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F+IDENTIAIi -" C r2 25X1 A , Approved For Release 2001/03P82-00457R008600100012-7 .. c T us Ua A`~ Lu d Ella CU,SSIFICATIO CO U X1 7" "v~a'~-c, x. ~.s, ~...~.~. savxiel .e. REPORT NO. ~..Y.~~,..V..~..: TOPIC ''Soviet Rail P,overments 25X1C 25X1X EVALUATION 25X1 C DATE OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED DATE PREPARE?_.,. 16 August 1951 25X1A REFERENCES PAGES0 -ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE)-_- REMARKS _ __._._ 25X1X SOURCE 1. Supply shipments identified from the records of the Frankfurt/Oder railroad station between 15 and 17 July 1951 included: 25X1X 25X1 C #,hlnment Train of 21 boxcars and 19 flatcars with billeting equipment 2 boxcars with ammunition 3 boxcars with ammunition I boxcar and 1 flatcar with Item 14 goods 2 boxcars with military goods 2 flatcars with structural iron 2 boxcars with iron ingots HIoppegarten C) to VJciensdorf 15 July Finow to Cottbus 15 July Finow to Finsterwalde 15 July Strausberg to Falkensee 15 July Finow to I.luellrose 15 July Lichtenberg to Ketschendorf 15 July Obersehoeneweide to Ketschendorf 15 July CONFIDENTIAL c Change In Class. M Doclassaled Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-R0(00100012-7 Cale: Boa -~` -_ Class. Changed To: TS S &IJ ? Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 `CONFIDENTIAL' 25X1A 25X1 C 25X 1 boxcar with military goods 2 boxcars witl:~. military goods boxcar and 1 flatcar with 2 field kitchens 7 boxcars with military goods 6 boxcars with military goods 4 boxcars with military goods Train of 8 boxcars and 16 flatcars with soldiers and military goods 1 flatcar with I truck l boxcars with military goods 7 boxcars with ration supplies Frankfurt/Oder to I3ernburg 15 July Frankfurt/Oder to Jueterbog 15 July Frankfurt/Oder to Wildpark 15 July Potsdam to rrankfurt/Oder 15 July Eberswalde to Muel.lrose 15 July Eberswalde to Lieberose 15 July Eberswalde to Lieberose 16 July Neubrandenburg to Chemnitz 17 July Muellrose to 17rJulyeser Frankfurt/Oder to Lieberose 17 July 10 boxcars with Frankfurt/Oder to military goods Jueterbog 17 July Shipments of unknown cargo which were listed in the records of the "th Subdistrict Office of the Berlin railroad district between 13 and `2'24 July, included: CO1~TF'IDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 25X1A 25X1 C 6 boxcars 18 boxcars 1 flatcar 1 boxcar 2 flatcars Train of A3 boxcars and flatcars; possibly a troop train 3 boxcars 12 boxcars 3 gondola cars I boxcar Train of 30 boxcars and 5 flatcars; possibly a troop train 1 boxcar 18 boxcars 3 gondola cars 2 boxcars SECRET-CONTROL/US OFFICIALS O - 3 - ^ From-Ta Rathenow to Stendal, Finow and Gerwisch P 3 July Satzkorn to Brest Litovsk, Altengrabow and Klausdorf 13 July V usternark to 14 July Stendal Ratbenow to 15 July Brest Litovsk Satzkorn to 15 July Volmirstedt Wustermark to 15 July Wuensdori' Falkensee to 16 July Dresden Rathenow to 1 tJuly Strausberg Satzkorn to 16 July Dresden Falkensee to 17 J U1y Dresden Rathenow-Nord to 17 July Jueterbog Wustermark to 18 July Wuensdorf Dallgow-Doeber?itz to 18 July 'Frankfurt/Oder Satzkorn to is July Brest Litovsk Falkensee to 19 July Falk berg Da11gow-Doeberitz to 19 July Br?andenbur g-Alts tadt SLCR ' CQNTROL/US UFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 25X1A 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 3 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C ?5X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 SECRET-CONTROL/US OFFICIALS ON la boxcars ETA Satzkorn to Magdeburg, Bernburg, Kremmen, Teltow and Wurzen Train of 10 boxcars and 42 flatcars; possibly a troop train 22 boxcars 3 gondola cars 2 boxcars 2 boxcars Train of 6 boxcars and 10 flatcars 1. boxcar Train of 14 boxcars and 32 flatcars; possibly a troop train M PAII 20 July Rathenow-Nord to 21 July Altengrabow Satzkorri to Kaulsdorf, Magdeburg, Altengrabow and Wurzen 21 July Falkensee to nberg Ratheiow to Schwerin 23 July 23 July Rathenow-Nord to 23 July Aschersleben Dallgow-Doeberitz to 23 July Altengrabow Dallgow.Doeberitz to 24 July Groben Boetzow to 24 July Altengrabow 27 boxcars Satzkorn to Magdeburg and Dresden 24 July Shipments of unknown cargo which vere listed in the records of the 5th Subdistrict Office of the Berlin railroad district between 13 Y~ ~rwere consigned to: the Kech office in F alkensee% Unit etzow; in S in asterme.rk z; o -DOeber .tz; Urti in Rathenr~w U in ''ustermark; n a tz orn; and In noetzaw rat) SBCBRT-CONTROL/US OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 25X1A SECRET-C ONTROL/US OFFICIALS .11 25X1A he is probably the shipment.record number of a troo p train rather than an AFN. It also seems possible that, coincident to the transfer of the officer and from Potsdam and :Doeberltz to Wuensdorf, another school of the MFG was moved to W-Vuensdor:f from the area east of Berlin. (2) The two troop trains Prom VWustermark to VJuensdorf belong to the 25X1C C3) e, movemen effecting, the transfer of ' d sold:H ers of the courses f - ro after _8 July. 25X1C (4) a on s to the st mean Div which indicates that l ?5X1C (5) 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C 25X1 C G ee train proba ly carried a component of this division, Other components of the division went to the Altengrabow troop tre,1ning x?ound Z t ar s or training cycles in relay and J t .e 1951 a is assigned to an unidentified regiment of the lst (components of which ~s~ acti r~ .4- h~ a>~'ngra owr in " '? 17 I a 9. he ll i 8 o ow ng units are cone 1rmed by Hq of the lst L>Iecz Div in Doeberitz until 24 July. a repair shop of the GOFr, in r'dildau until 17 July. 800th Ration Supply Depot of the GOFG in Satzkorn until 24 July. 53d Central Repair Shop, of the COFG in Berlin-Oberschoenewe1de until 17 July. q 31st AAA Div in Schoenwalde until 24 July, an unidentified regiment of the 31st AAA Div in the Schoenwalde area until 24 July. 820th Ration Supply Depot of the GOFG in Frankfurt/Oder until 17 July. 12th r.=obile Arty Shop of the Fourth Gds L.iecz Army in I etschendorf until 17 July. 123d Tank Repair Shop of the GOFG in L'ue11rose until 17 July. Hq 10th Gds Tank Div in ICrampnltz until 15 July. Third Shock Army ordnance depot in Moegelin until 16 J'uiye an unidentified unit of the 6th (7) Gds AAA Div of the GOFG in Chemnjtz until 17 July. Hq 7th Gds l ecz Div in Fuerstenwwaalde until 17 July. The other= are commented on as follows belonged to the 618th Rifle Regt of the 215th Rifle Div in was WarII. The regiment was either deactivated or the APN 'tl las misidentified. SLCRET.CONTRoL/uS OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7 ONFIDENTIAL 25X1A 25X1 C was on several rail travel authorizations examined In the Soviet Zone of Germany. has been reported only from Altengrabow in conjunction with ammunition shipments. belongs to an unidentified artillery unit of the 6th Arty Div in lathenow, 25X1 C 25X1 C was twice reported from Rathenow o was first reported by another source from Drewitz in June 19.. With the exception of all other have been repeatedly mentioned in repor s on raa movements. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008600100012-7