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August 15, 1951
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Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300680009-1 0- CLASSIFICATION CONFiDEJTIAL/CONT:ZC?I,. U.S. OF'rICIAI.65+." LA,Y PNTELLOFAX 23 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NOM INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY China/Macao/Iiong Kong SUBJECT Chinese Communist Trade through Itacao 25X1A PLACE ACQUIRED DATE DISTR. 15 Aug. 1951 NO. OF PAGES 2 r'A EFERENCE uupf NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) DATE OF 2 ?? ~```k NOT CIRCULATE SUPPLEMENT TO `t REPORT NO. 1. On 7 August 1951 there were 70 sets of 10x20 tires and 10 radio units, each consisting of a transmitter and receiver, in the warehouse of the Lain Fu () Trading Company in Macao. These goods had beea purchased in early August by the Bain 1"'u Trading Company on behalf of the . wangtung Foreign Trade Bureau, and were soon to be sent to Canton. The radio units had been bought in bong for HK 43,000 per unit, and the tires from the Chien Ho ( ) Trading Company, 1 October Fifth Street, Macao, for ILK X3,500 per set. 2. On 7 August there were 500 pieces of steel plate, some 3 inches by 2 inches and the rest 5 inches by 2~ inches, in the Chenhsing rrarehouae, Ch' ingehou districtl, Macao, awaiting shipment to Caxton. This material had been purchased in Hong Kong by the an Kuang Company, and sent to cacao on 25 July on the SS TA LAI. According to an employee of the Ping Chang Comparj2 of Macao, this company in early August 1951 was trying to arrange a barter exchange with the Macao Government of 600 tons of rice for military supplies to be sent to Coi unist China. The South China Foreign Trade Bureau had sent this rice to Tiiaaao from Canton on five Chinese Communist vessels, on 8 August. 4. According to a Chinese Communist army officer, on 10 August there were 200 tons of gasoline, truck parts and drugs in the Shuinan (ij` I ) -warehouse, Kongmoon. These goods had been sent to Kongmoon from Canton on 5, 7 and 8 August, and were soon to be sent by water to Hainan.3 5. In early August the Chinese Communists were planning to use Tewansharn (Great Ladrone) Island (113-44, 21-56), in the Pearl River Delta area, as an unloading point for vessels from the Philippines, Panama, Canada, Ryukyus and Japan carrying cargoes of materials difficult to obtain in Hong Kong because of the embargo. wharves Were being built on the island, as well as warehouses where cargoes could be stored pending shipment to the mainland. The bricks and lumber required for the construction of the wharves and CLASSIFICATION CO' I ID ;d :IAL f CONTROL r An x raA xT n=3 DISTMUTION ALUS Annroved For B?Y2OOj/7! Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300680009-1 lo'la) 1AIAL/(X) T'#.CL - U,'.3, OFlr'ICIALS OILY C:*N'Tk AL i T6L1IGi l CL AGENCY warehousas was obtained from Ch?jenshan (, !j rl.d ), '1's' uiwei f113-30, 2'W-'-16) ~;nd flsiaoohou (113-2O? ; 3,6-04) villages; Chungahan,, by dismantling teukp..ces ira those areas, G. vn 9 august there were apixoximatoly bi)O drums of gasoline in +arnbc;u o 2 of the Chinese Communist South airaa import and .4xpor?t Company, The ware=, house, which 5is in. Tay urt k.' cu (); yy )~ j . i''angts"un (; j~ .4 )? in the suburbs of Canton, was guarded by a plstocn cf (-Ilinese G", mmunist troops., The & had been purchased in . scao aad shipped to Canton. 25X1A 1 ~ Com,-nent , In English this is known as ireen Island, in ?ort c IIh orde. 2"25511 Co,,ment., There have been m&ay reports of shipments direct from i,-iacao to 4ongmoon; shipment, from Canton to liongmoon roundabout, if the goods in question were obtained in either ,,acari or Long Kong, '7kIU':;'I1'It1L.~G0'dl`!tGI. - U.S. CFPIC;IAL; OMLY Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008300680009-1