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,??;?? Approved For Release 2003/08/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R00690060062,_...b 7:NTiAL COUt.7TRY CLASSIFICATION SA&G Germany (Soviet ,;one) ? oric 4.4m4?coarY Information from ren EVALUATION See t.c..'icsv _PLACE OBTAINED_ DATE OF CONTENT 8 to 23 ilovember 1950 256Alit REFE.RENCFS PAGES_?.2.-....?ENOLCSURES +1.1,01.6.? 25X1 DATE PREPARED 17 January 1451 (O & T(PE) _ 25X1 ...11141121.164.41.2*.* 10,11.1.*. 25X1 25X1 1. Between 11 and 23 November 1950, the Koenig Georg Kaserne and sections of the Koenig Albert Kaserne, Dresden-AIbertstadt (N 52/F 29), were occupied by troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, some with tank and artillery insignia. On 13 November, four JS tanks left the installations toward the Heller training ground, he tanks seemed new and had no tactical symbols or numbers. The following day, a JS tank was observed near the installation, firing single shots from its machine gun into a gravel pit. No ve- ce officers eon going to the officers wore hicular traffic vas. ebswr wearing tank and artillery the :;oldschloesschen Quarter, billeted there. (1) ? The SS Kaserne wailder Mane quartered troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets. No branch-of-service insignia were noted. Only a few soldiers were seen. No training activity could be observed. . The Nachrichten Kaserne, Dresden-Uebigau, lims Occupied by troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets without branch,-of-seirvice instraia. 25X1 Nri training activity was observed on 27 and 23 Novebber.1 25X1 5X1 25X1 4o Between 10 and 23 Novamber? near the Nachrichten Kas_rne, nresden-Uebigau, that a motorized infantry battalion ;as quartered there, .,oldirers obs:xved wore red- bordered black epaulets without branch-of-service insignia, Five personnel carriers were parked in the barracks yard. No training activity as observed in the billeting area. The two northern barracks buildings on Klingorstrasse were occupied by soldiers with closely cropped hair. Several rooms in the northern section of the large barracks building on ',ashingtonstrasse were vacant. Only about two- thirds of tho windows of that building were lighted in the evening, (3) S. The Flak Kaserne? Dresden-Nickerns quartered troops wearing red-bordered black epaulets, Some of the soldiers had their hair closely cropped. ? _ CLASSIFICATION SET r2 _ - ija:t1; _1 :3_ JO! 1Y72 -5 Approved For Release 2003/08/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R00600060 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R006900600011-2 ? CoN Fi D TI,,AL 2 The low brick barracks in the western section of the billeting area were occupied to aboet 70 percent of capacity. The vacant trick barracks there were without doors and wiedows. Thirty-five soldiers were observed firing at a makeshift sistol range in the southeastern corner of the billeting area. (4) The restricted area of the 3aldschloesschen Quarter is bounded on the north by Redebergerstrasse from Nordallee to Sischhausstrasse; on the east by Fischhausstrasse; on the south hy Beetzenerstrasse; and on the west b; llaldschloesschanstrasse. The est-west streets loceted in the restricted area were BoehmeAstrasse, Bettinastresse, and Jedeichstrasse, while the north-south streets were Auf dem MeisTnberg? Anselikastrasse? and Klarastrasse.I 'said that 45 villas there were requisitioned and vacatdd betWeen 15 and 22 Neveenber. The Germans evicted were told that their villas -would be needed for only a few weeks. At the same time, the Soviets discharged all Uerean personnel in the ,;aldschloess- chen Quarter. A Handelsorganization (trade organization) (HO) department store,anHO restaurant, and several HO shops were also evacuated. It was said that the soviet military commander of Land Saxony was billeted in the villa at the intersection of Heideparkstrasse and Poehmertstrasse. (5) 7. The former Lehmann Sanatorium was used as a eoviet hospital and was occupied by about 1:200 mon. (6) 6. About 1,000 officers were billeted in the .:;eidner villa on Ludwig Richter- strasse and in the former sanatorium loceted farther to the south. The former Christian Palais had been converted into an officers hospital and rest center. (6) At the tine of observation the hospital was occupied by about 1,000 officers. 9. No Soviet troops were observed in Radebeel on 29 November 1950. (7) "LO. Between 19 and 2 ovember, the Soviet unit quartered in the Leftkriege- schule, DresdensZlotzsche, held night firing practice with rifles at the lAotzsche range almost every night. A field exercise was conducted on Fuchsberg on 24 November. Five calms, each of 42 men wearing red-bordered green epaulets and armed with short rifles, submachine guns with drum maga- zines, and heavy, water-cooled machine guns, were seen returning to the installation from the field exercise. (8) 11. There has been no information to determine the identity of the unit quartered in the Luftnachrichtenschuls., On 26 november, fresh t,nk tracks were seen, crossing the Eerier training grounds toward the Autobahn. On 8 November: 10 officers wearing golden epaulets with one red stripe, two stars, and tank insignia, boarded a streetcar at the Luftacchrichten- schule and rode it as far as the junction of the road to the Klotzsche airfield. The officers carried suitcases. They sursequently walked toward the airfield. The civilian houses previously occupied by officers of the Luftnachrichtenschule were derequisitioned in late October, the officers having moved into the Luftnachrichtenschule. (9) 25X1 omments, e installa ion had quartered about 1,500 troops, allegedly beloneine to a heavy tank reeiment, during the wieter 1949/1950, See The presence of JS tanks indicates that the unit returned to its quarters upon completion of the 1950 waterer exercises at Neenir;sbrueck. For a sketch of the Koenis Georg Kaeorne and the Koenig Albert Kasorne. bee Annex 1. .2.) The installation has been known to quarter headquarters units oi the First Lecz Army and components of the 11th r4s Teak Div, For a sketch of the SS Kaserne wTider sce Lnnex 2. 25X1 25X1 SL'C\i 2. Approved For Release 2003/08/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R006900600011-2 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006900600011-2 Z\l,FILJENTIAL CI7 25X1 3 (3) The occupation of this install-tion nay have ch 'c:? 'because the troops observed there in the spring of 1250 -mre radio: orrineer, and motor trans)ort nsnia 25X1 For a sketch of the Jachrienten Aas,Jrile, uresaen?uaoi:-aulse- Innex 3. The inst-illation 7:las occupied t about 500 tr000s of the 11th Cds Tank jiv in the s.lrin: of 1:)5). 25X1 In addition : there -ias a hosoi 2) The SCC for Land 5axon y now:d from the 3ronarlier ?,Isarne to former contrn1 komendatura on .1n,' to the ,;old? selloesschen auarter as Jalu5ry 173. 25X1 sOMO See It is eossiLle tint only of the hu*idin:p of the -aldschloesschen 4narter were required for housin7, soviet offices in January 1950. (6) J 7no Liovi_:t hosoital had been de? but reopened at the and of February ' activated in the fall of 194-, 12D, allegedly for tuberculosis 1.1atients. The 25X1 -eidner villa. was 22rev1ous1y re':)orted to have Leon usea as a Soviet ho6pital. The number of officers seen there appears too hi:h. (7) ooviet troops were aithdraun from Iladcboul in January and February 1250, the headquar nrs and units havins-: alleT;edly moved. to Dresdenord 25X1 and Klotzsche (3) Confirms that the Tuftkriegsscule is occuie an :-UD unit, probably an :Aill battalion. (9) Tienty?tio T-34 tanks arrived at the Luftnachrichtanschule from Xoenigsbrueek in late September 1-'50. 25X1 The unit in the Luftnahrichtenschule is believed to be a.con)onent of the 11th 3ds Tank Div. CON17 DEN b. Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R006900600011-2