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Approved For Release ~ 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86TOO608ROO05C015 Approved For Release 2008/11/13 CIA-RD 6TOO608ROO050C15 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Secret Foreign Trade Developments Secret ER FTD 75.2 September 1',75 Copy N? 478 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET Page Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Eastern Europe: Western Credits Keep Trade Doors Open . . . . . . . . . 3 Higher Oil Bills for Second Half . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Major Developed Countries: A Measure of Changes in Trade Competitiveness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 LDC Liberalization Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Developed Countries: Competitiveness and Trade Balances . . . . . . . . . 7.8 World Market for Short-Range Civil Aircraft: Estimated Cumulative Deliveries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I Appendixes A. Calendar of MTN Meetings B. Statistical Tables and Charts Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 World trade probably has ended its long slide but will be slow to recover . The moderate pick-up expected in the next few months will be du,; largely to increased import demand for oil and grain. Trade in manufactures and ind'astriil raw materials will grow slowly at best if economic activity in-the industrial courtries remains sluggish, as expected, The volume of world trade for 1975 as a w.)ole undoubtedly will be below the 1974 level. Oil trade already has turned up. The oil companies have completed their inventory adjustments, and a surge in OPEC production -- and exports -- is well under way. Crude production in July was running 8% above the lows of March and April. Oil shipments shotdc! continue to rise as cold weather approaches and economic recovery progresses. The 10% to 15% price hike expected on 1 October will further push up the value of oil trade. The poor Soviet harvest is boosting grain sales. Since mid-July the USSR has ordered about $2 billion worth of grain for delivery through August 1976. Nearly $800 million worth will be delivered before the end of this year. Moscow's massive purchases also have raised the price t,iat other countries must pay for their food. Although the decline in shipments of manufactures and raw materials appears to have halted, recovery from the present low levels is unlikely to be rapid. The major developed countries are slowly pulling out of their steep industrial tailspin, thanks largely to a moderate revival in demand for consumer goods. Substantial redundant industrial capacity is keeping r?utput of ca ?ital goods on the skids. The exchange of manufactured products among industrial countries -- accounting for 60% of world trade in these goods -- and their purchas-,s of raw materials from developing countries probably will remain depressed at least through mid-1976. Non-oil LDCs and some Communist countries face payments constraints that probably will require a reduction in their imports from the industrial nations. Shipments to the LDCs continued at a high level through midyear, despite growing payments problems. Task Force, 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Western credit has propped up sales to the Communists so far this year. While the Soviets have no unmanageable financial problems, debt service payments are getting uncomfortably high for some East European countries. In addition, Eastern Europe may have to turn to the West for expensive grain that has traditionally been supplied by the USSR. Both factors will tend to limit their imparts of Western manufactures. OP!C imports are continuing to grow rapidly. Vorume is expected to rise by another 35% this year. Even so, OPEC purchases still account for less than 6% of world trade, and gains here can do little more than offset losses in sales 2 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET EASTERN EUROPE*: WESTERN CREDITS KEEP TRADE DOORS OPEN East European contracts for Western machinery and equipment soared to a record $2.2 billion in July 1974 - June 1975, triple the level of the preceding 12 months. East European export earnings in the recession-hit hard currency areas grew slowly in the same period, with prospects dull for the remainder of 1975. The growing East European trade deficit is being covered by sharply higher credits from the West. Expansion of East European imports and borrowing will have to slow down as debt service ratios approach uncomfortable levels. Western Credits Known medium- and long-term Wester.. credit;, extended from July 1974 to June 1975, totaled $5.7 billion, nearly four times the level of the previous 12 months. Poland, whose debt has soared in recent years, was by far the largest borrower, accounting for two-thirds of the total. Romania and Bulgaria have increased their borrowing sharply despite high debt service ratios. East Germany and Hungary, traditionally cautious in their approach to the West, have also st-.pped up the pace of borrowing. Czechoslovakia alone appears to be holding back. Role of West European Governments West European governments have extended large loans in an effort to enlarge their share of the East European market. France - recently the most active lender - agreed in Jure 1975 to guarantee a new $1.7 billion line of credit to Poland after an earlier $0.9 billion line was fully committed. The new credit carries an interest rate of less than 7.5%. ? Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. 3 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 West Germany -- the dominant supplier of goods and credit - has renewed the interest-free swing credit to East Germany (the value for 1975 is $265 million) and early this month agreed to a $400 million 2.5%, loan to Poland. The latter is part of a deal that will allow 125,000 ethnic Germans to leave Poland and must still be approved by the 13undesrat, the tipper house of the Gelman Parliament. The United Kingdom, through its Export Credit Guarantee Department, has backed $425 mullion in loans in the last year, mostly to Poland. These actions aim prin:;ipally at long-term market development. A desire to counteract the slump in domestic and foreign demand has been an important additional stimulus. Private Capital Markets East European governnmoents are borrowing heavily from Western financial institutions. We estilttate that their net liabilities to Eurocurrency banks reached $7.5-$8.5 billion. at the end of March 1975. Part of this consists of medium- and long-term consortium loans, known extensions of which totaled about $800 million in fiscal year 1975. The East Europeans are generally able to borrow at the same interest rates paid by creditworthy Western developed countries. OPEC Lenders Kuwait and Iran have become active lenders to Eastern Europe in the past 12 :.,oaths. Known credits by the two countries to Eastern Europe total nearly $700 million: (a) Iran provided $420 million to Romania and $160 million to Bulgaria in loans, and (b) Kuwait bought $100 million in Romanian and Hungarian bonds. International Institutions Romania - the only East European IMP member - has so far received $290 million in World Bank credits. US Credits The United States still plays a small role in total East European borrowing. Only Poland and Romania are eligible for Eximbank financing.* Romanian * Yugoslavia, which is not considered in this article, also is eli hlc. 4 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET eligibility - suspended under the Trade, Act of' 1974 - was restored in August 1975 when Congress approved the US-Romanian Trade Agreement. Eximbank authorizations total $124 million to Poland and $47 million to Romania. Private US banks have loaned approximately equal amounts on the contracts concerned. In addition, Poland, Romania, and Hungary have received Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) credits for financing agricultural purchases. The growth in East European imports and borrowing from the West is likely to slow down. The de;,t service ratios of several of the countries are probably getting uncomfortable. We estimate that servicing (repayment plus interest) of medium- and long-term debt now equals about 40%, 35%, and 30% of hard currency export earnings for Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland, respectively. Furthermore, worsening terms of trade with the USSR will probably force Eastern Europe to di ` vert some potential hard currency earning 'goods to the USSR. HIGHER OIL BILLS FOR SECOND HALF The oil bills of non-Communist consuming countries will be $6.5-$7.5 billion higher in second half 1975 than in the first half. Most of' the increase - roughly $4.5 billion - will result from a rise in tine volume of imports. The balance will result from the 10`X, to 15% price increase we expect OPEC to adopt later this nmonth. Oil Imports Down The oil bills of consuming countries !'ell sharply in first half 1975. Imports were cut to reduce inventories left at high levels by the mild winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the reduced level of economic activity. Big Seven purchases fell $5.5 billion from second half 1974. For the OECD as a whole, oil bills dropped $6 billion. The crude imports of the non-oil LDCs held steady during the period. Factors in Second-Half Increase Oil imports are rising sharply now, tc .;udgc from OPEC production and shipments. We expect OECD imports in the second half to run 2.3 million b/d above first-half levels: If prices remained constant, the increased volume alone would 5 SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 add $4.5 billion to OECD oil outlays. We do not believe that the volume of oil imports by the LIX,s will change appreciably from first?lwE' levels. The expected rise in OPEC prices by $1.00 to $ !.50 per barrel on I October will add another $ I.8-$2.7 billion to the OIE(I) oil bil', in the last quarter of 1975 -- $11 to $16 billion at an annual rate.* The Big Seven will absorb $1.141.8 billion of the fourth-quarter rise. The LDCs, with imports totaling about 3.5 million b/d, will have to pay an additional $250-$370 million. With a current account deficit of roughly $21 billion in the first half' - a level we belit-.,r they cannot continue to finance - the LDCs will be forced to cut back other imports if they are to pay the higher oil bill. Implications The aggregate OECD trade balance will deteriorate considerably in second half 1975 because of the higher oil bills and a probable decline in exports to financially pressed LDCs. The deterioration will inhibit implementation of expansionary economic policies in the developed cmuntrics. MAJOR DEVELOPED COUNTRIES: A MEASURE OF CHANGES IN TRADE COMPETITIVENESS** Exchange rate changes since March 1973 have not fully compensated for inflation differentials among the major developed countries. As a result, the trade competitiveness of those countries with high inflation rates has tended to deteriorate, while the position of countries with low inflation rates has improved. Italy has suffered the greatest loss in trade competitiveness because its wholesale prices have climbed 69% in the last 2-1/2 years, far outstripping the 21% trade-weighted depreciation in the lira. At the other extreme, West Germany has seen its position improve despite a 9% strengthening in the mark; its wholesale prices have increased a total of 21%. * Although the price increase will not begin to show up in OPEC receipts for two to three months because of the lag in payments by concessionaires, the oil companies will begin to pass through the incrase in October; an estimated two-thirds of OECD purchases in the fourth quarter will carry the new prices. ** This article presents some preliminary insights from ongoing research to determine better ways to measure trade competitiveness. 6 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET Variations in Inflation Rates Inflation, a serious problem in all major industrial nations since 1972, was given a sharp prod by the quadru- pling of oil prices after October 1973. Wholesale price increases have differed markedly among the major countries, as shown by the following average annual rates from March 1973 through mid-1975: Italy 28.3 United Kingdom 22.1 Japan 20.4 United States 16.1 France 13.7 West Germany 8.7 Variations in Exchange Rates Since March 1973-the first month following abandonment of the Smithsonian Agreement--the major currencies have undergone the follow- ing trade-weighted parity changes (minus = depreciation): West Germany 9.2 France 2.6 United States 2.0 Japan -12.6 United Kingdom -18.0 Italy -20.6 Developed Countries: Competitiveness and Trade Balances Pmconl zB West Germany 15~ fH : i `% r -101 10, 1 France -15i i I 101 Japan -10 The Dual Impact on Competitive Trade Positiit'ts? Billion US$ Monthly Averngo (Snnsonally Adjuster) % ,\ i - ?. % Jan Jar Jul 74 75 We have estimated trends in the competitivei,ess of goods produced in West Germany, France, I*aly, the Ur.;ted Kingdom, Japan, and the United States by adjusting each country's trade-weighted exchange rate index by the change in its wholesale price level relative to the trade-weighted average of its trading partners.* 7 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 The resulting index of price competi- tiveness does not always track well with movements in the trade balance of the individual countries because our methodology does not take into account other factors, including, for example, the trade effects of relative changes in GNP growth rates. ? Rapid inflation resulted in a steady increase in the com- parative cost of Italia,: goods from mid-1973 until September 1974, despite depreciation of the lira throughout most of the pe- riod. The Italian competi- tive position thereafter im- proved moderately as infla- tion tapered off and the lira depreciated further. A sharp falloff in Italian demand nonetheless was the chief element in the $3.4 billion improvement in the Italian trade balance in first half 1975. e Because wholesale prices in the United Kingdom in- creased at about the same rate as the average of its trading partners until the spring of 1974, sterling de- preciation led to an im- provement in the competi- tiveness of British products. Since then, inflation has moderated in most other countries while British price increases have continued. Killion 11S$ Percent Monthly Avurapu lSeasonulIy Adjusted) 25 1711 Trade Balance tom/ % t t t ER \ Irllacuyu rcchnnae natel -25 l_ j.. l9 United Kingdom -291 I l9 United States PAIR II'nce Adjolvil rllact ve tMChnaeu Ilutel Trade Balance A 8 SECRET Jan 76 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET Even though sterling depreciation fell far short of offsetting the inflation differential, the British trade balance improved in the first half'of this year because of a marked slump in import demand. ? Although the trade-weighted value of the Japanese yen declined fairly steadily from the first quarter of 1973 on, the rate of depreciation was insufficient to offset rapid wholesale price increases through the first quarter of 1974. Since April 1974 the Japanese competitive position has improved as inflation abated and the yen continued to depreciate. This trend, together with slumping Japanese demand, brought a shift in the trade balance from a $1.2 billion deficit in first quarter 1974 to a $1.9 billion surplus in second quarter 1975. ? French competitiveness generally deteriorated from early 1973 until mid-1974 as the rise in wholesale prices outstripped franc depreciation. The French position then apparently improved from mid-1974 until early 1975, when the franc began to appreciate. The results of our computa- tions on France should be treated with caution; we doubt, for example, that the rapid decline in the wholesale price index in recent months reflects the real trend in the price of French exports. Non-agricultural primary products and intermediate goods are heavily weighted in the wholesale price index but are not important French exports. ? The West German competitive position has improved by more than 5% since March 1973. Bonn's superior success in controlling inflation has more than offset the 9% appreciation of the German mark. The decline in West Germany's huge trade surplus in first half 1975 was largely the result of soft foreign demand for investment goods, which weigh heavily in German exports. ? The competitive position of the United States improved from the spring of 1973 until US wholesale price inflation relative to its trading partners got out of hand in second quarter 1974. By last fall the price increases and some strengthening of the dollar had wiped out the earlier gain. Thereafter, US inflation just about matched the average of US trading partners and the dollar declined somewhat through mid-] 975, bringing US competitiveness back to about the same position as in early 1973. 9 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 le Next 5 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 btLKtl LDC LIBERALIZATON REQUESTS The LDCs are submitting a growing volume of requests for trade liberalization to GATT negotiators in Geneva. Participants in the Multilateral Trade Negotiations had agreed in Tokyo in 1973 to "treat tropical products as a special and priority sector." The request lists received so far indicate that a number of LDCs have interpreted tropical products as anything they export. The 20 request lists so far received by the United States cover more than 4070 of the value of all US imports in 1974. If requests for liberalization of manufactures and petroleum are excluded, the remaining requests cover less than 15% of total US imports. Noncompetitive items for which action is requested account for only about 3% of US imports. Most of the submissions received so far request reductions in Most Favored Nation (MFN) tariffs or inclusion of items in the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). 16 SECRET - Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET Itequests for US Liberalization of Trade Restrictions on Certain Imports from the LDCs as of I August 1975 Requesting Countries Action Requested Noncompelilive products Alkaloids and compounds Pakistan GSP or MFN Bamboo articles Thailand; I long Kong MFN; MFN Bananas Nigeria NIB Broomcorn Mexico MFN Cashews Kenya NTB Cassia Indonesia; Singapore MFN; NTI3 Cinnamon Sri Lanka GSP Cloves Indonesia; Sri Lanka; NTB; MFN; MFN Singapore Cocoa Ghana; Nigeria GSP, NTI3; NTB Cocoa butter Ghana; Ivory Coast MFN, NTB; GSP Cocoa powder Ivory Coast; Singapore GSP; MFN, GSP Cocoa products Nigeria NTB Cocoa paste Singapore MFN Coconut Philippines MFN, NTB Coconut meat Sri Lanka GSP Coffee Nigeria; Kenya NTB; NTB Copra Nigeria MFN, NTI3 Fish, tropical (aquarium) Indonesia; Singapore Ex-0110"X-out Ginger root Singapore MFN Incense Thailand MFN Jute woven fabrics India GSP, NTB Jute yarn Thailand; Bangladesh; MFN; MFN, GSP; GSP India Kapok Sri Lanka GSP Live animals Kenya GSP Live birds Nigeria MFN Mace Indonesia MFN, NTB Mangoes India; Singapore GSP, NTB; NTB Nutmeg Indonesia; Sri Lanka; MFN; MFN; MFN Singapore Oils (palm, castor, copra) Nigeria; India NTB; GSP, NTB Opium India GSP Passion fruit Sri Lanka GSP Peppcr Nigeria; Indonesia; Thai- GSP; MFN, NTB; MFN; NTB; land; Sri Lanka; Malaysia; MFN, NTB; NTB; MFN, NTB; Singapore; Turkey; Bangla- GSP, NTB; GSP desh; Pakistan 17 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Requests for US Liberalization of 't'rade Restrictions on Certain Imports from (lie LUCs as of I August 1975 (Continued) Requesting Countries Action Requested Pimento Indonesia N'I'B Silk 'T'hailand; Bangladesh MFN; MFN or GSP Sisal Mexico MFN Vanilla Indonesia N'1'11 Vegetable fibers Mexico; Kenya; Philip- MFN; MFN; MFN, GSP; GSP pines; India Competitive products Abalone Mexico MFN Bags (vegetable fiber) Bangladesh GoP or MFN Beans, dried Thailand MFN Billfolds Nigeria GSP, NTB Bovine leather India GSP, NTB Breakfast cereal ln'Ionesia MFN Bristles, natural India GSP, NTB Candy Colombia GSP, NTB Carpets Bangladesh GSP or MFN Chocolate Ghana; Nigeria; Singapore NTB; MFN, NTB; MFN, NTB Cigarettes Indonesia MFN, NTB Cigars Jamaica MFN, NTB Citrus fruits and juices Jamaica; Argentina MFN, NTB; GSP Bound Clams Singapore MFN, NTB Coconut oil Sri Lanka; Philippines; MFN; MFN or GSP, NTB; Malaysia; Singapore MFN; MFN, NTB Corn (seed) Indonesia MFN Crabmeat Thailand; Singapore; MFN, NTB; MFN, NTB; GSP Bangladesh Crabs Bangladesh NTB Cucumbers Jamaica MFN Drugs, natural Singapore MFN, NTB Feathers Thailand MFN Fish (fresh, paste, pre- Thailand; Malaysia; Ivory MFN; NTB; MFN; MFN; GSP, pared, preserved) Coast; Singapore; India NTB Flowers, cut Singapore; Colombia MFN; GSP Frogs, frogmeat Indonesia; Bangladesh; MFN; MFN, GSP; GSP, NTB India Fruit juices Kenya; Mexico; Colombia 18 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET Requests for US Liberalization of 't'rade Itestriclions on Certain Imports from the LUCs as of I August 1975 (Continued) Requesting Countries Action Requested Fruit paste and pulp Argentina GSP Bound Fruit peel :>hilippincs GSP Fruit, prepared or pre? I long Kong; Ivory Coast MFN; GSP served Furniture of vegetable Nigeria; Ilong Kong fiber Garlic flour Bangladesh; Pakistan Grapefruit Mexico; Jamaica GSP; MFN, NTB Gums and resins Nigeria NTB handles (broom) Malaysia MFN Herring Kenya MFN Hides and skins Kenya N'TB Honey Argentina GSP Bound Hoofs and horns Nigeria NTB Jams and jellies India GSP, NTB Jewelry Kenya MFN Leather Nigeria; Indonesia; NTB; MFN; GSP; GSP, NTB; Kenya; India; Bangladesh; GSP; GSP Pakistan Leather footwear India; Bangladesh; GSP, NTB; GSP; GSP Pakistan Leather, goat India; Bangladesh; GSP, NTB; MFN; GSP Pakistan Leather products Nigeria; Indonesia; India; GSP, NTB; MFN; GSP, NTB; Bangladesh; Pakistan GSP; GSP Lemon oil Ivory Coast; Argentina GSP Bound; GSP Bound Imes Jamaica MFN, NTB Luggage Indonesia; India; Bang- MFN; GSP; GSP; MFN; GSP ladesh; Hong Kong; Pak- istan Meat Indonesia MFN Mica, waste and scrap, India GSP, NTB products Molasses (inedible) Kenya; Bangladesh; MFN; MFN; MFN or GSP Pakistan Mang beans Kenya 19 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET Requests for US Liberalization of Trade Restrictions on Certain Imports from the LDCs as of I August 1975 (Continued) Requesting Countries Action Requested Mushrooms Indonesia; Singapore MFN; MFN Nuts (walnut, hazel, Turkey; India MFN, NIB; GSP pistachio) Oils (essential, hydro- Indonesia; Malaysia; MFN; MFN; MFN, NTI3; MFN, genated, vegetable) Singapore; Turkev; l3ang- NTB; MFN; GSP ladesh;Ivory Coast Oil (seeds and nuts) Ghana; Singapore %TB; MFN, NTB Onions, onion seeds Singapore; Thailand MFN; MFN Oranges (fresh, canned) Mexico; Jamaica MFN; MFN, NTB Orange juice, concen- Jamaica; Brazil MFN; MFN trated Orchids Thailand MFN, NTB Oysters Singapore MFN, NTB Palm oil Malaysia MFN Bound Passion fruit juice Brazil MFN Peanuts Nigeria MFN, NTB Peas Kenya MFN Pineapples (fresh, canned) Ivory Coast; Mexico; Phil- GSP Bound; GSP, MFN; ippines; Singapore; MFN or GSP; MFN, NTB; Malaysia; Colombia MFN, NTB; GSP Pineapple juice or Brazil; Philippines; Binding; GSP; MFN concentrate Singapore Plants Thailand MFN, NTB Plywood Indonesia; Ivory Coast MFN; GSP Rice Pakistan GSP or MFN Rice meal Thailand MFN Rubber (and articles Indonesia; Malaysia; MFN, NTB; MFN; MFN thereof) Thailand Rum Jamaica MFN, NTB Sheep skin Pakistan GSP Shell fish Nigeria; Singapore; NTB Bound; MFN; MFN, Bangladesh; Pakistan; NTB; MFN, NTB; MFN, NTB Ivory Coast Shrimp Mexico; Malaysia; Ivory M!iN, NTB; NTB; Binding, Coast; Turkey NTB; MFN, NTB Kenya GSP, NTB 20 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Requests for US Liberalization of Trade Restrictions on Certain Imports from the LDCs as of 1 August 1975 (Continued) Requesting Countries Action Requested Soybean meal Spices Sugar Sunflower seeds Tapestries, fiber Thyme and saffron Tobacco Tobacco products Tomatoes Travel goods Tropical woods Tung oil Turpentine Vegetables Watermelons Wood products Indonesia India Indonesia; Philippines; Singapore; Bangladesh Kenya Nigeria; Bangladesh Singapore; India Nigeria; Indonesia; Thai- land; Mexico; Philippines; Colombia; India Brazil; Philippines Jamaica India Ghana; Ivory Coast; Ni- geria; Indonesia; Thai- land; Malaysia; Singa- pore Indonesia; Kenya; Phil- ippines; Singapore Argentina Mexico Thai'and; Singapore Jamaica Thailand; Kenya; Indonesia MFN GSP MFN, NTB; MFN; MFN, NTB; MFN, NTB GSI' GSP; GSP MFN, NTB; MFN GSP; MFN, NTB; MFN; MFN or GSP; GSP; MFN; GSP GSP, NTB; GSP MFN, NTB GSP GSP; GSP Bound; GSP, NTB; MFN; MFN; MFN, NTB; MFN, NTB MFN; MFN; GSP, NTB; MFN MFN MFN MFN; MFN MFN, NTB MFN; GSP; MFN Boxing gloves Carbon, activated Combs Cotton textiles Fish equipment Pakistan Sri Lanka Kenya Nigeria Kenya GSP GSP GSP GSP GSP Furniture Graphite Ice bags and water bot- tles Thailand; Philippines; Malaysia; Singapore Singapore Sri Lanka Malaysia 21 SECRET MFN; GSP; MFN, NTB; MFN MFN GSP MFN Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 SECRET Requests for US Liberalization of Trade Restrictions on Certain Imports from the LDCs as of 1 August 1975 (Continued) Product Requesting Countries Action Requested Illuminating articles Kenya GSP Luggage Thailand MFN Nipples Malaysia MFN Pesticides Kenya GSP, NTB Petroleum Nigeria GSP Phonograph records Nigeria GSP Rifles Kenya GSP Rubber articles Malaysia MFN Rubber wearing apparel Malaysia MFN Screws and shanks Nigeria GSP Stuffed animals Kenya GSP Textiles Ke i ?a GSP Tin N ' '' n a Unspecified Tires Tl.afland; Malaysia MFN; MFN Travel goods Singapore Unspecified Unwrought magnesium Nigeria GSP Veneers Ivory Coast GSP Wood products Ivory Coast GSP Wool tapestries Nigeria GSP 1. Action ret uested: MFN - reduction of Most Favored Nation duty. NTB - removal of non-tariff barrier. GSP - inclusion of item on Generalized System of Preference list. Binding - an agreement between two or more principal trading partners not to increase the tariff on a certain product without compensation. GSP Bound - inclusion of the item on Generalized System of Preference list and binding of the new tariff. MFN Bound - The binding of the MFN rate to a principal supplier. Ex-out - item requested should be removed from the tariff category in which it is presently placed and given a lower tariff. NTB Bound - The binding of an NTB removal to a principal supplier. 22 SECRET Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Calendar of MTN Meetings Meeting 22 September 1975 (Geneva) 23 September 1975 (Geneva) 6 October 1975 (Geneva) 6 October 1975' (Geneva) 13 October 1975 (Geneva) 13 October 1975 (Geneva) 20 October 1975 (G"nova) 20 October 1975 (Geneva) 27 October 1975 (Geneva) 27 October 1975 (Geneva) 3 November 1975 (Geneva) MTN: Agriculture Group MTN: Non-Tariff Measures Subgroup: Standards MTN: Non-Tariff Measures Subgroup: Customs Matters MTN: Agriculture Subgroup: Meat MTN: Non-Tarriff Measures Group MTN: Tariff Group MTN: Tropical Products Group MTN: Agriculture Subgroup: Grains MTN: Non-Tariff Measures Subgroup: Quantitative Re- strictions (QR) MTN: Agriculture Subgroup: Dairy Products MTN: Sectors Group The Agriculture Group will continue attempts to resolve procedural diffi- culties (particularly over non-tariff measures) and review work done in the agricultural subgroups. The Subgroup will continue work on an international standards code. The Subgroup will discuss the stand- ardization of customs procedures. The meeting will review progress made on meat studies. The Group will consider an Australian proposal to add non-tariff measures data to the tariff rate file being compiled by the Tariff Group. The Group will also discuss the estab- lishment of additional subgroups. The Tariff Group will discuss the base date and base rate frc:n which concessions will be made. There will also be further discussion on tariff cutting formulas. The meeting will review the status of LDC requests and developed country offers for trade liberalization in tropical products. The Subgroup will consider the effects of variable levies, minimum import prices, and export subsidies on grain trade. The Subgroup will review the status of QR notifications currently being made by the MTN participants. The Subgroup will review the progress of studies on characteristics of dairy trade, stability of markets, and special treatment for developing nations. The Sectors Group will analyze a GATT study on ores and metals and define ways in which it can be improved. The Group will also examine feasibility studies proposed by the United States. Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Calendar of MTN Meetings Date and Place Meeting 17 November 1975 MTN: Safeguards Group The Group will continue examination (Geneva) of GATT Article XIX and discuss pro. posals for reform of the Safeguard clause. 10 November 1975 MTN: Non-Tariff Measures The Subgroup will continue work on a (Geneva) Subgroup: Subsidies and code governing subsidy practices and Countervailing Duties countervailing duties. 9 December 1975 MTN: Trade Negotiations The TNC will review the work of all (Geneva) Committee (TNC) Groups since the July TNC meting and establish guidelines for subsequent negotiations. Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 APPENDIX B STATISTICAL TABLES AND CHARTS Tables World Trade OECD: Direction of Trade Developed Countries: Trade by Major Commodity Groups Developed Countries: Exports to OPEC Developed Countries: Imports from OPEC Market Shares of OPEC Imports, 1974 Charts Value of Foreign Trade in US $ Value of Foreign Trade in National Currencies Volume of Foreign Trade Foreign Trade Prices in US $ Foreign Trade Prices in National Cunencies Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 The Statistical Survey of International Trade presents up-to-date information on international trade, with emphasis on trends and patterns relevant ,to US policy. To the extent possible, the statistics are updated from press ticker and Embassy reporting, so that results are made available to the reader weeks - or sometimes months - before receipt of official statistical publications. Comments and queries regarding the Statistical Survey of International Trade are welcomed. They may be directed tc, the Office of Economic Research, 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 141111on Its $ P OO 1970 11171 ExporlN 1972 1971 1971 World ...................... INN :II'I :151 118 i78 Nil) tolled StathN ............. 28 43 ?1'1 511 71 111) Canada ................ ? 8 17 IN 21 26 :11 Japan ........... . ........ 11 11) 2'1 211 :3'61 ")It Isuropwln ('om1111111113 ..... 11.5 113 128 155 212 270 Unllyd Kingdom........ 1.1 111 22 21 :31 :111 Franco .................. Ili IN 21 27 :17 Ili West (iornutiIv.......... IN 31 :311 17 lit) N!1 Italy ................... 7 13 15 11) 22 :11) Other devoloped ........... 21 31 39 Ili it 1 83 Less (I1'vuloped............ 86 54 1i2 7:3 11111 220 OI'P.( ..... ....... 11) Ili 22 26 3I 1211 Other .................. 25 :18 411 IN 75 Olt ('on111111111N1 ............... 22 :bl :Ili .1.1 ?'+8 71 World .... . ................. lilt) 330 3137 432 5811 857 United statni ............. 23 42 48 .51!1 73 108 Canada .................. 1) 1'1 17 211 25 35 Japan .. . ............... 8 lit 20 2.1 3N 62 European ('olumtulit' ... lit) 117 I311 155 216 29:1 United Kingdom ........ lli 22 24 28 :31 55 France ................. 10 111 21 27 38 53 West iicrmnnv'.......... 18 30 34 111 55 1;1) lull}' ................... 7 15 iti 19 28 II Other developed........... 311 411 50 5* 711 10(3 Lvni developed............ 37 57 13.1 72 97 167 OPEC ................. 11 1(1 I ! 13 I8 40 Ol11er .................. 30 ?17 53 58 711 127 ('ommtill ist ... ........... 21 30 :38 1* 131 85 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 5lnjor IIIll 'r r,lnJnr 0Iher RbrII1 4'fill If It II'm 1115( '1) ( 11'1;1" ('onullu111Kl I)II,'r War Ill (bis Ill Iirn OF( 'I) 4)I'I51'! ('anuuunlsl lllhl'r I'Id1r,1 Nl 113.,3 117 11X,5143 13,NHI 111,14741 11,115{1 2,2514 211,8147 107,!197 53 ,:):12 111,1112 17,0 140 I?t (111,.,.. .. "'!,7111 111,11711 ;1,1111)1 IIi111 7:!6 5,11111 11111 11,11411 II 111x. .., ..,.. 25,2141 11,711{ 115:1 1,'770 I, 137 1,5:!1 :3110 7,11';1 1127 1:1,7111 ,'775 5,:171 id (1111 2:1,:167 111 5 1'{5 :1,11111 1,7111 1M11 11,118:1 24, 1115 1:1,1187 2,1671 157 Ilh (11.....1.1,., :!7,1:15 12?111:1 5! 1 2 ' Fill 114;1 7,2115 211, 41,3 I1, 1,7111 :I,II:CI 51,, 77!1 11175 I' 1 1(II27,215 1,1414 2,111', 1118 7 ,2C1 :!11,3)5 18117 ",541 1II .. .. ..,,,. 111,17:1 1 , 7 71 2,11118 :!1,1'71 1,:!71 11171. fir, 5111 19,1111 7,177 5,2111 :1,1115 19,702 112,I:di 114,71411 hi 111x.......... 111,:!111 :1,1110 7,:111:1 IN,2:11 11511 7115 1,1112 1:1,11:!11 4,;11111 1,720 :1,'71111 21I 1111 ....... 1:1,711 1,7115 2,1111:1 1,182 1)22 1,112211 111,7711 :Id Q t r . . . 71,I:C1 111411:' I,14:IH ...., 11,117:1 5,1112' !,11111 I 15:1 ,11:,1 5,111 15,172 1,1424 1 ,N'41 1,737 Ill1 Qtr .......... 111,5)1 5,2114 2,3111 1,8111 1, 11l 5,11511 15,1478 1,7111 1,14x11 5 1117 1,787 Ial Q11 ............. 13,1141 :1,111{:1 ill5 1,8511 1,:1111) 1,:121 11,515 1,2117 1,71{5 1,11511 2d (111 ............. 1:1, I:Cl ... . ............ 1117 1 ................. 89,1 17 :111, 9914 Isl 1111 .......... 211, IIIH 7, 1(.8) 2d Qtr........... 22,x1:1 14,5111 3d (11 r ............. 2I ,1184 7,:6111 I1h Qtr............ 21, 1714 7,7:114 11175 Ial 1111' ............. 22,517 7,1652 2d (111........ fraare :17,005 ?1,213:1 1;11481 9,377 68,9112 2:1,76:! 26,11711 4, 71:1 71111 1 , 11111 1,1147 15,117.1 5, 2211 662 11,:11111 11511 1 , 1111 1, 5:14 17 1125 11, 21 6, 71{1) 11,;1!11{ 1,11711 1,5011 2,5117 17, 121 5,1111 11, 1111 111, 1:11, I , 155 2 , 7011 2 , 155 14, 5311 11,:171 7, 21 1 11,:11{4 I, 17)1 1,118:1 2,11114 18,1511 it. 1:111 11171 ................. 45,H97 19,:115 15,215 2,9011 1,871 1st Qlr ............. I11, 102 1,521 :1,1111 551 1211 2d Qlr ............. 11,818 5,1111 3,078 1181 1:12 3d QIr ............. 111,1111:1 4,5111 1,5'14 7511 1118 41h Qtr............ 12,714 5, 1811 1,215 1)113 551 1117?{ 1st Qtr ............. 1:1,3111 .7,1143 1, 15)1 I 143 1677 6,?173 52,8211 22,11411 1:1,87.1 1,ICI 12,1;,8 5,2119 :I,:CIp , 51111 1:1,11111 5, 8.74 :1,11)11 I 111)14 12.878 5,:1114 :1, 211{ I ,141!2 13, 8211 ,5,11511 3,112M 14,373 1,487 123 2, 181 2,182 1,1178 25,5!11 250 6,141 209 1:11 I I .' I 11 7 :! 1 :!7 1 , I, 1 113 4114 r, 8 111 :1,11!1 1 ,1{111 11411 11,1:01 8117 1,11 11 8112 7 :1,1711 811 1,662 777 1 ,7 17 :1,211!1 7, 5:19 11:17 I,Ii114 412 1,11711 441 2,11:1:3 11111 1,811'2 8,528 1,517 6,1431 1,71lI 3II I?{112 11111 :171 I , Iloilo 2,2.142 1111) 1,11:12 2,373 4:12 1,728 :117 13,111)1 5, 8713 :1, 7)11{ 2,212 6,254 54,5111 18,272 18,25:1 1,258 12,175 1,111 1,11711 ,1111 1.1,5113 -1,81)11 4,(1111{ 1,1)82 1:1,715 1,5111 1,1{1)1 1 1 { 7 3 1 1, 1 17 1,14)1)1 I , M4:I 7.946 1,849 8,191) 1,7118 398 1,7115 2,2211 172 2,31111 1 , 8112 172 2,228 2. 40111 507 1 467 .. ? ? ? ? ? ? , 11, I. )fill 9675 31)11 2, I:is 13,877 1,11:311 2d (Itr ............. I'' Fi , IH3 1,551 1,810 387 2,111!1 11, I l Ilnly ?? 1071 ................. 311,'293 1:1,796 7,681 2, 117 1,721 1,678 49,977 18,00:1 7,216 9,268 1,941 1,516 oat (1tr ............. Ii,215 :3,112.8 1,1121) II)) 3.1:1 811 1),;,75 1,1211 1 ,725 1 ,898 187 1111;11{ 2d (11r ............. 7,2514 :1,4111 1,1122 ,120 1113 3d(11r ............. H, 222 a,l{IIU 1, 11113 111,371{ d,5!IH 1,7511 2,3811 its 1, fill 2,121 (11)){ 4111) 1,21)7 1)1,1422 1,1{M'{ 1,141.5 2,6:12 Ith QIr............ ...1)114 :1,1{59 351 1, 134 2.015 7111 1711 111321 III, LII) 1,5!111 1117,7 1,11211 '',3.72 ISN 1,178 1st Qtr ............. .4,117)1 :3,525 1,1473 1453 515 1,271 11,1116 1,11171 2d Qtr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1?327 !,7111{ ISO 1,1118 M?71)1{ 6,351 anal n 11171 ................. 3.:,100 27,092 2,00.1 547 659 2,098 ' 33,:1111 26,727 1,777 2,69.1 2,69.1 257 1,854 oat Qtr ............. 7,1)111 11,015 41)2 81 its 'III 7,146 27 Ql r . . . . . . . .. . . . . 5 , 8)12 :1:1 N,IU'1 7,1111 - 7?/I 111 1 218 .1112 )), It l l 504 511 :177 3d Qlr ............. N, I I:{ 131042 -I Ill 11,1152 5111 171 218 7 .1!12 lilt Qtr ............ 8,78:) 7,2711 Si l 188 12,3 1{2 52;3 2 111),20.4 711 ,,7110 4711 7 2)) ,ill (1 1111 1711 1117.1 ,2x1 ',423 551 7112 2 I{li ili oat Qtr ............. 7,575 171,:3.5)) -1:111 Ilis 1:3;3 ?11)7 8,576 11,721) ?1114 If3 2d Qtr ............. 14,1111 .... .... .... 11,.787 1411;1 1112 11171 ................. 5{32,592 241,684 115,391 29,295 25,059 91,160 591,042 279,782 127,228 86,365 20,043 77,624 Iat Qtr ............. 1111,358 51,7711 32,:331 5 1.11 5 03S 1 1 -d Qtr ........... . .1 322 1'ahed Kingdom "" 11171 ................. 38,78.1 11,765 17,11116 2,562 1,197 Isl Qtr ............. 8, 1N11 2,574 :1,112:1 4111 2)17 2d (21r ............. 111,102 ;{,11110 1,501 11115 2811 id Qtr ............. 111,11115 3,1131{ 1,2.40 7113 :3111 ,Ill, Qtr............ 111,4111 :1,1)141) 1,11I2 71111 :3:37 11)75 Ist Qtr...... It) 111111 3 I " ! ,116!1 1..9,1111 1{1,4.71 28,1{25 16,218 4,271 18,?1511 2d Qtr . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:31{,33.7 62,1184 :17,721 I{,11.5:3 1{,1)72 2:3,201 153,824 72,228 :12,817 2'1,0)171 4,995 211,782 311 Qtr ............. 132,324 511,261 35,1{84 7,7:32 11,3710 2:1,297 1111,({22 (19,218 :31,2716 2:3,5111 5. 207 211,424 ,Ill, Qtr ............ 1.17,575 114,95)) :311,1118 11,71111 7?711)1) 25.5103 I '1N711 , ,S" 71{,882 34,5311 2:3,({25 17,111{{ Data arc unadjusted. 11ccauae of rounding, enrtlponl?nts, mn)? nut add to the tohlla shown. 2 Excluding Gabon. Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Exports (f.o.b.) Total Food Raw Materials Fuels Machinery and Equipment Other Manu- factures Total Food Raw Materials Fuels Machinery and Equipment Other Mann- factures United ;totes 1971 ....................... 98,553 15,211 1,351 3,139 38,197 29,297 107,997 11,576 7.261 27,356 26,065 3-3.73s 1st Qtr ................... 22.761 :3.569 3.232 Isl 5.626 6. 5.511 22.)i41' 2.it16 1..3:31) -5.1111 6.,10:3 2d Qtr ................... 3d Qtr ................... 25.290 23,367 3.653 3,37:3 :3.401 2.555 .513 976 9.722 5.969 7.70:3 7.194 27.6-!7 21.465 :3.012 2.7-1, I.926 1.957 7-1>1 -.602 6.67 2 6.363 9 Ith Qtr ................... 27.1:3.1 4.31.1 3.19:3 1.1613 i(1.11 7-5511 29.265 2-'711 1.'12 - 11.17.) 1st Qtr ................... 27.215 4,5SS :3.121 1.091 10.901 7,S0s 26.315 2.565 1.622 , -21-11 i --S A M . 7 - pr ay ..... ...... .... 17.782 2. 117 !, ,35 527 ,,591 1,s7ti 16.900 1. 660 1.299 4.060 4.,47 .20 Japan 1971 ....................... 55,516 852 1,195 252 25.127 27.517 62,016 5.1722 it.111 21.992 1.317 10.121 1st Qtr ................... 11),2!11 2115 215 2" 1.99 1,s1S 13.9_'0 1.757 :3.3'1) }.N-,f i 2d Qtr ................... 1:3.711 200 2s2 :35 6, 196 13.729 16.776 2.177 4.1125 6.462 I. 121 2 c?'. 3d Qtr ................... 11,973 217 327 71 6,196 7,161) 15.172 1.'73 :3.326 6.555 1.016 .-5 :- Ith Qtr .................. I1i.511 230 :311 111) 7. 120 11 1 l3. 7~ 2.335 :3.33,2 7.11 P1 1.11-1 1975 Ist Qtr ................... 1:3,151 1111 225 79 6,015 6,719 11.545 2.2}s 3.033 6.377 1.1,56 L'21 Apr ...................... 1,790 70 67 19 2.37s 2.257 1.673 712 941 ?,11112 317 West Grrinan_~- 1971 ....................... 89,117 3.292 2,755 3,079 37.972 11.9S9 65.962 9.111 5,551 13.302 10.333 2--657 it Qtr ................... 20.}35 MI'_1 1311 053 ',1)91 9.315 15. 1)74 2.11r1, 1,!'11:3 2.917 Icy I..,. 2d Qtr ................... 22.813 S23 752 711 9.716 }1).-7s 17.925 2.467 2.221 3.37_2 2 -20 --1 - 3d Qtr ................... 21.955 799 7011 135 5.526 11),521 17.121 2.091 2.16' 3--30.5 2-,'.11 7I Ith Qtr ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.175 S69 lis9 sI)i 111,736 1}.03 11.539 _2.5113 2.25,% :i . -,lip ' 9} i - 1975 1st [r ................... 22.517 912 650 116 !1.797 10-:312 1,,03I 2.5.31 2.115 2 0}.i - France 1974 ....................... 15,897 7,155 2,736 1.209 12,62.1 21,570 52.s20 1.673 5.367 11,507 10 157 21) 116 1st Qtr ................... 111,111'_' 1,901 1)79 267 2,7211 1,'2N 12.1 .i. 1.121 l._'-=. !. . --`-? , ..o' * 2d Qtr ................... 11.545 1.569 771 356 3.116 5.663 13.904 1.157 1,473 2.945 _-7391 5 3d Qtr ................... 11),!)0:3 1.750 601 293 2.911 5.319 12,1,1 1,0:30 1,3I:3 0._14 2.367 1.'-,33 Ith Qtr .................. 12.711 1.9:311 611 293 :3.771 14.111)I 13,1211 1.2:15 1.307 3.321 2 ,;2- - 5 197:i . . Jan & Felt ................ 5.519 1.176 its 221 2.729 :3.912 9.069 919 '71 2.13' I-'io- :i Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 United Kingdnin 1971 ........................ 1st Qtr ................... 2d Qtr ................... 3d Qtr ............. ..... Ith Qtr .................. 1975 1st Qtr ................... Apr ...................... Itah- 1974 ....................... 1st Qtr ................... 2d Qtr ................... 3d Qtr ................... Ith Qtr .................. 1975 1st Qtr ................... 2d Qtr ................... Canada 1974 ....................... 1st Qtr ................... 2d Qtr ................... 3d Qtr ................... [tit Qtr .................. 1975 1st Qtr..... .............. 2d Qtr ................... Developed Countries: Trade by Major Commodity Groups (Continued) Exports (f.o.b.)----------- --- --- Food Material F Machinery and Other Af anu- 35,781 S ISti 2. 196 s 1,356 uels I,S03 Equipment 11.212 factures 15,911 Total 51 510 Food 5 5 , 10 102 537 353 320 3.1/011 3, 9,3 . 12 175 , -36 . 10,005 1315 659 3SS 318 5110 :3.594 5.006 , 14.503 1 .96e 2,'156 ((1.491 118 1 291 191 c 4J 3.629 4.905 1:3.715 2.191 1 3.990 5.029 11.117 2.410 10,906 :3 754 55:3 331 4S! 1.442 4.S70 13 377 . 2.51 103 121 1.576 I .699 . 4.S30 2.442 11S-1 30,293 6,215 I 1 55 899 ? ISO 726 1 5 12, 67-9 40,977 40 7.294 7.255 561 !141 65 . 0 2.661 9.275 1.931 8 222 7 2.197 2.902 10 376 . 15151 659 1.052 723 2.32-1 3.434 . 10 822 1.704 1 7 712 1 .0.51 1615 2. 135 :3.67.5 , 10_5111 . 16 1 .91:3 5.070 8.596 9.016 9.351 32,400 7 OI(1 3,878 6,888 5,095 8,379 8,160 33 309 2 65 . 5 49 775 I, 169 1.00's 1.97-1 1 7.51 , 7 14 , 6 4 . 5 1.016 1.816 1,433 2.129 . 2 100 . i 5 61 343 .113 1.02.5 1.811 1.277, I S92 . 2 I0 . -} ., 651 1.783 1.062 1 .792 1.376 . 2.351 . S 2. 1 t; .q S. 21 bS 9.251 658 X11 1 7 -- x.0.:1 178 1.133 1.330 3 061 1 95 8,611 ---- . . 3 S.576 6215 Data are unadjusted. Because of rounding, components may not add to the totals shown. Imports (c.Lf.) Mzchinery Other Raw and Manu- Materials Fuels Equipment factures 6,0-33 10.937 9.163 19.502 1.32} 2.356 ". 10,5 -12i 1.614 3.039 2.39.5 5.191 1 .63.3 2. 66 1 2-212 5 -t1i5 1.479 _ 2.451 .. 167 . 1.32S -1.(31.5 2-'inI 451 451 110 9?1 I.-I7 5,756 10,597 5.245 11.756 1.4211 2. 1:311 I 221 2 57. 1.585 2.701 -I-. I o :3. t15. 1.497 3.130 1.319, 3. 1e ti I.2'1 2.!129 I.:3s' 1,549 3,450 15,137 :363 but' :3. Ion 419 944 3.941 3SI 93:3 :3, 4o t 31.5 991 1, 299 :377 1.077 3.92 ". So- . Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 I I A E Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 1117) ................... 1st 1111 ................ 2d (Ill.r ............... III QU? ............... 11111111' .............. 11175 Inl Qtr ............... 2d Qtr ............... ,111111111 11171 ................... 1.1 QIr ............... 2d Qtr ... .... . ..... 111 (11r ............... lilt (111'. ....... ...... 11175 Is) (Ill.r ............... Apr & \Llp....... I... We"I Iii i' 1nitIlV 11171 ................... 111111 41111{11 Alt;rrin I;rundor Indono8ln Iron Iraq I(uw'ull I.ll)1'n Ni 'rlu (1n1ur Arnblu 1'rnoi.ul'In Told :115,I :1'25,8 529.3 1,7:11.'2 281.8 208.5 139.I 289.8 22:1,1; 835,1 1 ,708.1 1;,553.7 85, 1 ,111.5 121,2 2311,11 311, 1 35.8 II . 1 ,111.2 11.7 I:IM, I :1:1: 11 1, 155,11 117, 1 112,1) 1111.2 :115.7 33, 1 111.1 :11 5 81.7 12.1 111.1 IL0,0 1 -',2:1.1t 111.:1 41,8 1:12.1 ('(.5 11111.5 11.7 :11{.1) 82.7 1111:1 211,2 1115.1 1,71111.5 11x,:1 lilt. ,5 1511,5 7110.4 Ill.8 711,11 511,5 811.2 1172 25:1.1 587.8 2.2711.:1 121.7 I I)).:) 1811.11 715, 1 x11.1 7 1.55 71.21 1111.11 x11.11 27:1.1 5:17.1 2, 1115,11 151.1 111x.7 218,5 817.1 1111.7 115,11 511,,, 1111,1 111.11 2111.:1 5511,3 1,11118,0 151.5 117.8 1,152.3 1,011.7 177.1 279.3 2:11.2 285.0 21)7.1; 677,1 :198.8 5,29)1.1; 41.7 11.3 :58.8 1111.3 21.1 Ill,5 1)1,5 :(3.1 35.7 1111.5 115,0 7111.7 :11.7 211.7 :1.5x.2 216.0 87.1 114.11 551). I Sll.ll 17.2 1 Ill, I 5x.11 I, Ix-.3 35. 1 :3:1.8 :1811, 1 287.11 115.1 711,3 115,1) 8:1.1) 55.8 181.:1 1111.:3 1 15:{.1 11).): 15.11 118.11 :1112.11 211.8 85,5 117.11 1 11.11 118,11 2?;11,5 113,11 1,51111.5 11:1.7 :3x.8 1311,5 :1112.2 11111,11 7:1.5 711.5 111.11 115 7 272.5 115.11 I,.4Ill. 11 211.11 :11:1.11 271.11 153.1 511.2 51.1) 11:1_7 112,8 211.8 54.2 1,3811.1 482.:1 82.7 :121.3 1 , 140.9 777.5 1(1(1.11 102.4 :115.11 321.4 2145.9 7:11.0 1.2,:1. )) 82,5 11.7 1111.2 21:1.2 1,4.11 211,11 78.2 I!I ..1 55.1 17.11 112.3 765.5 1 1 ) 1 . 7 1 1 1 ,1 87.3 4.58. it 18.2 12.1 1111 0 5l!.:1 77.5 117.,1 81 .3 11111.7 17:1.7 211.1 811.2 258.5 72.2 :111.55 111!1.11 111 .:1 Its. 1 711, 7 87.8 1 .11711, 1 111:3. 1 22. 1 88.7 1511.11 225.1 51.8 11:1. 2 1'2:3.11 1111.7 111.7 it!). I I , 155. ) 115.7 2!1?:1 111,11 :17:1.1 2111.2 52,) 115,1; 1111 11 x5.7 [1)5,1) 71.8 1, 1711.1 51.5 7.5 :11,1) 171 11 85.2 15,11 51,2 17.7 18,11 511,11 :1)1.11 5)1)1,2 1,296.5 18.1 103.9 257.4 211.3 (17.9 362.5 175.11 207.4 1211.1 I11.)) 2,960, 1 212.3 1.5 22.3 1 1 1 . 9 1 1 1 . 5 I I .) 82.1 25.:1 51.5 21.1 :311.2 553.5 277.1 1.5 33.3 57.0 511.5 17.1 57,11 :12. it 13.1 111,2 11.3 1151.2 7,.1.!1 1.7 111.3 its. 41 111.7 12, it 511.3 15.8 17.7 :11.8 :12.1) 759.:3 2:51,11 1.7 2!1.11 51.:1 111.3 22.8 III), I 71.:3 111.1 :31.11 :17.5 !111:1.1 52!1,:5 5. 1 27 .5 125.11 51, 7 22.2 111 .3 115.7 17.11 III, ?5 :12.11 1 , 1 12. it 128.9 31.9 109.5 628.9 143.1) 1:19, 6 147.2 522.4 :111 A 282.3 117.6 2,562.6 26.1 It.i 2:1.1 112.1 25.11 211,11 27.7 !64.8 115.8 52,5 21.5 11;1.1 218.5 5.3 25.11 115.7 25.1; 28.5 37, I 117.5 57.1 7:1.7 27.1 11111.7 dl,x 8.1 31.(1 1711.1 4:3,:3 411.11 111.3 135.5 71.11 72.2 35.1 7113. 1 32.2 12.1 211.5 205.7 18.5 111.3 11 .5 1711,11 x6.2 8:3.11 73.:3 71111, 1 15.7 11).0 44.!1 235.3 161,7 411,11 511.1 21.1.!1 81.2 811.11 :35.7 !13:5.0 27.3 7.1 21.11 2111.7 58.11 71.11 75.!1 1!17.9 152.5 511.0 :12.1 571.11 1 '191 ')1 9 . 57.9 282.2 95.9 65.5 851.3 131 .1) 234,6 133, 1 211.3 111.11 5,4.5 9 31 .8 11.2 1112.11 13.11 33.8 38, I 45.!1 23.3 Iit.) 1 .2 81.5 21.1 31,s 17.2 27.3 -133. (1 272.11 ... . :51 .7 _.. it 1;1;,11 ._ . 37.1 78, I 155.5 11.8 55.1 61.1 18.11 5.11 6.11 19.9 27.4 18.3 166.1 517.6 I I .11 2.0 7.0 it. 7 I. I I .11 0. .1 :1. I x.ll 3.7 311.8 54. 1 111.1 :1,3 115.7 12.It 2.11 I,6 11.5 :3.11 7.11 1.1 :(7,1 1111.3 77. it 2.9 17.1 1:1.1 5.3 1.1 21.5 li.6 6,3 :I, 1 A5.9 170. !1 111.11 4,11 11.1 28.7 !I. II 2.11 2, It 7.2 11. 1 7.1 5)1.4 185,11 :32.:3 5.5 211.2 1.8 Is) (111 ................ 2d Qi t' ............... 3d (lit ................ lilt (111? .............. 1!175 I.vl Qtr ............... \pr...I .............. I" rw11'I' 11171 ................... Is) Qtr ............... 2d Qtr ............... :1d Qtr ............... 1111 (11r ........ .. .... 11175 1st Qtr ............... Uniled I\111Kdun1 11171 ................... Is) Qlr ............... 215 Qtr ............... 3d Qtr ............... lilt Qtr .............. 11175 1st Qtr ............... Apr & \lu\?........... I'111111111 1971 ................... 1st Qtr ............... Ill QIr . . . ............ &I Qtr ............... 4111 Qtr ....... . ...... 1!175 Qtr ............... Apr .................. Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 101"d 815114 1971 .................. I'd (211'........ ..... 2d (lit.r .... .......... 3d Qtr ............... 11h Qtr..., ....... 1175 W (lit . ........... Apr' \In............ Iapnu 11171 ................... I4( (lit ................ 2d (Ili ............... id Qlr ............... lilt Qlr .............. 11175 141 (lti' ............... ,kill- A. M n.% ........... 11.141 (;lrauun' 11171 ................... 141 (211.. . . . . . . , , . . . . . . 2d (Ili.r ............... 3d Qtr ............... 4111 Qtr........., . 11175 1st Qlr ............... Alto.r .................. Irao11 11174 ................... 1st Qlr ............... 2d (211' ............... id Qtr ............... 1t8 (Ili.r .............. 11175 1st Qtr ............... 1nitld 1(iukdnul 11171 ................... 141 (lit.r ............... 2d Qtr ............... 3d Qtr ............... 1111 Qtr .............. 11175 1st Qtr ............... Apr & \111y........... I t11Fc 11171 ................... 1st Qtr ............... 2d Qtr ............... :Id Qtr ............... lilt Qtr .............. 11175 s1 Qtr ............... ('uundu 11111 ................... st Qtr ............... 2d Qtr ............... :111 Qtr ............... 4th Qtr .............. (1)75 sl Qtr ............... Apr .................. All!rrln Itirundur Indanl'MIl Irnn Iraq I(ueal( Ilbyn Nigi,rIn (lnlnr and IIAI' Nuur11 Arnhln Vem-midit Total 1,169,1; 527.:1 1,8147,8 2,1519.8 1.11 15,1 1.5 :1,511,1 51:1.1 1,1121 5 5. 1137.3 17,080.9 4,11 1{5.11 221.7 256,5 11,5 2.4 0,1{ 13) 1 11,7 7.3 1171,11 1,7711.11 :171, 1 222,6 6:16,4 11411.1 11,2 :1,0 II.I I, 132,7 11111 146.11 1,5111.5 ,1,:171,1) 112:, 1111.11 517.8 71(11,3 1).2 14,1 11,3 1, 1011,11 231 IV 7211.11 1,1.47.11 5,157.11 3511 117.7 111,5 5117 11 11 1 (I, 1 112 11113.1 .!Ili 4 751.:1 1 :171.1! 1,7711 11 :147.11 11...7 147.1 1:111.11 ...2 211 Iu4 I 1.1115 a 157 , 4111 7 1.13111 1,7,1.1 275.5 7.i.7 1111.11 245,5 2,11 21,1 153,3 1121.4 131.1 311;.7 797.11 ;1,1I1;.2 :11.:3 22.3 1,5118.1 4,765,3 201.7 2,131.2 361.11 111.8 5,236.8 46,5 18,2:111,!1 1.2 5.14 1,11118.2 141(7.4 77.11 (51.1 37.1 55.1 117.5 1,0113,11 11.8 :1,764.5 11.4 7.7 1,2_1111,:) 1,1112.7 12.5 1111,2 1311.1) 11:1.11 12:1.'2 1:37".1 11.11 1,11:17.7 12.1 1.11 1,1S11,5 1,261.2 211.11 511.11 127.1 121.3 115,11 1,111.1 11.11 1,7:17.3 11.2 :1.4 1,1121.1 1,11:1,11 61).1 521.11 1111.8 I 111.7, 1211.1 1,3H11. 1 1:1. 2 1,787.1 5.3 1.5 11111.11 1,46711 411,D 17:1.4 511.11 66.1 131.11 1,3117.1 7.1 1,115!1.1 ... 111 51111.11 887.3 1!11.5 :112.:1 35.8 58,11 1117.11 1,1(1!1.1 5.2 3,2(11{.1 1,088.7 66.11 188.7 1,2111.:1 305,:1 :15{5,11 1,628.7 1,11)1.9 11:1.8 2,0)6.6 217.7 8,372.7 :{31.1 12.1 111.11 254,4 111{,5 511.11 451.2 231.!1 22, 1 :5..1.2 111.5 1,4411.4 21!5,8 15 :01.1 2111.1 111.7 x1.11 113.3 151.7 3!1.3 51111.!1 53.1 2, 12:1. 1 23.5,8 Ili,.) 51,3 :11111.11 11 A) 1311.1{ 152.11 23:1.1 :19.3 51111.!1 7:1.1 2, 180.11 15.1.1 21.7 5.1,7 :187.2 10.1 111.11 311,3 :378.11 17.1 513,!1 71.(1 2,181.11 2:11{.7 18, 1 :12,11 271 .:1 1!I, 1 51{.11 277.1 21:1,8 11.1 1311,3 11.7 1,637.:) 127.7 It. 1 21.1 112.11 !I.1 22.11 4(),) 111{,7 25.1 1112.2 21 .2 11811.11 956.7 9.7 61.1 715.0 1,211.1) 937.?1 386,3 872.0 189.0 :1,02.1.1 !33.4 8,527.6 2511.1 2.11 15.11 11111.11 21{1,1{ 1711.11 1(17.11 217.11 1(1.!4 53'2, 1 '27.:1 1,7111.3 278.1 2.11 211.11 711,7 2811.!1 215.6 112.7 2:11 .3 (11.1 711.4 27.1) 2, 1(111,11 11111.2 I.5 12.5 2'28.5 :(:31.2 288 7:1.1 211.3 311.7 871.3 :1!1.4 2,241,6 228.7 2.7 13.3 310,11 355.3 232_., 112,11 178.8 7:5.1 875,11 311,3 2,372.7 1511.11 1.7 17,3 ?1311.5 121.7 1115,3 57.3 215.11 57.:1 7511.11 :12.1 2,212.11 91.1 5.1 33.1 1,260.11 211.5 1,206.1 9111.2 836.2 228.0 2,785.3 316.11 7,9.15.6 1:1.7 I.() 11.11 119.5 5)1,5 2111.11 212.11 214.1 22.3 715.2 711,2 1,7!14,1 13.11 1 .7 II).) 231.8 :1!1.2 :3116.1 287.5 212.1{ 116.7 141)1.7 72.3 2,22.5.!1 18.2 0,4 8,3 :171.7 56.1 2011,5 213.11 184.11 38.3 61.,.2 1;1.(1 1,,4112.11 15.6 I,II 5.7 1711.1{ 05,7 3117.11 111;,4 217,5 51.5 1{11.2 11111,5 2,1150,1; 311.7 1.:1 5.11 111), 1 I(I,I) :Ilia 107.1 199.5 51.0 31{2.7 73,2 1,43!1.4 211.11 1.I 8,11 258.11 21.1; 133.7 111.1{ 1154.7 1411.1 :37)1.5 711.3 1,21:1.1; 269.1 25.1 72.7 1,122.0 1,169.9 18(1,11 2,37 1.9 :159.9 217.0 :1, 012.0 101.6 9.267.6 8!1.2 1.7 1!1.1 221.1 2911.11 1(11),1; 64.5, 1 17.:3 12.11 :1111.2 1:1.2 1,4!44.3 86.5 11.2 24.5 216.3 3711.1 I1;1.) 725.7 71.5 82.2 662,1; 15.2 2,3S5.0 53.2 1 ,..3 18.5 ;511.1.8 2111.!1 !16.8 11 1 15.a 81.2 1,11{5,8 21.0 2,6,1,4 16.2 8,11 111.3 152.8 217.0 118.!1 3011,1 '42.8 L1 ,It 117_2.1 52.2 2,351.11 55.11 7.4 1_2.6 262.0 354.3 56.4 21) IA 111.6 112,11 672.3 33.3 1,7111{.3 7.1 :19.5 4.8 616.1 38.7 68.7 :12.5 56.6 116.11 :129.9 1,353,5 2,693.4 :1,1 1:1.7 11.7 140.!1 6.8 1.5 .11 7.5 25.7 1:3.5 :51.0 31111,8 5113.1 I.I 4.11 11.5 262.6 6.2 11.6 ,4,O 1!1.1{ 15.8 113.8 :12'1.1 768.1) 2.11 13.11 11.8 112.2 6.2 31, 1 13.1 4.11 24.11 77.2 101.7 720, 1 ,, :3.11 2.8 155.11 31 13.1 3.1; 7.3 112.7 151.11 325,1; 7111.5 .... 1.1 2.0 17,,8 18.8 511, 1 .... 18.3 811.5 222:32.8 :1111,s 41)3.2 .... I.:1 1.1 7!1.11 1:3.1 .... 6.1 13.3 50, to !13,6 261.?1 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Markel Shares or 111'1;(' Imports I (F.O.II. Exporting Country) Total Nett( (hilted Other (Billion IIS $) 'I'olu! (lul(ed 4tn(ea Japan (er- many Fnuue King- dom Italy Cnnndn I)erel- oped Non- OECD 1974 't'otal O1'1':('............ :15.5 79 19 15 12 8 7 7 2 I:3 17 Algrr?in ............... :3.7 77 1) d 13 ;35 3 9 1 I I 9 I:caadol ............... U.S Ili II 1I II) 2 ?1 3 1 III I?I Iadonctiin.:'........... 3.4 09 11 :34 9 :3 :3 2 I 12 19 lt'au ................. 7.2 71 21 I?I 111 I !I 1 I I I Is 11'1111 ............. . .. . 2.0 lit 11 114 1 1 4 li 1 I 1:3 25 Kuwn!I .............. 1.4 51 12 16 9 1 4 1 Ncgl. 12 :17 Libya ................ 3.1 30) 1 4 1:3 12 .5 24 Nrgi, Ili 15 Nigirin ............... 2.7 031 11 .11 1:3 1; I!I .i I 13 21 Qntnr and t ' A E....... 1 . 7 90 13 12 19 12 14 I I 2 11) Saudi Arabia ......... 3.1! 65 2:3 19 S 3 4 1 I 12 2:3 Crnrzarln ............ Ivl Qtr 1975 .1.5 70 30 q 7 3 :3 5 .1 4 22 Tot 111 0Ph:('........ 12.7 71) 111) 15 12 9 7 7 1 12 IN AIgorm ............... 1.?) 7.1 !) 5 10 34 :3 7 2 1:3 13 Ecuador .............. (),3 67 :17 33 7 2 3 1 2 13 211 1ndolwsit ............. 1.2 71) IS 314 4 2 .1 3 2 12 14 Iran ................. 2,7 71 24 I1 1.1 5 !1 I l II) IIi Iraq ................. I.2 (19 7 17 21 7 5 5 I 12 22 Kuwait .............. 11.01) 11) 12 12 0 1 4 .1 Negl. 13 34 Libya ................ 1.1 (iii 7 9 11 10 5 2)1 Nr31. 17 I4 N igrria ............... 1.2 13.5 111 9 111 10 211 5 I 15 20 Qatar and (AE....... 0.5 90 III 19 IT 11 17 11 t 111 Saudi Arabia ......... I .2 ii!) 2:3 2:3 1) :3 7 d NigI. 111 211 \'enezurla ............ 1 .3 69 .11 7 5 3 :3 5 5 4 23 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 BILLION VALUE OF FOREIGN TRADE IN US$1 sonsonnllyndjustod 12 United States Quarterly Boloncea (monthly overaUo) 1'erl nil I;hanua h AVI IIAIII ANNIIAI IMIIWIII HA)) 61NfI I;IIMIII A I IVI IMII I IAN) Mdhnn um I'm vunra Month :I M"11141 Ia6e11, I Year linter 111!h 1117A I;ha npa Jul if, If 11115 71 !r :I ; (i!I G1.21(11 ',,I /fill I1 'I I nm n t 1, I I :; Valance 977 0,4 III 02/ 1,1137 Jul 75 7!!!, IIIII 8.1 ,1(1 5:1887 1,11111'1 0;t In I ? I 11 I'.... rl .1 Balance 1,754 12,699 13,050 -1,151 Jul 75 2.509 5 2 - 2 :1 11 1 10.589 18.038 n 3 7611!, Ia!, lii 64 I!1Ull, 11(1 I'I 1(1,1 Balance -16 -1,078 819 -1,897 Oi BILLION 1973 1974 1975 'Data are f.o.b. Export and import plots are based on five-month weighted moving averages. 2Average for latest 3 months co o,rared with average for previous 3 months. BILLION 111 Japan -1 BILLION 5 United -2' BILLION 4 Italy Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 C! 1:11MIIIA 1161 IMIII11161 III1!011114 Chou. I 1'rn nnl AVI IIAIII 6661161 1A1181 MIINIII I:haupn HIIIIWIII IIAII SINCI Ilum Mdhnn I'uvmua :1 MunuH I Ynn1 Month I adul ladle Jul 15 4!1117 4 I 13 11 I tl;;ni I. I,1 Ilelanla 40:1 !14,111'1 11 !1 , 1 11, III -027 1 (131 , I II 17 7 1 11 III 111 3 :11.1:111. 711.1102 21 1 I !i III 1111 7q.; II 1 1,707 -2.102 3,800 18.589 1 `1 (11 11 -1,078 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Jul 75 3.;1[18 11 4 1 li 1 74481 20,880 21 411114 111,' .411 41 !1.'11(1 '1:17.11 .. Balance - -641 -3,439. -7.243 3,804 18.038 I 0 :1, Jun 75 2.1186 15 3 3 5 ill 4 16.8116 13.581 73 7 17.!1 'J ' 101 ;1.1!13 794 411 41 IS IS? 111,1114 (i4 819 '' -1,897 Balance -207 -141 -4.523 4,382 15 SEPTEMBER 1975 567211 9.15 I Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 VALUE OF FOREIGN TRADE IN NATIONAL CURRENCIES' sousonoi, United States BILLION US$ Quarterly Balances monthly average) -1' 26 24 22 20, 181 1 16 14 12 10 8 West Germany BILLION DEUTSCHEMARKS 6 4 2 Canada BILLION CANADIAN S 1.8 LATEST MONtII I'eaonl Change AVERAGE ANNUAL UIIOWIII RATE SINCE CUMULATIVE AMOUNT 1.0 AMOUNT 'rem 1'rovinue 3 MeaRla I Vent 11175 1914 Change 1.41 Month EnAinr2' Lanier 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 Jul 16 8 !I 2.7 !i :4 6 9 O 1 2 !i4 7 11 !11 77 13! 'III 11'1 h111 '~1 I I7 Balance 1.0 6.4 -0.0 .7 .0 0.2 0 -0.2 24 Frai 20' 18 12 4, 2.4 Ur itl 2.0 1.8 Jul 75 10.7 -46 -06 -6.6 127.4 131.8 -3 4 14.1 47 43 t3 `i7a '!!pit I7" Balance 4.4 30.0 36.1 -6.0 1.2 0.8 0.4 -0.6 2.4 Italy 1.8 Jul 75 2 6 J7 .48 I3i2 7.7 I!, 36 I!, 198 1!1'1 18 2 1i.1 3.7'4 1 1.2 ~ Balance NEGL. -1.1 0.8 -1.9 \/ 0.6 1973 1974 1975 10ata era i o.b. Export and import plots are based on five-month weighted moving averages. Balances may not add because of rounding. 2Average for latest 3 months compared with average For previous 3 months. Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 011 01.2 54.7 11.!19 1 3 i 54 11 !i!, :i I II' 0.4 -0.6 7.0 -0.6 127.4 131.8 -3.45' 3L' 91.4 6J 30.0 36.1 -6.0 -3.6 18.8 18.2 3.7% -1.5 19.9 I 74 148 1.1 I 0.8 -1.9 -0.61 Italy TRILLION LIRE 1.8 1.21 I'mcanl AVERAGE ANNIIAE LATEST MIJNi11 Chnn e OIIIIWEII HATE SINCE CUMUTAIIVI AMOUNT p limn AMOUNT I'IOYlell, 3 Mnnlhe ! Melllh Farber? I Year Ferber 11175 11114 Clinnya "76 9 5 84 1:13 1 'i I{ 4 II II 4 1 1.2 -0.3 1.5 Jul 75 14 !ill Ills (I H 111 li Balance 0.1 1 Jul 75 Balance Jul 75 Jun 75 Balance Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 196 7 6 122 1 2 1 133 11 127 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 G 1 1 3 3 I ' ! 1" 8 1:11 2 ll 1 0.8 7.1 -10.6 17.7 1.5 7 5 ' 20.3 10 2 Ili 5 8 5 23 W. ;i li I 3 II 1 9 15.1 -0 9 ' 256 106 8 7 , 221'S 1 ( ) 7 ! I 2 - 1 8 I l !. I ( I 1 1 1 (i I G -0.1 ' -0.1 -2.8 2.8 15 SEPTEMBER 1975 567212 9.75 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 VOLUME OF FOREIGN TRADE' INDEX: 1970-100 seasonally adjusted 250 United States West Germany 1972 1913 1974 1 Export and import plots are based on five-month weighted moving averages. 2Average for latest 3 months compared with average for previous 3 months. I'nl14111 AVI IIAII ANNUAL IAIlS1 MIINIII I;4nuuo IIIIIIWIII IIAII SIN:I 1111111 I'uvluan :1 Mnnl4r I Yu1 Mnnl4 lu4n2 In14n Jun 15 139 I '141 If (I 11 111 5 1~1'I 711 7I Jun 75 1431 200 189 29 134.1 7111 411 I !11 Mar 75 1030 -7.1 211.4 178 136 II 34 Ii1. pd Japan United Kingdom 100~f11' 200 Italy -assonally adjusted 1'nun111 ;Aanuu AV1N401 ANNUAL IIIIIIWIII IIAII SIN5I 1111111 I'lovl,,? Munlll :I M1lnthn 1 ndlnl / I Ynni I nl4u IXI I II II 1115 111 1141 I .111'1 7113 143.1 200 1N9 29 1:111 I 1111 411.1 I i 5 1030 -71 -204 , -17.8 135!1 14 1.18 84 Callan Italy Ihuu11 ;4,,1,110 AVINANI0NNNAI 01111WIII IIAII IIINI:I Jul Ili I5!14 1 II II 11n'' PIpVWIII Mn1101 111 I'I'I :1 Mm11111 I nian / I {1 1'i I Ynpu I all'"? 711 15 Apr 75 147 4 1 5 II !I 4 1 119 'I 1111 14I I4!~ Jun 75 IIIG 1115 791 95 111311 III :III:; 113 Apr 75 12911 0 -411 51' !1'111 ;I1 ''8'I 7G;1 15 SEPTEMBER 1975 551213 9.75 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 FOREIGN TRADE PRICES IN US$1INDEX, 1970-=100, soa.onnlly adjusted United States 360 300 260 350 West !iermany 300 300 Canada 250 200 1972 1973 1974 'Export and import plots are based on live month weighted moving averages. ?Average for latest 3 months compared with average for previous 3 months. 1'011.01 AVIIIAIII ANNIIAI IrtAT MIINIII ChnnaO (1411W 11 IIAII '; NI ;I Iln III I'10vunl~ 'I Mnnlh. I YOUI Munlh Indml7 I Orhn Jun 75 I7bII 1 7 711 IJ I ,','ll lu.' I-0 II Jun 75 205 / (L'7 I !1 15Ii I II 1 Mar 75 1851 1.5 7J 13.1 l 1!I 1.1 IS ll~a Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Pnrnil 881 IIANI ANNNAI Chnn9n 111111W It IIAtI SINCI Nnnl Pnvlnln 'I Mnnihp 1 Ynai Maulh taihor 7 I uhnr I' nn nnl AVI IlUl l ANNIIAI IAIISI MANIII Ilinnpn IIIIIIWIII IIAII SINCI I 111111 l'uvmu* :I Mnnni* I Ynur Mnnlh I nrlur7 I nrhnr lul15 IIII!I 71 171 37 I I11, 111,.1 Apr 15 ?140 1 Ii :IN It 211 4 ,'I,' I! It ; 11 II 1', II 1.5 79 13.1 I:I 159 113 250 United Kingdom 200 150 1 300 Italy Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Jun 75 11159 116 66 142 15 SEPTEMBER 1975 567214 9-75 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 FOREIGN TRADE PRICES IN NATIONAL CURRENCIESI INDEXI 1970=:100, so 400 United States 350 350 West Germany 300 250 1'111111 AVIIIAUI ANNIIAI l IAt181 MON111 ghnnel IIIIIIWIII IIAII INC Jun 75 Jun 75 bum Iharuun M1un1 ;I Mnnlhl 1ad111t I Y11I 1111111 200 150 11!111 I Ill I1 I 7111E 117 14 1111 100 250 300 Ill ii II 11 I) 9 1111 250 i.1!. IIa III 1'1 200 150 100 300 250 177 4 135 16 4 11114 11 't ! 711 200 150 . France Italy 100 1972;. l Export and import plots are based on five-month weighted moving averages. 2Average for latest 3 months compared with average for previous 3 months. Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 1 R R E N C I ES INDEX: 1070=100, sonsonnlly odjustod Irani Ih,vlnu, :1 Mnnlh, I Y.-, Mnnlh I millet I ndlni 13 5 212 1',Il.nlll AVIIIAIII ANNIIAI TAINT MIINIII nhflu0 IIIIIIWIII IIAII fuNIA limn Ih,vv vi :I Mllu I Y?I M" It bnnull/I 1011101 Jul Ili 140 II !I Apr75i 161ll 1b I I1'~'1 II 1 Approved For Release 2008/11/13: CIA-RDP86T00608R000500150002-0 II Ii I!,,,