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c - - Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 3 May 1983 MLD-3018 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, FBIS FROM: Chief, London Bureau THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT: Monthly Report -- London Bureau -- April 1983 I. GENERAL A. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office's study of the BBC Monitoring Service's modernization program, begun last month, seemed to be picking up steam. London Bureau was asked to pa * in 'efin FCO and other officials this month. Acting Chief gaveg STAT a short explanation of FBIS modernization steps and FBIS-BBC cooperation to Adrian Thorpe of the FCO's Information Technology Department and Dave Robinson of the Treasury's Central Computer and Telecommunications Agency on 13 April. The visitors were given a tour of the Communications Unit by Communications Supervise STAT Dr. A. Morgan, FCO communications expert, spent part of his day-long visit on 20 April discussing satellite monitoring operations and equipment with Bureau Engineer at the Portakabin. He STAT was also shown the press facsimile operation and wound up the FBIS portion of the tour by 'ng into the darkroom along with Monitoring STAT Service Head and two other BBC officials to watch the printing of first page of the day's run. B. On 15 April the BBC Conference room was filled with anxious bureau staffers and spouses who were subjected to a briefing by Air Force personnel on British driving regulations. The Air Force rediscovered FBIS recently and, reversing a 1974 decision, decided that staff personnel must have Air Force driving permits for U.S. military bases in the U.K. A 50-question. multiple choice test was administered in lenient fashion; to universal relief, all passed. Monitorial/Editorial 1. Three major Soviet news events dominated editorial attention during the month: Gromyko's first press conference in 4 years, the Lenin anniversary speech delivered by Gorbachev, and the traditional May Day festivities. The Gromyko press conference pointed up the long- standing problem of the BBC's cumbersome Russian processing procedures, particularly apparent in this instance since TASS English coverage was Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-00040R000100250003-5 unusually slow. Headquarters feedback on this subject has been helpful in continuing discussions with the BBC on satisfying the Wire's needs for more timely reporting. 2. The BBC surveyed the new "Radio Moscow International" broadcasts in French as well as Moscow French-language beams to specific target areas. A coverage package has been proposed that maintains the current number of listening hours, a plan acceptable to FBIS. The new pattern of French-language broadcasting will be reviewed periodically to determine if coverage should be adjusted. The BBC's Persian team chief made a detailed survey of Tehran radio's daily output for a week, 16-22 April, a study prompted at least in part by two signal failures by the Persian team during the month. 3. BBC's search for another source for TANJUG's Domestic Service in Serbo-Croatian, which apparently shifted from RTT to landline in late March, finally bore fruit in late April with the discovery that this "general service" was available from Belgrade via the AUSTRIAN PRESS AGENCY. In the interim, the BBC assumed some of Austrian Bureau's Belgrade Domestic Service coverage to ease Vienna's burden in providing missing TANJUG domestic items from the press. With Vienna's invaluable cooperation, the service was instituted on 22 April. III. ADMINISTRATION A. Personnel entered on duty 18 April as a tape relay operator. STAT editorial assistants in the Tabulatio1STAT unit, received promotions to FSN-8. B. Building and Grounds Two bureau units are undergoing much-needed renovation. PMU's peeling walls, caused by "falling damp," have been scraped and replastered and are drying prior to painting. Re-roofing was done at the same time, giving PMU personnel strong whiffs of hot tar along with the dust from the walls. Bureau editors got their own dusting during the installation of new ceiling lights in the editorial room, with ceiling repairs and painting still to come. IV. VISITS Bureau Chief Ito the annual bureau chiefs conference in 5 I A I Washington 11-22 April; Jordan Bureau Chief TDY 25 STAT A-t' 1 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-00040R000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-00040R000100250003-5 -3- PMU Chiefl (made a creditable showing in his first venture into Thames rowing circles. He and his partner, with coxswain, came in 16th out of 42 entries in the annual "Rowlock Rally" sponsored by the Henley Roundtable for charity, rowing two of the segments (no, not the whole way--yet) between Oxford and Henley. STAT Bureau chaffeurl (turned in a better performance, winning first prize in the men's "four-ball better ball" two-day competition at the Reading Golf Club. Chief, Okinawa Bureau STAT STAT i Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-00040R000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 LONDON BUREAU PRODUCTION REPORT FOR APRIL 1983 TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 4313 TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 479,700 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH: 1,978,950 BROAD- PRESS PUBLIC- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS II. INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE 70,287 106,306 537.49 (minute or issues per week) min. min. issues III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES (publishable words per month) AFGHANISTAN Kabul in English to Europe 0 Kabul in Pashto and Dari to Europe 0 Kabul Domestic Service in Dari 10,330 Kabul Domestic Service in Pashto 2,250 Kabul Domestic Service in Pashto and Dari 660 Kabul BAKHTAR Dari in 300 Kabul BAKHTAR English in 5,880 *Kabul BAKHTAR in Pashto and Dari 2,590 ALBANIA Tirana ATA in English Tirana ATA in French ALGERIA Algiers Voice of Palestine in Arabic 7,310 Algiers Domestic Arabic Service in 4,100 Algiers Domestic French Service in 320 Algiers APS in Arabic Algiers APS in English Algiers APS in French 5,140 0 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Algiers ASH-SHA'B in Arabic Algiers EL MOUDJAHID in French ANGOLA Luanda Domestic Service in Portuguese ARGENTINA Buenos Aires in English to Europe AUSTRALIA Melbourne Overseas Service in English AUSTRIA Vienna OPECNA in English BELGIUM Brussels in French to Africa Brussels Domestic Service in French Brussels LE SOIR in French BULGARIA *Sofia in Arabic to the Middle East Sofia in Russian to the USSR Sofia BTA in English BOTSWANA Gaborone Domestic Service in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 1,040 6,680 4,760 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 CANADA Montreal International Service in English CHINA Beijing XINHUA in English CLANDESTINE (Africa) (Clandestine) Radio Halgan in Somali to Somalia *(Clandestine) Voice of Broad Masses of Eritrea in Tigrigna (Clandestine) Voice of Western Somali and Abo Liberation Fronts in Somali to Western Somalia (Clandestine) Voice of Free Africa in Portuguese to Mozambique BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 1,110 CZECHOSLOVAKIA Prague in Czech and Slovak to Europe 0 Prague International Service in Czech and Slovak 100 Prague International Service in English 0 Prague in Russian to the USSR 0 Prague Domestic Service in Czech 15,070 Prague Domestic Service in Czech and Slovak 21,070 Prague Domestic Television Service in Czech and Slovak 8,800 Bratislava Domestic Service in Slovak 4,440 Prague CTK in English 2,360 10,730 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS DENMARK Copenhagen AKTUELT in Danish Copenhagen BERLINGSKE TIDENDE in Danish DJIBOUTI Djibouti Domestic Service in Somali 3,490 EGYPT Cairo Voice of the Arabs in Arabic *Cairo MENA in Arabic Cairo AKHBAR AL-YAWM in Arabic 5,040 Cairo AL-AHALI in Arabic 4,190 Cairo AL-AHRAM in Arabic 2,620 Cairo AL-AHRAR in Arabic Cairo AL-AKHBAR in Arabic Cairo ASH-SHA'B in Arabic 0 Cairo MAY in Arabic 1,630 Cairo OCTOBER in Arabic 0 Cairo ROSE AL-YUSUF in Arabic ETHIOPIA Addis Addis Addis Addis Addis Ababa Amharic Ababa English Ababa English Ababa English Ababa Amharic in to Neighboring Countries in to Neighboring Countries Radio Freedom in to South Africa Voice of Namibia in Domestic Service in 5,270 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS FINLAND Helsinki International Service in English 0 Helsinki International Service in Finnish 1,130 Helsinki International Service in Swedish 570 Helsinki Domestic Service in Finnish 4,990 Helsinki HUFVUDSTADSBLADET in Swedish FRANCE Paris Domestic Service in French Paris Domestic Television Service in French Paris International Service in French Paris AFRIQUE-ASIE in French Paris AL-MUSTAQBAL in Arabic Paris AL-WATAN AL-'ARABI in Arabic Paris AN-NAHAR AL-'ARABI WA AD-DUWALI in Arabic Paris DEFENSE NATIONALE in French Paris FRANCE-SOIR in French Paris JEUNE AFRIQUE in French Paris LE FIGARO in French Paris LE FIGARO MAGAZINE in French Paris LE MATIN in French Paris LE NOUVEL OBSERVATEUR in French Paris LE MONDE in French Paris LE POINT in French Paris L'EXPRESS in French 6,150 0 860 6,250 1,390 0 0 3,990 0 810 5,050 0 3,610 0 38,860 1,340 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Paris L'HUMANITE in French Paris L'UNITE in French *Paris LIBERATION in French Paris PARIS MATCH in French GERMANY (FRG) Cologne Deutschlandfunk Network in German to East and West Germany Hamburg Domestic Service in German Hamburg DPA in German BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS GERMANY (GDR) East Berlin in Russian to the USSR 0 East Berlin Voice of GDR Domestic Service in German 4,110 East Berlin Domestic Service in German 480 East Berlin ADN International Service in German HUNGARY Budapest in English to Europe 310 Budapest in Hungarian to Australia and New Zealand 570 Budapest in Hungarian to Europe 0 Budapest Domestic Service in Hungarian 30,360 Budapest Domestic Television Service in Hungarian 8,870 Budapest MTI in English INDIA Delhi General Overseas Service in English Delhi Domestic Service in English 17,580 0 1,010 23,650 51,880 18,700 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 i Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 IRAN Tehran in English to Europe Tehran International Service in Persian Tehran Domestic Service in Persian Tehran IRNA in English IRAQ Baghdad AL-JUMHURIYAH in Arabic Baghdad ATH-THAWRAH in Arabic ISRAEL Jerusalem International Service in English Jerusalem Domestic Service in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 56,510 18,810 ITALY Rome Domestic Service in Italian 1,110 Rome AVANTI in Italian 1,520 Rome LA REPUBBLICA in Italian 2,320 Rome L'ESPRESSO in Italian 1,010 Rome L'UNITA in Italian 390 Milan CORRIERE DELLA SERA in Italian 2,060 Milan EUROPEO in Italian 490 Milan L'UNITA in Italian Turin LA STAMPA in Italian Venice L'UNITA in Italian 4,910 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 KENYA Nairobi Domestic Service in English Nairobi Domestic Service in Swahili *Nairobi DAILY NATION in English Nairobi THE NAIROBI TIMES in English Nairobi THE STANDARD in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 1,810 KUWAIT Kuwait Domestic Service in Arabic 1,020 Kuwait KUNA in Arabic 16,790 Kuwait KUNA Diplomatic Information Service in Arabic 0 Kuwait KUNA in English 27,210 Kuwait AL-HADAF in Arabic Kuwait AL-WATAN in Arabic LEBANON Beirut AL-BAYRAQ in Arabic Beirut AN-NAHAR in Arabic Beirut AS-SAFIR in Arabic LIBYA Tripoli Voice of Greater Arab Homeland in Arabic Tripoli Domestic Service in Arabic Tripoli JANA in Arabic Tripoli Correspondent's Dispatch in Arabic Tripoli JANA in English Tripoli AL-FAJR AL-JADID in Arabic Tripoli AL-JAMAHIRIYAH in Arabic Tripoli AZ-ZAHF AL-AKHDAR in Arabic 4,700 5,030 0 43,090 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 MALAWI Blantyre Domestic Service in English MALTA Valletta Radio Mediterran in English MAURITANIA Nouakchott Domestic Service in Arabic MOROCCO Rabat Domestic Service in Arabic Rabat MAP in Arabic Rabat MAP Diplomatic Information Service in Arabic Rabat MAP in English Rabat MAP Diplomatic Information Service in English Rabat MAP in French Rabat MAP Diplomatic Information Service in French Rabat AL-'ALAM in Arabic Casablanca LE MATIN in French MOZAMBIQUE Maputo in English to Southern Africa Maputo Domestic Service in Portuguese NETHERLANDS Amsterdam DE VOLKSRANT in Dutch Rotterdam NRC HANDELSBLAD in Dutch BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 5,500 990 0 4,390 0 3,090 1,290 1,000 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS CASTS AGENCIES PUBLI- CATIONS NIGERIA Lagos International Service in English Lagos Domestic Service in English NORWAY Oslo AFTENPOSTEN in Norwegian 7,400 Oslo ARBEIDERBLADET in Norwegian 1,650 PAKISTAN Karachi Overseas Service in English POLAND Warsaw in English to Europe 0 Warsaw in Russian to the USSR 0 Warsaw Maritime Service in Polish 0 Warsaw Domestic Service in Polish 24,220 Warsaw Domestic Television Service in Polish 13,280 Warsaw International Service in English 0 Warsaw International Service in French 0 Warsaw International Service in German 0 Warsaw International Service in Polish 0 Bydgoszcz Domestic Service in Polish 0 Gdansk Domestic Service in Polish 100 Koszalin Domestic Service in Polish 60 Lodz Domestic Service in Polish 0 Poznan Domestic Service in Polish 370 Szczecin Domestic Service in Polish 130 Wroclaw Domestic Service in Polish 330 Zielona Gora Domestic Service in Polish 0 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Warsaw PAP in English Warsaw PAP in French Warsaw PAP in Russian Warsaw PAP Maritime Press Service in Polish Warsaw POLITYKA in Polish Warsaw RZECZPOSPOLITA in Polish Warsaw SLOWO POWSZECHNE in Polish Warsaw SZTANDAR MLODYCH in Polish Warsaw TRYBUNA LUDU in Polish Warsaw ZOLNIERZ WOLNOSCI in Polish Warsaw ZYCIE WARSZAWY in Polish Bialystok GAZETA WSPOLCZESNA in Polish Bydgoszoz GAZETA POMORSKA in Polish Gdansk DZIENNIK BALTYCKI in Polish Gdansk GLOS WYBRZEZA in Polish Katowice DZIENNIK ZACHODNI in Polish Katowice TRYBUNA ROBOTNICZA in Polish Kielce SLOWOLUDU in Polish Koszalin GLOS POMORZA in Polish Krakow GAZETA KRAKOWSKA in Polish Lodz GLOS ROBOTNICZY in Polish Lublin SZTANDAR LUDU in Polish Olsztyn GAZETA OLSZTYNSKA in Polish Opole TRYBUNA OPOLSKA in Polish Poznan GAZETA POZNANSKA in Polish Szczecin GLOS SZCZECINSKI in Polish 29,940 3,970 2,080 0 2,050 0 0 1,190 930 1,550 0 2,510 1,010 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 - j Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Szczecin KURIER SZCZECINSKI in Polish Wroclaw GAZETA ROBOTNICZA in Polish 1,350 380 Wroclaw SLOWO POLSKIE in Polish 1,400 Zielona GORA GAZETA LUBUSKA in Polish PORTUGAL Lisbon in Portuguese to Angola Mozambique and Sao Tome and Principe 0 Lisbon in Portuguese to Europe 2,610 *Lisbon in Portuguese to Timor, Macao & Australia 450 Lisbon Domestic Portuguese Service in 5,140 Lisbon AVANTE! in Portuguese Lisbon DIARIO DE NOTICIAS in Portuguese Lisbon EXPRESSO in Portuguese ROMANIA Bucharest in Russian to the USSR Bucharest AGERPRES in English Bucharest AGERPRES in French *RWANDA Kigali Domestic Service in French SAUDI ARABIA Riyadh Call of Islam in Arabic Riyadh Domestic Service in Arabic Riyadh SPA in Arabic Riyadh SPA in English Riyadh AL-JAZIRAH in 14,990 12,380 11,410 6, 470 9,780 0 Arabic 1,620 Riyadh AR-RIYAD Arabic in 2,750 Jidda 'UKAZ in Arabic 5,330 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 SOMALIA Mogadishu International Service in English Mogadishu Domestic Service in Somali SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg International Service in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 3,760 SPAIN *Madrid in English to Europe Madrid in Spanish to Europe Madrid Domestic Service in Spanish 2,670 Madrid ABC in Spanish 2,290 Madrid CAMBIO 16 in Spanish 0 Madrid EL PAIS in Spanish 4,840 Madrid MUNDO OBRERO in Spanish 0 Madrid YA in Spanish 2, 470 Barcelona LA VANGUARDIA in Spanish 3,810 SUDAN Omdurman Domestic Service in Arabic Khartoum SUNA in English SWEDEN Stockholm International Service in Swedish 2,340 Stockholm Domestic Swedish Service in 7,470 Stockholm DAGENS NYHETER in Swedish 3,860 Stockholm SVENSKA DAGBLADET in Swedish 5,800 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 SYRIA Damascus AL-BA'TH in Arabic Damscus ATH-THAWRAH in Arabic Damscus TISHRIN in Arabic TANZANIA Dar Es Salaam in English to East Central and Southern Africa Dar Es Salaam in English to East Africa Dar Es Salaam Domestic Service in Swahili Zanzibar Domestic Service in Swahili TUNISIA Tunis Domestic Service in Arabic Tunis TAP in Arabic Tunis TAP in English Tunis TAP in French Tunis L'ACTION in French TURKEY Ankara International Service in Turkish Ankara ANATOLIA in Turkish Ankara ANATOLIA in English Ankara ANATOLIA in French UNGANDA Kampala Domestic Service in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 1,190 2, 430 1,310 570 170 1,430 5,340 560 2,550 3,870 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLIC- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Moscow in Amharic to Ethiopia 10,320 Moscow in Arabic to the Arab World 4,120 Moscow in Czech and Slovak in Czechoslovakia 0 Moscow in Dari to Afghanistan 0 Moscow World Service in English 18,680 Moscow in English to South and Southeast Asia 4,700 Moscow in English to Africa 440 Moscow in English to Great Britain and Ireland 830 Moscow in English to North America 7,680 Moscow in Finnish to Finland 1,430 Moscow International Service in French 0 Moscow in French to Africa 250 Moscow in French to Belgium 1,420 Moscow in French to Europe 1,220 *Moscow in French to France 810 Moscow in French to North Africa 0 Moscow in Greek to Greece 0 Moscow in Hungarian to Hungary 1,010 Moscow in Italian to Italy 410 Moscow in Ndebele to Zimbabwe 0 Moscow in Polish to Poland 1,100 Moscow in Portuguese to Africa 0 Moscow in Portuguese to Portugal 0 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Moscow International Service in Russian 430 Moscow in Serbo-Croation to Yugoslavia 90 Moscow in Slovene to Yugoslavia 0 Moscow in Somali to East Africa 1,010 Moscow in Spanish to Spain 80 Moscow in Swahili to East Africa 0 Moscow in Swedish to Sweden 0 Moscow in Turkish to Turkey 370 Moscow in Zulu to Southern Africa 0 Moscow Radio Peace and Progress in Arabic to the Arab World 1,670 Moscow Radio Peace and Progress in English to Asia 2,650 Moscow Radio Peace and Progress in English to Africa 1,430 Moscow Radio Peace and Progress in German to Germany 0 Kiev in English to Europe 0 Kiev in English to North America 0 Kiev in Ukrainian to Europe 0 Kiev in Ukrainian to North America 0 Minsk in Belorussian to Europe 0 Riga in Latvian to Europe 0 Vilnius in English to North America 0 Vilnius in Lithuanian to North America 0 Yerevan International Service in Armenian 0 Yerevan in Armenian to Europe 0 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Moscow Maritime Service in Russian Kaliningrad Maritime Service in Russian Leningrad Maritime Service in Russian Vladivostok Maritime Service in Russian Moscow Domestic Service in Russian Moscow Domestic Television Service in Russian Moscow Oblast Domestic Service in Russian Alma-Ata Domestic Service in Russian Arkhangelsk Domestic Service in Russian Ashkabad Domestic Service in Russian Ashkabad Domestic Service in Turkmen Dushanbe Domestic Service in Russian Frunze Domestic Service in Russian Kaliningrad Domestic Service in Russian Khabarovsk Domestic Service in Russian Kirov Domestic Service in Russian Leningrad Domestic Service in Russian Lvov Domestic Service in Ukrainian Minsk Domestic Service in Belorussian Minsk Domestic Service in Russian Murmansk Domestic Service in Russian Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy Domestic Service in Russian Petrozavodsk Domestic Service in Russian Riga Domestic Service in Latvian BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 0 105,760 53,950 0 50 (see page 23) 0 0 (see page 23) 0 (see page 23) 0 0 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Riga Domestic Service in Russian 0 Syktyvkar Domestic Service in Russian 0 Tallinn Domestic Service in Estonian 40 Tallinn Domestic Service in Russian 0 Tashkent Domestic Service in Russian 0 (see page 23) Ufa Domestic Service in Russian 0 Vilnius Domestic Service in Lithuanian 0 Vilnius Domestic Service in Russian 0 Vladivostok Domestic Service in Russian 0 Volgograd Domestic Service in Russian 0 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk Domestic Service in Russian 0 Moscow TASS in English 220,950 Moscow TASS International Service in Russian 29,930 Moscow Maritime Press Service in Russian 0 Arkhangelsk Maritime Press Service in Russian 0 Kaliningrad Maritime Press Service in Russian 0 Klaipeda Maritime Press Service in Russian 210 Leningrad Maritime Press Service in Russian 0 Murmansk Maritime Press Service in Russian 0 Novorossiysk Maritime Press Service in Russian 0 Odessa Maritime Press Service in Russian 0 Tallinn Maritime Press Service in Russian 0 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS CASTS AGENCIES PUBLI- CATIONS Moscow AZIYA I AFRIKA SEGODNYA in Russian 0 Moscow CHELOVEK I ZAKON in Russian 0 Moscow EKONOMICHESKAYA GAZETA in Russian 2,620 Moscow GOVORIT I POKAZYVAYET MOSKVA in Russian 0 Moscow IAN SERIYA EKONOMICHESKAYA in Russian 0 Moscow IZVESTIYA in Russian 79,660 Moscow KOMMUNIST in Russian 0 Moscow KOMMUNIST VOORUZHENNYKH SIL in Russian 0 Moscow KOMSOMOLSKAYA PRAVDA in Russian 6,980 Moscow KRASNAYA ZVEZDA in Russian 62,360 Moscow LITERATURNAYA GAZETA in Russian 10, 420 Moscow MEZHDUNARODNAYA ZHIZN in Russian 7,330 Moscow MIROVAYA EKONOMIKA I MEZHDUNARODNYYE OTNOSHENIYA in Russian 0 Moscow MOSKOVSKAYA PRAVDA in Russian 8,240 Moscow NARODY AZII I AFRIKI in Russian 0 Moscow NEDELYA in Russian 0 Moscow NEW TIMES in English 20,610 Moscow NOVOYE VREMYA in Russian 0 Moscow NOVYY MIR in Russian Moscow PARTIYNAYA ZHIZN in Russian 0 Moscow PLANOVOYE KHOZYAYSTVO in Russian 10,220 Moscow POLITICHESKOYA SAMOOBRAZOVANIYA in Russian 0 Moscow PRAVDA in Russian 163,100 Moscow PROBLEMY DALNEGO VOSTOKA in Russian Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Moscow PROBLEMY MIRA I SOTSIALIZMA in Russian Moscow RABOCHIY KLASS I SOVREMENNYY MIR in Russian Moscow SELSKAYA ZHIZN in Russian Moscow SSHA: EKONOMIKA, POLITIKA, IDEOLOGIYA in Russian Moscow SOBRANIYE POSTANOVLENIY PRAVITELSTVA SSSR (OTDEL PERVYY) in Russian Moscow SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA in Russian Moscow SOTSIOLOGICHESKIYE ISSELEDVANIYA in Russian Moscow SOVETSKAYA KULTURA in Russian Moscow SOVETSKAYA ROSSIYA in Russian Moscow TELEVIDENIYA RADIOVESHCHANIYE in Russian Moscow TRUD in Russian Moscow VOPROSY EKONOMIKI in Russian Moscow VOPROSY FILOSOFII in Russian Moscow VOPROSY ISTORII KPSS in Russian Moscow ZA RUBEZHOM in Russian Alma-Ata KAZAKHSTANSKAYA PRAVDA in Russian Ashkhabad TURKMENSKAYA ISKRA in Russian Baku BAKINSKIY RABOCHIY in Russian Dushanbe KOMMUNIST TADZHIKISTANA in Russian Frunze SOVETSKAYA KIRGIZIYA in Russian Kiev PRAVDA UKRAINY in Russian Kishinev SOVETSKAYA MOLDAVIYA in Russian Leningrad LENINGRADSKAYA PRAVDA in Russian Minsk SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA in Russian 6,530 0 9,680 0 9, 440 0 7,960 25,020 2,950 10,750 0 1,390 0 1,860 0 100 12,710 0 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS CASTS AGENCIES PUBLI- CATIONS Riga SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA in Russian 0 Tallinn SOVETSKAYA ESTONIYA in Russian 1,540 Tashkent PRAVDA VOSTOKA in Russian 460 Tbilisi ZARYA VOSTOKA in Russian 30,070 Vilnyus SOVETSKAYA LITVA in Russian Yerevan KOMMUNIST in Russian UNITED KINGDOM London BBC Television Network in English London PRESS ASSOCIATION in English 5, 400 London AD-DUSTUR in Arabic 0 London AL-HAWADITH in Arabic 4,390 London AL-MAJALLAH in Arabic 4,800 London AL-ZAHAF English AL-AKHDAR in 8,590 London ASH-SHARQ Arabic AL-AWSAT in 5,100 London DAILY EXPRESS in English 0 London FINANCIAL TIMES in English 1,140 London MORNING STAR in English 0 London NEW STATESMAN in English 0 London THE DAILY TELEGRAPH in English 1,350 London THE GUARDIAN in English 5,510 *London 'THE MIDDLE EAST' in English 3,640 London THE OBSERVER in English 1,350 London THE SUNDAY TELEGRAPH in English 550 London The SUNDAY TIMES in English 1,200 London THE TIMES in English 9,990 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 VATICAN CITY Vatican City in Czech to Czechoslovakia Vatican City in English to Central and West Europe Vatican City International Service in German Vatican City in Hungarian to Hungary Vatican City in Lithuanian to Europe Vatican City in Polish to Poland Vatican City in Slovak to Czechoslovakia Vatican City in Serbo-Croatian to Yugoslavia YUGOSLAVIA *Belgrade Domestic Service in Serbo-Croatian Zagreb Domestic Service in Serbo-Croatian Belgrade TANJUG in English Belgrade TANJUG domestic service in Serbo-Croation ZAMBIA Lusaka Voice of Namibia in English to Namibia Lusaka Domestic Service in English ZIMBABWE Harare Domestic Service in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 1,480 14, 3 40 MISCELLANEOUS Middle East/South Asia Review 25,940 67,550 STAT Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 1 Approved For Release 2008/04/01: CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS (Total available wordage from Islamabad Unit -- recorded Soviet Regional Radios) UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Alma-Ata Domestic Service in Russian 150 Ashkabad Domestic Service in Russian 2,400 Ashkabad Domestic Service in Turkmen 600 Tashkent Domestic Service in Russian 100 Tashkent Domestic Service in Uzbek 50 Approved For Release 2008/04/01 : CIA-RDP86-0004OR000100250003-5 1