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Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Directorate of Confidential Intelligence The World Sugar Market: Opportunities for Soviet Influence An Intelligence Assessment ON FILE US DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE RELEASE INSTRUCTIONS APPLY Confidential GI 83-10235 SOV 83-10178 October 1983 /~ Copy 4 8 4 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Intelligence The World Sugar Market: Opportunities for Soviet Influence This paper was prepared by Economics Division, Office of.Global Issues, and Soviet Economy Division, Office of Soviet Ana ysis. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to the Chief, Commodity Markets Branch, OGI, Confidential GI 83-10235 SOV 83-10178 October 1983 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential The World Sugar Market: Opportunities for Soviet Influence Key Judgments As a result of chronic overproduction, a glut of sugar exists on the world Information available market and prices are depressed. This situation is likely to persist for quite as of 30 September 1983 some time, putting added financial pressure on LDC exporters. was used in this report. Poor sugar harvests in the USSR during the past few years have thrust Moscow into the forefront of international sugar trade. In 1982, the USSR imported more than 7 million tons of raw and refined sugar, about 25 percent of total world sugar trade. Current purchasing behavior suggests that the USSR will remain a major sugar importer in 1983. Beyond that, we estimate that Soviet sugar production will consistently fall short of plan through the 1980s. Although Cuba will remain the USSR's dominant sugar supplier, Moscow may need to buy several million tons annually from other suppliers during the next few years. This requirement could be pared back later in the decade if Moscow succeeds in reviving its stagnating sugar sector. The ability to move among suppliers enables Moscow to use its purchases to cultivate political good will and influence among sugar-producing LDCs. Although the majority of Soviet purchases are based on supply and demand conditions, political considerations are factored into Soviet calcu- lations. During the past eight years, Soviet sugar purchases from Peru, for example, occurred in only two years-1975 and 1980. In both of those years, there was a change in Peru's government. The one recent Soviet sugar purchase from Zimbabwe occurred in 1980, the first year of independence. As for other examples, the only Soviet sugar purchase from Guyana occurred in 1975, the same year that Moscow's first resident diplomatic mission arrived in that country. The Soviets first purchased Nicaraguan sugar in 1980, just after the current leftist regime came to power. Whether the Soviet Union pursues such a course in the future will depend on the perceived benefits; relationships with existing suppliers, particularly Cuba; and hard currency constraints. iii Confidential GI 83-10235 SOV 83-10178 October 1983 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Although Soviet moves to apply the sugar lever are likely to improve only marginally Soviet influence overall in the Third World, in individual cases the political gains could be great. Soviet officials know that the prospect of Soviet purchases looms large to sellers in a glutted market, particularly for financially strapped LDCs. Moscow's targets of opportunity may include: ? Supporting new leftist regimes, such as Nicaragua, and existing Soviet clients, such as Mozambique. ? Making inroads in countries, like Guyana, with surplus sugar and faltering economies. ? Influencing countries squarely in the US camp, but with whom Moscow would like better ties, such as Thailand. ? Nudging nonaligned states, such as India, Argentina, and Peru, in Moscow's direction. From a US perspective, the highly politicized nature of the world sugar market has further complicated a number of broader issues, including North-South relations, global trade barriers, and the LDC debt problem. Having imposed a sugar import quota in May 1982, the United States can expect to be buffeted from all sides over its domestic and international sugar policies as they relate to these issues. Moreover, if the Soviets play their sugar card adroitly, Moscow will be able to have an impact on at least some of these areas. Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential Key Judgments World Sugar Outlook: Chronic Overproduction 1 The USSR's Role in the World Sugar Market 3 Looking Ahead 5 The Sugar Lever-A Political Perspective 6 World Sugar Statistics 11 1. World Sugar 2. Sugar Consumption 3. Sugar Prices 4. Selected Countries: Share of Sugar Exports to the USSR, 1982 4 5. Selected Countries: Sugar Export Earnings as a Share of Total 8 Exports, Average 1978-81 6. USSR: Sugar Import Shares, 1982 1. Selected Non-Communist Countries: Sugar Policies 2. USSR: Refined Sugar Production, Consumption, and Imports 4 3. USSR: Raw Sugar Imports 4. Comparison of US and Soviet Sugar Imports From Selected Countries, 1982 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21 : CIA-RDP85TOO283ROO0200030008-5 Table 1 Selected Non-Communist Countries: Sugar Policies European Community To expand and diversify export markets; to return export industry to private sector by 1989. To maintain sugar self-sufficiency and farmer incomes through do- mestic subsidies; to maintain ex- ports and reduce sugar stocks. To encourage domestic production and consumption through the use of subsidies under a policy called low cost and low prices; export policy unclear. To increase production through yield improvements; to raise indus- try earnings; to diversify export markets away from reliance on the United States. To encourage increased sugar ex- ports under a broad export diversi- fication campaign. . To become self-sufficient by in- creasing production and refining capabilities. Protection of domestic sugar pro- ducers from import competition through use of import duties and surcharges; luxury tax on consump- tion. To limit all imports, including sugar. Low export prices and rising production costs are squeezing pro- ducers; subsidies are becoming pro- hibitive; excess production, given depressed market demand. High production costs coupled with low world prices are squeezing farmers' incomes; subsidies to farmers and costs of stockpiling are putting pressure on EC budget. Overproduction, mounting surplus- es, inadequate shipping capacity; state governments at odds with New Delhi's pricing policies. Long-term export contracts at above-market prices expire in 1984, putting industry profitability in jeopardy; extended drought. Extended drought, reduced cane acreage, high fertilizer prices, inad- equate prices to cane growers. Lack of producer incentives be- cause of high costs and low world prices. Declining demand resulting from more health-conscious consumers and competition from substitute sweeteners; low profitability and serious overcapacity in the refining industry. Antiquated mills, poor mainte- nance, lack of spare parts, poor living conditions for cane growers and mill workers; low sugar prices (10 cents per pound) encourage con- sumption. Rising sugar imports depleting scarce foreign currency reserves. Reducing subsidies; raising gasohol production with sugar as a feedstock. Moderating subsidy increases; working through the ISO to im- prove the sugar market; attempting to spread stockpiling costs to other exporters and importers. Reduced payments to growers; oth- er measures under consideration in- clude a larger buffer stock, higher ISO export quota, improved ship- ping schedules, financial aid to sug- ar mills. Encouraging improved cropping practices; increasing minimum sup- port prices to growers. Bangkok plans to raise sugarcane prices and to persuade growers to maintain acreage. Raising government subsidies to growers. Removal of protective measures under a 1978 law that regulated market shares and guaranteed re- finers against losses. Decree by President de la Madrid restructures the industry around new central organization called Azucar, S. A.; industry demands that domestic price be raised to 31 to 34 cents per pound. Doubling of import tariffs and in- stitution of limited sugar import licenses; large-scale projects to in- crease domestic production. Confidential Vi Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85TOO283ROO0200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential The World Sugar Market: Opportunities for Soviet Influence As the world's largest sugar buyer, the Soviet Union is in a position. to use its sugar purchases as a foreign policy tool. Whereas sugar consumption in the United States is falling dramatically, Soviet sugar consump- tion is large and growing, and domestic production is erratic. A combination of poor sugar harvests in both the USSR and Cuba during some of the past few years has thrust Moscow into the forefront of interna- tional sugar trade. Thus, to meet domestic needs, the USSR imported more than 7 million tons of raw and refined sugar in calendar year 1982, about double the level of seven years ago. Of this amount, Cuba supplied about 4 million tons. While Soviet consumption has risen rapidly, demand for sugar in the industrial countries has stagnated or declined. As a result, a glut of sugar exists on the world market and prices are depressed. For the debt- troubled less developed countries (LDCs) who are also sugar exporters, sugar sales are important to their economies. This situation provides Moscow an oppor- tunity to cultivate political good will and influence among certain LDCs while satisfying domestic sugar requirements at a relatively low economic cost. World Sugar Outlook: Chronic Overproduction With the exception of a handful of years when major crop failures occurred, world sugar production has consistently outpaced consumption since World War II. During the past 10 years consumption has exceed- ed production only twice-in 1979 and 1980 (see figure 1). Our review of national policies and reporting by agricultural attaches indicates that the production/consumption gap has also been widened by production subsidies designed to bolster farmers' incomes and minimize sugar imports, as well as attempts by exporters to maintain sugar earnings in the face of falling prices (see table 1). As a result, output has failed to respond as effectively to surpluses Figure 1 World Sugar Production and Consumption __II I ~ I I II I I IJ I, I I II Last year, sugar production reached a record level. Between 1980 and 1982 world sugar output xose nearly 19 percent, topping 100 million tons for the first time.' Crops benefited from generally good weather and expanded area, especially in the Europe- an Community (EC) where sugarbeet production in- creased 16 percent. Several major cane-producing countries that had poor crops in 1980, including India, Thailand, and Cuba, also managed to boost output to trend levels. World sugar consumption, on the other hand, rose only 5 percent, despite the fall in world prices. In the United States, sugar consumption declined about 9 percent; consumption in the EC declined about 4 percent. and low prices as it has to shortages and high prices (see inset, "World Sugar Trade"). Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 World Sugar Trade Most sugar is consumed in protected or restricted domestic markets of sugar producing countries. Only about 30 percent of production enters world trade. Almost a third of the sugar traded is sold under special arrangements involving preferential prices. This includes trade among Communist countries and duty-free exports to the European Community by the African, Caribbean, and Pacific producers under the Lome Convention. In addition, some sales are negoti- ated on the basis of long-term contracts. Unlike other commodities, such as coffee or cocoa, only a relative- ly small share of world sugar production-less than 15 percent-is purchased on the free market at the world price. The thinness of the free market tends to aggravate sudden price swings resulting from shortages or surpluses. Output does not respond as rapidly to surpluses and low prices as it does to shortages and high prices, however, because: ? Sugarcane will produce for a number of years before replanting is necessary. ? It is expensive to shift from cane, which accounts for almost two-thirds of world sugar production, to other crops. ? Factories built to refine sugar cannot be used for other purposes. This year's production/consumption picture is likely, to show little change. The US Department of Agricul-- ture estimates world sugar production for crop year (September-August) 1982/83 at nearly 99 million tons. A record Brazilian crop and near-record produc- tion in India have largely offset small losses else- where. World sugar consumption in 1982-83 is ex- pected to grow by only 2 percent, not enough to bring the market into balance. Consumption gains in the LDCs are being offset by stagnating consumption in the key markets-the United States, Western Europe, Canada, and Japan (see figure 2). The large imbalance between production and con- sumption during the last two years has led to record world sugar stocks ? In many beet producing countries, production ad- justments are inhibited by government protectionist policies. Attempts to reduce price fluctuations have led to four international sugar agreements, the most recent in 1977. The agreement established export quotas and a system of reserve stocks designed to hold prices within a range currently set at 13 to 23 cents per pound. None of the agreements has been successful in limit- ing the world price to the target range. During the first two years of the current agreement, prices averaged well below the bottom of the then-agreed range. In late 1979, supply prospects dimmed as a result of a coincidence of bad weather, crop disease, and planned reductions in acreage. The market ap- parently was not convinced that reserve special stocks were in place. Large Soviet purchases through West European sugar brokers, together with speculation, helped send prices soaring to more than twice the upper limit of the price range. Before the end of 1980, however, the price was headed downward, mainly because of favorable production prospects; by 1981 the price had fallen below the floor price. sugar stocks were expected to have risen by an additional 5 million tons by season's end (31 August 1983). World sugar prices, until recently, were limping along at roughly 6 cents per pound, the lowest level in.10 years and only 15 percent of their October 1980 high (see figure 3). Although prices were buoyed by news of poor Cuban and EC crop prospects, the large stock overhang effectively capped the price rebound. After reaching nearly 13 cents per pound in late May, sugar prices have settled back to the 9- to 11-cent range. 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential Figure 2 Sugar Consumption Figure 3 Sugar Pricesa 40 A 30 20 10 73/74 74/75 75/76 76/77 77/78 78/79 79/80 80/81 81/82 82/83 sugar consumption can be expected to grow only about 1.5 percent annually through 1990. In the industrialized countries, demand is stagnating or declining because of a number of factors, including changing tastes, increased interest in health foods, slower economic growth, and competition from substitute sweeteners. Sales of corn sweeteners, which received a major boost from the high sugar prices of 1980 as well as recent low corn prices, have hurt sugar sales. Most of the displacement has been in the United States, Japan, and Canada-all major sugar-importing coun- tries. In the United States, corn sweeteners have taken about 40 percent of the sweetener market as the major cola companies continue to increase their use of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) in soft drinks. Only the developing nations are likely to show signifi- cant increases in sugar demand. Even this expectation could prove optimistic if LDCs continue to find themselves financially strapped. Sugar consumption in the LDCs passed that of the developed countries- which use large quantities of other sweeteners-for 1972 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 25X1 the first time in 1982, and there is no indication-of a 25X1 long-run slackening of demand, even in Central America and South America where annual per capita consumption approaches 45 kilograms. Industrial use of sugar in processed foods and beverages is the key to future consumption trends in these countries. In Mex- ico, Brazil, and Argentina, industrial sugar use now constitutes 35 to 50 percent of the market. If the rest of the Third World follows this pattern, LDC sugar use will grow considerably during the 1980s. Recent Developments Recent trends in Soviet sugar production and con- sumption have made the USSR an increasingly im- portant player in the world sugar market. Per capita sugar consumption in the USSR currently amounts to 44.5 kilograms, a figure equal to about 70 percent of Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Table 2 USSR: Refined Sugar Production, Consumption, and Imports 1975 10.4 1976 10.8 1977 11.0 1978 11.2 1979 11.3 1980 11.8 1981 11.9 1982 12.0 1983 b 12.3 a From domestic crops only. b Estimated. 7.4 6.2 8.2 8.6 7.3 6.6 5.9 6.8 7.3 Cuba Other 2.8 0.3 2.9 0.6 3.3 1.1 3.5 0.1 3.4 0.2 2.4 2.2 2.9 2.0 3.9 2.9 3.2 2.2 Figure 4 Selected Countriesa: Share of Sugar Exports to the USSR, 1982 Cuba Argentina EC Canada Dom. Republic Thailand Philippines Brazil Columbia Australia Nicaragua F US per capita consumption of sugar and other sweet- eners. If limited to sugar alone, Soviet consumption exceeds that of the United States by about 30 percent. The steady growth in consumption for more than two decades reflects the importance of sugar in improving the quality of the Soviet diet. In an economy that has experienced substantial difficulty supplying quality foods, sugar has added variety and palatability to an otherwise dull diet. Soviet sugar production has stagnated as a result of four consecutive poor sugar beet harvests (see table 2). Throughout this period, output averaged only 72 million tons a year, compared with targets of 97-98 million tons. In 1981 and 1982, sugar beet production totaled only 61 and 71 million tons, respectively. On the basis of analysis of weather conditions, we expect the 1983 crop to show considerable improvement- reaching 80-85 million tons-but again to fall short of the target of 96 million tons. Moscow has responded to the poor crops by boosting imports. In 1982, Soviet purchases of raw and refined sugar reached a record 7.4 million tons, 40 percent higher than in 1981 and about double the 1976 level (see table 3). Havana continues to be the USSR's chief supplier, although its share of the Soviet import market has fallen from more than 90 percent in 1976 to less than 60 percent in 1982 (see figure 4).Z The increase in Soviet sugar import needs has trans- lated into a dramatic rise in Soviet purchases in the free market, from an annual average of more than 450,000 tons in 1975-79, to 2.3 million tons in 1980-82. Six countries-Thailand, Brazil, the Philip- pines, the Dominican Republic, Australia, and Argen- tina-and the EC accounted for about 95 percent of these imports. The EC alone provided more than 40 percent. Current purchasing behavior suggests that the USSR has remained a major sugar importer in 1983. Total deliveries from Cuba will reach roughly 3.5 million tons, a reduction of 700,000 tons from last year. 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential Table 3 USSR: Raw Sugar Imports 3,237 3,760 4,776 3,993 4,080 4,981 5,204 7,363 3,231 3,816 3,800 3,766 2,972 3,127 4,408 2,964 3,067 3,652 3,797 3,707 2,647 3,090 4,224 Free market 271 529 959 193 315 2,010 2,078 2,954 Argentina 0 0 0 12 0 13 150 127 Australia 51 0 0 0 0 157 Austria 0 0 0 0 0 36 14 50 Brazil 95 0 24 83 69 466 347 362 Canada 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 22 Colombia 0 0 0 0 0 11 12 36 Dominican Republic 0 0 0 46 0 33 14 194 European Community 0 298 .249 40 235 856 873 1,263 El Salvador 0 0 0 0 0 26 0 0 Finland 0 0 0 0 0 19 62 4 Gabon 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 Guatemala 0 0 0 12 0 15 0 64 Guyana. 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mozambique 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 Nicaragua 0 0 0 0 0 13 0 5 Peru 105 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 Philippines 0 224 635 0 0 333 281 216 Swaziland 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 Thailand 0 0 0 0 11 140 266 429 United States 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 Zimbabwe 0 0 0 0 0 15 0 0 Other 0 7 51 0 0 0 0 0 considerably. Purchases from remaining suppliers are likely to total about 2.5 million tons. the USSR is likely to purchase 1 million tons from the EC again this year. This level of trade, coupled with a 400,000-ton increase in purchases from Brazil, sug- gests that imports from other suppliers could decline Looking Ahead Beyond 1983, Soviet imports from countries other than Cuba will be determined by Moscow's plans for modest rates of increase in sugar consumption and the size and quality of its domestic sugar beet crops. We estimate that Soviet sugar production will consistently fall short of needs through the 1980s, resulting in a continuing demand for imports from both Cuba and the international market. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Soviet requirements for sugar, given the trend of 1-percent annual growth in per capita consumption, could be as high as 14 million tons by 1990. Long- range Soviet plans call for annual growth in per capita consumption of less than 0.5 percent. We believe, however, that the Andropov regime will not want to stem a trend that is seen as improving dietary quality when inexpensive foreign sources of sugar are readily available. Should Soviet planners decide to restrain growth in consumption to the plan level, the overall requirement would be reduced by about 1 million tons. Projections of domestic sugar production are difficult to make, given the past variability in yields. Nonethe- less, past trends provide some clues to the causes for flagging output of refined sugar from domestically grown beets. They suggest declining sugar content related to inefficient harvesting, transportation, stor- age, and processing.' If weather conditions are aver- age and the Soviets revise cultural practices to raise yields and enhance the sugar content of beets, as well as provide better transportation and handling facili- ties, the slide in sugar production could be reversed in the latter 1980s. Many of the improvements needed-specialized har- vesting, cleaning, and handling equipment; adequately ventilated storage facilities; timely transportation; and upgraded processing plants-have been promised for 1981-85. During this period, Moscow plans to invest 1.5 billion rubles in the sugar industry, about 10 percent of total investment in food processing. In addition, beet farms are to receive substantially more fertilizer, pesticides, tractors, beet harvesting equip- ment, and other machinery. The planned investment, together with better management and favorable weather, could raise Soviet production of sugar from domestic beets to about 10 million tons in 1990. Without these changes, however, output at the end of the decade could be little changed from the levels of the last few years. ' Since 1975, the sugar content has fallen by an estimated 1.5 percentage points. Every percentage point drop in sugar content costs Moscow roughly 700,000 tons of sugar. If this trend were to continue, the Soviets could lose another 1.1 million tons of sugar by 1990. Meanwhile, 15 percent of potential sugar output is lost because of antiquated andling and processing facilities. New investment under the Food Program could eliminate Even under a scenario of relatively high production, the Soviets would need to import large amounts. of sugar in the late 1980s. The USSR probably will continue to import at least 3 million tons a year on average from Cuba. Imports from other sources are likely to range from perhaps 1 million tons to 2 million tons or more, depending on policy and market considerations. If the Soviets are unable to turn their sugar production around, non-Cuban imports could be as much as 2 million tons above current levels. The Sugar Lever-A Political Perspective Moscow's attempts to play its sugar card will depend on (1) the perceived political benefits, (2) Soviet supply and demand for sugar, (3) relationships with existing suppliers-particularly with Cuba, which enjoys a special place in any calculation of the Soviet sugar balance-and (4) Soviet ability to pay for sugar imports either in convertible currency or in goods acceptable to sugar exporters. Moscow's ability to move among suppliers in the sugar market carries with it a potential for creating political gains from commercial transactions borne of necessity. The fact that it can simultaneously buy sugar and political good will apparently has not escaped Moscow's attention (see inset, "A Case for Political Purchases"). Nevertheless, Soviet exercise of economic leverage for political purposes has always been cautious-restrained by a realistic assessment of the limits of such leverage and by the desire not to put at risk assets already in hand. The extent to which the USSR plans to take advan- tage of opportunities to use sugar as a policy lever is not known. However, for the LDCs the prospect of large Soviet sugar purchases takes on increased im- portance in a glutted market (see figures 5 and 6). Even relatively small Soviet purchases are helpful at the margin for financially strapped LDCs. In the case of new leftist-leaning regimes, such as Nicaragua, for example, the ability of the United States to hurt the Nicaraguan economy by reducing Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential Although most Soviet sugar deals are transacted in normal commercial fashion, reflecting primarily sup- ply and demand conditions of the sugar market, some seem to exhibit astute political timing by Moscow or a convergence of political and economic interests. During the past eight years, Soviet sugar purchases from Peru, for example, occurred in only two years- 1975 and 1980. In both of those years, there was a change in Peru's government. Although there is no evidence as to Moscow's motivation, it seems unlikely that the timing of the sugar purchases was coinciden- tal with these major political events. They may have been linked with earlier Soviet arms sales. Zimbabwe is another case in point. The only recent Soviet sugar purchase occurred in 1980, the first year of independence. Moscow, which had backed the losing faction in the civil war, apparently felt the need to make a goodwill gesture toward the Mugabe regime by trying to improve trade relations. Certainly the small amount of sugar it purchased-15,000 tons-could have been acquired more conveniently from another supplier, given Zimbabwe's deteriorated transport system after the war. Moscow's gesture its sugar import quota from 53,000 tons to only 5,400 tons has been defused by a standing offer from Moscow to purchase any unsold sugar resulting from this sanction, To the extent that leftist-leaning countries believe a trade weapon is being used by the United States or its Allies, Moscow can play on that fear. In most cases the Soviets can provide, if they desire, a guaranteed market, underwriting a portion of a country's econo- my as they have in Mozambique. In dealing with sugar-surplus countries that also have serious economic problems, Moscow, by providing a market for their sugar, could buy some political good Although no price was specified, the Soviet Union presumably would buy this relatively small quantity of sugar at the US quota price, which is about double the current world market rate.F__ apparently had little impact, however, as Mugabe did not establish diplomatic relations with the USSR until March 1982 and political ties remain generally cool. As for other examples, the only Soviet sugar pur- chase from Guyana occurred in 1975, the same year that Moscow's first resident diplomatic mission ar- rived in that country. The Soviets first purchased Nicaraguan sugar in 1980, just after the current leftist regime came to power. Moscow's opportunism may also be reflected in the 25X1 Soviet response to the imposition of smaller sugar import quotas by the United States in May 1982. A country-by-country comparison of decreases in US sugar imports during 1981-82 with increases in Sovi- et sugar imports in the same period shows a degree of correlation between the two. While the timing of the Soviet response may be purely coincidental, related more to Soviet needs for sugar, in some cases- particularly Thailand and Nicaragua-the virtually identical offsets suzzest that politics may have played a role. will. Such transactions would be unlikely to change the basic position of a regime, but they could soften it. In Guyana, a country whose economic prospects are deteriorating rapidly, a Soviet offer to take a large quantity of sugar could help improve a relationship that has been lukewarm. Moscow would be likely to play up the fact that the United States, in contrast, reduced its Guyanese sugar purchases by some 35,000 tons when it imposed a sugar import quota system in May 1982. The quota system reduced total US imports from an average of 4 million tons to 2.8 million. Moscow could also use sugar purchases to influence countries squarely in the US camp. In the case of Thailand, the US import quota system has come at a 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Figure 5 Selected Countriesa: Sugar Export Earnings as a Share of Total Exports, Average 1978-81 Cuba Mauritius Fiji Swaziland Dom. Republic Guyana Barbados Malawi Panama Philippines Jamaica Guatemala Thailand Costa Rica Brazil Figure 6 USSR: Sugar Import Shares, 1982 Other 5.0 Australia 2.0 Argentina 2.0 Dom. Republic 3.0 Philippines 3.0 Brazil 5.0 Thailand 6.0 EC 17.0 I time when Bangkok has undertaken a spectacularly successful export diversification program. Thailand's sugar exports nearly doubled in 1982, making sugar the third leading export earner after rice and tapioca. While the US sugar quota reduced purchases from Thailand by nearly 200,000 tons, the USSR boosted its Thai sugar purchases by more than 160,000 tons (see table 4). A mid-1982 trade agreement between Bangkok and Moscow, which calls for an expansion of bilateral trade and the setting of trade targets, could provide the basis for a long-term Soviet sugar pur- chase. Thus far, this has, not occurred. Other targets of opportunity may include such non- aligned states as India, Argentina, and Peru. While the sugar lever is not powerful enough by itself to pry any country off the fence, Moscow could, neverthe- less, use sugar purchases together with other incen- tives to nudge a regime in its direction. Moscow may find India a particularly attractive target. With rec- ord production the last two crop years and a small export quota, India finds itself with rapidly mounting supplies of unsold sugar. New Delhi has said it plans to petition the International Sugar Organization (ISO) to raise its export quota by 50 percent, to 1 million tons, as well as to increase its own buffer stock from 500,000 tons to 1.5 million. Unless India's domestic production policies are changed, however, these actions will provide only temporary relief. An offer by Moscow to take a large quantity of sugar, perhaps bartering oil in return, might prove difficult to refuse. Moscow's strategy in the international sugar market may indeed be affected by whether it can arrange such barter deals rather than pay for sugar imports with hard currency.' For example, the Soviets may attempt to barter various types of machinery which- despite the generally inferior quality by world stand- ards-may be attractive to sugar-producing LDCs already facing large international debts and a glutted market for their primary export. The USSR's own hard currency position may be much tighter by the Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential Table 4 Comparison of US and Soviet Sugar Imports From Selected Countries, 1982 Changes in US Purchases a Changes in Soviet Purchases b Total -2,008 545 Brazil -564 15 Australia -567 157 Dominican Republic -185 180 Argentina -284 -23 Philippines 147 -65 Thailand -190 163 Colombia -128 24 Guatemala -58 64 Swaziland -107 Panama - 25 Zimbabwe -84 Honduras -57 -35 -48 Nicaragua -4 5 Costa Rica -15 Mozambique -10 25 47 115 South Africa 64 a Maximum imports allowed by 1982 quota compared with actual 1981 imports. b 1982 imports compared with 1981 imports. late 1980s, forcing Moscow to stress barter agree- ments. Such agreements would be consistent with current Soviet efforts to expand exports, especially to those countries where it is currently incurring large trade deficits such as India, Brazil, and Argentina. In contrast to direct sugar purchases, the USSR probably will not find its membership in the ISO of much benefit in wooing LDC sugar exporters. Thus far, it has maintained a low profile in negotiations for a new international sugar agreement to replace the one that expires in December 1984. The USSR has generally refrained from playing politics in the ISO, except in protecting its special relationship with Cuba (see inset, "New Sugar Agreement-A Placebo"). F The highly politicized nature of domestic sugar mar- kets and world sugar trade has been an additional complicating factor in a broad range of political and economic issues such as North-South and East-West relations, the debt problem, and global trade barriers. The United States, as the world's largest sugar user, can expect to be buffeted from all sides: ? LDCs. They will cite cutbacks in US sugar imports as a primary cause of low sugar prices and their effect on export earnings. LDCs may attempt to link at least a portion of their debt problems to reduced sugar incomes in negotiations with the United States. ? The European Community. The EC is likely to try to capitalize on its lead role in formulating a new sugar agreement, especially if it agrees to cut its sugar exports. The EC and other sugar producers are likely to shift the blame for the depressed sugar market to US sugar import quotas. ? The USSR. The Soviet Union's capacity to absorb large quantities of sugar can be used by Moscow to negate US sanctions involving sugar purchases. Large Soviet sugar purchases-as high as a million tons in a single day-often concealed through Lon- don sugar traders, create additional uncertainty in an already volatile market. How the USSR will play its hand in the ISO and with the LDCs is uncertain. Moscow does not hold all the cards, however. In the longer term it is somewhat constrained by a shortage of hard currency and a lack of salable export goods. Moreover, its course of action will continue to be influenced by the size of future Cuban sugar crops as well as its own. Nevertheless, the recent shift in Soviet sugar import needs, while creating additional foreign exchange pressures, pre- sents Moscow with an instrument of influence that it certainly will not ignore. 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 New Sugar Agreement -A Placebo The major sugar producers are negotiating a new sugar agreement to replace the current one, which expires in December 1984. Negotiations have cen- tered on the type of regulatory mechanism needed to keep prices in a range acceptable to producers and consumers. The European Community is pushing to eliminate most export quotas, substituting a large buffer stock instead. Past agreements have relied almost exclusively on export quotas to apportion sugar market sales, with special stocking arrange- ments playing only a minimal role. None of the past agreements has been successful in keeping world sugar prices in the desired range, nor have they had any effect on curbing oversupply. Most sugar exporters consider it crucial that the EC become a party to any new agreement. A 5-million- ton exportable sugar surplus makes the EC a potent force in the world market. The EC knows this and has, thus far, been calling most of the shots during the negotiations. The Community's controversial pro- posal, which would lift all quotas for the 10 largest exporters and require importers to help finance a 6- million-ton buffer stock, dominated the sugar talks in Geneva in May. Although no agreement was reached, the talks ended on an optimistic note with most parties demonstrating some willingness to compro- mise. An informal consultative group met in July in an attempt to narrow, if not resolve, most of the differences over the type of regulatory mechanism to be incorporated into a new agreement before formal talks resumed in September. At the July meeting the chairman of the special group, Jorge Zorreguieta of Argentina, tabled a compromise proposal that would make greater use of stocks than in the past but would use export quotas-called reference export availabilities (REAs)-to control free market sugar supplies. Al- though the compromise proposal was generally well received, key countries are still reserving their official positions. French authorities have since voiced strong objections to this "watered down" version of the EC stocking proposal. Support by France, which accounts for about 60 percent of the EC s annual sugar surplus, will be critical to any EC decision to ratify a new sugar agreement. Other stumblingblocks to a new agreement revolve around the special arrangements accorded sugar trade between the EC and the African, Caribbean, and Pacific producers and Cuba's sugar trade with the Bloc countries. Neither is limited by export quotas under the current agreement. A proposal by Australia to include substitute sweeteners traded internationally in any new agreement has been op- posed by the United States and others. It now appears that a new agreement will be ham- mered out, if not this fall then early in 1984. However, because of the compromises that will prob- ably have to be made to satisfy the disparate interests of exporters and importers, developed countries and LDCs, East and West, and so forth, any new agree- ment is likely to be ineffectual. Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential Appendix World Sugar Statistics Table A-1 World Raw Sugar Production, Consumption, and Stocks Production Consumption Stocks Stocks as a Percentage of Consumption 1975 81.6 77.3 32.6 42 1976 86.6 82.0 36.7 45 1977 92.0 84.9 46.3 55 1978 90.8 86.2 45.3 53 1979 89.2 89.9 43.2 48 1980 84.6 87.9 39.6 45 1981 92.6 88.7 41.1 46 Table A-2 World Raw Sugar Production, by Region Region/ Major Producer 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 World total a 81.6 86.6 92.0 90.8 89.2 84.6 92.6 100.7 North America 6.1 6.6 5.9 5.3 5.6 5.4 5.9 5.5 United States 6.0 6.4 5.8 5.1 5.4 5.3 5.8 5.4 Central America 12.3 12.5 13.3 14.3 14.3 12.7 13.7 14.3 Cuba 6.4 6.2 7.0 7.7 7.8 6.8 7.9 8.0 South America 11.3 12.5 13.9 12.9 12.1 13.3 13.7 14.1 Brazil 6.3 7.2 8.8 7.9 7.4 8.3 8.7 8.9 Western Europe 13.7 14.3 16.2 16.5 16.6 16.7 18.8 19.6 European Community 11.1 11.2 12.8 13.2 13.6 13.5 15.5 15.7 Eastern Europe 13.2 13.3 14.4 14.9 13.5 12.0 12.1 12.5 USSR 8.2 8.5 8.9 9.4 7.9 7.2 6.4 7.0 Africa 5.2 5.5 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.0 6.5 7.0 South Africa 2.0 2.1 2.4 2.3 2.1 1.8 2.0 2.4 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85TOO283ROO0200030008-5 Table A-3 World Raw Sugar Consumption, by Region Region/ Major Producer 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 World total a 77.3 82.0 84.9 86.2 89.9 87.9 88.7 91.9 North America 10.2 11.0 11.5 11.1 11.0 10.3 9.9 9.4 United States 9.1 10.0 10.4 10.0 9.9 9.3 9.0 8.5 Central America 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.7 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.5 Cuba 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 South America 8.8 9.0 9.2 9.4 10.3 10.7 10.3 10.4 Brazil 5.0 5.1 5.1 5.3 6.0 6.3 5.9 6.1 Western Europe 13.4 14.9 14.4 14.9 15.0 15.0 14.6 14.6 European Community 9.8 11.0 10.2 10.9 10.8 11.0 10.6 10.6 Eastern Europe 16.6 17.3 17.4 17.8 17.9 17.8 17.9 18.7 USSR 11.3 12.0 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.5 12.6 Africa 5.1 5.3 5.9 6.3 6.5 6.9 7.5 7.3 South Africa 1.2 1.3 1.3 1.1 1.1 1.3 1.3 1.3 18.1 19.3 21.2 21.1 23.3 21.2 22.3 24.7 India 3.9 4.0 4.2 5.2 6.7 5.0 5.4 6.7 Oceania 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Australia 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85TOO283ROO0200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85TOO283ROO0200030008-5 Confidential Table A-4 Raw Sugar Production of Selected Countries Thousand metric tons Argentina 1,367 1,559 1,666 1,397 1,411 1,716 1,624 1,563 Australia 2,930 3,395 3,452 2,978 2,961 3,415 3,509 3,652 Brazil 6,299 7,236 8,759 7,913 7,362 8,270 8,726 8,941 Canada 120 156 155 123 133 92 99 129 Colombia 970 935 853 1,014 1,107 1,247 1,212 1,318 Dominican Republic 1,170 1,287 1,258 1,199 1,200 1,013 1,108 1,285 European Community b 11,126 11,164 12,752 13,170 13,613 13,545 15,476 15,724 El Salvador 244 261 318 279 274 217 182 199 Gabon NA 0 5 8 10 12 15 c 15 c Guatemala 384 517 487 446 415 452 474 580 Guyana 311 343 253 342 316 286 320 305 Mozambique 260 220 320 190 212 170 178 126 Nicaragua 210 242 226 222 202 190 214 247 Peru 964 930 900 856 695 537 478 650 c Philippines 2,672 2,984 2,624 2,273 2,390 2,332 2,376 2,709 Swaziland 224 226 238 257 258 328 368 402 Thailand 1,216 1,757 2,361 1,664 1,981 778 1,702 3,017 United States 5,955 6,438 5,764 5,133 5,435 5,313 5,789 5,418 Zimbabwe 257 NA 316 324 314 358 391 401 Cuba 6,427 6,151 6,953 7,662 7,800 6,805 7,926 8,039 USSR 8,200 c 8,500 c 8,885 9,353 7,927 c 7,250 6,413 7,000 c a Countries that export to the USSR. b Including Greece. c Estimated by the ISO. Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85TOO283ROO0200030008-5 Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential , Table A-5 Raw Sugar Exports of Selected Countries a Argentina 197 293 958 367 351 484 709 338 Australia 1,976 2,621 2,965 2,002 2,003 2,411 2,982 2,504 Brazil 1,730 1,252 2,487 1,925 1,942 2,662 2,670 2,788 Canadab 86 54 145 136 120 14 138 97 Colombia 198 100 0 132 278 280 177 293 Dominican Republic 975 999 1,117 937 1,035 792 864 850 European Community c 702 1,903 2,751 3,587 3,621 4,325 5,344 5,580 El Salvador 140 130 169 133 164 35 49 56 Gabon b 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 Guatemala 204 321 294 153 195 210 228 218 Guyana 295 306 218 295 280 263 282 265 Mozambique 72 147 208 36 80 64 63 28 Nicaragua 89 153 102 104 111 69 89 97 Peru 422 284 412 266 181 53 0 69 Philippines 1,006 1,515 2,575 1,142 1,157 1,793 1,278 1,301 Swaziland 201 209 211 226 236 317 345 344 Thailand 668 1,145 1,675 1,029 1,210 460 1,155 2,045 United States b 203 69 20 20 14 587 949 49 Zimbabwe 116 NA 159 142 256 219 164 229 Cuba 5,744 5,764 6,238 7,231 7,269 6,191 7,071 7,734 Countries that export to the USSR. b Net importer. Including Greece. Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5 Confidential Approved For Release 2009/04/21: CIA-RDP85T00283R000200030008-5