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Approved For Release 20 E -RDP85-00821 R0001 00040017-4 DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE Security Committee Minutes Two Hundred and Twenty-first Meeting Wednesday, May 9, 1979, 1000-1200 Hours Room 7D32, Langley Headquarters Building Robert W. Gambino Chairman Presiding 2.5X1 A 2.5X1 A 14 May 1979 Defense Intelligence Agency Mr. Merrill T. Kelly, Department of the Army Mr. D. Jerry Rubino, Department of Justice Mr. David Ryan, Federal Bureau of Investigation Mr. Dennis Southern De artment of the Treasury 0 Central Intelligence Agency >r. eorge Weisz, Department of Energy Mr. Richard L. Welch, Department of the Navy National Security Agency Mr. o er inze , Federal Bureau of Investigation National Security Agency Mr. David Hump rey, Department of the Treasury Mr. David McCabe, Department of State Mr. Lawrence Myers, Department of the Air Force Lt. Col. Ernest Z. Peterson, Department of the Air Force Mr. Charles Torpey, Department of the Air Force -SECRET' WARNING NOTICE OR1G9NAt CL gY . S i gn e r INTELLIGENCE SOURCES O DECL U REVW ON 15 May 9 ~ AND 1.4ETHODS INVOLVED fKY BYND a YRS BY 1 ? n e r tT- pproved For Release 2002/01/30 CIA-RDP85- - ? c ~' SECOM-M-223 Approved For Release &ETCIA-RDP85-00821 R0001 00040017-4 ALSO PRESENT Mr. Maynard Anderson, Department of Defense (ODUSP) Central Intelligence Agency ug Enforcement Agency Chairman, Security Awareness Working Group tral Intelligence Agency ndolph, Department of Commerce ser, Department of State j"aional Security Agency National Security Agency r. Roger Smith, Department of the Air Force SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2~0 1/CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 SECOM-M-223 PRELIMINARY REMARKS The Chairman opened the meeting by introducing of NSA's Office of General Counsel, the chairman-designate of the Committee's responsible for unauthorized disclosures; of CIA's Office of General Counsel; an o . Ernest Peterson, the Air Force alternate, representing his department for this meeting. (U) 2. The Chairman noted that the staff, pursuant to agreement by the members at the March conference, had prepared a first draft revision of DCID 1/11. He said this had been sent to subcommittee chairmen, and advised that their comments would be used in preparing a second draft which circulated to Committee members. (U) 3. The Chairman advised that had reported for duty with the Communi y Security Group as t e iiii personnel security branch. Mr, Gambino welcomed to the Committee staff. (U) 4. The Chairman noted that the members' consensus at the April meeting had been to continue to strive for a central index of SCI denials. He advised of a staff suggestion that members provide the Community Security Group over a three-week period the names of persons their agencies turn down for SCI access. Mr. Gambino said this would enable us to size the problem, and assess whether the benefits of having such a list would outweigh anticipated problems associated with it. Discussion surfaced concerns about compilation of such a list, and showed that it would not be practicable to have one agency maintain an informal roster of SCI denials and run checks against it as a test exercise in connection with National Agency Checks being conducted on persons considered for SCI access. Mr. Gambino advised that he was withdrawing the staff suggestion in view of member comments. (FOUO) 5EC?RE Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For ReleaO* 0 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 5. The Chairman advised members that the FBI was moving ahead on arrangements for an informational briefing on Freedom of Information Act matters. He said this would be open to Intelligence Community personnel concerned with processing FOIA requests and with classification management, as well as security personnel. Mr. Gambino noted that the target date was mid-June, and that details on time and place would be provided later. (FOUO) 6. Air. Gambino referred to a recent letter to the DCI from Chairman Boland of the House Intelligence Committee expressing concern about the apparent wide dissemination of .a Defense publication containing operational data on technical collection systems.- Mr. Gambino noted that the DCI's reply stated the need to protect sensitive sources and methods, and advised that he was asking Secretary Brown to respond directly to Chairman Boland's concerns. Mr. Gambino suggested to members that they might wish to ensure that their agencies maintained thorough security control over any copies of this publication they received. Ile identified it as the Top Secret codeword supplement to the "DoD Plan for Intelligence Su ort to Tactical Forces Capabilities Handbook." advised that other publications of equal or greater sensitivity had recently been distributed relatively widely. Mr. Gambino asked him to provide the titles to the Committee staff. Mr. Anderson said efforts were underway in Defense to tighten security controls over dissemination of sensitive intelligence source and method data. (FOUO) 7. The Chairman noted that misconceptions had apparently arisen over CIA's role associated with zero base reviews of SCI accesses held by contractor personnel. He referred to the 15 December 1978 memorandum by the Chairman of the Compart- mentation Subcommittee advising of that body's cognizance of CIA's offer to collect, during visits to contractor facilities, data on SCI accesses by granting agency and to forward such information to the sponsoring agency for validation. Mr. Gambino said. CIA personnel were now instructed not to ask for data on NSA granted accesses during visits to contractors. He advised that CIA personnel visiting contractors would still perform the collection and referral function for those member agencies which wanted to avail themselves of this service. suggested that it would be helpful for CIA'.s Compar men e Information Branch to check with other agencies before visits began to ensure that this CIA service was still desired. (FOUO) Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2G & TlA-RDP85-00821 R0001 00040017-4 8. The Chairman advised that the Director of the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) had recently written the DCI soliciting his views on the most appropriate intervals between declassification reviews of information bearing on intelligence sources and methods. Mr. Gambino noted that a draft of the reply to Mr. Blouin was at members' places, and asked that they review it and provide their comments 25X1 A by May 15th. said the draft had been coordinated with and reflec e e vi-ews of Mr. Allan Thompson, National Archives. (U) 9. The Chairman invited members' attention to the Secretary's Notes at their places. These provide information on the security procedures to be used for the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. (U) 10. The Chairman advised that a videotape had been made of the Attorney Genera-l's 8 May presentation at CIA on "intel- ligence and the legal s stem." He said members wanting to 2.7A see it should contact Chairman of the Security Awareness Working Group. SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 1/30--EIA-RDP85-00821 R0001 00040017-4 i ITEM 1: Approval of Minutes There being no changes requested, the Chairman advised that the minutes of the 11 April meeting were approved as written. (U) ITEM 2: Reports of Working Group Chairmen a. Security Awareness - oted that progress on the draft "minimum standar s tor security awareness programs" was contingent on receipt of responses from Community agencies. agencies were yet to be heard from in this regard. advised that his working group expected to have completed-by the end of May a strawman version of the proposed security orientation for senior officials. (U) Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 SECRET ITEM 3: Unauthorized Disclosure Procedures Mr. Gambino noted that of NSA had been 2 nominated by Admiral Inman an accep e o c air the Committee's Unauthorized Disclosure Group. Mr. Gambino advised that we were following up on Committee agreement at the March conference he group to full subcommittee status. He said was working on a draft charter to be an attachment 2 11. Mr. Gambino then asked to 2 brief members on recent 14SC Special Coor ination Committee SCC actions bearing on unauthorized disclosures (''leaks''). advised that the CIA General Counsel and the Attorney Gen era had met recently to discuss investigation of lea'.-,s in connection 2 with SCC review of an issues paper on security. The Justice view stated during this discussion apparently was th w uld not investigate leaks but would investigate crimes. said Justice seemed to believe that serious leaks could e considered criminal under either section 793 or 798 of Title 18, US Code. He noted that Justice apparently wishes to avoid the confrontations with the press they see as inevitable in investi- gations of leaks. A potential problem for the Community in the Justice approach is that action on leaks will tend to be more a function of the degree of criminality seen in them by Justice than of the degree of seriousness seen in terms of damage to intelligence sources and methods. (FOUO) Mr. Gambino suggested the need for a quick-acting mechanism to review leaks and determine which are really damaging so that we can refer to Justice for investigation only those which are truly significant. (FOUO) said his review of suggested tasking for his subcommi ee led him to believe that their charter should be broadened to cover disclosures resulting from any cause, to include espionage, negligence and losses caused by violence involving US installations. With regard to leak investigations, he said he believed Justice would be responsive to widely shared concerns, and he suggested we approach leak cases along the lines proposed by Mr. Gambino with the referr the full backing of the Intelligence Community. said he saw 2 a continuing need for Community agency a r fer to Justice' under section 1-707 of E.O. 12036 "cases involving serious or SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821.R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 SECRET continuing breaches of security," but that all such referrals should be accompanied by lateral advice to the Security Committee to ensure. continuing cognizance of the scope of the problem. He suggested the need for a common reporting format, and for the new subcommittee to monitor legislative proposals bearing on disclosures. said he believed better procedures were needed to handle authorized disclosures to ensure that sensitive source and method data was-not inad- 'vertently released with intelligence product. He said he was concerned about the impact on sources and methods of the large number of leaks relating to SALT verification. recommended that the new charter for the subcommittee make it very clear that agencies are both authorized and expected to investigate leaks of internal origin. He suggested that the .new subcommittee's membership should include attorneys as needed to deal effectively with legal issues. (FOUO) In subsequent discussion, members agreed that the new subcommittee should be tasked to consider all disclosures of intelligence whether arising from leaks or otherwise. The need for flexibility was noted in order to respond effectively to cases as new information is developed and new factors come to light. Mr. Gambino said our system would have to be responsive both to the Community and to tasking on us individually by our respective agency superiors. He suggested that damage assess- ments in significant cases be prepared in the light of impact on the whole Community, and that follow-ups be made to ensure that findings are updated to reflect subsequent events caused or influenced by disclosures. suggested that evaluations of leaks address t Pe extent of dissemination of the compromised information and other factors which would logically impact on the likelihood of successful investigation. Mr. Ryan, FBI, suggested that the Committee address the issue of investigations for deterrent purposes, noting that the case for such would have to be carefully presented in view of Justice's reluctance to authorize investigations for other than prosecutive objectives. noted that Justice had prepared written analyses on section 1-707 of E.O. 12036, and on when leaks may be held criminal under section 793 of Title 18. In closing, it was noted that the Unauthorized Disclosures Group was to draft a subcommittee charter for later review and approval at a senior level; and was to operate in the interim to evaluate and propose action on serious leaks of Community concern. (FOUO) r1 .1 Approved For Release 20D W Z IA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 ITEM 4: Revision of DCID 1/7 Mr. Gambino noted that a draft revision of this DCID had been distributed to members with a request for their agencies' concurrence or comments at this meeting. He advised that the issue of concern to NSA about the marking specifying foreign releasability of documents had been resolved. The agreed new language was provided members by Mr. Gambino's memorandum of 8 May 1979 which was distributed at the meeting. (FOUO) Approved For Release 2 210-1/ ff IA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 ~EcR Mr. Gambino advised that the DCI had expressed his clear preference for He asked members for t eir views on how this matter should be addressed in the DCID. Mr. Anderson, Defense, said his office did not believe that the Directive should authorize a "NOFORN" marking as its use had the unfortunate effect of leading some persons to conclude that material not so marked was releasable to foreign governments. He proposed that paragraph 6e of the draft DCID, establishing the "NOFORN" marking, be deleted. Members were in general agreement with this, subject to further coordination. Mr. Welch, Navy, suggested changes in those sections of the draft bearing on the "Warning Notice" and the "ORCON" markings. It was agreed that the staff would prepare a new draft reflecting necessary revisions. (FOUO) ITEM 5: Personnel Security Standards Mr. Gambino advised that arrangements had been made for Mr. McCabe to brief Mr. Latimer, House Intelligence Committee Staff Director, on personnel security standards and issues. (The results of that briefing were provided members by copies distributed at the meeting of Mr. McCabe's memorandum dated 4 May 1979.) Mr. McCabe said the House Committee planned a public hearing on this subject for the purpose of identifying issues, with the apparent expectation that this approach would facilitate their resolution through the offer of Congressional assistance. He noted that Mr. Latimer seemed particularly interested in problems arising from expungement of files, and concerned as well about the general decline in quality of some SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2002/01130 : Cl DP85-00821 R000100040017-4 5ECKT types of sources and the handling of cases involving drug abuse and homosexuality. M_Ir. McCabe advised that Ms. Betsey Keyes of the House Committee staff was actively working on this subject area. Mr. Ryan suggested that members take note that limits placed on FBI collection and retention of data on certain organizations and activities meant that checks of FBI records might not surface information of possible security significance. (FOUO) ITEM 6: Next Meeting Mr. Gambino advised that Admiral Inman's invitation to hold the next Committee meeting at NSA had been accepted. He asked for members' views on what they preferred among several choices of possible agendas for the meeting. The consensus favored a very brief business agenda with most of the meeting devoted to a briefing by of NSA on technical security threats. Mr. Gam ino requested that the tentative meeting date of June 6th be maintained if no other date in June permitting him to attend >ould fit the schedules of NSA personnel involved. (C) In subsequent discussion with NSA personnel, the next meeting was set for 10:00 a.m., Wednesday, 6 June 1979, at NSA Headquarters. After introductory remarks by Admiral Inman, will brief the Committee. Details on clearance requirements and data on parking and logistic arrangements will be provided later. (FOUO) SECRET Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Distribution: Col. Herbert Kamm, Air Force Mr. Merrill T. Kelly, Arm r. Ueorge IVeisz, Ir, T-1r. :"MIr. Mr. .r . Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. David Ryan, FBI Jerry Rubino, Justice Cyril Frank, DEA R. L. Welch Nav Mar c erman , a e Dennis Southern, Treasury Donald Stagers; State Maynard Anderson., Defense William Randolph, Com.nerce M r. avid McCabe, State Dr. Philip Eckman. CIA S E C O I ; Subject SECO'.I Chrono Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-0082 ' T R S lLk~' w-f "ri v'4 2 MAY 1979 SECOM-D-530 MEMORANDUM FOR: Members, DCI Security Committee FROM: Robert W. Gambino LigwG Chairman SUBJECT: IMPACT OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT ON INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY AGENCIES At the April 11, 1979, Security Committee (SECOM) meeting, it was agreed that a special meeting would be held to more fully discuss the impact of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) on Intelligence Community agencies. Arrangements have been completed for a special meeting to be held June 19, 1979, at Federal Bureau of Investigation Headquarters (FBIHQ), Washington, D. C. This meeting, hosted by the FBI under the auspices of the SECOM, is to be attended by SECOM members and other appropriate individuals from the agencies represented by the SECOM'. A copy of the agenda is enclosed for your informa- tion. Please advise Dan Downum, Special Agent, FBI, of the names of individuals from your agency that will be attending so that appropriate clearances (TS) may be verified and final arrangements completed which are contingent upon the total attendance. Any questions or suggestions you have should be referred to Mr. Downum, coordinator for this special meeting, at (202) 324-3567. Also enclosed is a leaflet providing pertinent information regarding meeting site, telephone numbers and other helpful information. Because of time limitation, only a limited number of presentations will be made at this meeting. However,_if sufficient interest is exhibited, perhaps additional, similar presentations may be scheduled in the future. Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 .Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 19 JUNE 1979 IMPACT OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT ON OS REGISTRY 0900 - 0915 Registration and Welcome 9015 -- 0945 Cia, Administration an Operational Problems 9050 - 1020 Thomas H. Bresson, FBI, Administration and Operational Problems 1025 - 1040 Break Captain Karen McClellan, U.S. Army, Vulnerabilities of Sensitive Information Dan Downum, FBI, Vulnerabilities of Sensitive Information '1145 - open General Discussion and Adjournment Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 IMPACT OF FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT ON INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY AGENCIES FBI HEADQUARTERS AUDITORIUM ROOM 1427- 19 JUNE 1979, 0900 E STREET HAMMEL'S FBI DRIVE-THRU ENTRANCE FBI HEADQUARTERS: Enter the FBI.Building at 10th Street (one-way south) at the drive-through entrance. Escorts will be available at this location to assist in parking, obtaining visitor identification passes, and to bring you to the FBI Auditorium, Room 1427. Lunch: If you desire to use the FBI cafeteria, check with one of the representatives or escorts. Hammel's Restaurant, with excellent food, is directly across 10th Street from the FBI drive-through entrance, O'Donnell's Sea Grill, which specializes in sea food (try the Scallops Norfolk), and Danker's, which is renowned for steaks, are within three blo--ks. Tours or Visits: If you desire a tour of the Records Management Division or other areas- of the building, or if you desire a special tour through the public facilities, notify the FBI representative or escort. If you want to visit with anyone at FBI Headquarters, the FBI representative will assist you. Telephone: During the special meeting, you can be reached through FBI telephone number 324-2670. If you experience any problem, notify the FBI Security Office at 324-4901. Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Approved For Release 2002/01/30: CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4 Baltimore/Washington Parkway - Route 32 Exit (East) 1/4 mile r r_ PARKING AREAS NSA FORT MEADE SHADED AREAS DENOTE OPEN PARKING LINED AREAS DENOTE RESERVED PARKING AREAS SUBJECT TO REALIGNMENT OBSERVE TRAFFIC SIGNS Approved For Release 2002/01/30 : CIA-RDP85-00821 R000100040017-4