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:'15=L C Approved For le,M1012/9101 ViliqcE9* INIFOrIM COUNTRY Gdat anala SUBJECT Closing Session of the Transportation Conference PLACE 25X1A ACQ 1 1 IRED DATE OF 25X1C INFO. EMMMMII- 710N REPORT CD NO. %\?? 25X1X DATE DISTR, 15 Aug 51 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 1. On 13 P7ay 1951 between nine and twelve o'clock in the evening, the closing session of the transportation conference was held in Guatemala City. About six hundred persons were present; stage decoretions were approximately the sane as for the opening session; guests of honor on the stage were representa- tives and delegates of the Federacion Sindical lundial (FS:), the Confederacion de Trabajadores de America Latina (CTAL), and the Guatewalan transportation unions. Not one high government functienary was identified among those present. 2, The opening speaker sns Virgilio Guerra, Salvadoran, an official of the Con- federacion de Trabajadores de Guatemala (CTG) and Secret-ex: General of the Viood And Glass Union, who pronounced the "palabras de elausura." 3., e second speaker was the Chilean member of the Chilean workers, confedera- tion, this E. Sandoval, who referred to the success of the conference, and then spoke of the pressure being exerted upon the working class in Chile by the Chilean Government., He blamed the troubles of his confederation on imperi- alism in Ch Ile? He said that in spite of everything, the Chilean workers were supporting all CTAL and FS: resolutions and were continuing to struggle for political, social, and economic independence, 14, Renato da notta, Brazilian, member of the Brazilian vorkers confederatien, spoke in Portuguese. He first thanked the .!3uateoalan people for their courteous recepti n of him. Ile then described the form and development of the Brazilian labor movement ,nd pied-ed unconditional support to the FS: and the eTAL. 5, The next speaker was :.'?aurice earroue of France, vice-president of the Agricultur- al and Forestry Axkersliinternational Trade Union. he began his speech with a history of the esr since 1920, He referred to the role of' French labor in the Second Jorld jar, and spoke of the forces of laber unification operating in France since 1939w blaming present labor troubles en United States' insti- gation of the Third World War,, its praised the important c(ntribution to peace being nade by French transportation workers in blocking by any means at hand the delivery of war materiel to Indo-China or other war theatres" Carroue assured Guat.mala that the French people were pacifistic and making every effort to bleek impeeialist atteepts to cause the "new war,," He said they were opposed to the -.anufacture of war riaterials, preferring to produce eaterials that assured peace narlos nanuel Pellecer translated Carrouels speech froe French into Spanish, as he had done at the opening session for Louis Sailiant. CLASSIFICATION 6ONF teiTIAL Document No. _ No ph STATE# Approv NAW -,. NSRB trmsunoN :1 Dee. ARMY AIR FB i Wed to w;th the leiter of 1.3 0.:::o;;civ 13T3 i'70M the Director ti; Ccn;,,1 in''ice to the ctrOvrish614is6n2010ifiOsi06 : CI -RDP Next Reli.ew 4v44,74067....r030002-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/0 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900830002-6 - ?CO! IDENTIAL ) ice ,r 25X1 CES13145.L TELIMITICE AGFE -2- 6, The fifth speaker was Vicente Lombardo Toledanoi who bcaan by catlng .he oceasien an unforgettable one for Guatenalan labor because the confeeence wae closing with all preparations completed for the unification of the farm and worker movenente into a single organization (central uneea) in spite of the efforts of U.S. impenaaliets to discredit and defeee the eoek*, Loabardo seoonded the words of Louis Saillant in reassuring the workers of Guatemala at this molent, or the threshold of their battle, that they were suppoeted by thousands and thousands of workers evervehere in the world, Pe reainded the workers of their reeponsibilitiee to the organization cc the nee aorkee-farmer central, the succese of which depended upon each and every worker and ?7ardeee He denied that this organization was a plot against the governnent and the people of Guate Lela, but rather that it wae indispensable for the eong/est of all workers rights, such as the right of assembly; freedom of speech, the right to strike, and so forth, He closed by proposing cheers: "Viva la Central Unica de Guateealai; "Viva in CTAL"; and "eiva la FSIT." Virgilio Guerra announced that Victor 'anuel Gutierrez had an iawetane notice to give the Guate_alan workers, Guticerez then stated that at an extraordinary sesaion attended by the CTAh and FS"? repreeehtatives aee by teeety-eidtt dele- gates fro e the executive committees of farmer and worker unions, it had been definitely decided to create "la Central Sindical Unica de Cuateeala," and that ornanLzat'.oe was beginning immediately to plan a general aseembLy to be attended by all workers of Guatemala from which would be chosen the officers of the Central Unica, 8, ?Virgilio Guerra then returned to a, mance the final part of the leet session of the conference and to read eessages of congratulation signed by Luis Cardoza y Aragon and by the Executive Coeatetee of the Alianza de lc Juventud Deaccratice Gestenalteca (AJDG). He announced deat by the end of next July the pro-peace comnittee would send over one hundred thousand signatures for peace to the Stockholm appeal, He also announced the doeld Connrees of Lemocratic Youth to be held beginning on 20 August in Berlin, for which a delegation free the ARC was being selected, 9. The final speaker was Louis SaLLLeet, who talked of the need for unity, and cited the Spanish Repub.ican strike in NaU.ealist Spain, saying that everyone knew how the strikers had unified their efforts against Franco, He said every- one knew how much sacrifice the Republican eoerades had eade in order to consoli- date their forces, and that now, aappily, they were _a the point of overthrowing Franco. He thought that everyone wished that the Spanish Republicans could soon lower the Nationalist flag and raise the red ba. nor of the Republieans, Saillant then advised the workers to use care in constructing the organization of whet he called the "Central Uniea de Trabajadores Je GuaLema3a," since they would have to fight constantly against divieionists, without fear, and with faith in the ultieate victory of the world ornenization, he 10. Salient, Carroue, and Loeberdo Toledano departed for ::.exico City via FAA Flight No. 502 on 14'day 1951, It leas not learned whether Fernandez, Guzman, and Ramirez also returned to 7_exieo City_ The activities of the six sessions of the Transport Conference were sumnarizod ! the cenfeicnco accompeished two mein objectives: a) the is ion was reached to form a "Centrel Unice for Guate.dalan labor, and b) plane were made to organize a new political Labor party based on the Fartido Revolu- cionario Obrero de Guatemala (FROG). 11. 25X1C in. The fourth session was held on U. Tray 2:?51, and was the first formal work session, Invited delegates, representatives, and executive ?committees of the Confederecion do Teabajadores de Guateeala CTG), the Federecion Sindical de Gnatemale (FSG), and the Federacion Regional Central de .frabejadoree do Guateeala (eteClel) attended. Only the secretaries-eeneral of the executive committee. had voices or votes_ The pre-conference agenda were consideree) an accord was voted, The following points on the agenda were considered CCNFID 'MAL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : et?RDP82-00457R007900830002-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/0 . CIA-RDP82-00457R007900830002-6 r" COI DENT= CENTR,XiidEL,MENCz SGENCY -3- 253(1k --- k aq Guarantees of w)rkers' rights thould be aouEht from manac,e era, and. goveru. merit in Central and Latin Amsrica, b, Labor contracts should 'se plan ied and formulated, c. The right to strike should be :ecogaized inters-14U nallya d. Teade hazards should be recognited, e, right to aseemble and form ue,'.erts ahould be recogx.ized sationall,a and internationally, fz Social security should be made f, cover all transport workers in the Western Hemisphere g. Paid vacatio! s, better ealaries, education, and better shelter should be demanded, h. 7!utual co-operation ameng all t anaportation workers in Latin America and the world shoald be attained, i. Leave plans settled for the urificati n of all Guatemalan 1;orkers 13 Points c? e, and g were espeeiall: emphasiae, Tint h waa satended to include affording leans of travel tc each uorker te aa,y place, thus farilitatilg the interchange of ideas and staengthiting the wo:ld labor unification movement. Point i was coneidered at ',ae riP; session, 14 The fifth session was held on 12 L'ay, and the representativea of dY0Citive and political committees of the ccafederatons .'id principal nndicete affiliates attended Among others, tha representatives of he 6indleat,oc Accioa y 'lejoramiento Ferrocar.ilero (SAF) st od out see/anently Foist i of the agenda was acted upon, 15, During the day of 3 .lays visi%ing de1agatm6 and rc.weJentas we_c ,ulcan to visit Atitlae and Antigua, Gtate:ala, aurice Caro.c anciIeorrds'; Ca;tith Flores visited tae 30 th cast and the agrd.culte-al or iseslaint'a Cu 14'17 19510 thu F57.! and CLL. representatives derte,1 'exico city ?," CONFI ENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/ 6 : CIA-RD!:a6240457R007900830002-6