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Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP STAT ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI 2 DDCI 3 EXDIR X 4 D/ICS 5 DDI - - 6 6 DA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC X 11 IG 12 Compt 13 D/Pers 14 D/OLL 15 D/PAO 16 SA/1A 17 AO/DCI 18 C/IPD/OIS 19 20 21 22 2wctober 1984 Dol. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Central intelligence Agency 64- 9406/1 14EMORANDUM FOR: Charles Vaughn Office of Personnel Management SUBJECT: Information Regarding Publication of United States Government Poll icy and Supporting Positions In response to the request for subject information, the attached report is provided. As with previous inputs provided by this Agency for this publication, only the positions of Director and Deputy Director (both of which are Presidential appointees requiring Senate confirmation) are being included. STAT Attachment: As stated Execuy ve Secretary Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 REPORT OF POSITIONS IN THE EXCEPTED Agency Name: AND SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES Central Intelligence Agency Information Effective As Of: 1 September 1984 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Location Position Title Incumbent's Name Type of Level, Grade Tenure Expiration (State and City) Appointment or Salary Date (Mo., Day, Yr.) Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence William J. Casey John N. McMahon Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SUP TO: Naive, office symbol, room number, Initials Date 4. L ton fi File Note and Return I For Clearance Per Conversation Requested For Correction Prepare Reply iaculate For Your Information See me mment I nvestigate ordination I V 1/ 1, IL4~' acmes: - o--, Y-- - /V of 4c ?Pm 1Pct DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals, cmearanees, and similar actions FROM: (Name, org. symbol. Agency/Post) op )PAf E /PE PS OPTIONAL F f?rescnb~6 Y GSA A'-ARR (41 CFR) :01-11 206 STAT STAT STAT Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 '112 WEDNESDAY.'bCTO'SR 10, 1984 FEDERAL DIARY `Plum Book' in Works By Mike Causey career or political executivesas Waehi4mn Poet Stall Writer long as the overall SES mix he next edition of the remains 90 percent career and T10 "plum book," the winners' percent political. Dave Burckman, a former guide to patronage jobs in Treasury Department career government, will for the first executive who is president of time include the names of more the Senior Executives than 6,000 career federal Association, a professional executives whose positions are organization representing many not part of the victors' spoils. of the senior civil servants, has The guidebook, published written to the committee and after every presidential election White House protesting the and Officially called "Policy and plan to include SES members in Supporting Positions," is the plum book. . designed to help a new He fears that listing the administration figure out who it career SES people will "target" can and should replace. Around them as possible people to be Washington it is known simply replaced in the next as the plum book. administration, whether it is a The House Post Office-Civil Reagan or Mondale Service Committee and the administration. Senate Governmental Affairs For instance, Burckman said, Committee rotate the job of "All of the government's compiling the names, grades personnel directors are in the and salary data for the book. 'general' category, This year it is the Senate and if you committee's turn. wanted to take e over the civil The 1980 edition listed service they would be good several thousand jobs-from people to replace." cabinet officers to their The Senate committee, chauffeurs cabinet however, says there is nothing sinister list secretaries-that are either of the career the decision in the a poetical, Policy-making or political plum book. confidential nature that "Listing only the SES jobs excludes them from civil that are filled by service protection. political This year, b appointees would be by joint agreement confusing-and was confusing of Democrats and Republicans [four years ago]," a committee on the Senate committee, the aide said, "because it creates book will include names of the impression that only those 6,200 members of the Senior jobs can be filled b Executive Service, along with a y political pPointees. those of their political bosses. In fact, the aide said, "any of The SES, with an authorized the 'general' jobs can be filled strength of 7,000, is made up of by non-career [political] 90 percent careen and 10 appointees, as long as the 90-10 percent political appointees. In career-political mix is January, pay for ES members maintained." will range from $61,296 to National Association of $72,300. Government Communicators By law the SES, created by will hold a luncheon Oct. 29 at President Carter, splits the the Touchdown Club. Sara career ranks of the SES into Fitzgerald, editor of this two categories. So-called newspaper's Federal Report "career reserve jobs," which page, is the speaker. For make up 42 percent of the total, reservations call Suellen are limited to civil servants and Mauchamer on 254-6827. cannot be filled by political Attention Job Hunters: The appointees. Most executive Patent Office wants temporary positions at the IRS, for quality control clerks, Grades 3 example, are caner reserve. through 4 for both full-time and Any job in the `!general" part-time work. Civil service category can be ed by either _00tic rant,;-A f' Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 UNITED STATES OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20415 OFFICIAL BUSINESS Penalty for Private Use, $300 POSTAGE AND FEES PAZ) OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT M 20505CASHD CN064 UPA59 HONQRAbLE ' ILLIAf; J CASEY DIR CENTRAL I0TELLIGE,uCE AGCY WASHINGT( DC 20505 CON 114-146 January 1979 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Exec!::i"'s Registry Personnel Management Washington, D.C. 20415 United States Office of SEP 2 5 1984 In response to a request from Director Devine to the head of your agency, you were designated as a representative of your agency to work with OPM on the compilation of the information needed by the Congress to issue a new edition of United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions. This year the document will be published by the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. The Committee has now informed us of the information it needs. The head of your agency will be notified of these requirements shortly by another memorandum from the Director. However, while this memorandum is in clearance in accordance with GSA regulations on interagency reports, we thought you might find a copy useful as a starting point for planning the collection of the information in your agency. Thus a draft copy of the Director's memorandum is attached. As you will note, the instructions on the information to be reported and the format to be followed are quite detailed. It is essential that you adhere closely to these instructions in preparing your agency's submission. Only in this way will we be able to provide the Committee a Governmentwide report which will be consistent in coverage and format and, thus, useful to the Committee. We would like specifically to call your attention to the reporting requirements for the Senior Executive Service (SES). This year all General SES positions and their incumbents will be listed. In addition, this year SES positions will be listed in the main body of the publication rather than in a separate section as in 1980. Consequently, it will not be possible for OPM to develop the SES section of your agency's report as was done in 1980. Instead you will have to list each General position in the appropriate place in your agency's report. To assist you in this effort, we will send you a listing from OPM's Executive Personnel Management and Development Information System of SES positions in your agency and their incumbents. CON 114-24-3 January 1980 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 We have attempted to provide agencies as much time as possible to prepare their submissions. Because of the time constraints on providing this information to the Committee, no extension of the reporting deadline of October 29 is possible. Since this report is needed to satisfy a Congres- sional requirement, we trust you will give it the highest priority. Should you have any questions about any aspect of the reporting requirements, please do not hesitate to call the contacts listed in the memorandum. We look forward to working with you in this effort and will sincerely appreciate your cooperation. Mary M. Rose Assistant Director for Executive and Personnel Policy Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 DRAFT MEMORANDUM FOR HEADS OF DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES Quadrennially since 1960 the Civil Service Commission and the Office of Personnel Management have collected from agencies and supplied at the Congress' request, the information necessary for the publication of United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions. This year the publication will be issued by the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs. We have now been informed by the Committee of its requirements for this year's edition. The Committee has determined that the document will list positions, and their incumbents, as follows: - All positions filled by appointment by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate; - All positions filled by appointment by the President without confirmation by the Senate; - All Senior Executive Service General positions; - All GS-16 through 18 positions authorized to be filled by Noncareer Executive Assignment; - All positions which are listed in Schedule C; - All positions at GS-14 and above, except those in certain limited categories, which are excepted from the competitive service by statute; and - All positions at GS-14 and above, except those in certain limited categories, which are covered by specified Schedule A and B authorities. The attachments to this memo provide detailed instructions on position coverage, data to be reported, format to be used, and other matters. Your close attention to all these details is essential if we are to satisfy the Committee's requirements and provide the information on a timely basis. DRAFT Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 DRAFT You should report for all agencies under your administrative supervision. Negative reports are required. The information submitted should reflect positions as of September 1, 1984. Reports are due no later than October 29. 1984. Questions concerning any aspect of this report should be addressed to the OPM contact designated in the attached instructions. Since the information is being compiled to meet a Congressional requirement, this effort should be accorded the highest priority. Your assistance and cooperation are greatly appreciated. This report has been cleared in accordance with FPMR 101-11.11 and assigned interagency report control number Donald J. Devine Director Attachments DRAFT Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 REPORT OF POSITIONS IN THE EXCEPTED AND SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1984 * * * * * * * * * * * * OPM Contact: Charles Vaughn or Donald Hill, 202-254-5758 Report Due Date: October 29, 1984 Mail reports in duplicate to: U. S. Office of Personnel Management, 1900 E Street, N.W., Attn: Charles Vaughn, Room 7480, Washington, D. C. 20415. Position Coverage The following positions are to be reported whether encumbered or vacant: 1. Positions filled by Presidential appointment by and with the advice and consent of the Senate All positions 2. Positions filled by Presidential appointment without Senate confirmation All positions 3. Senior Executive Service positions All General positions 4. Positions authorized to be filled by Noncareer Executive Assignment All positions GS-16 through 18 5. Positions listed in Schedule C All positions. Do not report positions which have been revoked. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 6. Positions excepted from the competitive service by statute All positions which are at GS-14 and above (or the equivalent). However, do not report any position which is: (a) an expert or consultant appointed under 5 U.S.C. 3109 or similar statutory authority; (b) a scientific, technical, or engineering position at the operational, rather than administrative, level when occupied by a professional in the discipline; (c) a primary and nonsupervisory law enforcement position whose incumbent is covered (or would be covered, if the position is vacant) by the provisions of 5 U.S.C. Chapter 83 relating to retirement of law enforcement officers; or (d) a position which is excepted "when-filled- by" a specific class or type of person. All positions at GS-14 and above (or the equivalent) which are covered by any of the authorities listed for your agency in Attachment 2. However, do not report on any position covered by these authorities, regardless of grade level, which is covered by the criteria in 6(b) above. [Note: For the Schedule A authorities specifically indicated in Attachment 2 under the listings for the Department of Agriculture, the Department is to report positions regardless of grade level or the other criteria specified above.] Information To Be Reported For each position report, in accordance with the instructions in the next two sections, (a) the State and city in which the position is located, (b) the title of the position, (c) the name of the incumbent (or Vacant, if not filled), (d) the type of appointment (e.g., Schedule C), (e OPM assigned position number if an Executive Level, SES, NEA, or Schedule C position or the appointment authority if a Schedule A or B position, (f) the grade or salary of the position (except for SES), (g) the tenure of Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 the incumbent, and (h) the expiration date, if any, of the incumbent's appointment. SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS ARE PROVIDED BELOW ON THE FORMAT TO BE USED AND THE PRECISE INFORMATION TO BE REPORTED FOR EACH OF THESE ITEMS. Number of Reports A single consolidated report is to be submitted in duplicate for each agency. "As Of" and Due Dates of Reports All information reported should reflect the status of the position on September 1, 1984. Reports are due to OPM not later than October 29, 1984. Because of the time constraints on providing this information to the Congress, extensions of the reporting deadline cannot be granted. Specific Reporting Instructions The form to be used in submitting reports is provided in Attachment 3. Each agency may duplicate as many copies as it needs. Specific instructions are given below on the information to be entered for each item on the form. Specific instructions are provided in the next section on the order in which to list positions. PLEASE READ BOTH SECTIONS BEFORE STARTING ON THE FORM. Attachment 4 is a sample completed form. We realize that a position listing may not fit on one line of the form. Use as many lines as needed for each position. Be sure to double space between positions. Column 1 - Location (State and city) Enter the State and city (in that order). Do not abbreviate either State or city name. Positions in the Washington, D. C. metropolitan area will be listed as located in Washington, D. C. The Washington, D. C. metropolitan area consists of the District of Columbia; Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, and Stafford Counties and the cities of Alexandria, Fairfax, Falls Church, Manassas, and Manassas Park in Virginia; and Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Montgomery, and Prince Georges Counties in Maryland. Enter the title of the position. Do not abbreviate. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Column 3 - Incumbent's Name Enter the name of the incumbent: first name, middle initial, last name. Do not list last name first. If the position is vacant, enter Vacant. [Note: All positions must be reported whether encumbered or vacant.] If bipartisan membership is required by statute, enter the incumbent's political affiliation (using the codes shown below) in parentheses immediately after the incumbent's last name. Party Affiliation Codes Republican Democrat Independent Column 4 - Type of Appointment Enter the appropriate symbol from the list below for the type of appointment. PAS - Presidential appointment with Senate confirmation. PA - Presidential appointment without Senate confirmation. [This includes positions under Schedule A authority 213.3102(c).] NEA - Position authorized to be filled by Noncareer Executive Assignment. PL - Position excepted from the competitive service by statute C - Schedule C A - Schedule A B - Schedule B For Executive Level positions, enter the OPM position number, if one has been assigned, directly below the Type of Appointment code. For SES and Schedule C positions and Noncareer Executive Assignments, enter the OPM position number directly below the Type of Appointment code. If the position is in Schedule C by virtue of an Executive Order (and thus has no OPM position number), enter EO directly below the Type of Appointment code. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 For Schedule A and B positions, enter the entire appointing authority citation [e.g., 213.3113(f)] directly below the Type of Appointment code. Column 5 - Level, Grade, or Salary If the position is graded under the Executive Schedule or General Schedule, enter the level or grade (e.g., Level IV, GS-14). If the position is graded under an administrative pay system similar to the General Schedule, enter GG and the grade (e.g., GG-15). If the position is in SES, leave this column blank. Otherwise, enter the basic entrance salary for the position (e.g., $49,300). The following symbols should be used where appropriate: NE - Grade or salary not established p.d. - Per diem p.h. - Per hour we - Without compensation I - Intermittent - When actually employed If the incumbent's appointment is for a specific term, show the term (e.g., 3 years). If the incumbent's appointment is not for a specific term, enter the following symbols which are appropriate to the incumbent's status and tenure: S Person who was serving in the position with competitive status when the position was excepted from the competitive service by Civil Service Commission or OPM action. (This is a person with status in position.) Person having competitive status serving in a Schedule B position, whether or not he was serving in the position at the time it was excepted. (This is a person with personal status.) This symbol is to be used only in connection with Schedule A, B, and C positions and positions filled by Noncareer Executive Assignment. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Preference eligible, as defined in 5 U.S.C. 2108, who has completed either 1 year current continuous service in the excepted service or probation in the competitive service. This symbol is to be used only in connection with Schedule A and B positions and positions excepted by statute. VP-S = Person who qualifies under both S and VP, immediately above. This symbol is to be used only in connection with Schedule A and B positions. CA = Person having a career appointment in the SES Person having a noncareer appointment in the SES EA = Person having a limited emergency appointment in the SES Person having a limited term appointment in the SES Foreign Service Officer commissioned by the President FSIO = Foreign Service Information Officer commissioned by the President FSP = Person with a career-type Foreign Service appointment but not commissioned by the President FSC = Person with a limited Foreign Service appointment as a candidate for a career-type appointment FNC = Person with a noncareer Foreign Service appointment or other limited Foreign Service appointment (except career candidate) Military incumbent This symbol is to be used only when a member of a military service is occupying a position required to be reported. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Column 7 - Expiration Date When tenure is for a specific term of years, enter the expiration date (e.g., May 31, 1986). Leave blank if tenure is not for a specific term of years. Enter date as month, day, year. Month names are to be spelled not designated numerically. April, May, June, and July may not be abbreviated. Other months must be abbreviated as follows: January - Jan. February - Feb. March - Mar. August - Aug. September - Sept. October - Oct. November - Nov. December - Dec. Order In Which To List Positions Positions are to be listed on the form in Attachment 3 as follows: 1. Departmentwide/Agencywide Officials List departmentwide/agencywide officials (e.g., Secretary, Deputy Secretary). Also list positions in their immediate offices (e.g., Special Assistant to the Secretary). Within this group, list positions by type of appointment in the following order: PAS, PA, SES, NEA, PL, C, A, B. 2. Major Subdivisions Within each major subdivision (e.g., headed by an Assistant Secretary), list positions in Washington, D. C. first followed by positions in each State in alphabetical order of the States. The name of each major subdivision must be entered in the Position Title column preceding entries for that subdivision. Within each State list positions alphabetically by city. Within each city (including Washington, D. C.) list positions by type of appointment in the following order: PAS, PA, SES, NEA, PL, C, A, B. Within each city, larger agencies must list positions in each secondary subdivision of the agency separately (e.g., the Department of the Treasury will list positions in a given city in the Customs Service separately from those in the Secret Service.) The name of each Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 secondary subdivision must be entered in the Position Title column preceding the entries for that secondary subdivision. Within each subdivision list positions in the appointment order specified above. Within each type of appointment under both 1 and 2 above, positions should be listed in an order which follows as closely as possible the organizational hierarch e.g., the director of an office should be listed before its deputy director or a bureau chief should be listed before division chiefs in the bureau if they all have the same type of appointment). Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 SCHEDULE A AUTHORITIES EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Office of Administration Sec. 213.3103(a)(1) Not to exceed seventy-five positions to provide admin- istrative services and support to the White House office. Office of Management and Budget Sec. 213.3103(b)(1) Not to exceed ten positions at grades GS-9/15 Council on Environmental Quality Sec. 213.3103(c)(1) Professional and technical positions in grades GS-13 through 15 on the staff of the Council. National Security Council Sec. 213.3103(g)(1) All positions of the staff of the Council. Office of Science and Technology Policy Sec. 213.3103(h)(1) Thirty positions of Senior Policy Analyst, GS-15; Policy Analyst, GS-11/14; and Policy Research Assist- ant, GS-9, for employment of anyone not to exceed 5 years on projects of a high priority nature. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Office of the Secretary Sec. 213.3104(a)(1) All positions, GS-15 and below, on the staff of the Family Liaison Office, Office of the Under Secretary for Management. Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs Sec. 213.3104(e)(1) Two physical science administration officers at GS-16. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Sec. 213.3105(a)(1) Not to exceed 20 positions at the equivalent of GS-13 through GS-17 to supplement permanent staff in the study of.complex problems relating to international financial, economic, trade and energy policies and programs of the Government, when filled by individuals with special qualifications for the particular study being undertaken. Employment under this authority may not exceed 4 years. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 Sec. 213.3105(a)(2) Not to exceed 20 positions, which will supplement permanent staff invoved in the study and analysis of complex problems in the area of domestic economic and financial policy. Employment under this authority may not exceed 4 years. Office of the Secretary Sec. 213.3106(a)(1) Not to exceed 30 positions at grades GS-7/15 in the Defense Mobilization Systems Planning Activity, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Mobiliza- tion Planning and Requirements.) No new appointments may be made under this authority after March 31, 1985. Sec. 213.3106(a)(6) One Executive Secretary, US-USSR Standing Consultative Commission and Staff Analyst (SALT), Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (International Security Affairs). Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Sec. 213.3106(e)(1) Positions of Dean, Associate Dean, Assistant Dean, faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and teaching/ research assistants. Sec. 213.3106(e)(2) Positions established to perform work on projects funded from grants. National Defense University Sec. 213.3106(f)(1) Not to exceed 16 positions of senior policy analyst, GS-15, at the Strategic Concepts Development Center. Initial appointments to these positions may not exceed 3 years, but may be extended thereafter for additional period(s) not to exceed 1 year each. U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y. Sec. 213.3107(d)(1) Civilian professors, instructors, teachers (except at the Children's School), Cadet Social Activities Coordinator, Chapel Organist and Choirmaster, Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, Associate Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, Facility Manager, Deputy Director of Alumni Affairs; and Libr4rian when filled by an officer of the Regular Army retired from active service, and military secretary to the Superintendent when filled by a Military Academy graduate retired as a regular commissioned officer for disability. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Defense Systems Management School, Ft. Belvoir, VA. Sec. 213.3107(1)(1) The Deputy Commandant and professors in grades GS-13 through GS-15. U.S. Military Academy Preparatory School, Ft. Monmouth, N.J. Sec. 213.3107(j)(1) Positions of Academic Director, Department Head and Instructor. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY Naval Academy, Naval Postgraduate School, and Naval War College Sec. 213.3108(b)(1) Professors, Instructors, and Teachers; the Director of Academic Planning, Naval Postgraduate School; and the Librarian, Organist-Choirmaster, Registrar, the Dean of Admissions, and Social Counselors at the Naval Academy. Office of Naval Research Sec. 213.3108(g)(1) Not to exceed 5 positions of Liaison Scientists, GS-13/15, in the Office of Naval Research Branch Office in Japan, when filled by research scientists who have specialized experience in scientific disciplines of current interest to the Department and who have a demonstrated ability to deal with the Japanese scien- tific community in their disciplines. An appointment under this authority may be made initially for a period not to exceed 2 years. With the prior approval of OPM, total employment under this authority may be for as long as 3 years. Office of the Secretary Sec. 213.3109(a)(1) One Special Assistant in the Office of the Secretary of the Air Force. This position has advisory rather than operating duties except as operating or adminis- trative responsibilities may be exercised in connection with the pilot studies. Sec. 213.3109(b)(1) Professional, technical, managerial and administra- tive positions supporting space activities, when ap- proved by the Secretary of the Air Force. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Air Force Office of Special Investigations Sec. 213.3109(f)(2) Not to exceed 25 positions of Criminal Investigators/ Polygraph Examiners, GS-11 through GS-14, in the Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Polygraph Office, duty location nationwide, which will provide high level polygraph security screening for a highly classified, sensitive and compartmented special access program concerned with national defense activities and materials, for employment not to exceed April 30, 1987. Air Force Logisitics Command Sec. 213.3109(g) Not to exceed 7 positions, GS-12 through 15, Head- quarters, Air Force Logistics Command, DCS Logistics Operation, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, which will provide logistic support management staff guidance to classified research and development projects. Em- ployment under this authority is not to exceed January 31, 1985. Sec. 213.3110(a)(5) Thirty positions of Field Representative and Field Representative Trainee, GS-5 through GS-14, in the Community Relations Service for temporary employment not to exceed one year. Employment under this authority may be extended for not to exceed one additional year. Drug Enforcement Administration Sec. 213.3110(c)(2) One hundred fifty positions of Intelligence Research Agent and/or Intelligence Operation Specialist in the GS-132 series, grades GS-9 through GS-15. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Indian Arts and Crafts Board Sec. 213.3112(c)(1) The Executive Director. Office of the Assistant Secretary, Territorial and International Affairs Sec. 213.3112(e)(4) Special Assistants to the Governor of American Samoa who perform specialized administrative, professional, technical, and scientific duties as members of his immediate staff. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 -5- DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Sec. 213.3113(d)(2) Members of State Committees. [REPORT ALL OF THESE POSITIONS WITHOUT REGARD TO GRADE OR ANY OF THE OTHER EXCLUSIONARY CRITERIA LISTED IN ATTACHMENT 1] Sec. 213.3113(e)(2) County committeemen to consider, recommend, and advise with respect to the Farmers Home Administration pro- gram. [REPORT ALL OF THESE POSITIONS WITHOUT REGARD TO GRADE OR ANY OF THE OTHER EXCLUSIONARY CRITERIA LISTED IN ATTACHMENT 1] Agricultural Marketing Service Sec. 213.3113(f)(3) Milk Market Administrators. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of the Under Secretary for International Trade Sec. 213.3114(1)(1) Thirty positions at GS-12 and above in specialized fields relating to international trade or commerce in units under the jurisdiction of the Under Secretary for International Trade. Incumbents will be assigned to advisory rather than to operating duties, except as operating and administrative responsibility may be required for the conduct of pilot studies or special projects. Employment under this authority will not exceed 2 years for an individual appointee. Sec. 213.3114(1)(2) Not to exceed 40 positions of Managers and Deputy Managers of International Trade Fairs and Exhibit Programs in foreign countries when the duties re- quire a considerable portion of the employee's time to be spent in foreign countries. Sec. 213.3114(1)(3) Not to exceed 30 positions in grades GS-12 through 15, to be filled by persons qualified as industrial or marketing specialists, who possess specialized know- ledge and experience in industrial production, indus- trial operations and related problems, market structure and trends, retail and wholesale trade practices, distribution channels and costs, or business financing and credit practices applicable to one or more of the current segments of U.S. industry served by the Under Secretary for International Trade, and the subordinate components of his organization which are involved in Domestic Business matters. Appointments under this authority may be made for a period of not to exceed 2 years and may, with prior approval of the Commission, be extended for an additional period of 2 years. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 -6- National Telecommunications and Information Administration Sec. 213.3114(1)(1) Seventeen professional positions in grades GS-13 through GS-15. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Sec. 213.3115(a)(1) Chairman and five Members, Employees' Compensation Appeals Board. Sec. 213.3115(a)(2) Chairman and two Members, Benefits Review Board. Seca 213.3115(d)(1) Not to exceed 10 positions of supervisory manpower development specialist and manpower development specialist, GS-7/15, in the Division of Indian and Native American Programs, when filled by the appointment of persons of one-fourth or more Indian blood. These positions require direct contact with Indian tribes and communities for the development and administration of comprehensive employment and training programs. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Sec. 213.3116(k)(1) Not to exceed 75 positions providing direct services to Cuban and Haitian entrants. BOARD OF GOVERNORS, FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Sec. 213.3124(a) All positions. U.S. INFORMATION AGENCY Sec. 213.3128(a)(1) Office of Congressional and Public Liaison. Two positions of Liaison Officer (Congressional), GS-14. Sec. 213.3128(b) Five positions of Supervisory International Exchange Officer (Reception Center Director), GS-13 and GS-14, located in I'-8 field offices of New Orleans, New York, Miami,`San Francisco, and Honolulu. Initial appointments will not exceed December 31 of the calen- dar year in which appointment is made with extensions permitted up to a maximum period of 4 years. Sec. 213.3130(c) Positions of accountant and auditor, GS-13 through 15, when filled by persons selected under the SEC Account- ing Fellow Program, as follows: (1) Four positions, for employment of any one individual not to exceed 2 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 -7- years; and (2) Two additional identical positions, for employment of any one individual not to exceed 90 days, which may be used to provide a period of transi- tion and orientation between Fellowship appointments. These additional identical positions must be filled by persons who either have completed a 2-year Fellowship or have been selected as replacement Fellows for a 2- year term. Appointments of outgoing Fellows under this authority must be made without a break in service of 1 workday following completion of their 2-year terms; incoming Fellows appointed under this provision must be appointed to 2-year Fellowships without a break in service of 1 workday following their 90-day appointments. Sec. 213.3130(d) Positions of Economist, GS-13 through 15, when filled by persons selected under the SEC Economic Fellow Program. No more than four positions may be filled under this authority at any one time. An employee may not serve under this authority longer than two years unless selected under provisions set forth in the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), 5 U.S.C. 3372(b)(2). DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Bonneville Power Administration Sec. 213.3131(b)(1) Five Area Managers. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Sec. 213.3133(a) All Liquidation Graded, temporary field positions con- cerned with the work of liquidating the assets of closed banks, of liquidating loans to banks, or paying the depositors of closed insured banks. U.S. SOLDIERS' AND AIRMEN'S HOME Sec. 213.3136(a) All positions. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Sec. 213.3137(b) Not to exceed 25 positions at grades GS-14/15, in order to bring into the agency current industry expertise in various program areas. Appointments under this authority may not exceed 2 years. Sec. 213.3140(a) Not to exceed 40% of the Civil Aeronautics Board's authorized GS-15 and below positions. This authority may not be used for new appointments to positions which are identified for transfer to other Federal agencies as authorized under the mandates of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978. Employment under this authority may not exceed December 31. 1984. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3142(a) One Special Assistant to the Board of Directors, grade GS-14 and above. SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM Sec. 213.3146(a) State Directors. Sec. 213.3146(d) Executive Secretary, National Selective Service Appeal Board. Sec. 213.3152(a) Not to exceed three positions of Research Associate at grades GS-15 and below, involved in the study and analysis of complex problems relating to the reduction of the Government's printing costs and to provision of more efficient service to customer agencies and the public. Appointments under this authority may not exceed 1 year, but may be extended for not to exceed 1 additional year. Sec. 213.3154(a) Sec. 213.3174(b) FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK BOARD One Secretary, Federal Home Loan Bank Board. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION All positions located in Panama which are part of or which support the Smithsonian Tropical Research In- stitute. Sec. 213.3174(c) One Russian Studies Program Administrator, one East Asian Studies Program Administrator, one International Security Studies Program Administrator, and one Latin American Studies Program Administrator in the Woodrow Wilson International Center for scholars. National Endowment for the Arts Sec. 213.3182(a)(1) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director, Artists-in-Education Programs, Office for Partnership. Sec. 213.3182(a)(2) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Federal-State Partnership. Sec. 213.3182(a)(3) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Literature Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(4) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Theatre Programs. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3182(a)(5) Sec. 213.3182(a)(6) Sec. 213.3182(a)(7) Sec. 213.3182(a)(8) Sec. 213.3182(a)(9) Sec. 213.3182(a)(10) Sec. 213.3182(a)(11) Sec. 213.3182(a)(12) Sec. 213.3182(a)(13) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Folk Arts Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director, Opera/Musical Theatre Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director, Opera/Musical Theatre Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Literature Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Local Test Programs, Office of the Deputy to the Chair- man for Public Partnership. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Deputy to the Chairman for Public Partnership. Until September 30, 1985, four Project Evaluators. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Museum Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Folk Arts, Office of the Deputy Chair- man for Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(14) Until September 30, 1985, two Director of Music Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(15) Sec. 213.3182(a)(16) Sec. 213.3182(a)(17) Sec. 213.3182(a)(20) Sec. 213.3182(a)(21) Sec. 213.3182(a)(22) Sec. 213.3182(a)(23) Sec. 213.3182(a)(24) positions of Assistant Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Expansion Arts Programs. Until September 30, 1980, one position of Director of Media Arts Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director, Challenge Grant Program, GM-301-15. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Inter Arts Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Expansion of Arts Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Media Arts Programs. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Design Arts Programs.. Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3182(a)(25) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Visual Arts Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(26) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Museum Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(27) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director of Special Projects. Sec. 213.3182(a)(30) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Education Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(32) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Theatre Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(33) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Dance Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(34) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Visual Arts Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(35) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director of Design Arts Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(37) Until September 30, 1985, one Director for State Programs. Sec. 213.3182(a)(38) Until September 30, 1985, one Director for Artists- in-Education Programs. National Endowment for the Humanities Sec. 213.3182(b)(22) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Bicentennial Coordinator, Office of the Chairman. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Sec. 213.3184(a) One position of Special Advisor to the Regional Ad- ministrator, GS-301-14, in San Francisco. Employment under this authority may not exceed 2 years. Maritime Administration Sec. 213.3194(e)(6) U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, positions of: Profes- sors, Instructors, and Teachers: including heads of Departments of Physical Education and Athletics, Hu- manities, Mathematics and Science, Maritime Law and Economics, Nautical Science and Engineering; Coordin- ator of Shipboard Training; the Commandant of Midship- men, the Assistant Commandant of Midshipmen; Director of Music; three Battalion Officers; three Regimental Affairs Officers; and one Training Administrator. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3194(e)(7) U.S. Merchant Marine Academy positions of: Associate Dean; Registrar; Director of Admissions; Assistant Director of Admissions; Director, Office of External Affairs; Placement Officer; Administrative Librarian; Shipboard Training Assistant; three Academy Training Representatives; and one Education Program Assistant. Sec. 213.3195(b) Not to exceed 30 positions at grades GS-15 and below in the Offices of Executive Administration, General Counsel, Inspector General, Comptroller, Public Affairs, Personnel, Acquisition Management, and the State and Local Program Support Directorate which are engaged in work directly related to unique response efforts to environmental emergencies not covered by the Disaster Relief Act of 1974, Public Law 93-288, as amended. No one may be employed under this authority for more than 36 months on any single emergency, or for long-term duties or work not directly necessitated by the emergency response effort. No one may be reappointed under this authority for service in connection with a different emergency unless at least 6 months have elapsed since the indi- vidual's latest appointment under this authority. Sec. 213.3199(a) Positions at GS-15 and below on the staffs of temporary boards and commissions which are established by law or Executive order for specified periods not to exceed 4 years to perform specific projects. A temporary board or commission originally established for less than 4 years and subsequently extended may continue to fill its staff positions under this authority as long as its total life, including extension(s) does not exceed 4 years. No board or commission may use this authority for more than 4 years to make appointments and position changes unless prior approval of the Office is ob- tained. Sec. 213.3199(b) Positions at GS-15 and below on the staffs of temporary organizations established within continuing agencies when all of the following conditions are met: (1) The temporary organization is established by an author- ity outside the agency, usually by law or Executive order; (2) the temporary organization is established for an initial period of 4 years or less and, if subsequently extended, its total life including ex- tension(s) will not exceed 4 years; (3) the work to be performed by the temporary organization is outside the agency's continuing responsibilities; and (4) the positions filled under this authority are those for which other staffing resources or authorities are not Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 available within the agency. An agency may use this authority to fill positions in organizations which do not meet all of the above conditions or to make ap- pointments and position changes in a single organiz- ation during a period longer than 4 years only with prior approval of the Office. SCHEDULE B AUTHORITIES EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations Sec. 213.3203(b)(1) Seventeen positions of economist at grades GS-12 through GS-15. DEPARTMENT OF STATE Sec. 213.3204(f) Scientific, professional, and technical positions at grades GS-12 to GS-15 when filled by persons having special qualifications in foreign policy matters. Total employment under this authority may not exceed 4 years. Sec. 213.3205(a) Positions of Deputy Comptroller of the Currency, Chief National Bank Examiner, Assistant Chief National Bank Examiner, Regional Administrator of National Banks, Deputy Regional Administrator of National Banks, Assistant to the. Comptroller of the Currency, National Bank Examiner, Associate National Bank Examiner, and Assistant National Bank Examiner whose salaries are paid from assessments against national banks and other financial institutions. Sec. 213.3205(c) Not to exceed two positions of Accountant (Tax Specia- list) at grades GS-13 and above to serve as specialists on the accounting analysis and treatment of corporation taxes. Employments under this paragraph shall not exceed a period of 18 months in any individual case. Office of the Secretary Sec. 213.3206(a)(2) Professional positions at GS-11 through GS-15 in- volving systems, costs and economic analysis functions in the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Program Analysis and Evaluation); and in the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary (Systems Policy and In- formation) in the Office of the Assistant Secretary (Comptroller). Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 National Defense University Sec. 213.3206(c)(1) Twenty positions of professor, GS-13/15, for employ- ment of any individual not to exceed 3 years with an annual renewal provision indefinitely thereafter. General Sec. 213.3206(d)(1) One position of Law Enforcement Liaison Officer (Drugs), GS-301-15, U.S. European Command. U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Sec. 213.3208(a)(1) Seven positions of professors, instructors, and educa- tion specialists. Total employment under this author- ity may not exceed 4 years. Naval Underwater Systems Center, New London, CT. Sec. 213.3208(a)(1) One position of oceanographer, grade GS-14, to func- tion as project director and manager for research in the weapons systems applications of ocean eddies. Sec. 213.3208(b) All civilian faculty positions of professors, instruct- ors, and teachers on the staff of the Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Virginia. Sec. 213.3209(b) Civilian Deans and Professors at the Air Force Insti- tute of Technology, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. Sec. 213.3209(c) One Director of Instruction and 14 civilian Instructors at the Defense Institute of Security Assistance Manage- ment, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. Individual appointments under this authority will be for an initial 3-year period which may be followed by an. appointment of indefinite duration. Sec. 213.3209(d) Seven positions of professor or associate professor at the Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., for employment of any one individual not to exceed 2 years. Such employment may be extended once for an additional period of 2 years. Total employment of any one indi- vidual under this authority may not exceed 4 years. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 .Sec. 213.3210(d) Until September 30, 1984, positions, other than those providing routine clerical and administrative support, on the staff of the offices of United States Trustees. Terms of service under this authority shall be established in accordance with provisions of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978 and subsequent applicable legislation. Office of International Cooperation and Development Sec. 213.3213(a)(1) Positions of a project nature involved in internation- al technical assistance activities. Service under this authority may not exceed 2 years on a single project for any individual. No more than 20 new appointments may be made under this authority in any 12-month period. Office of Telecommunications Sec. 213.3214(d)(1) Not to exceed 10 positions of Telecommunications Policy Analyst, grades GS-11 through 15. Employment under this authority may not exceed 2 years. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Sec. 213.3215(a) Positions of Chairman and Member, Wage Appeals Board. VETERANS ADMINISTRATION Sec. 213.3227(a) Not to exceed 800 scientific, professional and techni- cal positions at grades GS-11 and above in the medical research program. Employment under this authority may not exceed 7 years for any individual. Voice of America Sec. 213.3228(a)(1) Not to exceed 150 positions at grades GS-15 and below in the Cuba Service. Appointments may not be made under this authority to administrative, clerical, and technical support positions. Sec. 213.3237(a) One position of Deputy Director of Network Services. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3248(a) Not to exceed 40 positions of Command Pilot, Pilot and Mission Specialist candidates at grades GS-7 through 15 in the Space Shuttle Astronaut program. Employment under this authority may not exceed 3 years. Sec. 213.3254(a) Positions of Accounting Policy Analyst, GS-13/14/15, in the Office of Examionations and Supervision filled in connection with a fellowship program. Appointments under this authority may not exceed 1 year, but may be extended for an additional period not to exceed 3 months. No more than two new appointments may be made under this authority during any consecutive 12-month period. Sec. 213.3254(b) Up to 73 positions at GS-15 and below in the Federal Home Loan Bank Board engaged in exploring methods to promote stability in the thrift industry, restore the industry to profitability, and protect individual savers. Central Liquidity Facility Sec. 213.3257(a)(1) All managerial and supervisory positions at pay levels greater than the equivalent of GS-13. ACTION Office of Domestic and Anti-Poverty Operations Sec. 213.3259(a)(1) Not to exceed 25 positions of Program Specialist at grades GS-9 through GS-15. Office of Voluntary Citizen Participation Sec. 213.3259(b)(1) Three positions of Program Specialist at grades GS-7 through GS-14. U.S. ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT AGENCY Sec. 213.3264(a) Twenty-five scientific, professional and technical positions at grades GS-12 through GS-15 when filled by persons having special qualifications in the fields of foreign policy, foreign affairs, arms control, and related fields. Total employment under this authority may not exceed 4 years. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3272(a) Not to exceed 15 positions of Federal Probation System Administrator in the Division of Probation, when filled by Federal Probation Officers and/or Pretrial Services Officers on active service in the U.S. Courts. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Freer Gallery of Art Sec. 213.3274(b)(1) Not to exceed four positions of Oriental Art Restora- tion Specialist at grades GS-9 through GS-15. APPALACHIAN REGIONAL COMMISSION Sec. 213.3276(a) Two Program Coordinators. NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES National Endowment for the Arts Sec. 213.3282(a)(1) Until September 30, 1985. Assistant Director, Office of Program Development and Coordination. National Endowment for the Humanities Sec. 213.3282(b)(1) Until September 30, 1985, Humanist Administrator, Reference Works Programs, Division of Research Pro grams. Sec. 213.3282(b)(2) Until September 30, 1985, Humanist Administrator (Assistant Director), Central Disciplines in Under- graduate Education Program, Division of Education Pro- grams. Sec. 213.3282(b)(3) Until September 30, 1985, Deputy Director, Division of Education Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(4) Until September 30, 1985, Director, Division of Research Grants. Sec. 213.3282(b)(5) Until September 30, 1985, one Director, one Deputy Director, and six Humanist Administrators, Division of State Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(6) Until September 30, 1985, one Director and one Deputy Director, Division of Fellowships and Seminars. Sec. 213.3282(b)(7) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator Fellowships for College Teachers, Division of Fellow- ships. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3282(b)(8) Until September 30, 1985, four positions of Humanist Administrator, Media Program, Division of General Pro- grams. Sec. 213.3282(b)(9) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Humanist Administrator (Assistant Director), Exemplary Projects, Nontraditional Learners, and Teaching Materials Pro- gram, Division of Education Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(10) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director for the Elementary and Secondary Education Program, Division of Education Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(11) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Assistant Director for the Museums and Historical Organizations Program, Division of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(12) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Humanist Administrator, Museums and Historical Organizations Program, Division of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(13) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Humanist Administrator, Elementary and Secondary Education Program, Division of Education Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(14) Until September 30, 1985, one Director of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(15) Until September 30, 1985, one Deputy Director of Gen- eral Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(16) Until September 30, 1985, One Humanist Administrator, Youth Programs, Division of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(17) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Program Development, Division of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(18) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Director, Division of Education Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(19) Until September 30, 1985, one Special Assistant for Comparative Curtures, Office of the Chairman. Appoint- ments under this authority may not exceed 4 years. Sec. 213.3282(b)(20) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Fellowships at Centers for Advanced Study, Division of Fellowships and Seminars. Sec. 213.3282(b)(22) Until September 30, 1985, one Assistant Director, Media Program, Divsion of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(23) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Humanist Administrator, Publications Program, Division of Re- search Grants. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3282(b)(24) Until September 30, 1985, one Deputy Director, Division of Research Grants. Sec. 213.3282(b)(25) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Summer Seminars for College Teachers, Division of Fellowships and Seminars. Sec. 213.3282(b)(26) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Humanist Administrator, Humanities Libraries Projects, Division of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(27) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Humanist Administrator, Humanities Planning and Assessment Studies Program, Office of Planning and Policy Assess- ment. Sec. 213.3282(b)(28) Until September 30, 1985, one position of Humanist Program Development, Division of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(29) Until September 30, 1985, two positions of Humanist Administrator, GS-1701-14, in the Research Resources Programs and in the Basic Research Programs, Division of Research Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(30) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Office of Challenge Grants. Sec. 213.3282(b)(32) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Independent Study and Research Program, Division of Fellowships and Seminars. Sec. 213.3282(b)(33) Until September 30, 1985, one Assistant Director, Special Projects Program, Division of General Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(35) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Central Disciplines in Undergraduate Education Pro- gram, Division of Education Programs. Sec. 213.3282)b)(36) Until September 30, 1985, two Humanist Administrators, Exemplary Projects Nontraditional Learners, and Teach- ing Materials Program, Division of Education Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(37) Until September 30, 1985, One Humanist Administrator, Summer Seminars for Secondary School Teachers, Division of Fellowships and Seminars. Sec. 213.3282(b)(38) Until September 30, 1985, One Humanist Administrator, Summer Stipends, Division of Fellowships and Seminars. Sec. 213.3282(b)(39) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Basic Research Programs, Division of Research Programs. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Sec. 213.3282(b)(40) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Translation Program, Reference Works Program, Division of Research Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(41) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Editions Program, Reference Works Programs, Division of Research Programs. Sec. 213.3282(b)(42) Until September 30, 1985, one Humanist Administrator, Humanities Projects in Museums and Historical Organiza- tions, Division of General Programs. Employment under this authority may not exceed 1 year. PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Sec. 213.3285(a) One position of Civil Engineer (Construction Manager). OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Sec. 213.3291(a) Not to exceed eight positions of Associate Director at the Executive Seminar Centers at grades GS-13 and GS-14. Appointments may be made for any period up to 3 years, and may be extended without prior approval for any individual. Not more than half of the author- ized faculty positions at any one Executive Seminar Center may be filled under this authority. Sec. 213.3291(b) Twelve positions of faculty members at grades GS-13 through 15, at the Federal Executive Institute. In- dividual appointments under this authority may be made for intitial period(s) up to 3 years which may be followed by an appointment of indefinite duration. Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 REPORT OF POSITIONS IN THE EXCEPTED Agency Name: AND SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES Information Effective As Of: (1) Location (State and City) (2) Position Title (3) Incumbent's Name (4) Type of Appointment (5) Level, Grade or Salary (6) Tenure (7) Expiration Date (Mo., Day, Yr.) Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 SAMPLE (1) Attachment 4 REPORT OF POSITIONS IN THE EXCEPTED Agency Name: Department of Administration AND SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES Information Effective As Of: September 1, 1984 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Location Position Title Incumbent's Name Type of Level, Grade Tenure Expiration (State and City) Appointment or Salary Date (Mo., Day, Yr.) Washington, D.C. Secretary Susan Q. Smith PAS Level I ADEX0001 Washington, D.C. Deputy Secretary David M. Martin PAS Level II ADEX0002 Washington, D.C. Executive Assistant Alice P. Betts SES NA ADES0002 OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR FORMS Washington, D.C. Assistant Secretary Franklin T. Jones PAS Level IV ADEX0005 Washington, D.C. Deputy Assistant Secretary Karen L. Longen SES NA ADES0009 Washington, D.C. Foreign Relations Advisor John C. Calhoun PL $49,900 FSO Washington, D.C. Confidential Assistant Samuel A. Small C GS-15 AD-10 Washington, D.C. Special Assistant for Daniel L. Michaels A GS-14 Projects 213.3134(a) Corporation for Production Washington, D.C. President Kathleen W. Poe PA Level V 4 Jan. 30, ADEX0020 years 1986 Washington, D.C. Director of Forecasting Michael Z. Quick NEA GS-17 ADGS0004 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 SAMPLE lz) REPORT OF POSITIONS IN THE EXCEPTED AND SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES SE S ADES0012 Agency Name: Department of Administration Information Effective As Of: September 1,, 1984__ 4) (5) (6) (7) Type of Level, Grade Tenure Expiration Appointment or Salary Date (Mo., Day, Yr.) (1) (2) (3) Location Position Title Incumbent's Name (State and City) Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Washington, D.C. Georgia: Atlanta Missouri: Office of Planning Director Office of Assessment Director Deputy Director Office of Planning Eastern Regional Director Office of Assessment Chief, Area Office Office of Planning Central Regional Director Office of Assessment Chief, Area Office Jack B. Jackson Sandra D. Olson Karl W. Lund Frank K. Martinson SE S ADES0034 SE S ADES0035 SES ADES0042 SES ADES0043 f Attachment 4 SES ADES0047 SES ADES0058 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886R001800040004-8 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8 (3) REPORT OF POSITIONS IN THE EXCEPTED Agency Name: Department of Administration AND SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICES Information Effective As Of: September 1, 1984 (1) (2) (3) 4 (5) (6) (7) Location Position Title Incumbent's Name Type of Level, Grade Tenure Expiration (State and City) Appointment or Salary Date (Mo., Day, Yr.) OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR MILITARY LIAISON Washington, D.C. Assistant Secretary Sam A. Thomas PAS M ADEX0050 Texas: Directorate of Information Dallas Chief, District Office Seth Q. Prince SES CA ADES0110 Directorate of Information San Antonio Liaison Officer David D. Dean PL $48,250 Directorate of Control San Antonio Chief, Contact Division Sharon M. Small PL $50,200 VP Directorate of Control Waco Head, Review Staff L. Jackson Deal B GS-14 S 213.3234(f) Utah: Directorate of Information Salt Lake City Liaison Officer Patsy K. Bell PL $51,000 Approved For Release 2008/07/25: CIA-RDP86M00886RO01800040004-8