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SEVASTOPOL ( .4111 25X1A 11111!!!!!!!!!! : Sanitized 7 filSWesierrithLkeigi;SeGPCY Renarks Date aTere:oa.KI5t*ig9A7RPE400310R9i3 i946 to May a, F the kAarbc;c.. 0, B construa- tion work in haA)cr area S0v1RT MOPS7'.11Prq' 'RY - o I, Barracks (sight briok buildings) 1. Military ;4,- torr, kfive-story byick building ith one wing, about - 400x130 feet) Barracks (several buildings including the hespital) 1. Barracks (four- story limestcno bu:t2dings each about 500x65 feet, drill ground, 7-fo(Jt high double-barbed-wire fence) Sast of the South Core between the railroad tunnel and the dlip- yaz:d NortlIrn ond cf tho oity area, between the South Cove and the Artillery Cove of Kilen Cove- Sast of the South Cove couth of a shipyard 52CRET-CONTROLAC OYEUIA$ ONLY Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390009-3 Very young naval per- sonnel, undergoing training for a high- er. naval grade Naval hcadluartcr:.; building a 'mammoth' building l. Heavy traf- fic of naval officers , Barred to Pas. Hospital and naval quarters including one building occupied by naval -oar-4 Naval schoo/- with personnel obsorved in infantry train- ing and practicing with semaphore flags and other signal devices. About 50 men were repeated- ly observed marching to the harbor and being ferried to ships. An admiral (wearing one wide and two or three medium braids on his sleeve and broad red stripes alcng his trousers) had his apart- ment near a church:? Another Pa con- firmad te; intert'cgate-r (B) a nemal ,school at the same placv; im Janu- ary 1949. Sanitized -Apartwecliforiftelea4014,;) ONLY CIA-RDP82-094g1/09111:q93M9Aaacy ? ,,,t a4 Veaaa SL. SEVASTOPOL (ceit'd) 1946 te; May 19t18 194,5 .1f.nF2 b, eoustrue- tion work ?4.13P6.14.1at 2,, AA gun emplace- ments (improved earthemplace- ie nt2) Military quarter.: (fivo-story barrack buildings, SO-foot high steel tc9er) barracks 0!ive lare three-story buildings, each about .655 feet) A& guli emplacement artillery emplace- ment with oven bun- Ott 'L. AA gun emplace- marenes ti; ment (earth emplace- his work manta) 25X1A a.c men ? j. North of the entranoe to the Severnaya Coves about a,3o0 feet north- east of the prominent southern tip of the Elevated area about 1 mile NNE of the IN- K-GRAN (4435' N/33c 73.' El railroad sta- ,,ion the slopv) ease of the eastern tip of Severnaya Cove AbouL 2,en iet of the railroad tunnel, 5,000 feet north of the eastern and of the Seve- rnaya 0c,:o id 3D eget W of the seaplane base Eastern tip f the Se- irernaya Cove, abc;At 100 feet from the shore SSCRET-CONTROLAN ONLY 2 Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390009-3 stimated at four batteries totaling 16 guns of 88 to :05 mm ealiber, Laying practices and firing practices ;It towed sleeve targets were Completed in April 1947 Construetion work had been supervised by naval oeficers, Searchlights wore in operation at the quarters in te Spring of 1948t, ljare brick work and some of the in- terior work was completod in May 1948, The design was that of a bar- racks, C to 8 70 15-mm At guns, to searchlights, one so,..!.ni locator and crow bunkers 12 AA guns of 47 or 50 mm caliber 25X1A Anotho2r IT 1111 con, firmed to 11.ft-erre:gator C) that one emplacement for light Al guns, one for heavy AlguLu we-re at the st.lAi Once in Arril 1948, The 4:6 added that a battery t four heavy All puns was emplaced tenth- east of Nilen Cove (eser- vea iien :1r.r.g a =a sleeve targets) 61WAUOPOL (contd) Sanitizireleritagtegoilk6liii6 C IA-RD P W211116451MatffiatC4044 25X1A PPM kareh e'144P _9.1e BUDOLOKOWSIU(sic)February 94(' (about 305 miles SE of SEVASTOPOL, on the SEVASTOPOL- -BALAKLAVA reiiroad lime) RALAKLAVA (44- I946 to Septeme "30g N/53?361 E) bar 1949 a. S Pe work in the harbor a, B te, construe, tion raoke F 130 construe- tion of bar- racks a, B b. Fe2 AA gun em- placement i.levated area about 4,000 feet SE of the Kilen Cove Barracks (16 About 1 mile east of three-story the eastern tip of the limestone and Severnaya Cove, west of concrete buil- the large bend of the dines with red- IN(ERMAN-SIMFEROPOL , tiled roofs, 1$0x (4455 N/34'05E) 40 and 200x40 feet) railroad line Barracks (four- On a rugged elevated story brick build- plain near the ings, each about railroad line 155x65 feet) ic Military quare ters (former PR' Camp No 7299/16, rectangular two-story brick building) - 2, A5.1itary quar- ters (two brick buildings) SanititiffiraAppitelidsForRIAtidstPLY CIA-RDP82-00457Rb07400390009-3 Several improved emplacements, Frequent firing practices were observed. Not occupied by troops in Oc- tober 1947. Still under con=' etruction with more bend- ings planned. Occupied by Ms and civilian construc- tion workers. Supervisien by a navel construction staff. Construction work etarted in June 1945, not furnished or oceupied in February 1946, To be ?coupled by a navw1 unit, according to civilians. A sanatorium was also under construction near the town On the northern tip of Naval unit (blue uniform with the bay near BALARLAVA yellow-black cap-ribbons) of unidentified strength On the western side of the bay Naval personnel, believed to be crews of ships 25X1A Another 14 (1111 con- firmed to interrogator fn) tha , nftval bar- racks of 20 thres-story building (130x35 feet) was under construction east of the Severnaya Cove in September 1947. Sixteen bui1dint4s were completed by ht time and eight three-story barracks buildings were under construction sow hundred feet to the NN. The latter buildings were also to he u,oupied by naval pereonnol., IOIENIZ:Vd1.11131W069.36.,,50%...1.4.1?112..N.101.1?01111,11.3.....M?MINIONJIMPAVIMOMMA3101????.10.14..../1110.1411.1406 77. DekLA7LAVA. 'ALTA (44'-' ttv, 11/3.4ri :Qks) 3.IVAD:A '44-29N 34-09E) i=E-3,REI-G0hIROit/UL% OhLY Sanitize. roved For Release : CIA-RD - 00, eiRidfilitibfffin to Naroh 1949 .7uno work the 119.-rbor a, P 1) F-2 work in the harbor area 10 Barrac%s Northeastern tip (one four-story of the bay, east brick building, of the rail- atcnt 260x330 feat) road station 2. Barracks (one- new four-otory brick building, about 260x80 feet, and one old four-story brick buidatr:abeut- 280:c80 foot) Barracks (with athletic field) Ailitery quarters q)rominent, four otory brick buil- ding Military .qu tero So nn hundred feet south of the men-. tioned barracks on the eastern shore of the bay On the slope along the ? eastern edge of the bay Eastern town exit near the upper edge ef the bluff on the western town perimeter SECRzT-CONTROLIW OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Approved For Release: CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390009-3 25X1A Attachment 1 Occupied i;o capacity by unidentified per- sonnel Occupied to capacity (the ziew building sir.e April. i947) Naval personnel, armed with rifles, machine guns and submachine guns, were ob- served marching up the hill east of the bay. Civilians said that a naval school for naval recruits to racolve basic infantry training was in BALAKLAVA. Naval schooJ, diers under- went basic infantry training in front of the barracks and in the neighboring area. School perewq- ne,1jc3 diving practices in the - harbor. Very young seamen(17 to 18 years of age) were seen in February 1940 and Aarch 1940. Infantry unit of two companies assigned tr, the .1.:iniatry of the Interior, armed with small arms, light and heavy machine guns, assigned to guard duty Armored vehicles were never seen in YALTAc Infantry unit or three compa, nies, assigned to the Ministry of the Interior, wearing red,,, ,borderad blue epaulets and red- bordered blue, caps, armed with 25X1A Another PW 11. confirmed to in- terroator F) that a naval schol with a personnel of about 450 was at the same pinc Diving lart,;Je;i light divers suits were held, Crew members of a cruiser stationed in the harbor were also quartered in thia ac6741 6chc.1_ No coastal fortifications or AA gun emplacements were dbserved et? SIMFEROPOL (46?55g IV 34 0.1 E) August te November 1948 SECRET-CONTRO Us OFFICIAL3 ONL'i Sanitized - ? ? ov r?Tio CIA-RDP8 ? A 7 a. F b. cone-true- tion military inetallations 1. Barracks (.ahreeestory brick building) 2. Military quarters (can- tonment) About 1?000 feet SE of the railroad station, on the Sel side of Pushkina- kaya Street (large street with trees leading from the Pailroad station towards OE) About 20600 feet 3SK of the railroad station cast of the railroad line to SEVASTOPOL 5, Barracks SM city sector, about (modern instal- 5,000 feet south of the lations, large railroad station brick buildings 40 Tank gara- South of the tank school gas (three woo- den buildings: four semi-under- ground fuel tanks) SECUT-CONTBOL S OJTICIALS ONLY Sanitized - Approved for Release: CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390009-3 2bAlik Attachment 1 small arms, light and heavy machine guns and three to six motorized light AT guns, equipped with 20 to 25 Studebaker and ZIS trucks and 8 to /0 jaeps, assigned to guard duty, also in the LIVADIA Cast- le. where STALIN stayed in 1948. Tonk unit of one battalion Unit amounting to one batta- lion of three compsnies of 100 to 120 leen each, equipped with small arma, light and heavy ma- chine guns, includi-ng numerous Maksim machine guns. The unit was believed to be a talk unit. Tank achool;about 150 instruction personnel and more than 1,000 trainees fell in on the ocaa- sion of a military celebration. Officers wore tpnk insignia. 15 to 20 T34 tanks, inciuding five or six with guns of about 100 mm caliber with mule brake; 10 to 15 JS tanks with AA ma- chine guns and rod antenna in the rear; 15 to 20 sr guns of 122 and 150 mm caliber Soldiers stated that the units were the I and II Bias of the 272d Tank Regt/elst Tank Div which had been in gungary up to the end or 1946. The division aloe included another tank regiment which Was not located in SILIFEROPOL Offcers of the units wore tank insignia, 25X1A Another IV =) tole in- terrogator (F) that he ob- served 18 to 20 tanks of difTerent types in an old long shed rof the last time in June 1949 (the shed ARS near a military quarters, FEODOSIYA ?02a 11/ -35?5 Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-SHIEW0=004APAMMOISNOMY CENTRAL INTELLIGACE AGENCY 25X1 A Attachment 1 a946 to Naroh 1948 a, C 5. Ordnance park for the storage' of guns (1,30x 650afoot area with board fences two Wooden sheds)(?). Barracks (several long briok buil- dings) About 650 feet SSff of the railroad etation In the town areae about 50300 feet west or the harbor SECRET-CONTROOS OFFICILLS ONLY Sanitized - Approved For Release: CIA-RDP82-00457R007400390009-3 with muzzle brake,8 to 10 tank chassis, The tanks ap- peared to be well maintained, Some rore used fOr praotice runs by the tank school. Trai- nees were repeatedly obeerved on the tank chassis. Ono or two oompanies from other querto were daily observed to leave on 10 to 12 tanks for a training area sa of the rail- road station 15 to 20 canvas -covered rocket launcher 0 to 15 76,2 mm gW1 s, Heavy guard. Infantry unit of one battalion of three or four companies, armed with riflea, eubmaohine guns light machine guns and light mor- tare The troops, who wore no nuMbers on their epaulets? were observed on a practice march, called tank bar- racke), No repair ahop was near the shed_ Observed troops wore tank insignia) moat ware war dot& tim Durtg tho or May Pard o in 1947 the Pif obeervod a mo- torized artillery unit with five guile of about 150 mm caliber,towed by email caterpillar tractors. Th a unit waa followed by a motor transport unit with old trucks,. Fellow Pas said that the flatillery Bar- racks were ma a road leading NE_ About one company of very young coldiers (cadetc?), wearing black trousers with two broad, red stripeve wee also obterved,, 25X1 A Another PTMt told the ? same interrogator that in 1948 he observed firing prac- tices with mortars and ? artillery pieces near the town e A dotail of PKe was asaigned to the construe- of barraaksioii three-story brick buildings) near the barber, Infantry and artillery units were stationed in the town,