem of our utilities systems, including waste disposal. We have also requested a survey of our waste disposal system by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency, Water Quality Office, Charlottsville, Virginia. A preliminary report indicates that a Refuse Act Permit will be needed; however, the formal report is not expected for approximately 2 weeks. After receipt of the above data, we intend to file for a permit through GSA to the Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District. 25X1 3. With respect to other Agency facilities we are currently conduct- 25X1 ing a review of sewer installation drawings and other data that are available for each of our facilities. Of immediate concern is the 2430 E Street Complex and the TSD/DDP disposal of its liquid wastes. To our knowledge all such wastes are being dumped into the sanitary sewer system; however, until a thorough review can. be SECRET GIMP 1 Excluded iryr agiTcnt, ovt:Agm'Arig, Sad dedattilicatiOn OL 1 4171-a Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/6,: CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 SUBJECT: Refuse Act Permit made we cannot determine whether we are exempt. All other facilities we occupy are on a tenant or cover basis. If it is determined that we need a permit for any of these facilities, we will request that the host organization apply. In this connec- tion, we are notifying each of our units to also review its systems and practices to insure compliance. 4. A proposed reply to the reference by the Deputy Director for Support is attached. John F.? Blake D ector of Logistics 3 Atts: Att 1: Reference Att 2: Proposed Reply Att 3: Map of Division and District Boundaries for Civil Works Activities Approved For Release 2003/624/29_: CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 25X1 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP8-091*3-8a61360-1111-4 Executive Ilegmtry IN RPPLY REFER TO ENGCW-ON, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20314 'Honorable Richard Helms .Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Dear Mr. Helms: 23 July 1971 President Nixon, through Executive Order 11574, implemented the Refuse Act Permit Program. The purpose of the program is to enhance the ability of the Federal Government to enforce water quality standards and to provide a major strengthening of our efforts to clean up our nation's waters. Discharges that are composed entirely of sanitary wastes, or of storm water, or of combinations of the two, or which flow into municipal or private waste treatment systems (the discharge from the private system must be permitted), or which come from ships are excluded from the Refuse Act Permit program. All other discharges into navigable waters and their tributaries require a permit from the Secretary of the Army through the Army Corps of Engineers. Federal facilities are expected to comply with these requirements. The President in Executive Order 11507, said that "the Federal Govern- ment, in the design, operation, and maintenance of its facilities, shall provide leadership in the nationwide effort to protect and enhance the quality of our air and water resources." The Refuse Act Permit Program will help assure that Federal agencies exercise such leadership. The deadline for filing applications for Refuse Act Permits for existing discharges was 1 July 1971. For new discharges, applications are to be filed not less than 120 days before the date the discharge is to begin. As of 9 July 1971 approximately 200 applications had been received from Federal agencies. Recognizing that many discharges from Federal instal- lations and activities may be exempt from the program under the provisions described above, we consider that it is very likely that some required applications have not yet been filed. We are, therefore, writing to all Federal agencies who might have a facility to which this permit program may apply to remind them of the requirement for filing applications. 41 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ENGCW-ON Honorable Richard Helms 23 July 1971 Application forms are available from District and Division Offices of the Corps of Engineers. The completed forms should be signed by an official who is authorized to evaluate environmental factors on an agency-wide basis. While the Corps is directly responsible for issuing Refuse Act Permits, the Environmental Protection Agency will review applications for compliance with water quality standards, and recommend issuance or denial accordingly. Note that Federal activities are not required to obtain the State certification required of other facilities. Inclosed for your convenience is an information package which includes a copy of the Corps regulations for the Permit Program and a list of the Corps of Engineers offices administering the program. We would appreciate your cooperation and will be happy to provide you with ,any assistance you may, require. Sincerely yours, F. P. KOISCH Major General, USA Director of Civil Works Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ? .? 6564 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 applications, and reports to be filed with the Commission, the information which they shall contain, and the time within which they shall be filed." It is under similar delegated authority (section 16, 15 U.S.C. 717o) that natural gas com- panies have been required to file testi- mony and exhibits in support of rate in- creases. (See ? 154.63 of the regulations under the Natural Gas Act, 18 CFR 154.63.) One respondent suggested that some provision be made for amending and supplementing testimony and exhibits after filing and before hearing to cover current changes. We do not believe that the proposed revision would prevent such amending and supplementing of testi- mony and exhibits so long as they are confined to interim changes. Several comments suggest that the proposed re- quirement should not apply to changes in fuel adjustment clauses, coordination and interchange arrangements, and short-term sales of temporary excess generating capability. We are unable to find any good reason for excluding these types of service from the requirements of the proposed rule. The Commission finds: (1) The notice and opportunity to par- ticipate in this rulemaking proceeding with respect to the matters presently be- fore this Commission through the sub- mission, in writing, of data, views, com- ments, and suggestions in the manner described above, are consistent and in accordance with the procedural require- ments prescribed by 5 U.S.C. 553. (2) The amendments to Part 35 of the regulations under the Federal Power Act in Chapter I, Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations, herein prescribed, are necessary and appropriate for the administration of the Federal Power Act. (3 ) Since the amendment prescribed herein with respect to the $50,000 mini- rium amount, is of a minor nature con- sistent with the prime purpose of the proposed rulemaking, further compliance with the notice provisions of 5 U.S.C. 553 is unnecessary. The Commission, acting pursuant to the provisions of the Federal Power Act, as amended, particularly section 309 (49 Stat. 858, 16 U.S.C. 825h), orders: A) Paragraph (b) of ? 35.13, in Part 35, Chapter I, Title 18, of the Code of Federal Regulations is hereby amended by adding the following new provisions: ? 35.13 Filing of changes in rate sched- ules. (13) * ? (4) * C * iV) To the extent that testimony and exhibits required to be filed pursuant to subparagraph (5) of this paragraph duplicate information required to be sub- mitted pursuant to this subparagraph, such information need only be submitted with the testimony and exhibits filed pur- suant to subparagraph (5) of this paragraph. (5) (i) A utility filing for an increase in rates and charges shall be prepared to RULES AND REGULATIONS go forward at a hearing on reasonable notice on the data which have been submitted and sustain the burden of proof, imposed by the Federal Power Act, of establishing that its proposed charges are just and reasonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential or otherwise unlawful within the meaning of the Act. The Commission is desirous of avoiding delay in processing rate filings. To this end, if the rate schedule provides for an increase in rate which exceeds $50,000 in revenues for the test period, the filing utility shall submit with its rate increase filing 60 days prior to the proposed effective date of such increased rates, testimony and exhibits of such composition, scope and format that they would serve as the company's case-in- chief in the event the matter is set for hearing. In addition to whatever material the utility chooses to submit as part of Its case, except for increases resulting from changes made in fuel clauses and increases of rates comprising an integral part of coordination and interchange ar- rangements in the nature of power pool- ing transactions, the exhibits shall in- clude full cost of service data, as identi- fied in subparagraph (4) (iv) of this paragraph, statements A through 0, and the accompanying testimony should in- clude an explanation of these exhibits. (B) The amendments herein adopted shall become effective 30 days from the date of issuance of this order. (C) The Acting Secretary shall cause prompt publication of this order be made in the FEDERAL REGISTER. By the Commission. fsEALl KENNETH F. PLUMB, Acting Secretary. (FR Doe.71-4805 Filed 4-6-71;8:49 amj Title 33?NAVIGATION AND NAVIGABLE WATERS Chapter II?Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army PART 209?ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE Permits for Discharges or Deposits Into Navigable Waters On December 31, 1970, notice of pro- posed rule making was published in the FEDERAL REGISTER (35 F.R. 20005) which set forth the text of regulations pro- posed as ? 209.131 relating to the policy, practice and procedure in connection with applications for permits authoriz- ing discharges or deposits into navigable waters of the United States or into any tributary from which discharged mat- ter shall float or be washed into a nav- igable water (33 U.S.C. 407). Pursuant to the above notice, a num- ber of comments have been received from Interested persons, and due considera- tion has been given to all relevant matter presented. In light of the preceding, a number of revisions have been made in the rules as proposed. In accordance with the statement in the notice of proposed rule making, ? 209.131, as set forth below, is hereby adopted effective on publication (4-7-71). ? 209.131 Permits for discharges or de- posits into navigable waters. (a) Purpose and scope. This section prescribes the policy, practice, and pro- cedure to be followed by all Corps of Engineers installations and activities in connection with applications for permits authorizing discharges or deposits into navigable waters of the United States or into any tributary from which dis- charged or deposited matter :hall float or be washed into a navigable water. (b) Law and Executive order author- izing permits. (1) Section 13 of the Act approved March 3, 1899 (33 U.S.C. 407), hereafter referred to as the "Refuse Act," provides in part that it is unlawful "to throw, discharge, or deposit, or cause, suffer, or procure to be thrown, dis- charged, or deposited either from or out of any ship, barge, or other floating craft of any kind, or from the shore, wharf, manufacturing establishment, or mill of any kind, any refuse matter of any kind or description whatever other than that flowing from streets and sewers and passing therefrom in a liquid state, into any navigable water of the United States, or into any tributary of any navigable water from which the same shall float or be washed into such navigable water; and it shall not be lawful to deposit, or cause, suffer, or procure to be deposited mate- rial of any kind in any place on the bank of any navigable water, or on the bank of any tributary of any navigable water, where the same shall be liable to be washed into such navigable water * * * whereby navigation shall or may be im- peded or obstructed: Provided, That nothing herein Contained shall ex- tend to, apply to, or prohibit the operations in connection with ' the improvement of navigable waters or con- struction of public. works, considered necessary and proper by the U.S. officers supervising such improvement or public work: And provided further, That the Secretary of the Army, whenever in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers anchorage and navigation will not be injured thereby, may permit the deposit of any material above-mentioned in nav- igable waters, within limits to be defined and under conditions to be prescribed by him, provided application is made to him prior to depositing such material; and whenever any permit is so granted the conditions thereof shall be strictly com- plied with, and any violation thereof shall 'be unlawful." (2) Executive Order No. 11574 (dated December 23, 1970) directs the imple- mentation of a permit program under the authority of the Refuse Act and provides for the cooperation of affected Federal agencies in the administration of the program. Approved ForFniltlatFeino3104/Y9 1.4t IhriRMER16781,14013M0160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 (c) Kelated? legislation. (1) Section 21(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. 1151 et seq.) (see particularly the Water Quality Improvement Act of 1970, Public Law 91-224, 84 Stat. 108), reflects the concern of the Congress with mainte- nance of applicable water quality stand- ards and, eUbject to certain exceptions, requires any applicant for a Federal li- cense or permit to conduct any activity including, but not limited to, the con- struction or operation of facilities which may result in a discharge into the navi- gable waters of the United States to provide an appropriate certification that there is reasonable assurance that such activity will be conducted in a manner which will not violate applicable water quality standards. (2) The concern of the Congress with the need to encourage the productive and enjoyable harmony between man and his environment and the need to promote efforts which will prevent or eliminate damage to the environment was mani- fested in the enactment of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4321-4347). Section 102 of that Act directs that To the fullest extent possible: (1) The policies, regulations, and public laws of the United States shall be interpreted and ad- ministered in accordance with the policies set forth in this Act, and (2) all agencies of the Federal Government shall? * (B) Identify and develop methods and procedures, in consultation with the Coun- cil on Environmental Quality established by title II of this Act, which will insure that presently unquantified environmental amen- ities and values may be given appropriate consideration in decisionmaking along with economic and technical considerations ? * (3) The concern of Congress with the quality of the aquatic environment as it affects the conservation, improvement and enjoyment of fish and wildlife re- sources is indicated in the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 (16 U.S.C. 742a et seq.), the Migratory Marine Game- Fish Act (16 U.S.C. 760c-760g) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act 116 U.S.C. 661-666c). The latter Act provides in part that: fWilienever the waters of any stream or other body of water are proposed or author- 'zed to be impounded, diverted, the channel deepened, or the stream or other body of water otherwise controlled or Modified for any purpose whatever, including navigation and drainage, by any department or agency of the United States. or by any public or private agency under Federal permit or license, such department or agency first shall consult with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, and with the head of the agency exercising adminis- tration over the wildlife resources of the particular State wherein the impoundment, diversion, or other control facility is to be constructed, with a view to the conservation of wildlife resources ? * (16 U.S.C. 662 (a) ) (See also Reorganization Plan No. 4 of 1970 which transferred certain functions from the Secretary of the Interior to the Secretary of Commerce.) As provided in RULES AND REGULATIONS paragraph (d) (6) of this section, advice as to the impact which a proposed dis- charge or deposit may or is likely to have on fish and wildlife resources is to be soliciated from the appropriate Regional Coordinator or Field Representative of the Department of the Interior and the appropriate Regional Director of the Na- tional Marine Fisheries Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- ministration (NOAA) , Department of Commerce. (4) As amended, the Act of June 29, 1888 (33 U.S.C. 441 et seq.) authorizes Corps of Engineers' officers supervising the harbors of New York, Hampton Roads, and Baltimore to enforce pro- visions making unlawful unauthorized discharges or deposits. Section 421 of Title 33 of the United States Code makes unlawful certain discharges or deposits into Lake Michigan. (d) General policy. (1) The Refuse Act is considered to apply to all direct and indirect discharges or deposits (except those flowing from streets and sewers and passing therefrom in a liquid state) by any person, firm or other entity, includ- ing discharges or deposits from munic- ipal, State, or Federal facilities or instal- lations, into a navigable waterway or tributary or into a waste treatment sys- tem from which the same will flow into a navigable waterway or tributary. Dis- charges or deposits of water at a tem- perature different from that of the navi- gable waterway or tributary into which the same will flow are considered to be discharges or deposits to which the Ref- use Act is applicable. (2) The Refuse Act Permit Program is applicable to all discharges or deposits identified in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph except that the permit pro- gram is not applicable to: (i) Discharges or deposits into a mu- nicipal or other public sewage treatment system; (ii) Discharged or deposits from a mu- nicipal or other public sewage treatment system; (iii) Discharges or deposits of storm water runoff flowing from public or pri- vate streets; (iv) Discharges or deposits into a waste treatment system. (This exception does not apply to discharges or deposits from such a waste treatment system into a navigable waterway or tributary. Thus, for example, the operator (including, if applicable, agencies or instrumentalities of the Federal, State, or local govern- Ments) of a waste treatment system which receives industrial discharges and is not tied in with a municipal or other public sewage treatment system must apply for and receive a permit if the system discharges or deposits into a nav- igable waterway or tributary.) (v) Discharges or deposits which are placed on the banks of a navigable water- way or tributary where the same shall be liable to be washed into such navigable water either by ordinary or high tides, or by storms or floods whereby navigation shall or may be impeded or obstructed; (This exception does not apply to dis- 6565 charges or deposits placed on banks which, because of gravity or the slope of the ground on which the discharge or de- posit is placed, will flow into a navigable waterway or tributary. Such discharges or deposits will require a permit under the Refuse Act Permit Program.) (vi) Discharges or deposits from ships or other watercraft into a navigable waterway or tributary. The foregoing exceptions from the per- mit program shall not be deemed to af - feet the applicability of the Refuse Act itself to such discharges or deposits un- less such discharges or deposits fall within the statutory exception for "that flowing from the streets and sewers and passing therefrom in a liquid state." In addition to these exceptions, the Refuse Act Permit Program is not applicable to public or private dredging or filling which shall continue to be subject to the permit prograni instituted pursuant to 33 U.S.C. 403. (3) Except as provided for in sub- paragraph (2) of this paragraph, all per- sons, firms, or other entities wishing to discharge or deposit into waters covered by the Refuse Act must apply to the Dis- trict Engineer in charge of the District where the proposed discharge or deposit is to occur for a permit under the Refuse Act Permit Program. Permits covering discharges from facilities which are now in existence but which were not in ex- istence or lawfully under construction prior to April 3, 1970, must be applied for as soon as possible following the pub- lication of this section in the FEDERAL REGISTER, but in no event. later than July 1, 1971. All other persons, firms, or other entities wishing to discharge or de- posit into waters covered by the Refuse Act are obligated to apply for a permit prior to July 1, 1971, except that persons, firms, or other entities wishing to com- mence discharges or deposits into waters covered by the Refuse Act on or after November 1, 1971, must file a completed application for a permit no less than 120 days in advance of the date on which it is desired to commence discharges or deposits. (4) All discharges or deposits to which the Refuse Act is applicable (see subpara- graph (1) of this paragraph) are unlaw- ful unless authorized by an appropriate permit issued under the authority of the Secretary of the Army. The fact that offi- cial objection may not have been raised with respect to past or continuing dis- charges or deposits does not constitute authority to discharge or deposit or to continue to discharge or deposit in the absence of an appropriate permit. Any such discharges or deposits not author- ized by an appropriate permit may result in the institution of legal proceedings in appropriate cases for violation of the pro- visions of the Refuse Act. Similarly, the mere filing of an application request- ing permission to discharge or deposit Into navigable waters , or tributaries thereof will not preclude legal action in appropriate cases for Refuse Act viola- tions. The institution of either a civil or criminal action by the Department of Approve t' ftelenelbillictiFt2VrefAVEN4641MO780R603800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R00880016001174 6566 ? Justice under the Refuse Act will not pre- clude the acceptance or continued proc- essing of a permit application. Where a civil action to restrain a discharge or deposit which is the subject of the permit application that has been filed, and that action is disposed of other than by the dismissal of the case by the court, any permit which is issued shall include any requirements embodied in the resolution of the case. (5) The decision as to whether or on what conditions a permit authorizing a deposit which is the subject of the permit issued under the Refuse Act will be based on an evaluation of the impact which the discharge or deposit may have on (i) anchorage and navigation, (ii) appli- cable water quality standards and re- lated water quality considerations, in- cluding environmental values reflected in water quality standards, and (iii) fish and wildlife values not reflected in or adequately protected by applicable water quality standards, if any. (6) Recognizing that, at the Federal level, responsibility for the protection of fish and wildlife resources lies primarily with the Department of the Interior and with the National Oceanic and Atmos- pheric Administration (NOAA) of the Department of Commerce, the appropri- ate Regional Director of the National Marine Fisheries Service of NOAA and the appropriate Regional Coordinator or Field Representative of the Department of the Interior will advise the appropri- ate District Engineer and the appropriate Regional Representative of EPA of the impact, if any, which a proposed dis- charge or deposit may or is likely to have on fish and wildlife resources and will, in appropriate cases, recommend conditions considered necessary to afford reasonable protection to such resources. (7) Although the Refuse Act vests in the Secretary of the Army authority to determine whether or not a permit should or should not issue, it is recog- nized that responsibility for water quality improvement lies primarily with the States or, in particular instances, with appropriate interstate agencies or river basin commissions, and, at the Federal level, with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) . Accordingly, EPA shall advise the Corps with respect to the meaning, content and application of water quality standards applicable to a Proposed discharge or deposit and as to the impact which the proposed discharge or deposit may or is likely to have on applicable water quality standards and related water quality considerations, in- cluding environmental values reflected in water quality standards. Specifically, the Regional Representative of EPA will, as appropriate, identify and advise the Dis- trict Engineer with respect to the following: (i) The meaning and content of ap- plicable water quality standards; (ii) The application of water quality standards to the proposed discharge or deposit, including the likely impact of the proposed discharge or deposit on such water quality standards and related water quality considerations; RULES AND REGULATIONS (iii) The permit conditions required to comply with applicable water quality standards; (iv) The permit conditions required to carry out the purposes of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act where water quality standards are not applicable in Whole or in part; (v) The protection afforded fish and wildlife resources by water quality stand- ards, if any; (vi) The interstate water quality ef- fect of the proposed discharge or deposit; (vii) The recommended duration of a permit. Regional Representatives will also pro- vide District Engineers with a recom- mendation as to whether or not the per- mit applied for should or should not Issue and the basis for that recom- mendation. (8) Recognizing the expertise of EPA In matters related to water quality, Dis- trict Engineers shall, except as provided in subparagraph (10) of this paragraph, accept such findings, determinations and interpretations as the Regional Repre- sentative of EPA may make respecting the applicability of water quality stand- ards (including compliance with those standards in particular circumstances) and related water quality considerations, and shall deny a permit application in accordance with the recommendation of a Regional Representative if that recom- mendation is supported by a finding that the proposed discharge or deposit will not be consistent with applicable water quality standards or related water qual- ity considerations. (9) If the Regional Representative of EPA .finds that the proposed discharge or deposit will meet applicable water quality standards or that a permit can be conditioned so as to ensure compliance with applicable water quality standards, District Engineers shall accept the find- ing and shall include in any permit is- sued such conditions as the Regional Representative may have recommended respecting water quality standards and related water quality considerations. In any case the District Engineer may deny the requested permit if it appears that anchorage and navigation will be injured or that the proposed discharge or deposit will have a significant and unreasonable adverse impact on fish and wildlife resources. (10) In any case where the District Engineer and the Regional Representa- tive of EPA differ with respect to appli- cable water quality standards or related water quality considerations and are un- able to reconcile their views as to whether OT not a permit should be issued, or the terms and conditions of a permit, the District Engineer shall promptly for- ward the matter through channels to the Secretary of the Army to provide the Secretary with the opportunity to consult with the Administrator of EPA. Such consultation shall take place within 30 days of the date on which the Secre- tary receives the file from the District Engineer or within such additional period of time as the Secretary and the Admin- istrator may agree upon. Following such consultation, the Secretary shall accept the findings, determinations, and inter- pretations of the Administrator as to water quality standards and related water quality considerations, shall direct that the permit be denied if the Admin- istrator found or determined that the proposed discharge or deposit would vio- late applicable water quality standards, and shall otherwise give careful consid- eration to the recommendations of the Administrator before forwarding the case to the District Engineer with in- structions as to its disposition. (11) No permit will be issued: (i) In cases where the applicant, pur- suant to section 21(b) (1) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, is required to obtain a State or other appropriate certification that the discharge or deposit will not violate applicable water quality standards and such certification was denied; (ii) For discharges or _ deposits of harmful quantities of oil, as defined pur- suant to section 11 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act; (iii) If its issuance would be inconsist- ent with any finding, or determination, or interpretation of the Administrator pertaining to applicable water quality standards and related water - quality considerations; (iv) For materials designated as haz- ardous substances under regulations to be promulgated by the Administrator of EPA under section 12 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, except with the approval of the Admin- istrator; (v) If the proposed discharge or de- posit will contain a toxic or other sub- stance (other than materials designated as hazardous under regulations to be promulgated by the Administrator of EPA under section 12 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended) and if, on the advice of the Regional Representative of EPA, it ap- pears tdiat a permit cannot be condi- tioned to ensure that the proposed dis- charge or deposit will not pose any sig- nificant risk to health or safety. District Engineers are precluded from issuing permits in such cases. The listing is not intended to identify all of the cases or circumstances in which the denial of a permit may be appropriate. (e) Authority to issue permits. The Refuse Act provides that, "the Secretary of the Army, whenever in the judgment of the Chief of Engineers anchorage and navigation will not be injured thereby, may permit the deposit of any material * * in navigable waters, within limits to be defined and under conditions to be prescribed by him * ? * ." The Chief of Engineers, in the exercise of his judg- ment under the Act, has made the gen- eral determination that anchorage and navigation will not be injured when the discharge or deposit permitted will cause no significant displacement of water or reduction in the navigable capacity of a waterway. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the Secretary of the Army FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 36, NO. 67?WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1971 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 RULES AND REGULATIONS has authorized the Chief of Engineers and his authorized representatives to is- sue permits' allowing discharges or de- posits into navigable waters or tributaries thereof, if evaluation leads to the con- clusion that (1) as determined by the Chief of Engineers, anchorage and navi- gation will not be injured thereby, and (2) issuance of a permit will not be in- consistent with the policy guidance pre- scribed in paragraph (d) of this section. Accordingly, within these limitations, District Engineers are authorized, except in cases which are to be referred to higher authority for decision (see para- graphs (d) (10) and (1) (7) of this sec- tion), to issue permits or to deny permit applications for discharges or deposits covered by the Refuse Act Permit Program. (f) Relationship to other corps permits. (1) Operators of facilities constructed in navigable waters under a valid construc- tion or other permit issued pursuant to section 10 or pursuant to sections 10 (33 U.S.C. 403) and 13 (33 U.S.C. 407) of the Rivers and Harbors Act approved March 3,1899, must apply for and receive a new permit under the Refuse Act Permit Pro- gram in order to lawfully discharge into or place deposits in a navigable waterway or tributary. (2) Any person wishing to undertake work in navigable waters which may also result in a discharge or deposit into such navigable waters or tributaries thereof must apply for a permit under section 403 for such work and for a per- mit under section 407 to cover any pro- posed discharge or deposit. However, if the work proposed to be undertaken in navigable waters is limited to the con- struction of a minor outfall structure (one which will not involve any signifi- cant amount of work, either construc- tion or dredging and filling, in the navigable waterway) from which the proposed discharge or deposit will flow, District Engineers may in their discretion issue a single permit under this regula- tion (ER 1145-2-321). If a single permit is issued authorizing both work in nav- igable waters and a discharge or deposit, the permit should cite both sections 403 and 407 as authority for its issuance. (g) Information required with an ap- plication. (1) An applicant for a permit involving a discharge or deposit into a navigable waterway or tributary thereof must file the required application form(s) with the District Engineer, A plant, facility, or other establishment which has multiple outlets from which discharges or deposits may flow may use a single application form to apply for a permit covering all proposed dis- charge(s) or deposit(s) : Provided, however, That the discharge or deposit from each outlet shall be separately de- scribed and the outlet specifically iden- tified. The form will also require information which will fully identify the character of the discharge(s) or depos- it(s) and describe the monitoring de- vices and procedures which will be used to gather information and maintain rec- ords on discharges and deposits. Such information shall include, but need not be limited to, data pertaining to chemi- cal content, water temperature differen- tials, toxins, sewage, amount and fre- quency of discharge or deposit and the type and quantity of solids involved, if any. If the discharge(s) or deposit(s) will include solids of any type, appli- cants will be required to (i) identify the proposed method of instrumentation to determine the effect of the deposit of solids on the waterway, and (ii) either assume responsibility for the periodic,re- moval of such solids by dredging or agree to reimburse the United States for costs associated with such dredging. (2) An application submitted by a corporation must be signed by the prin- cipal executive officer of that corpora- tion or by an official of the rank of corporate vice president or above who reports directly to such principal execu- tive officer and who has been designated by the principal executive officer to make such applications on behalf of the corpo- ration. In the case of a partnership or a sole proprietorship, the application must be signed by a general partner or the pro- prietor. Each application must contain a certification by the person signing the application that he is familiar with the information provided and that to the best of his knowledge and belief such Information is complete and accurate. Attention is directed to the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 1001 which provides for pos- sible fines and imprisonment in the case of false statements. (3) A fee of one hundred dollars ($100) will be charged in connection with each application for a permit under the Refuse Act Permit Program which in- volves no more than one outlet from which a discharge or deposit will flow. If there is more than one outlet from which a discharge or deposit will flow, an additional fifty dollars ($50) will be charged for each additional outlet. Such fee shall be used to help defray the cost of administering the program. Agencies or instrumentalities of Federal, State, or local governments will not be required to pay any fee in connection with the fil- ing of an application for a permit re- quired under the Refuse Act Permit Program. This fee structure will be re- viewed from tune to time as experience with the program is developed. (h) State certification. (1) Section 21 ( b ) (1) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, provides that "Any applicant for a Federal license or permit to conduct any activity includ- ing, but not limited to, the construction or operation of facilities, which may re- sult in any discharge into the navigable waters of the United States, shall pro- vide the licensing or permitting agency a certification from the State in which the discharge originates or will originate, or, if appropriate, from the interstate water pollution control agency having jurisdic- tion over the navigable waters at the point where the discharge originates or will originate, that there is reasonable assurance, as determined by the State or interstate agency that such activity will 6567 be conducted in a manner which will not violate applicable water quality stand- ards * * *. No license or permit shall be granted until the certification required by this section has been obtained or has been waived ? ? *." i.e., "if the [certifying agency] ? " fails or refuses to act on a request for certification, within a reason- able period of time (which shall not ex- ceed 1 year) after receipt of such re- quest * * ?." Six months shall generally be considered to be a reasonable period of time. If, however, special circumstances identified by either the District Engineer or the Regional Representative of EPA require that action on a permit applica- tion under the Refuse Act be taken within a more limited period of time, the District Engineer shall determine a rea- sonable lesser period of time, advise the Regional Representative and the certify- ing agency of the need for action by a particular date and that, if certification is not received by the date established, it will be considered that the requirement for certification has been waived. Simi- larly, if it appears that circumstances may reasonably require a period of time longer than 6 months, the District Engi- neer may afford the certifying agency up to 1 year to provide the required certi- fication before determining what a waiver has occurred. District Engineers shall check with the certifying agency at the end of the allotted period of time be- fore determining that a waiver has oc- curred. Sections 21 (b) (7) and (b) (8) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, identify circumstances in which permits of limited duration may issue without the certification required by section 21(b) (1) . See paragraph ( n ) of this section. (2) Except as provided in subpara- graph (3) of this paragraph, discharges or deposits into navigable waters require certification pursuant to 21(b) (1). Dis- trict Engineers will accept but will not fully process a permit application until the applicant has provided the required certification. If the application is not accompanied by the required certifica- tion the applicant shall (i) provide the appropriate certifying agency with a completed copy of the application form required to be filed by paragraph (g) (1) of this section, and (ii) file a copy of the certification application with the District Engineer. These steps will enable the District Engineer to determine if the certification required is being waived by inaction on the part of the certifying authority. (3) In cases involving a discharge or deposit into a norunavigable tributary, certification pursuant to 21(b) is not re- quired. In cases involving a discharge or deposit into a navigable waterway from a facility which existed or was lawfully under construction prior to April 3,1970, certification is not required until April 3, 1973. In either case, it will be the policy of the Corps of Engineers not to fully process a permit application until the ap- plicant or the State has provided a writ- ten communication from the State de- scribing the impact of the proposed FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 36, NO. 67?WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1971 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R00380016.0011.-4 6568 discharge or deposit and indicating the views of the State on the desirability of granting a permit. If such a written communication is not provided within a reasonable period of time this require- ment shall be waived. Six months shall generally be considered to be a reason- able period of time. If, however, special circumstances identified by either the District Engineer or the Regional Repre- sentative of EPA require that action on a permit application be taken within a more limited period of time, the District Engineer shall determine a lesser reason- able period of time, advise the Regional Representative and the appropriate State agency that the written communication should be received by a particular date and that if it is not received by the date established, action may be taken on the Permit application without the written communication. Similarly, if it appears that circumstances may reasonably re- quire a period of time longer than 6 months, the District Engineer may af- ford the State up to 1 year to provide the written communication before deter- mining that a waiver has occurred. Dis- trict Engineers shall check with the State at the end of the allotted period of time before determining that a waiver has occurred. (4) As provided in subsection 21 (b) (6) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, agencies or instrumen- talities of the Federal Government will eot be required to apply to the State or other certifying agency for a certification relating to the proposed discharge or de- posit. Similarly, agencies or instrumen- talities of the Federal Government will not be required to apply for the written communication described in subpara- graph (3) of this paragraph. (i) Processing of permit applications. (1) When an application for a permit is received, care should be taken to assure the t the applicant has provided all of the information required by the application form and by this section. Copies of ap- plications received and all other infor- mation received relating thereto will be promptly forwarded by the District En- gineer to the Regional Representative of EPA for subsequent transmittal to the appropriate certifying or commenting aeency. (2) When all of the required inforrna- tied has been provided, including the re- quired certification or written communi- cation discussed in paragraph (h) of this section, the applicant shall be advised that his application is in order and that it will be processed as expeditiously as possible. (3) When the application is found to be in order the District Engineer shall promptly forward a complete copy of the application or such additional informa- tion as has not already been furnished to the Regional Representative of EPA. Copies of the completed application should also be furnished to the appropri- ate Regional Director of the National Marine Fisheries Service of NOAA and to the appropriate Regional Coordinator or Field Representative of the Depart- ment of the Interior and, in cases involv- RULES AND REGULATIONS ing a facility which has or will require a license from the Federal Power Commis- sion (FPC) or the Atomic Energy Com- mission (AEC), to the FPC or the AEC. The Regional Representative of EPA Will be asked to review the application and to (i) advise the District Engineer within 30 days whether the proposed discharge or deposit may affect the quality of waters of another State (as required by section 21(b) (2) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended), and (ii) provide the other information iden- tified in paragraph (d) (7) of this section within 45 days. If, however, additional time beyond said 45 days (or any exten- sion thereof) is required to respond, the Regional Representative shall notify the District Engineer and shall advise him as to the additional period of time which will be required to provide such informa- tion. In cases where a Regional Rep- resentative does not provide such information and advice to a District En- gineer within the time period specified herein (including any extensions of time required by the Regional Representative) the written advice furnished by a State or other certifying authority shall be considered by the District Engineer to be the advice of the Regional Represen- tative, provided, however, that if the State or other certifying authority has waived its opportunity to certify or to otherwise comment on the permit appli- cation, the District Engineer may not take action on the permit application in the absence of an expression of views by the Regional Representative of FPA. In the event that the Regional Representa- tive determines that the proposed dis- charge or deposit may affect the quality of the waters of another State and that other State determines that the proposed discharge will affect the quality of its waters so as to violate water quality standards, objects to the issuance of a permit, and requests a public hear- ing, the matter should be reported to the Chief of Engineers, Attention: ENGGC-K. -(4) When copies of the permit appli- cation are furnished to the representa- tives of EPA, NOAA and Interior, a pub- lic notice, as described in paragraph (I) of this section, will be posted in post of- fices and other public places in the vicin- ity of the site of the proposed discharge or deposit. A copy of the public notice shall also be sent to the applicant, to State, county, or municipal authorities, to the heads of State agencies having re- sponsibility for water quality improve- ment and wildlife resources, and to the Chief of Engineers, Attention: ENGCW- ON. In addition, copies of the public no- tice shall be sent to all other parties known to be interested In the application, including navigation interests, adjacent property owners and conservation orga- nizations. However, if, in the judgment of the District Engineer, sending individual notice to all other parties known to be in- terested in the application is considered to be impracticable because of the num- ber of individual mailings that would be required, the public notice shall be pub- lished for 5 consecutive' days in the lo- cal newspaper. If the local newstraper is not a daily, the public notice should be published in the local newspaper and for 5 consecutive days in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the proposed discharge or deposit is to occur. If the notice is published in the news- paper(s) , the applicant shall reimburse the District Engineer for the costs of publication. (5) Water quality certifications pursu- ant to section 21(b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, the comments of all governmental agencies on a permit application, and all information and data provided by an applicant or a per- mittee identifying the nature and fre- quency of a discharge or deposit shall be available for examination by the public in the Office of the District Engineer. All other information or data which may be submitted by an applicant in connection with a permit application or which may be furnished by a permittee in connec- tion with required periodic reports shall also be available to the public unless the applicant or manatee specifically iden- tifies and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative that the disclosure of such information or data to the general public would divulge methods or processes entitled to protec- tion as trade secrets. (6) If notice of the permit application evokes substantial public interest a pub- lic hearing may be held. Policy with re- spect to the holding and conduct of public hearings is discussed in paragraph (k) of this section. (7) District Engineers may, consistent with the policy guidance contained in paragraph (d) of this section, and, after considering all of the information de- veloped with respect to the permit appli- cation, including written or oral info] !nation presented in response to a public notice or at a public hearing, issue a permit with or without conditions, or deny it, provided, however, that if a Dis- trict Erie weer determines that issuance' of a permit with or without conditions is appropriate but there is objection to the issuance of the proposed permit by the Regional Representative of EPA on grounds related to water quality, the matter most be forwarded to higher au- thority for resolution by the Secretary and the Administrator as provided for in paragraph (d) (10) of this section. If the Regional Representative of EPA does not object to the issuance of a permit and the District Engineer determines that is- suance of a permit with or without con- ditions is appropriate but there is continuing objection to the issuance of a permit by either the Regional Coordina- tor or Field Representative of the De- partment of the Interior or the Regional Director of the National Marine Fisheries Service of NOAA on the grounds that the discharge or deposit will have a signifi- cant and unreasonable adverse impact on fish and wildlife resources, the District Engineer shall not proceed with the is- suance of a permit if, immediately upon FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 36, NO. 67?WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1971 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 receipt of notice from the District Engi- neer that he intends to issue a permit, such Regional Coordinator, Field Repre- sentative or Regional Director indicates to the District .Engineer in writing that he wishes to bring his concerns to the at- tention of higher officials in Washington. In such cases, the proposed permit may be issued at the expiration of 30 days from the date of receipt of the letter from the Regional Coordinator, Field Representative or Regional Director unless, prior to that time, as a result of consultations in Washington, it is di- rected that the matter be forwarded to higher authority for resolution by the Secretary of the Army, the Administra- tor of EPA and, as appropriate, the Sec- retary of Commerce or the Secretary of Interior. Thereafter, a permit will be issued only pursuant to and in accord- ance with instructions from such higher authority. Every effort should be made to resolve differences at the District Engi- neer level before referring the matter to higher authority. (j) Public notice. (1) As required by paragraph (i) (4) of this section, a pub- lic notice will be issued after a permit application is determined to be in proper order. In cases where the permit applied for pertains to a discharge or deposit and does not involve construction or other work in navigable waters, the notice shall (i) state the name and address of the applicant, (ii) identify the waterway in- volved and provide a sketch showing the location of the prpposed discharge or de- posit. (iii) fully identify the character and frequency of the discharge or deposit (iv) include any other information (such as the views of the State on the permit application) which may assist interested parties in evaluating the likely impact of the proposed discharge or deposit, if any, (v) provide 30 days within which inter- ested parties may express their views con- cerning the permit application. All pub- lic notices involving a proposed discharge or deposit shall contain the following statement: The decision as to whether or on what conditions a permit authorizing a discharge or deposit will or will not be issued under the Refuse Act will be based on an evalua- tion of the impact which the proposed dis- charge or deposit m^.y have on (I) anchorage and navigation, (11) applicable water quality standards and related water quality consid- erations, including environmental values reflected in water quality standard, and WO fish and wildlife values not reflected in or adequately protected by applicable water quality standards, if any. In the event that individual states may, in connection with applications for cer- tifications required by subsection 21(b) (1) of the Federal Water Pollution Con- trol Act, as amended, wish to enter into arrangements for joint public notice con- cerning proposed discharges or deposits, the Chief of Engineers may, after con- sulting with the Environmental Protec- tion Agency, approved mutually satisfac- tory arrangements. (2) Comments received from inter- ested parties within the period provided for in the public notice or within such No. 07?Pt. RULES AND REGULATIONS extensions of time for filing such com- ments as may be granted by the District Engineer will be retained and will be considered in determining whether the permit applied for should be issued. (3) In addition to advising the appli- cant in writing of the final action taken on his application, including the reasons therefor if the application is denied, the District or Division Engineer will pro- vide a copy to any member of Congress who has expressed an interest in the particular permit application. Other persons interested in the final action taken on an application may contact the District Engineer. (4) When objections to the issuance of a permit are received in response to a public notice, the Division or District Engineer will furnish the applicant with copies of the objections and afford him the opportunity to rebut or resolve the objections. (k) Public hearings. (1) It is the pol- icy of the Corps of Engineers to conduct the civil works program in an atmos- phere of public understanding, trust, and mutual cooperation and in a manner re- sponsive to the public interest. To this end, a public hearing may be helpful and will be held in connection with an ap- plication for a permit involving a dis- charge or deposit in navigable waters or tributaries thereof whenever, in the opinion of the District Engineer, such a hearing is advisable. In considering whether or not a public hearing is ad- visable, consideration will be given to the degree of interest by the public in the permit application, requests by the applicant or responsible Federal, State, or local authorities, including Members of the Congress, that a hearing be held, and the likelihood that information will be presented at the hearing that will be of assistance in determining whether the permit applied for should be issued. In this connection, a public hearing will not generally be held if there has been a prior hearing (local, State, or Federal) addressing the proposed discharge unless it clearly appears likely that the holding of a new hearing may result in the pres- entation of significant new information concerning the impact of the proposed discharge or deposit. The need +for a hearing will be reported to the Division Engineer and his concurrence obtained. In certain circumstances a public hear- ing may be mandatory (see subpara- graph (5) of this paragraph). (2) In cases where it is determined that a public hearing should be held and It appears that the impact of the pro- posed discharge or deposit on applicable water quality standards or related water quality considerations will be an issue which will be raised at the hearing, the hearing shall be jointly held by both the District Engineer and the Regional Rep- resentative of EPA. (3) The success of a public hearing depends upon the degree to which all interests are aware of the hearing and understand the issues involved. The fol- lowing steps will be taken for each hearing: 6569' (i) A public notice will be prepared and issued in clear, concise, objective style. The notice shall state the purpose of the hearing, provide details of time and place, and fully identify the loca- tion, character, and frequency of the proposed discharge or deposit. (ii) The public notice will be given at least 30 days in advance of the hearing in the same manner as the public notice required under paragraph (i) (4) of this section. In addition, copies of the public notice will be provided to news media within the geographical area, and ap- propriate specialized news media for reaching interested groups and orga- nizations. (iii) As appropriate, supplementary informational matter, fact sheets, or more detailed news releases, will be dis- tributed to the general or specialized news media. (iv) Notice will be given to interested members of the Congress and Governors of the States involved. ?4) The hearing will be conducted in a manner that permits open and full discussion of any issues involved. A transcript of the hearing, together with copies of relevant documents, will be- come a part of the permit application record. (5) In addition to the hearings which may be required by the policy specified in the preceding paragraphs, hearings are required under sections 21(b) (2) and 21(b) (4) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act when (i) a State, other than the State of origin, objects to the issu- ance of a permit and requests a hearing on its objections or (ii) the Secretary of the Army proposes to suspend a De- partment of the Army permit upon noti- fication by the certifying authority that applicable water quality standards will be violated. When a hearing is required pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act the matter should be re- ported to the Chief of Engineers, Atten- tion: ENGGC-K. The Chief of Engineers will provide additional guidance with respect to holding of such hearings. (6) In any case, when a District Engi- neer intends to schedule a public hearing he shall notify the Regional Representa- tive of EPA not less than 10 days in ad- vance of the deadline for the filing of comments by such Representative upon the permit application. (1) Environmental impact statement. (1) Section 102(2) (C) of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 re- quires all Federal agencies, wtih respect to major Federal actions significantly affecting the quality of the human en- vironment, to submit to the Council on Environmental Quality a detailed state- ment on: (i) The environmental impact of the proposed action, (ii) Any adverse environmental effects which cannot be avoided should the pro- posal be implemented, (iii) Alternatives to the proposed action, (iv) The relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 36, NO. 67?WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 1971 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800180011,-4 6570 and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity, and (v) Any irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources which would be involved in the proposed action should it. be implemented. ? (2) Section 102(2) (C) statements will not be required in permit cases where it is likely that the proposed discharge will not have any significant impact on the human environment. Moreover, the Council on Environmental Quality has advised that such statements will not be required where the only impact of proposed discharge or deposit will be on water quality and related water quality considerations because these matters are specifically addressed under subsections 21 (b) and (c), the Federal Water Pol- lution Control Act, as amended. How- ever, such statements shall be required in connection with proposed discharges or deposits which may have a significant environmental impact unrelated to water quality. In cases in which a section 102(2) (C) statement may be required. the report of the District Engineer accompanying any case referred to higher ? authority (see paragraphs (d) (10) and (i) (7) of this section) will contain a separate section addressing the environmental impact of the Pro- posed discharge or deposit, if any, and, if issuance of a permit is recommended, a draft section 1022)(C) statement should be attached. In all other cases in which a section 102(2) (C) statement is required the District Engineer shall draft, consult with, and obtain the comments of any Federal, State, and local agency which has jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to any environ- mental impact involved. In cases where the preparation of a 102(2) (C) state- ment is necessary, the District Engineer may require the applicant to furnish :,uch information as lie may consider necessary to prepare the required statement. ire) Publicity. District Engineers will, in consultation with Regional Represent- atives, establish and maintain a program to assure that potential applicants for permits are informed of the require- ments of this regulation and of the steps required to obtain permits for discharges into navigable waters. Whenever the Dis- trict Engineer becomes aware of plans being developed by either private or public entities who will require permits in order to implement the plans, a letter will be sent to the potential permittee advising him of statutory requirements and the need to apply for a permit under this section. (It) Duration of permits issued. (1) In cases where (i) certification pursuant to section 21(b) is required and has been received, (ii) certification is not required but the State has otherwise indicated that it has no objection to the issuance of a permit, or (iii) where certification or State views have not been received and the requirement for such certifica- tion or State views has been waived, but the Regional Representative of EPA has RULES AND REGULATIONS nd.ic -.led that EPA has no objection to the, issuance of a permit and issuance of such a permit is otherwise considered appropriate, a permit subject to revalida- tion at the expiration of 5 years may be issued: Provided, however, That a permit of longer duration and subject to such revalidation provisions as the District Engineer may consider appropriate may issue with the approval of the Adminis- trator of EPA or his authorized rep- resentative. (2) In cases involving a facility which was in existence or lawfully under con- struction prior to April 3, 1970, and it appears after evaluation that issuance of a Federal permit would be appropriate although certification pursuant to section 21(b) has not been provided, a permit may be issued, provided (i) that the per- mit will expire on April 2, 1973, and (ii) that it is conditioned so as to require annual demonstration by the permittee that the discharge or deposit is in com- pliance with applicable water quality implementation schedules. (3) Permits of less than 5 years' dura- tion may issue in appropriate cases and District Engineers shall give great weight to the advice of Regional Representatives of EPA on the appropriate duration for particular permits. (o) (1) [Reserved] (2) Permits shall include such special conditions as the Regional Representa- tive of EPA may consider necessary or appropriate to insure compliance with applicable water quality standards and the purposes of the Federal Water Pollu- tion Control Act. Permits shall also be subject to such special conditions as the District Engineer may, after consulta- tion with State and local agencies, In- terior, NOAA, and other appropriate Federal agencies, consider to be necessary or appropriate to insure that navigation and anchorage will not be injured, and to insure that the discharge or deposit will not have a significant and unreasonable adverse impact on fish and wildlife resources. (p) Violations of the Refuse Act or permit conditions. Discharges or deposits which are not authorized by an appro- priate permit issued under the author- ity of the Secretary of the Army are un- lawful and may result in the institution of legal proceedings under the Refuse Act. When a permit has been issued dis- charges or deposits must be consistent with the terms and conditions of such permit. Discharges or deposits in viola- tion of permit terms or conditions shall result in the institution of legal proceed- ings under the Refuse Act end/or the Initiation of administrative proceedings to suspend or revoke the permit. [Rep.. Apr. 1, 1971, ENGCW-ON1 (Sec. 7, 40 Stat. 288; 33 U.S.C. 1; sec. 3012, 70A Stat. 157: 10 U.S.C. 3012) For the Adjutant General. EDWIN A. DAYTON, LTC, AGC, Chief, Plans Office, TAGO. [FR Doc.71-4808 Piled 4-6-71;8:49 am] Title 49 TRANSPORTATION Subtitle A-Office of the Secretary of ? Transportation [OST Docket No. 1; Arndt. 1-47] PART 1-ORGANIZATION AND DELE- GATION OF POWERS AND DUTIES Delegations of Authority The purpose of this amendment is to delegate certain of the Secretary's func- tions under the Federal-Aid Highway and Highway Safety Acts of 1970 (Public Law 91-605) and the Federal Railroad Safety Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-458) to the Federal Highway Administrator and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administrator. Since this amendment relates to De- partmental management, procedures, and practices, notice and public proce- dure thereon is unnecessary and it may be made effective in. less than 30 days after publication in the FEDERAL REGISTER. In consideration of the foregoing, ef- fective March 30, 1971, Part 1 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, is amended as follows: a. Paragraph (b) of ? 1.48 is amended and new paragraphs (n) and (o) are added to read as follows: ? 1.48 Delegations to Federal Highway Administrator. The Federal Highway Administrator is delegated authority to.- * (b) Administer the following laws related generally to highways: (1) Chapters 1 (except sec. 134(b) and 138), 2, 3, and 5 of title 23, United States Code, including the apportion- ment of funds for Federal-Aid High- ways once Congress approves estimates submitted by the Secretary; (2) The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1970 except sec.. 118) (84 Stat. 1713) ; )3) The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1968, as amended e82 Stat. 815) ; (4) The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1966, as amended (80 Stat. 766) ; (5) The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1962, as amended (76 Stat. 1145, 23 U.S.C. 307 note) ; (6) The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1954, as amended (68 Stat. 70) ; (7) The Act of September 26, 1961, as amended (75 stat. 670) : (8) The Highway Revenue Act of 1956, as amended (70 Stat. 387, 23 U.S.C. 120 note) ; (9) The Highway Beautification Act of 1965, as amended (79 Stat. 1028, 23 U.S.C. 131 et seq. notes) ; (10) The Alaska Omnibus Act, as amended (73 Stat. 141, 48 U.S.C. 21, note prec.) ; (11) The Joint Resolution of August 28, 1965, as amended (79 Stat. 578, 23 U.S.C. 101 et seq., notes) ; (12) Section 502(c) of the General Bridge Act of 1946, as amended (.60 Stat. 847,33 U.S.C. 525(c)); Menet REGISTER, VOL. 36 NO 67--.INEGNESDLY.._ APRIL _7 _147.1 Approved For Release 200/04/29 : CIA-RDPOil-UU7o0N003800160011-4 ? ORGANIZATION Approved For Release 2003/04/ A-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 * CORPS OF ENGINEERS INSTALLATIONS AREA CODE & TELEPHONE NUMBER DUTY HOURS NON DUTY HOURS CHIEF OF ENGINEERS 202 693-7000 Mail Address: 545-6700** Department of the Army Washington, D. C. 20314 Office Location: James Forrestal Building Washington, D. C. Duty Officer, OCE Mon-Fri until 1830 hrs - 693-7138, Sat until 1200 hrs - 693-7138 Sun, Holidays, Mon-Fri after 1830 hrs and Sat after 1200 hrs - OX-50163* General Information ENGINEER INSPECTOR GENERAL Rn G-A-346, Forrestal Bldg Washington, D. C. 20314 ATLANTA Field Office, EIG Rn 406, Title Bldg 30 Pryor St., S. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 CHICAGO Field Office, EIG Rn 225, 536 S. Clark St. Chicago, Illinois 60605 FT BELVOIR Field Office, EIG Bldg T-2316 Ft. Belvoir, Va., 22060 AND ACTIVITIES LIST OFFICER IN CHARGE LTG Frederick J. Clarke SYMBOLS NOTES OFFICE HOURS ENGCE 0745-1615 EDT ? 202 693-6456 202 693-6870 703 521-7152 COL H. N. Tufts ENGIG 0745-1615 EDT 404 526-6658 631-5652 COL Carl A. Lee ENGIG -A 0730-1600 EDT 312 353-6313 433-5150 COL Karl F. Stark ENGIG-C 0815-1645 CDT 353-6314 703 664-1306 664-2952 COL Philip E. Phaneuf ENGIG-B 0745-1615 EDT Code 192 X-41306 APRIL 1971 *DA Adjutant General Duty Officer will give OCE Duty Officer home telephone number, Area Code 202, 695-0163, Local OXford 50163. **To reach person whose extension is not known. Refer to ER 1-1-141 for reporting changes and corrections. Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ? Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ORGANIZATION SAN FRANCISCO Field Office, EIG Mail Address: Rn 1216 630 Sansome St. San Francisco, Ca., 94111 Office Location: Rio 108 630 Sansome St. San Francisco, Ca. OCE PUBLICATIONS DEPOT 4300 Wheeler Ave. Alexandria, Va., 22304 U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV,'HUNTSVILLE Mail Address: P. O. Box 1600 West Station Huntsville, Ala., 35807 Office Location: 106 Wynn Drive Huntsville, Ala. AREA CODE & TELEPHONE NUMBER DUTY HOURS NON DUTY HOURS OFFICER IN CHARGE SYMBOLS NOTES OFFICE HOURS 415 556-5081 202 694-7770 574-3991 COL George Mason Mrs. D. Percival DIVISIONS AND DISTRICTS 205 895-5460 895-5150** U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, LOWER MISS. VALLEY 601 636-1311 Mail Address: X-201 P. O. Box 80 636-1311** Vicksburg, Miss., 39180 Office Location: Corner Crawford & Walnut Sts. Vicksburg, Miss U. S. Army Engr WATERBORNE COMMERCE STATISTICS CENTER Mail Address: P. O. Box 61280 New Orleans, La., 70160 U. S. Army Engr Dist, MEMPHIS 668 Federal Office, Bldg. Memphis, Tenn. 38103 504 865-1121 X-323 901 534-3221 534-3618 ENGIG-S 0730-1600 PDT ENGAS-PD 0745-1615 EDT 837-4893 BG Bates C. Burnell HND 3 0745-1630 CDT 636-1311 MG A. P. Rollins, Jr. LMV 2&5 0800-1645 CDT 282-2835 Charles J. Huard LW/CS 0745-1615 CDT 397-7501 COL John V. Parrish Jr. LMM 2&5 0745-1630 CDT 2 410 Approved For Release 2003/04 IA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ' U. S. Army Engr Dist, NEW ORLEANS .Mail Address: P. 0. ,Box 60267 New Orleans, La. 70160 Office Location: Foot of Prytania St. New Orleans, La. U. .S. Army Engr Dist, ST. LOUIS 210 North 12 St. St. Louis, Mo. 63101 U. S. Army Engr Dist, Mail Address: P. O. Box 60 Vicksburg, Miss. Office Location: USPO & Courthouse Vicksburg, Miss. VICKSBURG 39180 Bldg. U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, MEDITERRANEAN APO N.Y. 09019 (Leghorn), Italy 20 Approved For Release 2003/04/ A -RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 504 865-1121 COL Herbert R. Haar, Jr. LMN X-200 865-1121** 314 268-2821 314 434-5220 COL Carroll N. LeTellier LMS 268-2871** 601 636-1311 636-1311 COL Marvin W. Rees LMK X-401 636-5962** 57100 X-8305 or 56018 37663 COL R. L. Kackley, Jr. MDD X-8306 Telephone: Call Switchboard HQ 8th Logistical Command (Camp Darby), Liborno (Leghorn), Italy. Military Circuit - Place call through Heidelberg, Germany - Ask for Camp Darby Military Civil Circuit - Civil number Livorno (Leghorn), Italy 93001 (Camp Darby Switchboard) U. S. Army Liaison Detachment 26 Federal Plaza New York, N. Y. 10007 U. S. Army Engr Dist, SAUDI ARABIA APO (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia) New York, 09038 U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, MISSOURI RIVER Mail Address P. O. Box 103 Downtown Station Omaha, Nebraska 68101 Office Location: USPO & Courthouse 215 North 17th St. Omaha, Nebraska U. S. Army Engr Dist, KANSAS CITY 700 Federal Bldg. 601 E. 12th St. Kansas City, Mo. 64106 212 264-0215 769-0879 LT Robert J. Danylo MDR 264-3311** Muraba 270 COL Robert W. Reisacher MDS 402 221-3001 453-0202 BG J. W. Morris MRD 221-1221** 816 374-3201 913 649-6086 COL Reuben L. Anderson, Jr. MRK 374-3896** 3 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 11110 2&5 0800-1630 CDT 2&5 0800-1645 CDT 2&5 0800-1700 CDT 3 0800-1700 CMT 3 08301700 EDT 0730-1630 Sat - Wed GMT + 3 1&4 0800-1630 CDT 2&4 0745-1630 CDT ? Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ORGANIZATION AREA CODE & TELEPHONE NUMBER DUTY HOURS NON DUTY HOURS OFFICER IN CHARGE SYMBOLS NOTES OFFICE HOURS U. S. Army Engr Dist, OMAHA 402 221-3900 453-0202 MRO 1&4 0745-1630 CDT 7410 USPO & Courthouse 221-1221** 215 North 17th St. Omaha, Nebraska 68102 U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, NEW ENGLAND 617 894-2400 894-2404 COL Frank P. Bane ' NED 2&5 0800-1630 EDT 424 Trapelo Road X-220 Waltham, Mass. 02154 894-2400** U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, NORTH ATLANTIC 212 264-7101 825-1484 MG Charles M. Duke NAD 1&4 0830-1700 EDT 90 Church St. New York, N.Y. 10007 U. S. Army Engr Dist, BALTIMORE 301 962-4545 677-5702 COL William J. Love NAB 1&4 0815-1645 EDT Mail Address: 962-2020 P. O. Box 1715 Baltimore, Md. 21203 Office Location: 31 Hopkins Plaza Baltimore, Md. BALTIMORE HARBOR, Supervisor of 301 962-4545 677-5702 COL L. H. Prentiss NABDE 0800-1645 EDT P. O. Box 1715 962-3311** 'Baltimore, Md. 21203 U. S. Army Engr Dist, NEW YORK 212 264-0100 264-3311 COL James W. Barnett NAN 1&4 0815-1700 EDT 26 Federal Plaza 264-3311** New York, N.Y. 10007 NEW YORK HARBOR, Supervisor of 212 264-0100 212 825,4641 COL James W. Barnett NAO 2&5 0800-1630 EDT 26 Federal Plaza 264-3311** New York, N. Y. 10003 U. S. Army Engr Dist, NORFOLK 703 625-8201 625-8201 COL James H. Tormey NAO 2&5 0800-1630 EDT 803 Front St. X-231 X-306 Norfolk, Va. 23510 625-8201** . X-238 NORFOLK HARBOR, Supervisor of 703 625-8201 722-4607 COL James H. Tormey NAO 0800-1630 EDT 803 Front St. Norfolk, Va. 23510 Approved For Release 2003/04/ IA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 4 Approved For Release 2003/04/ -RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 11110 U. S. Army Engr Dist, PHILADELPHIA 215 597-4849 649-5702 COL Carroll D. Strider NAP 2&5 0800-1645 EDT U.S. Custom House 597-4701** 2nd ,& Chestnut St. Philadelphia, Pa. 19106 U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, NORTH CENTRAL 312 353-6310 646-2183 BG Ernest Graves NCD 1&5 0800-1630 CDT 536S. Clark St. Chicago, Ill. 60605 U. S., Army Engr Dist, BUFFALO 716 876-5454 876-5454 COL Ray S. Hansen NCB 1 0800-1630 EDT 1776 Niagara St. X-12 X-13 Buffalo, N.Y. 14207 U. S. Army Engr Dist. CHICAGO 312 353-6400 646-2183 COL William G. Stewart NCC 1 0815-1645 CDT 219 S. Dearborn St. 353-6405** Chicago, Ill. 60604 U. S. Army Engr Dist, DETROIT 313 226-6762 568-2840 COL Myron D. Smoke NCE 2 0800-1630 EDT Mail Address: 226-6000** P.O. Box 1027 Detroit, Mich. 48231 Office Location: 150 Michigan Ave. ? Detroit, Mich. U. S. Army Engr Dist, ROCK ISLAND 309 788-6361 COL James E. Bunch NCR 2&5 0800-1700 CDT Clock Tower Bldg. X-224 Rock Island, Ill. 61201 U. S. Army Engr Dist, ST. PAUL 612 725-7501 COL Charles I. McGinnis NCS 2 0745-1630 CDT 1210 U.S. PO & Costom House 725-7506** St. Paul, Minn. 55101 U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, NORTH PACIFIC 503 226-3361 226-7389 BG Roy S. Kelley NPD 1&4 0800-1645 PDT Rn 210, Custom House X-2500 Portland, Ore. 97209 226-3361** U. S. Army Engr Dist, ALASKA 907 752-9114 or COL Amos C. Mathews NPA 1&4 0730-1615 ADT P.O. Box 7002 279-1132 Anchorage, Alaska 99501 752-9114** U. S. Army Engr Dist, PORTLAND 503 777-4441 771-3181 COL Paul D. Triem NPP 2&5 0745-1615 PDT Mail Address: X-200 P.O. Box 2946 771-4441** Portland, Ore. 97208 Office Location: 2850 S.E. 82nd Ave. Portland, Ore. 5 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ORGANIZATION Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 AREA CODE & TELEPHONE NUMBER DUTY HOURS NON DUTY HOURS OFFICER IN CHARGE SYMBOLS NOTES OFFICE HOURS U. S. Army Engr Dist, SEATTLE 206 682-2700 1519 Alaskan Way South X-300 Seattle, Wash. 98134 682-2700** U. S. Army Engr Dist, WALLA WALLA 509 525-5500 Bldg. 602, City-County Airport X-100 Walla Walla, Wash. 99362 525-5500** U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, OHIO RIVER. 513 684-3002 Mail Address: 684-3001** P.O. Box 1159 Cincinnati, Ohio 45201 Office Location: 550 Main St. Cincinnati, Ohio U. S. Army Engr Dist, HUNTINGTON 304 529-2318 Mail Address: X-253 P. O. Box 2127 529-2318** Huntington, W. Va. 25721 Office Location: 502 8th St. Huntington, W. Va. U. S. Army Engr Dist, LOUISVILLE Mail Address: P. O. Box 59 Louisville, Ky. 40201 Office Location: 600 Federal Place Louisville, Ky. U. S. Army Engr Dist, NASHVILLE Mail Address: P.O. Box. 1070 Nashville, Tenn. 37202 Office Location: 306 Federal Office Bldg. Nashville, Tenn. U. S. Army Engr Dist, PITTSBURGH Federal Bldg. t 1000 Liberty Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 ? 502 582-5601 582-5011** 682-2700 COL Howard L. Sargeant, Jr. NPS 2&4 0800-1630 PDT 525-5511 COL Richard M. Connell NPW 2&5 0730-1615 PDT MG W. L. Starnes ORD 2&5 0800-1630 EDT 525-8332 COL Maurice D. Roush ORB 2 0800-1645 EDT 502 774-3514 COL John T. Rhett, Jr. ORL 2 0800-1645 EDT 615 749-6526 356-0476 COL John C. Bell ORN 2&5 0730-1615 CDT 749-5651** 412 644-6800 644-6802** COL E. C. West ORP 2&5 0730-1600 EDT ? Approved For Release 2003/04/ -RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, PACIFIC OCEAN * Bldg. 96 Ft t Armstrong Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 4114 Approved For Release 2003/04/2 -RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Pacific Ocean Division, MID-PACIFIC Bldg. 96 Ft. Armstrong Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Pacific Ocean Division, WEST PACIFIC APO San Francisco, Ca., 96331 Korea Office (Far East District) APO San Francisco, Ca., 96301 U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, SOUTH ATLANTIC 510 Title Bldg. 30 Pryor St., S. W. Atlanta, Ga. 30303 U. S. Army Engr Dist, CANAVERAL Mail Address: P.O. Box 21065 Kennedy Space Cntr, Fla. 32815 Office Location: Bldg. K6-1146 Kennedy Space Cntr, Fla. U. S. Army Engr Dist, CHARLESTON Mail Address: P.O. Box 919 Charleston, S. C. 29402 Office Location: Federal Bldg. 334 Meeting St. Charleston, S. C. U. S. Army Engr Dist, JACKSONVILLE Mail Address: P.O. Box 4970 Jacksonville, Fla. 32201 Office Location: Federal Bldg. 400 West Bay St. Jacksonville, Fla. 808 543-2615 422-2711** 808 543-2711 422-2711** 51246 2917-300 2917-360 (Seoul, Korea) 404 526-6711 526-0111** 305 867-2003 803 577-4171 X-229 577-4171** 904 791-2241 791-2011** 808 543-2093 808 422-9381 55206 293-4182 577-3039 285-6781 COL George B. Fink COL Roy A. Sanders COL Franklin R. Day COL Wesley Peel MG Richard H. Free LTC Vito D. Stipo COL Burke W. Lee COL Avery S. Fullerton POD PODMP PODWP PODWP-K SAD SAC SAN SAJ Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ? 164 0730-1600 EDT 164 0730-1600 HDT 366 0745-1630 3 0800-1700 EDT 164 0745-1630 EDT 3 0745-1630 EDT 2 0800-1630 EDT 264 0745-1630 EDT Approved For ReleaVS#2803/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 TELEPHONE NUMBER ORGANIZATION DUTY HOURS NON DUTY HOURS OFFICER IN CHARGE SYMBOLS NOTES OFFICE HOURS U. S. Army Engr Dist, MOBILE 205 473-0311 473-7362 COL Harry A. Griffith SAM 1&4 0800-1630 CDT Mail Address: X-411 P.O. Box 2288 473-0311** Mobile, Ala. 36601 Office Location: 2301 Airport Blvd. Mobile, Ala. U. S. Army Engr Dist, SAVANNAH 912 233-8822 233-8825 COL Howard L. Strohecker SAS 1&4 0800-1645 EDT Mail Address: X-226 P.O. Box 889 233-8822** Savannah, Ga. 31402 Office Location: . 200 E. Saint Julian St. Savannah, GA. U. S. Army Engr Dist, WILMINGTON 919 763-9971 762-7035 COL Paul S. Denison SAW 2 0800-1645 EDT Mail Address: X-466 P.O. Box 1890 763-9971** Wilmington, N. C. 28401 Office Location: 308 Federal Bldg. U.S. Courthouse Wilmington, N. C. U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, SOUTH PACIFIC 415 556-0914 556-0914 BG Frank A. Cairns SPD 1.E.4 0745-1615 PDT Mail Address: 630 Sansome St., Rn 1216 San Francisco, Calif. 94111 U. S. Army Engr Dist, LOS ANGELES 213 688-5300 688-5522 COL Robert J. Malley SPL 1&4 0730-1600 PDT Mail Address: 688-5522** P.O. Box 2711 Los Angeles, Calif. 90053 Office Location: 300 North Los Angeles St. Los Angeles, Calif. U. S. Army Engr Dist, SACRAMENTO 916 449-2232 452-1535 COL James C. Donovan SPK 16.4 0745-1630 PDT 650 Capitol Mall 449-2000** Sacramento, Calif. 95814 8 1lIlApproved For Release 2003/04/ A-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 2OApproved For Release 2003/04/ A -RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 U. S. Army Engr Dist, SAN FRANCISCO 415 556-3660 556-3660 100 McAllister St. 556-0985** San Francisco, Calif. 94102 , U. S. ARMY ENGR DIV, SOUTHWESTERN 1114 Commerce St. Dallas, Texas 75202 U. S. Army Engr Dist, ALBUQUERQUE Mail Address: P. O. Box 1580 Albuquerque, N. M. 87103 Office Location: 517 Gold Ave., S. W. Albuquerque, N. M. U. S. Army Engr Dist, FORT WORTH Mail Address: P. O. Box 17300 Ft. Worth, Texas 76102 Office Location: 819 Taylor St. Ft. Worth, Texas U. S. Army Engr Dist, GALVESTON Mail Address: P. O. Box 1229 Galveston, Texas 77550 Office Location: , 606 Santa Fe Bldg. Galveston, Texas U. S. Army Engr Dist, LITTLE ROCK Mail Address: P. O. Box 867 Little Rock, Ark. 72203 Office Location: 700 W. Capitol Little Rock, Ark. 214 749-3336 748-5611** 505 843-2732 266-5003 843-0311 817 334-2300 223-2150 713 763-1211 X-301 501 372-4361 X-5531 372-4361** 763-8241 ? COL Charles R. Roberts SPN 2 0800-1630 PDT BG Harold R. Parfitt SWD 1&4 0745-1630 CDT COL Richard L. West SWA 2&4 0730-1600 MDT COL R. S. Kristoferson SWF 1&4 0800-1645 CDT COL Nolan C. Rhodes SWG 2&5 0745-1645 CDT COL William C. Burns SWL 2&5 0800-160 CDT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 , Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 U. S. Army Engr Dist, TULSA Mail Address: P.O. Box 61 Tulsa, Okla. 74102 Office Location: 224 South Boulder Tulsa, Okla. USA COASTAL ENGINEERING RESEARCH BOARD 5201 Little Falls Rd., N. W. Washington, D. C. 20016 MEMBERS: MG F. P. Koisch- President MG Richard H. Free MG Charles M. Duke Dr. Robert G. Dean Dean Morrough P. O'Brien Dr. Arthur T. Ippen BG William W. Watkin CALIFORNIA DEBRIS COMMISSION 650 Capitol Mall Sacramento, Calif. 95814 MISSISSIPPI RIVER COMMISSION Mail Address: (President) P.O. Box 80 Vicksburg, Miss. 39180 Office Location: Mississippi River Comm. Bldg. Vicksburg, Miss. MEMBERS: MG A. P. Rollins, Jr. - President MG Willard Roper BG Harold R. Parfitt COL Ferd Anderson - Secretary Rear Adm Don A. Jones Mr. Roy T. Sessums Mr. H. T. Council Dr.. F. H. Kellogg 918 584-7151 X-7311 584-7151** COL Vernon W. Pinkey BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS 301 986-0581 356-6105 LTC Edward M. Willis Exec Sec 916 449-2232 452-1535 449-2000** 601 636-1311 SWT 2 0745-1630 CDT CERB 0800-1630 EDT BG Frank A. Camm SPKCD Chairman MG A. P. Rollins, Jr. ENGMR 10 Approved For Release 2003/04 IA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 0745-1630 PDT 0800-1645 0 Approved For Release 2003/04/ IA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ORGANIZATION RIVERS AND HARBORS BOARD OF ENGINEERS Temp C 2nd & Q Sts.,, S.. W. Washington, D. C. 20315 MEMBERS: MG Willard Roper, Chairman MG Richard H. Free MG Charles M. Duke MG A. P. Rollins, Jr. BG Harold R. Parfitt BG Roy S. Kelley COL Alvin D. Wilder AREA CODE & TELEPHONE NUMBER DUTY HOURS NON DUTY HOURS 202 693-0626 OFFICER IN CHARGE SYMBOLS NOTES OFFICE HOURS COL A. D. Wilder ENGBR 693-0623** Res. Mem. SEPARATE ACTIVITIES 0745-1615 EDT U. S. ARMY TOPOGRAPHIC COMMAND 301 229-6500 986-2500 BG Edwin T. O'Donnell TPC 0745-1615 EDT _6500 Brooks Lane Washington, D. C. 20315 U. S. ARMY ENGR TOPOGRAPHIC 703 664-1135 664-6356 COL John R. Oswalt, Jr. TPCTL 0730-1615 EDT LABORATORIES Ft. Belvoir, Va. 22060 U. S. ARMY ENGR REACTORS GROUP 703 664-5221 971-4073 COL Harvey L. Arnold, Jr. ERG 0730-1615 EDT Ft. Belvoir, Va. 22060 Director U. S. ARMY ENGR WATERWAYS EXPER STA 601 636-3111 636-3111 COL Ernest D. Peixotto WES 0745-1630 CDT Mail Address: X-2513 Director P.O. Box 631 636-3111** Vicksburg, Miss. 39180 Office Location: Halls Ferry Rd. Vicksburg, Miss. U. S. ARMY ENGR NUCLEAR CRATERING GROUP 415 447-1100 443-5285 LTC Robert L. LaFrenz NCG 0730-1615 PDT Lawrence Radiation Laboratory X-7651 P.O. Box 808 447-1100** Livermore, Calif. 94550 Approved For Release 2003/04/211: CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ? U. S. ARMY COASTAL ENGR RESEARCHNOWed3ko?fgetjease 200 46q4Ap_ ,c1A-Ro P ?,OcCIQUARic o 60011-16RC 5201 Little Falls Rd., N. W. X-0581 Washington, D. C. 20016 U. S. ARMY ENGR INSTITUTE FOR WATER RESOURCES Mail Address: 206 N. Washington St. Alexandria, Va. 22314 U. S. ARMY COLD REGIONS RESEARCH ENGR LABORATORY Mail Address: P.O. Box 282 Hanover, New Hampshire 03755 Office Location: Lyme Road Hanover, N. H. U. S. ARMY CONST ENGINEERING RESEARCH RESEARCH LABORATORY Mail Address: P.O. Box 4005 Champaign, Ill. 61820 Office Location: Interstate Research Park Newmark Drive Champaign, Ill. NOTES: 1. Performs 2. Performs 3. Performs 4. Performs 5. Performs 6. Performs 11111 -6- ',... '1.? 202 697-2141 697-7530** 603 643-3200 x-200 217 352-6511 X-440 352-6511** Military and Civil Works construction. Civil Works construction. Military construction. Military and Civil Works Real Estate activities. Civil Works Real Estate only. Military Real Estate Functions. 643-3200 12, COL R. T. Batson Deputy Director LTC Joseph F. Castro Commander/Director COL Edwin S. Townsley Director IWR CRREL CERL 0 Approved For Release 2003/04 IA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 0800-1630 EDT 0800-1630 EDT 0800-1630 EDT 0800-1645 CDT STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 DD/S 71.-3174 Major General F. P. Koisch Director of Civil Works Ifice of the Chief of Enghmers Dep.:stew* of the Army Washington, D. C. 20314 Dear General Koisch: Mr. Helms has re/erred your letter of July 23, 1971, (ENGCW-ON) to me for action. We are currently surveying the sewage treatment and discharge systems at our various installations. Where action is required in order to comply with the Refuse Act Permit Program, we will contact the appro- Prime* District or Division Offices of the Corps of Engineers. 01./E0 Rewritten:t 0 - OD /$ :CND:es Distribution: Atig - Adse 1 - ER w/basic (DD/S 2,1-----7DD/S subject 1 - DD/S chrono 1 - OL/RECD Official Sincerely, Robot S. Wattles Assistant Deputy Director for Support (9 Aug 71) (11 Aug 71) 71-3055) via D/Log Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP IN MEM, REFER TO ENGCW-ON DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS WASHINGTON, D.C. 20914 Honorable Richard Helms Director, Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D. C. 20505 Dear Mr. Helms: I reautive Registry 4/t0g/ 23 July 1971 President Nixon, through Executive Order 11574, implemented the Refuse Act Permit Program. The purpose of the program is to enhance the ability of the Federal Government to enforce water quality standards and to provide a major strengthening of our efforts to clean up our nation's waters. Discharges that are composed entirely of sanitary wastes, or of storm water, or of combinations of the two, or which flow into municipal or private waste treatment systems (the discharge from the private system must be permitted), or which come from ships are excluded from the Refuse Act Permit program. All other discharges into navigable waters and their tributaries require a permit from the Secretary of the Army through the Army Corps of Engineers. Federal facilities are expected to comply with these requirements. The President in Executive Order 11507, said that "the Federal Govern- ment, in the design, operation, and maintenance of its facilities, shall provide leadership in the nationwide effort to protect and enhance the quality of our air and water resources." The Refuse Act Permit Program will help assure that Federal agencies exercise such leadership. The deadline for filing applications for Refuse Act Permits for existing discharges was 1 July 1971. For new discharges, applications are to be filed not less than 120 days before the date the discharge is to begin. As of 9 July 1971 approximately 200 applications had been received from Federal agencies. Recognizing that many discharges from Federal instal- lations and activities may be exempt from the program under the provisions described above, we consider that it is very likely that some required applications have not yet been filed. We are, therefore, writing to all "Federal agencies who might have a facility to which this permit program may apply to remind them of the requirement for filing applications. Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4 ENGCW-ON 23 July 1971 Honorable Richard Helms Application forms are available from District and Division Offices of the Corps of Engineers. The completed forms should be signed by an official who is authorized to evaluate environmental factors on an agency-wide basis. While the Corps is directly responsible for issuing Refuse Act Permits, the Environmental Protection Agency will review applications for compliance with water quality standards, and recommend issuance or denial accordingly. Note that Federal activities are not required to obtain the State certification required of other facilities. Inclosed for your convenience is an information package which includes a copy of the Corps regulations for the Permit Program and a list of the Corps of Engineers offices administering the program. We would appreciate, your cooperation and will be happy to provide you with any assistance you may require. 1 Incl As Stated 2 Sincerely yours, F. P. KOISCH Major General, USA Director of Civil Works Approved For Release 2003/04/29 : CIA-RDP84-00780R003800160011-4