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, ----.4 5X1A 'PILv F LOW i CLASSLFICATIQN. -1 IAIS OM Approed or Keiease --zu 1 . . ..? 4-57R008/0 Poland COUNTRY --------- ,_?_-__REPORT NO. Personnel Control and Conditione of Frankfurt/Oder-Brest Litovsk 1,111.- mim .1,././ 2 X1111aM111.101961.11110.1.11011??????1062,..n.A.V. EVALUATION 2 X1C DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED-- 5X1A REFERENCES __PLACE OBTA1NE ..? DATE PREPARED 18 June 1951 m PAGES 2 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS? 2 X1X iaMO?nal.azialIamommmaaael .11?601101.1.1111.11NeeNormlIKOMOARLTOWIS 3,111311?4010.brwymPlaaMi.antbrairMasicilaiiarl. SOURCE ? 40..2 084.41WMIWWfmaliM..W*00[1,.....10144n*WWW.M.1.1016.11411.....mmall.M.4110.....PMW.M.W.W.211,4. 1. The papers of the train crew are checked in Kunersdorf (Kunewic0;the first railroad station in the Polish adninistration territory. (1) The customs inspection is performed at the Reppen railroad station, which has been enlarged during recent months.. Four new tracks have been laid there. (2) The first Polish engine pilots who boarie. the locomotive in Frankfart/Oderi,is relieved at Reppen. The engine pilots are changed at every coaling stations i.e., in Posen, Kuno, Sochaczaws Siedlce, and Brest Litovsk. The pilot is also chanced in jarsaw but no coal is taken an there. The last Polish engine pilot leaves the locomotive in maIaezewicze.(3) 2e Ellaczewicze:e a large mershaling yard which is still being enlarged. Two or three transloading ramps with Soviet-gaene tracks are in operation and are still being enlarged? (4) 3. A Polish engine pilot boards the locomotive at the first Soviet railroad station. He remains on the train as far as Brest Litovsk. ;then entering Brest Litovsks the German train personnel is thoroughly searched by Soviet soldiers. Service regulations and German magazines are put in a box, which is then sealed. The books are returned to the Germans on thoir return trip after leaving the Brest Litovsk railroad station. During their stay in Brest Litovsk, the German personnel is under constant guard by 2 to 4 Soviet soldiers. This makes it impossible for the Germans to talk with the Soviet population, However, in spite of these security measures, children and adults do succeedin approaching the German train in order to beg for food. 4. The Brest Litovsk railroad station has been considerably enlarged since 19450 It is impossible to obtain a survey of the entire railroad station area from one point. Goods are being transferred in long sheds provided with standard-gauge and Soviet gauge tracks. The transfer operations cannot be seen by the Germans. The empty ears are assembled in trains, which are operated by Soviet personnel to the boundaries of the freight station where they are taken over 113)1 the German personnel .(5) 25X1C onstents (1) raor?arirs-71 agreement made between tho boviets Polish and Russian Zone authorities the German train crews are subjected to customs regulations? Le. _ CLASSIFICATION SECT= CONTROL/US OFFICIALS ONLY Army Ee Document No. No Change In Clam DeclaW5ed Clam Changed To: TS S Antha A,FI 70. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA- 082---e0? 004100ZEL. 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 3LCR.IT CC4'TtOL/40S OFFICIALS OULY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100450004-3 CONFIDENTIAL (2) aeppen is a railroad junction on the FrankfurtMer?Brest Litovsk linet. Its improvement is reported for the first time, (3) The coaling static, s are laid down in a special agreement, (4) The conversion of this railroad station to a transloadir standard?gauge to bovie (5) It is not clear which of the three of four transloading points in Brest Litovsk is meant, Llrest Litovsk is scheduled to handle 12 Soviet transit trains daily, auge was previously reported, Slt;CRET caramits OFFICIALS MU (-1PIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100450004-3