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Document Release Date: 
January 9, 2001
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Publication Date: 
November 5, 1951
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(.exierai : jilitar Inf=. ation from the Soviet Zone of Gera an`r :PACES ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS- SW.L,,tar.v of para?ranh" s 2" 3 5 and b ? ---- _pre,4ou4y - -bar mt3ae caruaroe? 3" trucks passed thrown T>osslau toward Dessau, a crane and timber, (5) 5" rL Lrafim which stood at the Oschatz railroad station on 15 October consisted of 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 C 1. Gn (3 October 1951, 5 tank trucks axv 2 trucks 25X1 C .:ere seen on a troop train which passe ;rlrou~ e Dres en_. Klotzsche railroad station toward hoen1 sbruoclc, (1) ?; On. 9 October, the barracks installation on the east side of ;asitinc tonstra.sse, Dresden-t'6 bjL;au, was rnero heavily occupied t ben observed .-Tore blackk-bordered black epaulets and rre orrdorred. black epaulotso A convoy of 2L trucks with soldiers black-''.or tiered b-? aci: epaulets was seen e>.nt=r1 -, the installar;:ionb =:inetoon of the trucks -?:i- z Ti( e- LZ't i C inr' eCll~1 )P1C?nt '.'72~i^,Z.'~ :~41!? t~fln 'r ?s aserne was vacant. () On 9 October, six canoui'1a ed 25X1 C 1,.1 _... .E;a SU111 a ip aCeti the .'. o vor' and between ..ashin,-,,,tonstrasse anti cl7 ~rfcn ~r?,.,cr t;ra; ce" `-,u:enty-.two soldiers were playing, soccer and 10 soldiers -ere rratchin " (3) On 11 October, 'bsilletin,, equipmment, ;uardod by about 20 soldiers, was piled on the loadin; ra~:tp of the. kcrnbur -?..aldau railroad station, The Adolf Hitler an undetermined numbor of boxcars with troops and flatcars carry 3 n4 10 trucks 25X1 C ti tracks he railroad station to the Infanterie i aserne and the 1'ianen Ka tern" The troops observed it'h the vehicles Tjore red--bordered black epaalets0 Or 16 Oc ttober about 50 soldiers with red--bordered ,lack- epaulets, 10 heavy tanks 25X1 C CLASSIFICATION ^: m Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-IIDP82-00457R00950009 -0 g3 25X1 C L,.1.;Tr CL/uJ o 1'I ii:i,; o;:Iz Approved For Release?2001/03/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R009500090002-0 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 C 65, 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 A ~ori~y^nts. (1) The tank trucks 'belonged to the 9th Tank Div., Two other sou'ces reported that the division started returning to its home station; during the sn. aQ 25X1A dorm The sh1ppir~- of tank trucks to the troop training F rouur is indicates that some components were to retuxn by roado 25X1 C (2) The vehicle according to proviou information,, assi ;Tied to a 'eadquarters engineer unit of the First Gds i'.'kcz Arrcy; Tt can therefore be concluded that, components of the hitherto unlocatoci lit, Assault En; l er t of the army are stationed in the ?barrac?ts installatjori in Dresden? ?JoUi~laud '_, 1eT.-fonts of the unit probably returned frorri ons~ineer exercirest, 3 trucks and 1 arb on., 25X1 C operant ay, soic.iers with red-bordered black epa e ?sq billeting equipment and aumunition boxes to tic air. fi.cid, (6) Dn 17 Oc tobe H the occupation of the barracks install..ti.o s in Leip,-iC.. zoo :lie had. not chin ;ed? Vehicles observed at the Aio t.c>z-'r,lic?c ICa ornc had from the i.:arkramstodt railroad station., to Vie' barracks ristallation in Lein zig_c:,choonau,; (7) On 16 October {1c;.Wrevor.,, the ice; t}i:is sw i or0 ) The A ,--,in er.: )) 7n* ;