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12 October 1984
MaIORANDiIM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
Executive Director
FROM: James V. Hirsch
Acting Deputy Director for Science and Technology
SUBJECT: DS$T Weekly Activities for 12 October 1984
Of Special Interest This Week
? The FBIS bureau chief on new Embassy measures to
enhance security, including pro~ecte measures to improve security for FBIS,
located in a building behind the U.S. n e The additional FBIS securit
will include a barrier of sandba s.
? The PDB staff used FBIS analyses in briefing Secretary Shultz, Mr.
MacFarlane, and General Vessey over the past week. General Vessey expressed
special interest in material dealing with Soviet treatment of Pakistan and
its relations with Afghanistan. Other analyses used in briefing Secretary
Shultz and Mr. MacFarlane were an advance copy of an FBIS special report on
Moscow media reaction to the Gromyko visit and an FBIS report on a recent
display of unity by the Soviet leadership.
? In response to a request from the White House, the FBIS translation staff
at Headquarters translated a series of cartoons that appeared in PRAVDA
between 3 August and 13 September. The cartoons were critical of U.S.
foreign policy.
~ a me
mber of the local service discovered a radio controlled
p osive evice
confi ured to fit into an attache case. It was immediate
turned over to
who rendered it safe. Due to
the quick action t e evice was ma a ble to two OTS
officers for examination. Agreement was obtained
for loan of the device for detailed examination an eva uation. a
expec its arrival in CONUS by 13 October. This evaluation will provide
further data concerning the identity of terrorist groups and support networks
and also aid in the developing of countermeasures for similar devices.
Tl1D CF('f?Fi'
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SUBJECT: DS$T Weekly Activities for 12 October 1984
? On 1 October, NPIC prepared two special briefing packages on possible
targets of terrorist attacks for use by the State Department in briefing the
Terrorism Advisory Board.
awes irsc
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12 October 1984
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
FROM: Richard. J. Rerr
Acting Deputy Director for Intelligence
SUBJECT: DDI Activity Report 9-12 October
DCI/DDCI Assigned Tasks
ACIS is preparing correspondence for the DCI to respond to
Harvard letter.
EURA briefed) at the request of the DCI,
on East-West financ~o~ s attendance at a conference in
NESA prepared daily updates on terrorist facilities in
OGI briefed Deputy Treasury Secretary McNamar's staff on CIA
methodology to estimate Mexican oil resources.
Of Special Interest This iieek
C/ACIS attended a meeting of the NSC Arms Control
Verification Committee regarding the second group of compliance
He seemed to accept our view on Cuba's role in
cA a ua and on Sand inists communication and technical support
for the Salvadorian guerrillas but is not convinced that the
level of arms flow is significant.
ALA and OGI briefed House Foreign Affairs Committee staffers
on narcotics problems in Columbia, Bolivia, Peru and Brazil.
EURA briefed House Foreign Affairs Committee staffers on the
situation in Cyprus.
OEA hosted an Intelligence Community conference on the
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D/OGI discussed an ongoing energy intelligence program with
James Blake, Deputy Assistant Secretary/International Economic
Affairs, DoD and Ma3or General Sisinyak, Chief Engineer, US Army.
Looking Ahead
ACIS is preparing the report to Congress by the President on
Soviet adherence to a SALT II no-undercut policy which is due to
the NSC Staff on 1 November.
ALA and CRES will meet with NSA to discuss status of
OSWR will conduct a policymaker visit with Anthony Calis of
Commerce and will discuss foreign commercial competition in
There were 2 briefings on the Hill this past week.
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The Director of Central Intelligence
Washington, D.C. 20505
National Intelligence Council
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence
NIC# 05838-84
12 October 1984
FROM: Herbert E.Meyer
Vice Chairman, National Intelligence Council
SUBJECT: NIC Activity Report, 9-12 October 1984
I. DCI/DDCI-Assigned Tasks
NIO/Latin America (Robert Vickers) prepared initial comments on the
CONTRADORA draft for the DCI and talking points for meetings with 25X1
Secretary Weinberger and Mr. McFarlane.
NIO/USSR (Fritz Ermarth) and A/NIO/USSR met with the
DCI to discuss Soviet strategy in Latin America.
II. Interagency Papers
NIO/Counterterrorism (David Whipple) chaired an NFIB representatives'
coordination meeting fora Memorandum to Holders of IIM 82-10002:
Prospects for Anti-American Terrorism.
NIO/Economics (Maurice Ernst) chaired interagency coordination
meetings for NIE 3-84: The Political Repercussions of the Debt Crisis in
Major LDCs.
NIO/Latin America (Robert Vickers) chaired a coordination meeting of
NFIB representatives for the Concept Paper and Terms of Reference of
NIE 83.1-84: E1 Salvador: Outlook for the Duarte Government.
NIO/Science and Technology (Julian Nall) chaired separate NFIB
representative coordination meetings for the Concept Paper and Terms of
Reference of NIE 11-12-85: Soviet Military Technology and Research and
Development, and for the IIM on Soviet Reaction to US Low Observable and
Counter Low Observable Developments.
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NIO/Strategic Programs (Lawrence Gershwin) began interagency
coordination meetings for the draft of NIE 11-3/8-84: Soviet Capabilities
for Strategic Nuclear Conflict, 1984-1994.
NIE 29.2-84: Turkey: Continuing the Difficult Transition to Democracy
was approved at NFIB on 9 October 1984. The estimate was chaired by
NIO/Europe (Col. George~Kolt).
III. Of Interest This Week
Acting NIO/Africa riefed an off-site class of new
analysts on functions of the NIC, the NIOs, and the estimates process.
NIO at Large (Hal Ford) prepared briefing materials for C/NIC's use
at a 13 October CCPG meetin on Radio Marti, prepared a draft response
from C/NIC to Deputy Director for Management
Operations, DIA, concerning NIE 7-84: The Outlook for Sudden Change in Key
Develo in Countries; and, at the request of the chief of the History
Sta examine certain 0/NE estimates of 1964-65 for suitability of
release to the State Department Historian.
NIO at Lar e David Low) and VC/NIC (Herbert Meyer) met with economic
consultant to discuss a special economic review of LDCs for
the DCI. ~~r. Low also lunched with Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense
Douglas Feith to discuss both nuclear and chemical issues.
A/NIO at Large attended an interagency JAEIC
Working Group (CAD) meeting to discuss collection priorities.
NIO/Counterterrorism (David Whipple) attended a meeting of the
Interdepartmental Group on Terrorism at the request of Ambassador Robert
Oakley, Director of the INR Office of Counterterrorism and Emergency
A/NIO/East Asia arranged and moderated briefings
by OEA analysts for Ambassador Abramowitz, State Department Policy
Planning Staff, in preparation for the Ambassador's forthcoming trip
through East Asia; moderated an interagency and policy community
conference on China at NSA; briefed an FSI mid-level course on NIC
activities and the estimates process; and attended an OEA-sponsored
conference on intelligence problems in the Philippines.
NIO/Economics (Maurice Ernst) attended a meeting of the Council of
the International Management and Development Institute for a presentation
on "The 1985 World Trade Outlook."
Council to join the private sector
esiQned from the National Intelligence
NIO/Europe (Col. George Kolt) arranged for new information on Soviet
unconventional warfare (SPETSNAZ) to be made available through two Los
Angeles scholars for an IIM on the same subject.
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A/NIO/Europe met with DDI analysts and a US scholar to
discuss East German a airs; an convened NFIB representatives to discuss
collection gaps found during coordination of NIE 29.2-84: Turkey:
Continuing the Difficult Transition to Democracy.
NIO/FDIA (Rutledge Hazzard) participated in a review of intelligence
initiatives related to arms control at a meeting chaired by
of the ICS. Those attending evaluated a revised list of topics
for further coordination before consideration by the DCI.
A/NIO/FDIA chaired a DDAC meeting that approved
research projects or eac o ree subcommittees.
NIO/Latin America (Robert Vickers), with C/LAD, discussed Bolivia at
a State Department meeting chaired by Assistant Secretary Motley; met with
C/DDO/L oordination of NIO/DDO projects; met with NIC/AG
officer ultants regarding Mexico and Cuba; and
with A/NI discussed an unclassified paper on
Soviet military power projection in Central America and PLO activities in
the same area with Col. John Cash of the Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Policy.
A/NIO/LA attended a brief in on the tactical
situation in E a va or an icaragua
A/NIO/Narcotics attended an interagency meeting
chaired by the NNBIS to irec or for discussions on interdicting
shipments of Colombia's fall marijuana crop.
NIO/NESA (Graham Fuller) met separately with the Director of Middle
East Programs for AEI to review regional politics; a State Department
Arabian Peninsula officer to discuss Gulf ,politics; an Army War College
professor to review Persian Gulf affairs;
review Middle East developments; a Brookings scholar to discuss
Soviet/Third World relations; and also briefed State Department Policy
Planning officers on the outlook for Afghanistan and Pakistan.
NIU/Strategic Programs (Lawrence Gershwin) visited the Defense
Nuclear Agency to attend the initial Steering Group meeting for an OSD-
requested study, by officers of DoD, DOE, and the Intelligence Commu~ity
of current and future US capabilities to attack Soviet hard targetsy;
chaired a meeting of Community analysts to discuss Soviet cruise missile
production issues; and met with personnel from JAEIC to discuss issues and
differences regarding yield estimates of Soviet nuclear weapons.
NIO/USSR (Fritz Ermarth) briefed the Advanced Intelligence Seminar on
Soviet affairs, and prepared a response to the NSC on UNESCO.
A/NIO/USSR briefed NSC Staff member Walt Raymond on
Soviet activities in
A/NIO/Warning) met with DDO and DDI
representatives, and will meet with DIA officers, to discuss economic
early warning topics in preparation for a November meeting with Allied
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Intelligence Service representatives; met with DDA/CRD/OIS officers to
discuss a request for declassification of a book on Community warning; and
met with NIO/CT (David Whipple) to discuss dissemination of terrorist
threat alert reporting.
IV. Future Activities
NIO/Counterterrorism (David Whipple), at the request of INR's
Director of Counterterrorism, will chair a 15 October meeting for officers
of DDO, DDI, ICS, DIA, NSA, and INR to discuss a new terrorism alerting
system. Mr. Whipple will also discuss international terrorism at the
Agency's Advanced Intelligence Seminar and Midcareer Course on 16 and
17 October; and participate in the 10th annual convention of the
Association of Former Intelligence Officers on 20 October.
er ert eyer
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DCI Weekly
Office of the Inspector General
We have now received the DDA's response to our draft report
on the relook at the Agency's EOD processing. The final report
will be sent forward on 15 October.
On 11 October we visited the FBI for the purpose of
discussing with their equivalent of the Inspector General and
General Counsel the manner in which they conduct internal
investigations of employee wrongdoing. Of primary interest to
us was how the Bureau uses the Miranda Warning and how they
employ the polygraph in non-security/CI investigations of
improper behavior. Probably the most productive thing which
came out of these discussions was the Bureau's offer to give
our Special Investigations Group investigators a short training
course. We will be following up on this offer.
First drafts from the just-completed four-month cycle are
beginning to flow in from the teams, and it is expected that at
least three of these final drafts will be sent out for
component review next week.
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12 October 1984
OLL: 84-3818
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence
FROM: Charles A. Briggs
Director, Office of Legislative Liaison
SUBJECT: Weekly Report
Items of Interest
1. Continuing Resolution
Following is a summary of key items addressed in the CR:
Drug Czar
The Agency successfully amended the Drug Czar provision
to prevent the National Narcotics Board and its
Chairman from taking any actions inconsistent with the
DCI's authorities and responsibilities.
Computer Fraud
While the Agency's proposed exemption was inadvertently
omitted from this legislation, the scope of the
legislation has been so narrowed that it will not
affect Community equities. The Department of Justice
has informally indicated that the legislation will not
prohibit Agency operations.
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Domestic Relocation
The Warner-Wolf domestic relocation relief, passed last
November, was amended to expand the tax reimbursement
provisions, thus enhancing the benefits for Agency
2. Intelligence Authorization Bill
Our Intelligence Authorization Bill passed the House and
Senate yesterday. It includes Agency Guard Protection
Authorities and provisions addressing diplomatic reciprocity.
3. Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration Bill
The Agency was successful in obtaining an exemption from the
anti-discrimination provision of the Simpson-Mazzoli Immigration
Bill; however, this bill died in conference.
4. El Salvador
On 10 October 1984, SSCI submitted to the Clerk of the
Senate its public report on the scope of its investigation and
key findings regarding recent political violence in E1
Salvador. The report was generally favorable to CIA, and was
criticized by Senator Kennedy (D. MA.). (Copy of press release
5. Rewald Case
On 10 October 1984, OGC gave HPSCI the sealed documents
regarding the Rewald case.
arles A. Briggs
Director, Office of Legislative Liaison
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`~ Approved Fo Release 2008/08/28: CIA-RDP86M00886R002700010013-1 ~: `~"'"~,~,~,.~,
~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~ +nlce r.lillw. YTAtI INAITEA 0 ~YOOlff70N [r
JOAN M CNA/(f. RI. JOfEhI A MOIM. J11 0!l
~ MIKCOt~11NAY0~.1M1~0. ~Af'MICII J lWlt VT
Senate Select Committee
OI1 Intelli ence ~~ A fMtlgNf fTAf~ OMKTOII
October 10, 1984 CONTACT: Sam Bouchard
The Select Committee on Intelligence has conducted an
investigation of Recent Political Violence in E1 Salvador.
The Committee primarily investigated allegations concerning
involvement of U.S. government agencies and officials with
organizations and individuals in E1 Salvador that may have
been associated with the recent political violence in that
country, especially violence perpetrated by extreme rightwing
death squads. The Committee also reviewed U.S. policy
against political violence in E1 Salvador and the measures
taken to implement it. Several members of the staff parti-
cipated in this investigation. Staff teams were formed to
review the records of concerned agencies and to interview
agency personnel.
The staff conducted extensive studies concerning the
programs and activities of the following agencies and their
personnel: The Central Intelligence Agency; the Department
of Defense, including the Defense Intelligence Agency, the
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U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM), and the National Security
Agency; the Department of State, including the Agency for
International Development; and the Department of Justice,
including the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Executive branch
cooperation was satisfactory. Although official responses to
Committee questions were often found to be insufficient and
special arrangements had to be made to accomodate confidentiality
and security concerns, no specific request for information
was refused by the Executive branch.
The Committee's conclusions are based on extensive
research, which has resulted in the preparation of detailed
classified reports totalling hundreds of pages, concerning
the activities of all the U.S. government agencies within
the scope of the investigation and the information held by
them on political violence in E1 Salvador. The Committee
has today submitted to the Clerk of the Senate a public report
on the scope of its investigation and its key findings. The
Committee's general conclusions are as follows:
"The Committee found ample evidence that the policy
of the United States throughout the period under review
was consistently to oppose political violence in E1
Salvador, including violence by extreme rightwing death
squads. The degree to which Executive branch agencies acted
directly with Salvadoran authorities to combat political
violence generally reflected their judgments about what
was achievable in the Salvadoran political context.
"The Committee found that, in the course of carrying
out their missions implementing overall U.S. policy to
assist the Government of E1 Salvador in resisting the
leftist insurgency, elements of the U.S. government have
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unavoidably had contact with Salvadoran organizations
and individuals strongly suspected of being involved in
or associated with political violence. The Committee
believes that, for the most part, the problems that have
arisen in this regard are of the type which may occur
whenever the U.S. government seeks to obtain intelligence
on the activities of clandestine organizations such as
international terrorist groups or narcotics rings, or to
assist foreign governments engaged in violent confronta-
tions with subversive forces.
"The Committee found no evidence to support the
allegation that elements of the U.S. government have
deliberately supported, encouraged or acquiesced in acts
of political violence in E1 Salvador, including extreme
rightwing death squad activity. Indeed, the Committee
discovered substantial material indicating that U.S.
agencies have attempted to ameliorate political violence
by several means, including raising official awareness.-
of the importance of suppressing such activities
(especially by members of the Salvadoran political
and military establishments), providing assistance to
official Salvadoran security organizations to develop
more humane methods of operation, and working directly
with Salvadoran authorities to resolve many specific
cases of political violence.
"The Committee believes that, in nearly all instances,
contacts between U.S. agencies and Salvadoran organiza-
tions or individuals suspected of being involved in
political violence have been managed satisfactorily.
The Committee has, however, called to the attention of
the Executive branch some instances of concern in the
handling of particular relationships.
"The Committee also has recommended certain improve-
ments in the way U.S. government agencies coordinate and
manage their operations in difficult situations such as
that with respect to internal security in E1 Salvador.
The Committee believes it is important for U.S. policies
and guidelines concerning relationships with foreign
organizations and individuals suspected of involvement
in political violence to be as explicit as possible.
The Committee also believes that further efforts should
be made to verify the accuracy of reports of political
violence attributable to local organizations or
individuals who are receiving U.S. assistance or with
whom the U.S. government is maintaining contact."
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12 October 1984
I have already reported to you regarding Cord Meyer's request for
assistance with a column he plans to write on arms negotiation talks with the
Soviets and related verification problems, and my having made arrangements
with the White House for its Public Affairs Office to field Meyer's request
for appropriate background information on these subjects.
I met with Bob Dudney and Orr Kelly of U.S. NEWS AND WORLD REPORT to
discuss their upcoming story on U.S. counterintelligence. Their piece, which
is about complete, apparently is a compendium of espionage cases with some
commentary on the different views of what. constitutes an adequate
counterintelligence program. Dudney and Kelly said they had been unable to
determine whether the KGB or the U.S. intelligence was winning the espionage
war. They said there are no bomb shells or startling revelations in the
article which would give us ma3or concern. They apparently have talked to a
lot of people including Angelo Cordevilla, and got the conspiracy theory as
well as contrary perception able interest was Dudney's mention of
the alleged damage done to by the Prime espionage case in
England and Dudney's mention of some "sensational CI data" developed this past
year on alleged successful efforts by the Soviets to deceive our overhead
photography and other satellite collection systems.
We arranged for Anthony Cordesman to meet with of NESA to
exchange information on the Iran-Iraq war for a paper or esman is writing.
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Academic and Presentations
While passing through Hawaii, Ev Hineman will address the AFIO Diamond
Head Chapter in Honolulu on 6 November. Approximately 50 retired Intelligence
Officers are expected to attend.
Presentations Officer lectured to the National Political
Science Honor Society at the University of Virginia. He talked with
approximately 40 students in the evening, exhausted his supply of recruitment
handouts and identified several candidates for possible recruitment who will
meet with the DI recruiters coming along right behind him.
contributed to the new DI
question and answer folder for prospective recruits. It came out well.
--U.S. military attaches and spouses, Defense Intelligence College
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