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Publication Date:
June 5, 1978
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Nre ciraar*
Central h tk 1l tc vx y
Approved Fo F1ease 2001/03/06; GIA-RDP8 ,Bft236ROO02000600
's. JUN 197
Dr. Jas B. Rhoads
Archivist of the United States
National Archives and Records Service
Eighth Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, A.C. 20408
Dear Dr. Rhoads:
Pursuant to Section 3-402 of Executive Order 12065, I hereby issue
and enclose for your use the required systematic review guidelines cover-
ing classified information of United States origin and more than twenty
years old over which the Central Intelligence Agency has classification
jurisdiction. These guidelines were prepared in consultation with your
designated representative Mr. Edwin A. Thompson, Director of the Records
Declassification Division, National Archives and Records Service.
Copies of this letter ar~ of the enclosed guidelines have been for-
warded to the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)
for his review, as provided by the; Ors er. Systematic review guidelines
for "foreign government infor itt lon" as defined in Section 6-103 of the
Order and in Section I/F of ISOO Directive No. I will be provided at a
later date, in compliance with the, provisions of the Order and Directive
concerning such information.
Yours sincerely,
7.e Stansfield Turner
Approved For Release 2001/03/06: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200060002-5
Approved For R ease 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP85Bbt(236R000200060002-5
1~1. ~`-~ tdi~;
Mr, h?Mchael, T. Blouin
Director, Information Security oversight Office
General Services Administration
Washington, D.C. 20405
Dear Mr. Blouin:
1alelosed for your review are guidcl Ines issued pursuant
to Executive Order 1206$ for the systematic review of United
States originated classified, info nation over twenty years old
and under Central Intelligence Agency classification jurisdic-
tion. Also enclosed is a copy of my letter to the Archivist
of the United States forwarding these guidelines for his use.
Yours sincerely,
Approved, Fb'Reiease 2Q01/03/06 CLL-RDP85B00236R000200060002-5
WD JUN 1141-V
Approved For RWo1# Ibg&-F~p5BOW36R000200060002-5
A. Authorization. The following guidelines apply to information of United
States ?rxg.n w h is more than 20 years old and over which the Central
Intelligence Agency has classification jurisdiction. Under the provisions of
Section 3-402 of Executive Order 12065, the CIA authorizes the Archivist of
the United States to use these guidelines in the review of such information
upon its transfer to the General Services Administration and accession into
the National Archives.
B. Gate ories of Information Excepted from Automatic Declassification.
Excip'-T or oxeign government i 6rnatu6n,-which is exc pt n automatic
declassification under Section 3-404 of the Order, all classified informa-
tiom over 20 years old which is under the classification jurisdiction of
this agency is automatically declassified unless it falls into one of the
categories described, below. Information in these categories shall not be
declassified until reviewed for declassification by designated CIA personnel,
and must be referred to CIA for such review by all other agencies having
custody thereof. Information in Categories 1 through 5 below is subject to
another systematic review on the dates specified in parentheses under each
of those five categories upon approval of Information Security Oversight
Office (ISOO) 10-year-review requirement waivers as provided in Section
3-401 of the Order.- Otherwise, information in all categories listed below
shall be so re-reviewed at 10-year intervals, as necessary until it can be
declassified or assigned a date or event-foi automatic declassification.
Category 29 is a new category under Section 1-301(g) of the Order.
Information constituting or concerning cry-ptologic or cryptographic
intelligence, including information on the development and/or use of any
method, means, system, device, installation or activity for the acquisition
or transmission of such intelligence or for the protection of cryptograph-
ically processed data including cryptographic, corinnurications and emanations
security procedures, techniques, materials and ecuipment.
(Next Review Date: 40 ars following initial review.)
Information constituting or concerning coimterinteIl.igence, defined by
Executive Order 12036 of 24 January 1978 (Section 4-202) as "...information
Approved For Rase 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP85B136R000200060002-5
gathered and activities conducted to protect. against espir.age, sabotage,
international terrorist activities or assassinations conducted for or on
behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons, but not including
personnel, physical, document or communications security programs."
(Next Review Date: 3rs following initial review.)
Information concerning or covered by special access, distribution and
protection programs continued or established pursuant to Section 4-2 of
Executive Order 1:065, including but not limit(.?d I) Sensitive Compartiwnte_i
Information (SCI).
(Next Review Date: 30 years following initial review.)
information which identifies any undercover personnel or unit(s), or
clandestine human agent(s), of the Central Intelligence Agency or of a
predecessor agency; or which otherwise reveals sensitive intelligence
sources, methods or activities including intelligence plans; policies,
or operations of the Cc-xtral Intelligence agency, a predecessor agency,
or any element of either.
(Next Review Date: 30 years following initial review.)
Information covertly acquired which is contained in intelligence reports
and other documents that bear the legend "THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION"
or, lacking this or an equivalent marking, are similar in format or content
to items, so marked; and in which the formats used, subject matter, source
descriptions or other content would, in collections or aggregates of such
reports and/or other documents, reveal the nature, scope or extent of United
States intelligence activities in, or in relation to, particular foreign
countries or areas or would identify intelligence sources or methods.
(Next Review Date: 30 years following initial review.)
Information which reveals or identifies a present, past, or prospective
intelligence scarce, whether a person, organization, group, technical
Loved for Release 2001/03/06: CIA-RDP85B00236R000200060002-5
Approved For Rise 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP85B0 000200060002-5
system, mechanism, device, or any other means or instrument that provides,
has provided, or is being developed to provide- intelligence.
Information which reveals or identifies a present, past, or prospective
intelligence method, procedure, mode, technique, or requirement used or
being developed to acquire, transmit, analyze, correlate, evaluate, or
process intelligence or to support an intelligence source, operation, or
C;;\YT;t I Y
Information that discloses the organizational structure of the Central
Intelligence Agency; the numbers and assignments of CIA personnel; the size
and connpositi.on of the CIA budget, including internal and external funding;
logistical and associated support activities and services; security procedures,
techniques, and activities including those applicable to the fields of
conimniications and data processing; or other quantitative or qualitative
data revealing or indicating the nature, objectives, requirements, priorities,
scope or thrust of CIA activities, including the missions, functions, and
locations of certain CIA components or installations.
Information pertaining to intelligence-related methodologies, techniques,
formulae, equipment, programs or models, including computer simulations,
ranging from initial requirements through planning, source acquisition,
contract initiation, research, design, and testing to production, personnel
training, and operational use.
Information which identifies research, procedures, or data used by CIA
in the acquisition and processing of intelligence or the production of
finished intelligence, when such identification could reveal the particular
intelligence interest of the CIA, the value of the intelligence, or the
extent of the CIA's lmowledge of a particular subject of intelligence interest.
Information pertaining to training in intelligence sources, methods,
and activities provided under the auspices of CIA to individuals, organi-
zations, or groups that could reveal or identify equipment, materials,
training sites, methods and techniques of instruction, or the identitie
of students and instructors.
.Relea x106 iIA-RDP85B00236R000200060002-5
Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP85B236R000200060002-5
Information that could disclose CIA policies and procedures used for
personnel recruitment, assessment, selection, training, assignment, and
Information that could lead to foreign political, economic, or military
action against the United States or other friendly.nations.
Information that. could create, stimulate, or increase international
tensions in such manner as to impair the conduct of United States foreign
Information that could deprive the United States of a diplomatic or
economic advantage related to the national security, or that could weaken
the position of the United States or its allies in international negotia-
tions, or adversely affect other activities pertinent to the resolution
or avoidance of international conflicts or differences having national
security significance.
Information concerning plans prepared, un kr preparation, or contem-
plated by officials of the United. States to meet diplomatic or other
contingencies affecting the national security.
Information that identifies or otherwise reveals activities conducted
abroad in support of national foreign policy objectives, and planned and
executed so that the role of the United States Government is not apparent
or acknowledged publicly; or information that discloses support provided
to such activities.
Information revealing that the United States has obtained, or seeks to
obtain, certain data or materials from or concerning a foreign nation,
organization, or groi ; the disclosure of which information could adversely
affect United States relations with or activities in a foreign country.
06- :-G-FA RDP85B00236R000200060002-5
'Approved For R ase 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200060002-5
Information that could lead to political or economic instability, or
to civil disorder or unrest, in a foreign country or jeopardize the lives,
liberty, or property of United States persons in such a country or could
endanger United States Government personnel or installations there.
Information concerning foreign intentions, capabilities, or activities
which could pose a potential threat to United States national security
interests or to those of allied or other friendly governments.
Information indicating the extent of, or degree of success achieved
by, United States. collectioan of intelligence on ,jnd assessment of foreign
military plans, weapons, capabilities, or operations.
Information revealing defense plans or posture of the United States,
its allies, or other friendly countries or enabling a foreign nation or
entity to develop countermeasures to such plans or posture.
Information disclosing the capabilities, vulnerabilities, or deployment
of United States weapons or weapons systems.
Information that continues to provide the United States with a scientific,
technical, engineering, economic, or intelligence advantage of value to the
national security.
Information concerning research of a scientific or technical nature
leading to the development of special techniques, procedures, equipment
and equipment configurations, systems, or devices for collection or
production of foreign intelligence; or the operational planning for,
deployment or use thereof in such collection or production, or for other
national security purposes.
Information concerning United States Government programs to safeguard
nuclear materials, techniques, capabilities, or facilities that could com-
prcnise, jeopardize or reduce the effect iveness of such programs,
-Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA(-RDP85B00236R000200060002-5
Approved For Relese 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP85B0U66R000200060002-5
Information on foreign nuclear prograuns, activities, capabilities,
technologies, facilities, plans and intentions, weapons and their deployment
that could disclose the nature, scope, or effectiveness of United States
intelligence efforts to monitor nuclear developments abroad or could cause
such efforts to fail or be restricted in a manner detrimental to national
Information pertaining to contractual relationships or joint arrange-
ments with individuals, cojiiercial concerns or other entities when such a
relationship or arrangement involves a specific intelligence interest, or
reveals the extent or depth of knowledge or technical expertise possessed
by CIA, or when disclosure of the relationship or arrangements could
jeopardize the other party's willingness or ability to provide services
to CIA.
Information that could result in or lead to, ac: t i nn (s ) p] ar- ing an
individual in jeopardy.
C. A enc . Assistance to the National Archives. This agency has designated
experiences-personnel to gum and. Jassist National `archives personnel in
identifying and separating documents and specific elements of information
within documents under these categories that are deemed to require continued
protection. These CIA-designated personnel are authorized to declassify
categories of information exempted from automatic declassification (listed
in the preceding section) if it is determined that they no longer require
protection. These CIA personnel will make recoRTlendations for continued
classification of the documents or categories of information requiring
continued protection.
D. Continuing Application of Earlier Guidel roes. The systematic rev.ie~-.
guid Tii se inn truct ons i entifled burn, sTzail remain in effect until
canceled or superseded:
1. Downgrading instructions provided in the letter of 16 April 1973
from Lawrence R. Houston, Central Intelligence Agency General Counsel, to
Dr. James B. Rhoads, Archivist of the United States.
2. Instructions concerning information on Secret Writing cited
in the letter of 8 June 1973 from Central Intelligence
Agency Archivist, to Mr. Edwin A. Thompson, Director of the Records Declas-
sification Division, National Archives and Records Service.
-,Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP85B00236R000200060002-5
Approved For Rel ase 20011 (~Wgtp h4-RDP85BOOt36R000200060002-5
material, cited in the letter of 23 August 1977 to Mr. Edwin A. Thnmpsnn
3. Guidelines concerning
Director of the Records Declassificati Service, National Archives and
Records Service, from Central Intelligence Agency Senior
Review Officer.
4. Central Intelligence Agency issuance dated 11 December 1978 and
AND INFORMATION BETWEEN 1941-194611, signed by , Chief of the
Classification Review Group, Infornation Systems Analysis Staff, Direc-
torate of Administration.
t1I03/06 CIA-RDP85B00236R000200060002-5