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Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 ( 1 MEW YORK TIPS MAGAZINE 12 September 1982 An international agency that monitors nuclear-power plants around the world faces crucial tests of its ability to spot any diversion of fuel for making atomic weapons. A change of policy in Washington may help the effort - or hurt it. TRYING HARDER TO BLOCK SHE BOMB By Judith Muller Valindaba, Angra, Osirak, Dimonah, Embalse, Kahuta, Tarapur ... the names are known to few, but they hold the potential for making the world more perilous for everyone. With a macabre poetry, nations have often turned to myth or the gods in choosing names and sites for their nuclear- energy facilities. Iraq's Osirak is de- rived from Osiris, god of the under- world in Egyptian mythology. Dimo- nah was a biblical town given unto to the tribe of the children of Judah. South Africa's choice was particularly evoca- tive: Derived from the African lan- guage Sotho, Valindaba means the place where "we don't do much talk- By contrast, there is little poetry at U.N. City, the antiseptic modern com- plex on the outskirts of Vienna that houses the International Atomic Energy Agency (I.A.EA.) and several other United Nations bodies. The devel- opment's steel-gray, towers and color coded corridors are filled with engi- neers, scientists, lawyers and interna- tional civil servants who talk, in the mind-numbing parlance of arms con- trol, of such things as "nuclear nanpro- liferation" and the "international safe- guards regime." In plain Fngiish, the I.A.E.A.'s ntis- sisn is to promote the wort of those places named for myths and gods and to monitor the sites at the same time, so that the agency can assure the world that some 840 nuclear facilities os- tensibly dedicated to the production of nuclear power and reef---` --- --- - power Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 J. Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 U in many respects, the agency can claim a laud- able record. After the dawn of the atomic age over Hiroshima in 1945, there were dire predictions that the world would soon be populated with dozens of nuclear-weapons states. But the nuclear club has remained fairly exclusive, boasting only five mem- bers: the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, France and. China. Eight years have passed since Prime Minister Indira Gandhi received the mes- sage "The Buddha is smiling. which told her of the success of India's nuclear test ; yet India has held back from producing nuclear weapons. Now, however, nuclear-policy analysts are warn- ing with renewed fervor that the world is on the verge of a dangerous increase in the number of nu- clear-weapons states. Soon, they say, several less- In their rounds of the world's nuclear-power plants, the agency's inspectors, recruited from many of its 111 member countries, may inspect naffs on sensitive material that can potentially be used in weapons. They look at millions of slides from cameras monitoring huge indoor cooling ponds, where developed nations - even some headed by irre- ` sponsible and irrational leaders - will possess the instruments of Armageddon. At the same time, the United States and the Soviet Union are intensifying their nuclear-weapons programs, and the Reagan Administration has adopted anew nuclear-export policy that, in the view of many critics, reduces safeguards against the diversion of nuclear fuel for military purposes. The response has been a rise of antinuclear movements in Western Europe and the United States demanding not only a freeze and re- duction in weaponry but an end to the spread of atomic power. These developments have focused attention on the International Atomic Energy Agency. As the agency prepares to celebrate its 25th anniversary at a general conference starting on Sept. 20, doubts about its ability to carry out its mandate are mounting. Within the past year, two former I.A.E.A. inspectors have charged that the agency is incapable of quickly catching a country that is se- cretly using its nuclear facilities to make bombs. Last November, the United States Nuclear Regula- tory Commission informed Congress that the agen- cy , s safeguards system was inadequate for some kinds of facilities. Senator Alan Cranston, minority whip, charges that the United States and other gov- ernments have been covering up the agency's fail- ings so that they can pursue their nuclear com- merce. Representative Edward J. Markey, Demo- crat of Massachusetts, says, "The I.A.E.A. has be- come little more than an international nuclear boosters club." At U.N. City - or the Vienna International Cen- ter, as it is officially called - Hans Blix, the IA.E.A.'s new director general, contests the jus- tice of these accusations. "Our role is not under- stood by many in your country," said Mr. Blix, who is a Swede, in a recent interview. "We Fire not inter- national nuclear policemen. We can't roam about searching for clandestine facilities, miffing out hidden plutonium and uranium." that a tarpaulin had been placed over the pond while the pond was being painted. Moni- tors installed near the reactor's exits were register- ing the passage of radioactive substances. Inspec- tors, according to intelligence reports, found a large, unexplained hole in a wall. Matters came to a head a year ago. "It looked like a diversion," recounted a Congressional ex- pert. "It smelled like a diversion. But, as usual, there was no actual proof that a diversion had oc- curred." Pakistan had been a problem all along. It had de- clined to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty of 1968, under which nations without nuclear weap- ons agreed to forswear their development. So only some of its facilities were open to inspection - only -those where safeguards had been made a condition of a foreign sale. Pakistan's former President, Zul- fikar All Bhutto, had vowed that his country would "eat grass," if necessary, to match the detonation of India's so-called "peaceful nuclear explosive" in spent, or used, nuclear fuel is stored. They pore over records of fuel invento- ries to insure that all -the material that went into the reactor came out and was ~ accounted for. Yet, in the light of all the complexities, the inspectors' role is very circumscribed, and they may visit only those facilities that are designated by the government involved. "I'll tell you what we are," Mr. Blix said. "We are somewhat like an airport security system. Of course there are deficiencies in the X-ray system that inspects your luggage. Sure, the system could use more security guards. But why concentrate on this when there are passengers on your plane who refuse to submit any luggage at all to inspec- tion? Or why not worry about the pas- senger who says, 'I'll submit this bag but not these other three'?" His analogy goes to the nub of one of the clearest challenges to the agency's effectiveness the Pakistani nuclear reactor near Karachi. 0 For months, I.A.E.A. inspectors had been reporting disturbing incidents at the Canadian-supplied nuclear facility. Cameras monitoring the cooling pond began failing at an astonishingly high rate; their pictures showed a blur. The Pakistanis' odd explanation was 1974. In addition, Pakistan had established a world- wide network of purchasing agents, including phony companies and spies, to obtain components for a uraniumrichment plant, which can be used to fabricate fuel for weapons. Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 cmp cious events at Pakistan's nuclear reactor have raised Now came these "anoma- lies" and "irregularities," as the agency preferred to call them, at Pakistan's deu- terium uranium reactor. In this type of facility, which the United States does not sell, fuel rods are loaded into the reactor and extracted from it without any shutdown of the plant and mostly without the presence of inspectors. Since the fuel for -the Pakistani reactor is produced domesti- cally, the agency had no right to oversee production and count the number of rods made. Theoretically, there- fore, it was possible for the Pakistanis to load and ex- tract more fuel rods than the inspectors were aware of. And, theoretically, any rods that slipped by could be used to make bombs. had been .ayon toying the installation of the fuel rods, but as Pale- -stan's fuel-production cape- : ty increased, the inspec- tors tat they needed more cameras and other surveil- lance equipment. The agency asked Pakistan for permis- sion to install more monitors; the Pakistanis balked. This dispute, combined with the suspicious activities reported by the agency's inspectors, led to a dramatic warning. In September 1961, Sigvar'd Ek- I hind of Sweden. the agency's director general at the time, informed his board that the agency could no longer pro- vide assurances that Paki- stan was not diverting nu- clear fuel for military pur- poses. His statement - the agen- cy's first acknowledgment of this kind - shook the interna- tional safeguards system to its foundation. In the face of the uproar in various capi- tals, including Washington, Pakistan agreed to some of the I.A.E.A.'s requests. But, I as Mr. Blix, the new director, 1 emphasized in his best bu- reaucratese in a statement last February, "full imple- mentation of safeguards is needed before requisite as- surance of verification can be made by the agency-? The .deadlock continues to this nay. Moreover, disquieting re- ports have continued to reach Washington. Pakistan, ac- cording to American offi- cials, has been trying to make Sept purchases of highly sensitive diagnostic coaxial cable from European and American suppliers; the :cable can be used to monitor ^uodergrotmd tests. The the same officials art, have dug a huge tun- nel in the Baluchistan Moun- tains near the Afghan border, where such a test could be Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87R00111 R000200140025-4 ITS of secret fleet diversion. conducted. And, these sources say, Pakistan re- cently approached the French and other suppliers for 184nch metal globes for shaping uranium, fnsuu- ments primarily used in nu- clear explosions. Despite these develop- ments, the lesson as Mr. Blix sees it is that "toe system works" - at least as tar as his agency is concerned. - V the I.A.E:A.'s salegoards are alarm bells whose useful- -am depends an how tie member tovernmeats re- spond to the warning, then the agency's eveness de- pends first and foremost an the United States. the leading shtporter of nuclear technolo- My. Consequently, the most significant factor in the whole situation may be the change of policy instituted by Presi- dent Reagan. Every mhclear reactor is a potential bomb factory. Highly enriched uranium, .which is burned in reactions to prodshce power. can also be President Reagan's policy breeder reactors, type of or p a differs from Mr. Carter's in tone and substance. Despite statements to the contrary, stopping the spread of nu- clear weapons plays a less prominent role in the spec- trum of foreign-policy objec- tives. Administration offi- cials have adopted a security- oriented approach to the "We have rung the alarm," he said during the interview in his Vienna office. "That is the and of our role. The gov- ?ssnments must now decide what to do about Pakistan. Safeguards, after all, are not an end in themselves." fl weap ns used directly In Uranium rods that are ".cooked" in a reactor to produce power also produce plutonium, another weapons substance. If a country wants to make plutonium bombs, it separates the plutonium from the spent, or used, fuel rods through what is known as re- processing- What arms-control experts fear most in the whole pro- em is the development of trade in plutonium. Such commerce, they say, would Eby complicate ef- forts to curb the spread of atomic weapons, while sub- stially increasing the threat of nuclear terrorism. Man-made and highly toxic, plutonium. is an extremelY dangerous bomb-making ma- terial. Only 10 to 20 pounds are required to make an atomic device. A far smaller amount placed in a building's ventilation system could kill hundreds of People, some ex- perts say, by poisoning the air. presidents Ford and Carter sought to raise international consciousness about sensitive nuclear exports - equipment that is very difficult, if not impossible, to safeguard. Mr. Carter in particular tried to persuade European suppliers not to export enrichment plants or reprocessing tacili- snores. Mr. Carter banned commercial reprocessing and breeders in the United States. He also vowed to deny nu- clear fuel and technology toI any nation that did not: submit to international con-I trots. Toward the and of his Ad- ministration, however, Mr. Carter began backing away from his strategy. Even though his message on the perils of proliferation was making an impact on the Europeans and the Japanese, the friction produced by their unwillingness to give up re- processing was interfering with broader foreign-policy objectives, particularly after the Soviet invasion of Af- ghanistan. This exposed him to attacks on two fronts - by those who ridiculed his policy as overly ideological and by those who charged him with inconsistency. Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87R00111 R000200140025-4 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 problem : They argue that third-world nations can best be dissuaded from acquiring atomic weapons if their se- curity concerns are allayed. This ap. proach has resulted in greater em- hasis on military aid and security arrangements and less emphasis on public efforts to tighten international nuclear controls. Mr. Reagan has canceled the ban on domestic breeder and reprocessing technology, and has vowed to stimulate both efforts. Reagan Officials argue that it is best to recognize "reality." The Europeans and the Japanese, they Say, have been adamant about re. Processing because they are deter- mined to reduce their dependence on imported oil and imported uranium, and to establish an independent nu- clear-power capability. With that as a national goal, it is reasoned, these na- tions will eventually turn to plu- tonium no matter what Washington says or does. Thus, officials explain, the Reagan Policy is aimed at limit- ing the use of plutonium to Japan and the Western European allies, which (with the exception of Britain and France) are not likely to build nu- clear weapons. At the same time, they add, the Ad- ministration is committed to tight in- ternational controls on the sale of all sensitive technology to suspect coun- .tries, and they claim that private dip- lomatic efforts are sudceeding in reducing this flow. Finally, th y, the Administration is seeking tone-es- tablish the United States as a "reli- able supplier" of nuclear fuel and nonsensitive technology in order to reduce the temptation for third-world countries to go their own way and de- velop facilities that are not under I.A.E.A. controls. "There's not all that much differ. ence between Carter's and Reagan's export policies in practice," asserted one long-time arms-control official. "The Reagan Administration is just more discriminating in its ap- proach." But critics, who include some mod- erate Democrats and Republicans in Congress, vehemently disagree. Senator Charles H. Percy, Republi- can of Illinois and chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, and Democratic Senators Cranston of California, John H. Glenn of Ohio and Gary W. Hart of Colorado, have ac- cused the Administration, in Mr. Glenn's words, of "turning the clock back to the.days of laissez-faire nu- clear commerce of the early 1970's." They are particularly critical of the decision on reprocessing. This ap- proach, they warn, will result in the spread of reprocessing facilities not only in Western Europe and Japan but eventually in less reliable coun- tries. These facilities, they say, will generate thousands of pounds of plu- tonium - enough material for hun- dreds of bombs. This fuel, they cau- tion, can be diverted and converted very quickly for use in atomic weap- ons. Moreover, they argue, the Ad- ministration will not be able to dis- criminate so neatly between reliable and unreliable nations. The critics also assail recent Wash- ington decisions they regard as capit- ulation to Japan's wish to use plu- tonium rather than uranium in its ex- isting reactors and as encouragement to American companies to vie for re- processing construction contracts. In the critics' view, the Administration has gone beyond acquiescing to "nu- clear reality" and has been creating new realities with fateful implica- tions for the world. "Our Government has long ac- knowledged that the I.A.E.A. cannot adequately inspect reprocessing plants," said Paul Leventhal, presi- dent of the Nuclear Control Institute, a private watchdog group. "Yet the White House is promoting the very technology that the agency cannot safeguard. This is really the begin- ning of the end. " At the I.A.E.A. in Vienna, the reac- tion to the Reagan approach is mixed. Officials fear that if reprocessing spreads widely, they will not be able to provide --timely warning" that a --algnificant amount" of plutonium enough to build a bomb - is being diverted. --We are ' stretched to our limits al- ready," said a senior agency official. "There is no way that we will be able to provide as- surances that thousands of tons of plutonium are being devoted to peaceful purposes. And that seems to be where the world is heading." On the other hand, the Rea- gan philosophy of seeking to allay the security fears that make countries hanker for nuclear weapons was strongly endorsed by Mr. Blix and other officials. "Security considerations are decisive," Mr. Blix said. "If a country feels secure, it is more likely to invite us in. Insecure coun- tries are more likely to seek atomic bombs." 0 From the vantage point of U.N.City, the tests of the Reagan Administration's ap- pa+oach are multiplying. Not all of the I.A.E.A.'s niember governments have signed the IM nonprolifers- tian treaty. Under the Ford- Carter , policy, Washington put pressure on the holdouts iD sign; agency Officials sense that under the Reagan Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 Atomic envy head Hans Blix: "The alarm bells are ringing." Adtninistratim this pressure has let up. The nations that did not sign the treaty submit some but not all of their atomic facilities to - Lion. Pakistan, India, Israel and South Africa were among the member nations that re- fused to sign, and all four have either developed or are close to developing a nuclear- weapons capability. In its 1981 annual report, the agency admitted that it could no longer guarantee that two unnamed countries - known to be Pakistan and India - were not diverting nuclear fuel for use in a weap. ons program. many intelli- gence analysts believe South Africa secretly assembled and tested an atomic device In September 1979. Israel is believed to have a number of unassembled, untested nu- clear bombs - to be a screw- driver-turn away from full nuclear capability. "The alarm bells are ringing loud and clear with respect to these four,.' Mr. Blix de- clared. There is growing anxiety. -too, about nations suspected of engaging in what is known as ..phantom proliferation- pledging commitment to "nonmilitary use of the atom but secretly putting together the pieces for a potential bomb. Libya, . for mample. has ratified the nonproliferation treaty, and so far has purchased only one small, Soviet-supplied research reactor. Yet Western intelligence agencies report that the Libyan lead- er, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi, has tried secretly to buy bomb eompo- rents and fissionable material, from several countries, including China. Industry sources report that Colo- eel Qaddafi has bought more than 1,000 tons of uranium concentrate, or .'yellow cake," from Niger, a ma- terial that can be converted into a substance suitable for weapons mak- ing. The Reagan Administration has quietly asked other nuclear suppliers not to cooperate with Libya. It has Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 I c r-, Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 pressed Belgium - with little success - not to proceed with plans to sell Libya a UF4 plant, which would en- able Colonel Qaddafi to proceed with conversion of his massive yellow- cake stockpile. Then, there is the can of Argentina, one of the I.A.E.A. members that did not sign the 1968 nonproliferation treaty. Argentina, whose nuclear pro- gram is in its 31st year, has been working openly to acquire the ability to produce on its own all it would need .'to build nuclear-power plants. When and if Argentina succeeds in complet-. ing its own independent nuclear-fuel cycle, it will be able to make nuclear fuel - and, theoretically, nuclear weapons - without violating any of the 11 safeguard agreements it has signed with five supplier countries under the auspices of the I.A.E.A. Moreover, Rear Adm. Carlos Cas- tro Madero, head of Argentina's Com- mission on Atomic Energy, has stated that Argentina might export plu- tonium soon to be produced in a re- processing plant. "in addition to building a bomb themselves, the Ar- gentines now seem intent on helping others do it, said an exasperated I.A.E.A. official. Whatever Argenti- na's determination to acquire nu- clear-arms capability, it can only have been heightened by its defeat in the Falkland Islands war. American and international experts list Iraq, Taiwan, South Korea and Brazil as other aspirants to nuclear- power status, though all four are I.A.E.A. members and all except Brazil signed the 1968 treaty. The Iraqi program became a major crisis for the I.A.E.A. when Israel carried out an air strike against the Iraqi nu- clear reactor in June 1981, claiming it had detected advanced preparations for the manufacture of atomic weap- ons. While admitting that there were suspicious aspects to the Iraqi pro- gram, the I.A.E.A. maintained that there was no evidence that Iraq was not living up to its pledge to use its French-supplied Osirak reactor near Baghdad only for peaceful purposes. Hence, the intense resentment aroused among I.A.E.A. officials by the Israeli action, a stunning demon- stration of no confidence in the agen- cy. Mr. Blix agrees with Israel's charge that the safeguards system contains an inherent weakness: It cannot detect a country's future in- tentions. Theoretically, Iraq could use the I.A.E.A. to acquire all the technology it needs for attaining an independent nuclear system, and then renounce membership in the agency. The nonproliferation treaty contains a clause that permits withdrawal on three months' notice. "yes, any nation could do this," Mr. Blix conceded. "But in the agen- cy's 25 years, no nation has done so. We have found that nations honor their sworn commitments. Those that want to develop nuclear weapons refuse to sign the treaty." 13 In one sense, the I.A.E.A.'s difficul- ties are rooted in its dual mandate - to promote the use of nuclear power and to monitor it. The agency grew out of President Eisenhower's 1953 "Atoms for Peace" speech at the Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87RO0111 R000200140025-4 U. N. City in Vienna: The developing nations are demanding more atomic?energv assistance. United Nations, in which the United States offered to share its atomic technology with any country that promised to use it for peaceful purposes. Established in 1957, the I.A.E.A. was enjoined ,to ac- celerate and enlarge the con- tribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world," opti- mism that seems naive in ret- rospect. The program was en- thusiastically supported by the American nuclear indus- try, which had long urged a shift in nuclear orientation from secrecy to salesman- ship. The industry lost little time in feeding the world's appe- tite for nuclear power. The al- hue of this new form of energy remains undimin- ished in the third world, what- ever the second thoughts in some of the industrialized countries. Developing nations look to the I.A.E.A. for nu- 'clear assistance. Particu- larly since 1977, the have4 is have complained that the agency has been spending too much of its budget on inspec- daps and safeguards and not ? duoug- an teebnicel aid. Their demands for a policy reversal have been opposed by the United States and the Western European countries, which supply about half of the :agency's $86 million annual budget. The agency is becom- ing polarized between devel- oping and developed nations; there are fears that the disa- .greement may jeopardize the LA.E.A.'s future viability. we're in danger," said one official, 'b[ getting a vary bad case of United Nations disease." The Group of 77, as the developing nations within the I.A.E.A. are known, has put forward proposals designed to increase its voting strength and political muscle. On third-world initiative, South Africa was expelled from the I.A.E.A. board of governors participation," said one American arms-oantrol ex- pert. "And that means you can say goodbye to the agen- cy.,, in 1977, though retaining membership in the agency. A move to expel Israel, in pun- ishment for Its raid an the Iraqi nuclear reactor, was narrowly averted at the last general conference. Another attempt will be made at the general conference next week. "If Israel goes, you can say goodbye to United States tween Washington and Mos- COW. Yet the most immediate remains the amblgu- cus status of Pakistan's tan's nu- ar program. ~} ? ie agency, 4ike the united States Con- gress, has been relying an the }Reagan Administration's as- sertion that while Pakistan may soon be able to detonate a nuclear device, it is not likely to do so, since that would jeopardize a $3.2-bil- lion, five-year American miL- taryaid package and the sale of 40 F-16 fighter jets. Ameri- can aid to Pakistan, termi- nated by congress in 1979 be- cause of concern about its nu- clear ambitions, was restored last year, but Washington has warned that a nuclear deto- nation would jeopardize the new security relationship- if the $3.2 billion carrot does not dissuade Pakistan from crossing the nuclear threshold, a much more un- certain future awaits South- west Asia. What India would do if its bitter rival Pakistan exploded a nuclear device is an ominous question. Several American analysts have argued that neither India nor Israel is likely to stand by and permit Pakistan to develop a nuclear-weapons arsenal. "If the I.A.E.A. fails and the Reagan Administration fails, a much less secure world is in store for all of us," warned a senior agency of I- dal. "A world of pre-emptive strikes and nuclear black- mail. It won't be a pretty world." ^ Another concern within the - agency stems from the Rea gan Administration's more confrontational attitude to- ward the Soviet Union. The Russians, who became I.A.E.A. enthusiasts after China detonated its nuclear device in 1964, have had a tough nuclear-exports policy. "This is one of the few places where the Soviet Union and the United States have worked together for many years in a quiet, orderly and quite effective way," said David Fischer, a former top agency official. He and others are concerned that this long- standing cooperation may fall victim to the new chill be- Approved For Release 2008/04/14: CIA-RDP87R00111 R000200140025-4