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Document Creation Date: 
December 14, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 14, 2003
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Publication Date: 
March 14, 1951
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'Approved For Release 2003/9?/12,: CIA-PDP82-00457R00730066 afALUATION --Z-a ,--M,:,.. ----- - ....PLACE OBTAINED_ j DATE OF OOv'gTENl...__.,. 1 Ilor"nrv to ? .+` iriihr~r 1Ag9 k25;TE OBTAINED ='EEERENCES 'AGES.._._ . 2 _-ENCLOSURES (N S. & tYPED 25X1 5X1 0 25X1 25X1 I The Adolf itl r ICaserne was occupied to capacity by soldiers wearing red--bordered black e s ?.. war stricted to quarters, :..otor - veri.cles " , sere seen. (2) 25X1 B lr, + trreen 3j January and 3 February 1951, the aucher Kaserne in Dresden ('N 52/F 29) was apparently not occupied to capacity. Young; soldiers we,arin -reen epaulets .-rere observed in the installation, Passenger oa occupied by four officers, was seen. (1) 25X1 B 2 3? The ;,renadier Kaserno was occupied to capacity by soldiers who wore red- bordered black epaulets. :..,any officers of-all ranks and branches of ser- vice, and heavy uehi.cular traffic, were observed between 30 January and 3 FF'Pbruary, all the ira_oortant officers 6 meetings, indoctrination courses and lectures, including those for officers .from other military posts, took placp in the club house of the Grenadier Kaserne. The Ht) (iiandelsoz anicati.on)(Trade 0r;anization) hotel managers were instruc- ted to send Soviet officers to the club house for night lodging in case their hotels were filled. (3) 25X1 B The Koenig '.ieorg Kaserne was occupied to capacity by soldiers wear !%! red- bordered blac,e epaulets, :. for vehicles weere seen there. (4) On 1. Febrruary, barbers employed in the Flak Kaserne, Dresden-'r.ickern, said that tips installation quartered 300 men, including officers. The barbers, who were served all meal . in the installation, stated that food was poor,, The soldiers had loaves of bread and foodstuffs brought to them at the fence by local civilians. Necessities and luxuries were sold in the iristalla-- tion by the IHO store several tiaes Yreekly. Lcval residents said that eij;ht AT guns, wosumab of 76 rnn were stationed in the billL.ting area,, ? lr vehicles I loccupied by soldiers wearing red--bordered black epaulets without branch-of-service :rpre seen there., (5) )c' 25X1 B 25X1 CLASSIFICATION 25X1 `r\ a ,-_..._.___~-.._.__._...... __._.. ..m...__,:..._.~~..._.....,~..~~.....~ 01 No Gild Scirwe In l.!laaSS ` _wl wwwwww U Uerlss:lwk~d Glass. Claa;q&rd To; TS S Auth,: >N 10- Approved For Release 2003/08/12: CIA-RDP82 9jW.R AQ g992-1 r 25X1 ? Approved For Release 2003/08/12: CIA-RDP82-00457R007300660002-1 25X1 SECTINT 25X1A ICntsp 25X1A 25X1A (1) It has been kno6m since 190 Bucher Kaserne quarters an. .MID unit. (2) This information contradicts previous observations 25X1 I 25X1 Iwho have reported very little activity in the Adolf Hitler 25X1 A aserne since March 1950. To date, a si szzal unit and a mainten. unit were believed to be stationed there. (3) Previous reports indicated that the IIq First Gds Lecz Army has been 25X1 A located in the Grenadier Ifaserne since January 1950, 25X1 A This is confirmed by the present report, (4) According to a previous report, it is believed that the 7th -Ids 1,1v Tank GI' negt of the 11th Gds Tank Div tered in the Koenig Georg Kaserne. 25X1 A (5) The estaxzate of the number of from s in the Flak Kaserne a;Tre ti 25X1 evious reports 25X1A 25X1A JL CH1~TA 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R007300660002-1