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Document Release Date: 
August 21, 2008
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Publication Date: 
January 31, 1984
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PDF icon CIA-RDP86M00886R002600040002-1.pdf96.8 KB
Approved For Release 2008/08/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R002600040002-1 SECRET ?' Vo~.~3 SUBJECT: Meeting Between the DCI and 1. On 25 January 1984 from 1100 to 1130 hours the DCI met with an independent television producer, (Subject), 25X1 whose father arranged an introduction to the DCI through former Commerce Secretary Maurice Stans. The undersigned also attended the meeting. 2. was accompanied to the building b who is with the International Committee for a Fre s an. She did not attend the meeting itself but waited outside in the DCI's reception room. 3. Subject began by telling the DCI that he had spent some two and a half months inside Afghanistan in the company of the National Islamic Front for Afghanistan (NIFA) and particularly with one of its leaders, Asad Gailani. His film will be incorporated into a documentary in ABC's 20-20 series. Subject was about to go into the narration phase and wanted to get some idea of what U.S. policy is regarding Afghanistan and the Afghan resistance. What could he say that the U.S. Government was doing? The DCI said we don't talk about such ma~+-AYE him saying, "You can do a lot of harm." Subject said e wanted to do some good in this matter. The Director cautioned 5. The DCI stressed the geostrategic importance of Afghanistan to the Soviets, and the fact that roads and runways h h ave PPn r~r,nat,ructed in western Afghanistan to enhance Soviet SECRET Approved For Release 2008/08/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R002600040002-1 25X1 ~~x~ 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/08/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R002600040002-1 SECRET access to the Persian Gulf. Subject said he would like to have some facts on this, and it was arranged that CNE would put him in touch with an NE officer for a general background briefing. The DCI estimated that it would take the Soviets three to four times the number of troops they now have in Afghanistan in order to pacify the country totally. 6. Subject asked the DCI for his opinion as to the viability of Zahir Shah as a rallying point for the Afghan resistance, noting that this was favored by the Gailani group. CNE noted that this idea is not favored by the fundamentalists, and Subject answered that on the basis of his soundings inside Afghanistan and not based just on conversations with the moderates, the fundamentalists are not in total control. 7. Subject's overall impression is that the Soviet strategy is to wear the Afghans down. The trickle of refugees is noted by the Afghans who say that as each Afghan leaves the country a piece of Afghanistan is gone. "When enough are gone, we can no longer fight," they say. 8. Subject said he was returning again to Afghanistan later in the spring. While ABC is not interested in further pictures and copy from him, NBC and CBS are interested in an Afghan show. Another project Subject has in mind is to do a story on "the hidden hand" of the KGB, based mainly on John Baryon's book. He said he intended to meet Barron, and he asked the DCI for some help in such a project. The DCI said he would think it over. 9. Also during the meeting, Subject mentioned the Tsongas-Ritter resolution now before Congress. This is a resolution calling for adequate support for the Afghan Mujahuddin on all levels--political, military, economic, diplomatic--by the U.S. Government. It would be a non-binding sense-of-the-Congress resolution. ie ~ ear s an South Asia Division DIST: 1-DDO REG 1-ADDO/DDO 1-EX REG 1-DDCI/DCI 1-CNE 1-CNE/PAB SECRET Approved For Release 2008/08/21 :CIA-RDP86M00886R002600040002-1