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25X1A keeeeefteeet cee"ee="7M'/O-TROT, or-IcTLv: Approved For Ref6ii81064R-SidelACIktft(82-0045trikrW iNFORMATION REPORT CD NO tafmt 14 UNTRIttrrrAoro.ltril,J.. SUBJECT 25X1C PLACE ACQ I R ED DATE OF I NFO. DATE r.)1..;TR,... ? 10 .. AUG 51 Organizations and Newspaners. in the Ho Chi tlinhe NO. OF PAGES 10 .Controlled ? Zones or Vietnam 25X1X NO. OF ENOLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. The following list or noli4lerl end semi-political organizations and newspapers in the Ho Chi: Mirth-controlled zones of Vietnam has been ecompiled from overt sources end is disseminated as a general summery of their history from the founding of ehe Viet Minh in 1941 to its merger with the Lien Viet in early 1951. 'ORGAN'TZATICrS 1. The Viet Minh LeaEt Founded in 1941 by the Communist Party of TndockOna (PCI) as a broad- based militant nationalist movement and comprising workers', youth, peasants' and women's rational Salviation Associations which were formed simultaneousn:y. Tho Viet Minh l'as not orly a political but a military organ'zetion nnd tho members or the rnion of youth for rationel Salvation formed the first unit or what was later to be the Viet rinh Fatioral Army. In 1949 Viet "ilh nronneenda began to uree +het the Viet "inh league should be nerved with 1-11r, Tien 'let and by the end of 1950 this process was completed on the lower levels while at the top the joint Viet Minh- Tien viee Committee had been formed. The Viet Minh was finally, merged with the Tien Viet in Februer7 2951 and the League as a senarate body disanneared. June 1950: Chairman Ho :Chi Minh. Secretary General Ioang Quoc Viet, eke Pa Bs Cane Membership 8,000,000 Journal aill_Suoc ? 2 Vietnam Federation of Tabor or To Lien Doan Lao Don. TL0). Founded with the Viet Minh nB the Vietnam Workers foe in 1941. National Salvation L4SSIFICATION T1TFIDENTIAL/CONTROL U.S. 'TCI ALS nply STATE. NMN NSRB DISTRIBUTION ARMY MR FBI " 1 ? Document No, No Change In Class. I: Declassified ham Changed To; 18 8 V Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA- 108:2111144 II 9007000 ArSt 25X1A . Approved. For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 CONFIDENTILI/COTTROL ? U.S. OFFICIALS ONeY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ? 2 ? June 1946: July 1946: 1 January 1949: July 1949: Vovember 1949: December 1950: Its right to heeome affiliated to tho WITT acknowledged. Became Vietnam Federation of Labor. Became affilinted to the WI.ed. Represented at Man Congress Of the WTI% Represented ae Peiping Congress of the WFTU. First Nationae Congress of the TLD at which the followieg program was laid down: a. The working class of Vietnam is righting for national indeperdence? democracy and peace. b. The Vietnixt workers will further a powerfn) Trade Union orgunization. c. Modificatf.on of Trade Union regulations. d. Vietnam workers will build up a Le"4 Democratic economy. e. Vietnam workers will endeavor to.rai s the material and cultural standard of the working class. f. Vieth= workers will boost up the patelotic emulation movement, which includes a natior-wide production drive ari a constant effort at self?improvement from all point of view. The Conference also elected a new Executive Cemeittoe, the.altandine Committee of which consisted of: Chairman !bag Q,vec.Viet Secretery-Generel Tran Dan% Tuyen Assistant Secretaries?General Nguyen Uun Vai Tram Quoc Phao Hoang Fun Dotg Nguyen Cong Hoe But Thai Duorg Nguyen Dee Tinh has apnarently been elected since to the Standing Committee. 1950: Yembership 500,000 Journal: Lla_Rena 3. Union of VietnaMese Youth. %united in 1941 with tha Viet Minh as Youth Fighting fer Netioeal Salvation, -with the speeial tavk of spreading propegenie on behalf of the Viet Mth. 7ts first military propaganda emit eamposed ef 43 members was formed umier Vo Tmen Giap. tater thi3 unit became the first unit or the Vietnam Liberation Army. July February August 1947: Became affilieted to the WFDY, 1948: Repreleeted ee the Calcutta Youth Congrees. 1949: Represented at the Congress of WOrklIT Youth at Wama Approved FeorandezanAt001i08/06u:,,a1AFRanzckats7R007900700009-3 11, 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 COTmIDE""TAL/CONTRO*, - U.S. 0F7ICIAeS ONLY erman INTELIIGENCE AGCY 3 qeptember 1949: Penre;ented at the WTI! Coregrese, Budapest. notober 1949: RerreTented on the Executive Cormittee of the WFDY. February 1950: Thirst lational Youth Conference at which the name Union of Youth for rational Salvation was changed to The Vietnamese Youth Federation. The Conference was addressed by Vo Nguyen Giap and Truong Chinh and the obligation of members to learn the theories of Peoples Democracy and of 17arxism-Leninism was stressed. The preeent Standing Comrittee of the Executive Com- mittee as elected and consists of: August Chairman Nguyen Chi Thanh (head of the Political Department of the Am) Secret General Wang Mnh. Minh Assis.ant Secretaries General No Bich SEW Nguyen Nen Tranh Nguyen Lam 1950: Boalg rinh Chinh headed the Youth Deleeation to Prague Corgress of the IUS. 3950: Wmbership 2000,000 of which 500,000 ale said to be 11 the Armed Forces. 4. Union of Vietnamese Stuients-aild 71annied in August 194P as the Union of Vietnamese ntudente end affiliated to the Trs, as well as to the Union of Vietnamese Youth. /baguet 1949% Renrosented at the Budapest Congress of She IUS. Auaust ITT): Represented at the Prague Congress of the :US. ?50: Became the Union of Vietnamese Students and Pupils. Chairman: Nga,yen Thuong 5. Union of Vietnamese Women. Founded) October 1945 within he Viet Minh as the Vietnamese %omen's Rational SalvaVon Association and af"ilisted to W1DF. Renreseeted at the wiltp Cones; at Budapest in December 1948, al,? Paris .in July 1949 and at Peiping in :)ember 1949. April 3950: First Nationaa Congress attended by nearly- 300 delegetez and at which ]'resident Ho Chi Minh was present, President Madame Le Thi !wen rembership 3,000,000 Journal Plum 6. Vietnam Peasants Assodiation for National Salvation. Founded mithirethe Viet Minh in 1941. CONFTDEPTIAL/CONTROL - U.S. 0F1'1CIAL3 ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 january CONFIDENTIA-/CONTRn - U.S. oFrIc:ALS ONIX CENTRPL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 4 - 1950: Sent s message of solidarity to the Chinese Poaiant2 Association. Secretary General Ho Viet ? Thang Assietant Secretary General rguyen Viet Thai 7. Democratic Party of Vietnam (Dan Chu Deng). Feunded in 1944 by the ?CI to attract intellectunls. It frankly Varxist and Leninist, March July 1950: Eecond rational Convention. 1950: Celebrated its sixth anniv'ereary cn6 following motto: "intellectuals to participate in everch of ctiviy to serve the people". 7t was claimed that the Party was reeducating the intelligerteia and the petty loourpeoisie 3950: Secretary General Duong Duo Mien Membership 120,000 Jour/ 8. Associatior for the Stalz_2f Marxism. Founded prebably at tho sane time as the Viet Yinh Lettgue as a Marxist elite which would pr-n(Inre the purity of tha doctrine t,n7 form tha chief instzument for its props7ation. According to Loo iier who visited the Viet Minh in 1950 it wielded deep influence in :early ell factories, districts, Irmy un;ts and goverment scrvices. November 1950: Tran 'Tan Gia-: represented the Association tat a public meriting of the Vietnam - Soviet Pric;ndll-'p Arsociatior 1951: Charman Xuan Thu akr Truoni. Minh Journal ,12 That (Truth) gram W45 'ed the 9. DcLa (Indepsnd ce) Founded in 1946 with a progran based on the theories of MFMX, Lenin and Stalin. 1950: Secretary Genera' Phan Tung Hien journal 10. Catholic Asrocietion Tien Lien (Forward) Iv rational rAlvation. Founded it 1945 by the Viet Minh to win over tha CatholicI population of Vietnam to the Viet Minh mufie It Is still probably not without influence in Viet Minh affairro Chairman Vu Dinh Tung Secretary General ? Vu Xuan Xy CONFIDEIIT:AL/CCNTROLUS OFFICULSom Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 CCNFTOENTTAL/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY MI* 0111W 11. Twelve Unified Cao Dui Sects. 'Oben the Caodaists went over to Bao Dal in 1947 a section under Cao Trieu Phat, known as the 12 Unified Sects, remained loyal to Ho Chi Miehe March 1951: Cao Triau That was elected one of the Vice-Chairmen of the Lien Viet ont. 12. Lien Viet (rational Union) Founded in May 1946 by the Viet Minh as a National Front organization to which all political parties in Viet Minh territory belonged. President Ho Chi Ninh Vice-Chairman Ton Due Thang August 1949: It was announced that the Viet Minh would ultimately be merged with the Lien Viet. June 1950: The Lien Viet and the Viet Minh in Intersector IV (North Annam) wore mereed to form the Vietnam National United Front (Lien Viet). July 1950: The newspapers of the Viet Mint' end the Lien Viet merged. November 1950: Joint Committee of the Lien Viet and Viet rinh set un on which Ton Due Thang represented the Lien Viet and Hoang Quoc Viet the Viet Minh. March 1951: The process of merging the Viet, Minh with the Lien Viet was completed et a cones held between 6 and 15 Maech. Ho Chi Minh remained Honorary Chairman. A National Lien Viet :Committee of 54 members was eleeteds Chairman Ton Due Thang, Acting Chairman of the Stanling Committee of the National Assembly. Vice Chairmen Madame Le Thi Yuyen, President of the Vietnam Women's Federation, member of the Standing Committee of the Vietnam National Assembly and Vice President of the Vietnam Comnittee to the World Peace Congrees. Dr. Le Dinh Them, President of the Vietnam Committee to the World Peace Congress. Cao Lieu Mat, delegate of 12 Unified Cao Dai Sects of South Vietnam. 1k:erg Quoc Viet, Chairman of the Vietnam TUC, formerly. General Seeretary of the Viet Minh Steering Committee. Duong Due Hien, Secretary General of the Viet- nam Democratic Party, and member of the National Aeaemb1y. CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIAL ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 . Approved.For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 ? 25X1A 13. Vietnam CflEFIDErTILL/CONTROL - U.S. OFvICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 6-. Roang Minh Giem, Nember of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Socialist Party, Minister of Fbreign Affairs, The National Lien Viet Committee in its turn elected a Standing Committee compose of 17 members, among whom were: Truong Chinh, Secretary e:ieri of the Vietnam Laodong Forty. Tran In "wen, Secretor/ General of the Vietnam TUC. Ho Viet Thong, Secretary Generai. of the Vietnam Peasants' Association for Natlonal Salvation. Hoang Minh Chinh, Secretery General of the Union of Vietnamese Youth. Xuan Thuy? Chairman of the Vietnam Journalists' Association and Director of Cuu Quoe. Thai I Thenh? writer-director of the Arts and Culture Section of the vidham Eduction Ministry. Tran Cung, former member of the inspection group of the Viet Minh Steering Committee. Le Thanh Lap, former Secretary General of t. Lien. Viet Central Committee. Phan Anh? Lawyer, Mirister of Economy. 1950: Membership was given as 10.?000?0002 of which P,000,000 belonged to the Viet Minh, Journal: 2g2-2.2122e Cultural Associat on FOunded probably in 1949. Secretary General Eo Hai Thanb Standing Committee includee Huy Lieu Nothing more is known about this Association except tYat the President sent a telegram acclaiming the Students! demonstration in Saigon on 19 March 1950. 14. AssociatIon of Vietn Founded April 1950. Its first air was to "take part.1a1 building a people's iemoeratic regime" Macutive Cermittee Chairman Xuar They, Director of Cm 4a1 moee Joernalists. utv Vice Chairmen Do Due Dee Hoang Tung Secretary Nguyen Tharb Le Approved Fm?ABARERAMR/06.651A6pRgegLogeiR007900700009-3 25X 1A . Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 CONFIDENTIAL/TNTROI. -U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - 7 - August 1950: August 1950: September 1950: Became a member of the World eration of Journaliets. President of the ?\ssociation eent meseaee of protest to the French Government on the arrest of Leo Figueres, Represented at the Third Congeess of the World Federation of Journalists bald at Helsinki, 15. ino-Vietnamese Friendship Association, Founded Febrnary 1950 to promote friendship and a feeling of solidarity between Vietnam and China, to keep the Vietnamese people informed of cultural, social and political developments in China and to explain to the Chinese people the evolution of the situation it Vietnam. The Foundation Committee included the following: Ho Tang Mau, Inspector General of the Ho Chi Minn Government. Le Dinh Tam . Hoang Quoc Viet Tether Pham Be True General Vo Nguyen Giap Wong Kiem Thi, Director General of Education Chairman of the Provisional Comeittee (pending election of a Central Committee) Vice Chairren Journal Ho Tung Mau Than Huy- Lieu, ex4linister. of Propaganda, a member of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and a member of the PCI. Chine Vietnam 16. Soviet - Vietnamese Frierdshie Aesociatipn. Fenniel in May 1950 to promote closer friendship and relations between the peuples of Vietnam an the Soviet Union in the political, economic, social and cultural fields. Foundation Committee included: Vo Nguyen Giap Ho Tung Nan, Inspector General of the Ho Chi Minh Goverment, Than Van Giau, Director General of Information. Truong Chinh, Chairman of the ,Aesociatioe for the Study of Marxism (PCI) Than Denh Tuyen, Secretary Geneeal of ths nr). Madame 7e Thi Nuyen, President of the 'a.lents Association Ho Viet Mang, Secretary General, of the Peaeants? Associatioe. Duong Due Hien, Secretary Genera of the Demeratic Party. Ton Due Thang? Peting Chairman of the Standing Committee of Vietnam National Assembly. ApprOVeCbffitreWORIMR1.4p3/q.i.C4771??RFAN-82,457R007900700009-3 25X1A . Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 CONFIDENTIAL/CrNTRUL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY CENtRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -8-. June 1950: Message of Widarity sent to the Supreme 7seviet from the President of the Association, To Due Thang. 17. Vietnam National Committee of Partisans of Peace, Inaugurated in June 195C? after a joint session of the Central Executive Committee of the tie r Viet and the Viet Minh in May. The Alseeciation of Peace Fighters was founded at the same time. Chairman Ton Duo Thang Vice Chairman Le Dinh Tham An appeal for signatares vas lannched under the auepicee of the TLD, the Vietnam Women's Associatien, the Union of Vietnamese Youth and the Vietnam Peasants' Association, October 1950: 3,871,298 signatures claimed. November 1950: Over 5,000,000 signatures clained. reverter 1950f Peace Conference held under Presidency of Ton Due Thang. Delegates attended from -the lien Vit o the TLD, the Women's Association, Youth Federation, Peaaants1 Associa- tion, 3ourna1ists1 Association, llerxiet Association, Democratic Party, Socialist Party, Catholic ASsociation, "Buddhists", Cambodia and Laos. A Peace Committee was elected consisting of the following: President le Dinh Tam Vice Presidents Ta Quang Duu ? Madame Le Thi Xuyen Secretary General Duong Bach aka Dourov November 1950: Vietnamese delegates attended the Peace Conference at Sheffield and Warsaw. 18- La?40ng-ILEEZEILL,11,17, Founded on 19 7ebruary 1951. Aceording to the Party's Maniferto: "The Vietnam Laodong Party comer into being at a time when the whole Vietnamese people are loeging for a Vanguard Party, a General Ctaffl a powerfnl, clear-sighted and genuinely revoletioeary political Party, in order to lead the ResIstance in the preparatior for a general counter- o'fensive ard in the launching of a victorious gesleral countero'fano4vs- "As the policy of the Party is to work for the iLterests of t e colestry and neoele, to Place the interests of the country and people above all, and as it embreces tie meet determined and model citizens of the Resistence, the Vietram Laolong Party is the most patriotic Party, the Party ef the worlesrs and toiling masses, and also the Party of the people. Its leader Is also the leeder of the peoale, our beloved President, Bo Chi Minh. "The newly-born Vietram Laodong Party consequently takes its responsibtlity before ti!-e people an, history: to lead the Resietance to vietory and nationalreconetructicn to success, and to make Vietnam an independent, free, democratic and proverous couetry. The Vie nee people as a aole are confident that the Vietnam leodong Party is cndosred with necessary qualities' and abilities, with enough determination said cleer-eightednese, Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 CONFIDErTIAL/CONTROL - U.S. nFF1CTALS ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 CONFIDENTIAI/CONTROL - U.S. OTTICIALC ONLY CENTRAL INTELIGENCE AGENCY - 9 - and that it has the tineere vepport of every Veitnamese citizen so as +o 1'e2f112 its leedirg role. "The theory of the Party is the Vhrxiat-Leninist theory. "The princirle of organization of the Party is democratic centralis "The discipline of the Party is a strict self-convincing discipline." .The leaders of the Pty ?are es follows: President Ho Chi Minh Secretary General Teuong Chinh Members of Committee Hoang Quoc Viet Vo Nguyen Giap Pham Van Dong Journal Man Danh (The People) 19. Neoleo Issara. "National Liberation Front of Laos" founded in Aust 1950 to work for the indenendence of Lao in cooperation with tha Viet Nirh and the Democratic Peoples of the World. November 1950: At a eonference at which representatives from the Lien Viet and the "National "United Tronts" of Laos and Cambodia were present it was decided net a Joint National United Front shonid be set up and a Preparatory Cormittee was elected. Martel 1951: At the Tien Viet Congress for the merging of the Viet Minh it was indicatel by President na Chi Ninr that tha "National Fronts" or Laos and CaMbodia had been united with the Lien Viet. Nevertheless, neither the Chairman of the United Front of Laos, Prince Souphannevong nor his Cambodian colleague Son Ergoc rinh was elected Vice Chairman or even to the Standing Committee. 20. United lasarak Frort or route. Seiha. %ended after a Congress of Cembodian resistance leaders in April 1950 with the oblect of obtaining Cambodian independence in cooperation with the 'Viet Milhe Its relations with the Viet rinL. have followed the same course as that of Neale? Isseea (see 19). Its President, on Ngoe rinh, wee not present at the. narch Congness of the Ti eri Viet, ani vas represented by Chang SmTee the Vice President of the Pnonie NAISPAPERS Cuu Quo c (National Salvation) Su That (Truth) - Dee Lae (independence) Viet Minh Lien Viet Director Xuan They Editor Ngyen Tharh Le Association for the Stedy of Yerxiew Democratic Parte Approved For Release 2001/03/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 CONFIDENTIAL/CONTROL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY 25X1A ?rApproved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3 CrITIDETITTAL/1011TROL OFFICIALS ORLY curmIAL 'mum= AGENCY ... 10 .... Chins-Vietnam Tien Lion (Forward) 1210 Tin Tne 1.14 (The Worker) War Danh (The People Sino-Vietnamuse FM.endship Association Editors lar ran Deo Vu Van Thong Ngnyen aanh Toan Ho rung Fan Socialist Pty Vietnamese WcmenTs Pesociation Vietnam News Agency Vietnam Federation of Trades Unions Laodong Part. CONFIDEUTTAL/CONTEOL - U.S. OFFICIAIL OVIY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007900700009-3