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Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886R001900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886R001900170013-3 My fellow Americans: I want to speak frankly to you tonight about-the fundamental questions facing us-no in foreign policy." :.We ar.e' turbulent centuries in human history, And -we_ Americans .'f4cij. in the closing decades of the 20th century -- one of the most some very profound challenges. wit), their constituents. It is a time for dialogue between the Senators spend this time back.in their home districts talking. The Congress is now in reeess.1 Usually, Congressmen and American people and'their legislative representatives. .Therefore, this is just the right ;.time for me to raise--these' basic issues, because it is a'time when the American people must awake some basic decisions. The Nature of the World We Live Ini As President. my duty is to lead. It-is my constitutional respnnsibility to look to our net~ones security; and to our vital interests, and to do what is necessary to defend'. themi. duty is to anticipate problems, t9 warn of dangers,-and to act, world as it is. Others have the luxury. of second-guessing; -my (Others have the luxury of illusions; my job is to view the an necessary, to keep harm away- tom our shores. Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 Thus it should be clear that peace and freedom do.not come at peace, a world of ao all other peoples. about merely by wishing for them.: It is is harsh world -out- there' and advancing our goals requires realism, strength, and' no little courage. It is a harshlworld, and there is great temptation to shy away from it and to take refuge in eacapism~. There are those-who will tell you that the world will be a safer place if we upend less on maintaining our All Americans yearn for a world freedom and progress. So. Indeed, enjoy pence. prosperity, and freedom, most other people do is a very troubled world. While we and our democratic allies Sadly. the world in which these noble aims are not. Many parts of the world are torn by conflict Central. America, in southern Africa, in the Middle Afghanistan. in Southeast Asia. All around the globe. 'revolutionary violence or dictatotship. -thp developing world, hopes for prrogress- are too often lost to, terrorists threaten innocent people and-civilized values. defenses. That is esc4ism. There are those who wil tell you that our.diplomatit objectives can be achieved through goodwill.and noblle aspirations, without' erican power to back__thea upj That is escapism. Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 the. part of the united Staltes. That is escapism. .There are those who will till you that resources, markets, and sealanes thatiare vital to the west's survival can be secure witlhout vigilance and effort on In the last 15.years, the grow4h of Soviet military power has meant a radical change in the ~ature of the world we live i n . No, it does not mean that we ~re in.imminent danger of nt)c l ear war. That is the least likely danger we face. If we. mzir:trAin the strategic balance, t'len we can count on the basic prudence of the Soviet leaders to:steer clear of that kind of suicidal challenge to us. out with nuclear aggression' foreclosed, the Soviets and theirjallies have embarked i wi th; new self-confidence -- on a different kind of challenge that is. much more difficult for us to cope with. . Three-quarters of the popula4on of this planet lives in.: the developing world. In Asia, -frica, and Latin America, there are over a hundred nations,-- some brand-new, some, very oifl -- struggling for political; stability, for modern institutions, for economic progzess,. or for basic security. f these countries are our friends, and look to us for Moot. o help in various forms. Many of1these countries are-vulnerable to subversion by ruthless forces that are driven by ideology;, power, and ambition to try to impose their system by force. Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886R001900170013-3 Not too long ago, there were some rho thought that, with rlr0wirq military and economic ?strettgth. the Soviet Union would mat uTe and met love. It would feel Mess threatened, the theory Tall, and therefore it would have less need to threaten others; it. would become an ordinary countriy. This theory has. proved disappointingly false. In the last 10 years we have (weave the brutal Communist rc)nciuest of Indochinar blatant Soviet/Cuban intervention in Arigrrln, Ethiopia, and South Yemeni; the outright Soviet invasion. of Afghanistan: and now the Soviet/Cuban/Nicaraguan aggression in Central America.. The Soviets and their allies have shown themselves masters of new techniques of aggression t-- Cuban proxy armies, East cermar- secret police contingentsl, chemical and toxin weapons gainst innocent civilians, stage sponsorship of terrorism.afd .the clandestine shipment of weapons for purposes of subversion. These are gross vicflations of all the norms of international law and international morality. We have seen these means of violence produce refugees on a massive scale N- irr Indochina, and potentially ih Central America. We have seen them shoot down an unarmed civiilian airliner with the loss of 2i'9 innocent lives. And. most ominously, we have seen the wave. of Communist-sponsored violence move ever closer to vital Western interests like the Perolan Gulf, and ever closer to'our Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886R001900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886R001900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886R001900170013-3 This did not all happen by accident. For years the Soviets have'proudly proclaimed their right.-- indeed their "revolutionary duty" -- to aid end abet so-called "wars of national liberation" on every con anent of the developing world. This doctrine is all too convenient a way to spread their system by force., to achieveian eventual stranglehold on the free world's economic lifelin)bs, and to weaken, and un4f-rmi ne. the democratic nations. Yes, there are deep econosic;and social causes to most of. the would' s turmoil. But where tlhe United States seeks to respond with economic assistance and support for democracy, the Soviet Union seeks to exploit inutebility for its own. aggressive and violent ambitions,. "'he Chr-1 l enge to the United States If this is the nature of the challenge we face in the remaining years of this century -- which I believe it is -- then we Americans must ask oursdlves a fundamental questions. .Are we prepared to do something about it7 Or are we so fear*ul. that we will seek refuge in pacifist or isolationist illusions? will, always take the form of aldstermined, persistent offor1.by the Soviet Union and its allied to undermine our friends and our interests, using indirect corms of aggression that push and Most likely in this nuclear age we will never see a state of total war or a state of total peace. The main challenge push until they meet firm.resiatanee. Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 The only question is when we witl wake up-to' p to this danger,-while ..the tightening circle of hosti4 influence comes ever. closer.-to our own borders., President John F. Kennedy understood this challenge, andFhe was willing to stand up to it, ~s.'in the Cuban missile crisiD. He would be appalled at the weaic-kneed utterances of-those who to diay invoke his name. The Challenge in Central America This is the issue we face in Central America. The issue in Central America is not mining, or procedureja' of consultation with the Co ngr~as. Nicaraguan aggression, aided and abetted by the Soviet .Union. When the Nicaraguan revolution overthrew the dictator Somoza in 1979, many, in the United States and Latin America' looked on hopefully, taking at.iface, value the revolutionar.iod'. promi Bea of democracy and .social progress. But the democratic and progressive slogans of the;Communist.rulers..of Nicaragua were a fraud: Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 neighbors combined, an far in excess of any They set about buildings a massive army of over 50.000 men, bigger than the m litary forces of all their militaristic menace tolall neighboring countries Soviet-bloc support, Nicaragua became an armed camp, a conceivable defensive feeds. wttn cuaan, avviaF_, w... neighboring El Salvador. The operational headquarters of the Communist warmiking apparatus in El Salvador is located on the outskirts of Managua, the capital of Castro, a Communist i surgency was organized in with the prodding. sd~iee, and guidance of Fidel Communist Nicaragua. The people of El Salvador went to the polls two years . ago to elect a Parliament, and they went to the polls a few weeks ago to eject a President -- testifying eloquently to their lesire for democracy. This yearning for democracy was answered by guerrilla'gune and bullets, by a vi0ious four-year campaign of Communist warfare against bridges, roads, power stations, trucks, b~ses, and other vital elements of the Salvadoran econc?my. The Communists.not only-do.. not believe in demoraeyr they fear a legitimate. democratic process 'because they know they have meager popular support., Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 % Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 The bipartisan Kissinger C mmission that I appointed to: nd economic conditions that. invited insurgency in the region, outside intervention As what gives the conflict, it a present character. Propaganda support, money,i sanctuary, arms, supplies, training, communications,1intelligence, logistics, all,are important in both morale 41nd operational terms. Withoit such support from Cuba, Nicaragua and the'Soviet Union; neither in El Salvador no elsewhere in Central Americ$ would such an insurgency pose so severe a threat to the government. . . Therefore [the Kissinger Commission.. concluded), curbing the insurgents` violence in El Salvador' requires, in part, cutting them off from their sources-of foreign support." The policy of the United States in Central America ha$ examine the issues in Central America gave, in its report,'en accurate summation of the importance of Nicaraguan support for the Salvadoran guerrillasr "Whatever the social three positive elemental and' to help them reach the path of stable economic to help friendly cot)ntries build, strengthen, safeguard democratic institutions, and social justice,. and Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 growth Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 9 to help them resolve Oisputes through diplomacy. But to achieve these three objectives, there must be a' fourth component of our policyl: -- but we are helping or friends defend themselves against -Central Americans themselves.. The United States is not at ware and indirect. ;Solutions can be reached. only by the,efforts.of The role of the United Stoteo in-this effort-is supportive. against Cuban/Nicarac,uan aggression* to help these friendly countries defend themselves. those who choose to make war on peaceful, democratic societies.. .. The flow of weapons into Nicaragua. for purposes of clandestine transfer to the Communist guerrillas in El Salvador, is one. of the pringipal threats to regional peaceq i gnor e8 this danger would deserve to be-* impeached. The future strategic concern of the Uni ad Staten. Any. President ti The threat to peace in Central America is necessarily a of the entire region south o4 our.borders hangs in the baIanrs.,., Therefore the United States has' been supporting'-- and proudly supporting -- not only the elected government of. Salvador but also those manyithousands of Nicaraguans who: are i resisting Communist tyranny in their homeland. Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 - 10 - The 'Nicaraguan regime is a regime of totalitarian, militaristic gullies who see it as their divine mission to destabilize all their nrighboTS. ks tong as I am President, I will do whatever I can to help all those who are prepalred to oppose such tyrants. If the Communists can make open war against the ecolt ny of democratic El Salvador, then the opponents of. 1 cnr t~clt~e would be fully entitled to block the flow of .arms or . teI. other measures to deny rliearaguQ the means to make war on' its neighbors. It the Soviet Union an proclaim its Intention to ail subversion, then the United States can proudly proclaim ite intention to help resist it. This is not only in our- strategic interests it is morally right. It would be profoundly immoral to let peace-lov~ng friends who depend on us be Overwhelmed by brute force it wejhave any capacity to prevent it. We should not be misled by Nicaragua's cynicism, which khaws.no hounds. Last week it tried to misuse the International Court of Justice for propaganda purposes. Well, when a Communist regime starts professing asudden devotion to internntional law, hang onto your wallets. We did not fall for: .1 am getting a little tired oil people in this country who give the Communists the benefit of every doubt. I am frankly amazed by those who seem determined to grant .Nicaragua a kind of-Congressional immunity, Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886R001900170013-3 the countries in the Western Hemisphere, only Communist Nic?araqua" while it wages war on its weaker neighbors:, Of'all do that no one dare lift a hand ageinet `poor misunderstood ra r aqua seew..s to have. the benefit of this Congtesaional'.: protection. Why? I can tell you that as long asj I am President, the United States will support. those..inCentral America who fight for aemneracy':nnd resist tyranny. We `wi.ll do so in full compliance. With e s t ate. L i shed cons.t. i tut ional ar d. Congress tonal procedures an we have been doing all along. The Congressional.. intelligence committees were set foflowe8. it's a 11ttIe unse~esly lot xAembera of congress j;p in to handle such consultations -- Which we scrupulously : run for cover. repudiating the procedures they' themselves. estAhhlished, just because the controversy was?too hot. and my objectives. I believe that what we are doing in'Centra.l. I am not afraid to come before you and explain-=y policy Anericn is right, and necessary. I believe I was elected to conduct an effective foreign policy -- to use the vast power of the United States for good and worthy ends, not to~ run and hide' . whey; the going gets tough. The American people will have the, chance in November to decide whether they share this philosophy,' or whether they prefer a foreign policy of earapi am, weakness, and' helpiessrhess.. -= Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886R001900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 I ath prepared to fight the.eleet$on on this issue, if that is the choice of my opponents. i at not afraid of the American people's basic good sense and.intestinal fortitude. In the meantime, I will-do xy duty to defend the national interest as I see it, with support to sustain me. God'~.'help to guide me and your Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 I WASHFAX RECEIPT OF-PARTMENT; OF STATE f" . OEF'AP7M1'4T 1'. ST. T~. MI SSA(;( NO 5 CLASSIFICATION No. Pages 2 r I~CiM Charles Hill S/S 22540 .7224 (OtIsce'r name) (Office symbol) (Extension) . MI SSAGE OI.SC:RIPTION..,___...,Speech re Foreign Policy (Room number) ' N 'TO- tAgencV) DELIVER TO: Extension Room No. CIA Mr. ^ W. Ca SeY I UN ' i:LEARANCE D INFORMATION NI:MAR KS 1 l)NN 1, t fbtt 1.11 PER REQUEST. . COMMENT 0 Approved For Release 2008/08/29: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01900170013-3 STAT