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December 19, 2016
Document Release Date:
August 15, 2005
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Publication Date:
May 17, 1962
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Approved FWelease 2006/03/17 : CIA-RDP80B01M019001200
Aww. .. i
PU$MM'r: General Taylor (Itss 9); Mr. Joheson;,Mr. McCoast
SUBJECT: Minutes of Mieetrug of the Special Group, 17 Way 1%2
Mr. Willis. Gmdy and General Lmmitssr
Captain Dankworth and Lt. Colonel Cbaposa shoved the Group
rt-st.ita of Missions LARK and PALO=, including the iitrtiticetl.m of
a circu:ar SAM site and a new airfield.
Mr. McCone asked why it had taken so long for the. Grog to see
t':e results of LAddC, which was flown on the 12th of April, It wts-
drreed that there bad been much too long a delay.
Captain Dannvorth reported that the subsarLas reco+aaissancs
- ' let ed in c annect iou with CINCLANT's contingency planing was
ti,at it had occasioned no reaction, and that the beach
.ermined to be suitable for amphibious operations.
Nr. Jahnsou copsswtted on the sizeable number of covert political
117-, pro,ects which were being proposed for suggesting 25X1
t .Iw t perhaps an inventory of them should be made for higher authority.
Mr. McCune responded that when he had recently discussed actions of
3 on a `rand-wide basis with higher authority, the consent d
ride repeatedly that he was favorably inclined toward the 0 25X1
f.hc t,. approved the project as presented.
project and also of the entire covert action prog for 25X
Afte. Mr. McCune gave .es Group further dstailg Of this particular
This project trait approved. Mr. McCune emphasised that it was
bring presented only as a contingency, and that be believed it would
rob~en;; net Le required. He added that he had reiterated the
NSC review(s) completed.
Approved For Release 2006/03/17: CIA-FTDP 0~16A 001900120019-1
Approved FWelease 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80B01 R001900120019-1
2- E. SONLY scu tI
-" ysis an oparatiaaal problaa;
possibility of reeaaalin the #.#. had, but as"
p ?r rws prtlsularly ta, hoer 01
restrictions i0po1ed by the Ambassador, i.e..
btr. Jobggsoa co ,ad on the lass Alt i& -4
need f
uaz or It was noted that the purpose of the pr. t L~. to b ld to, two
Political parties. is a coast ry which has had we ia?s
government for thirty years,
Mr. McGone said that he would r.cr- -d a!- sL of the stated
t ota 1 figures only as a maxiaMaa, and that be pres. to 1"m t to
the Group within 90 days on progress wads to date. Paaw!ett said
General Taylor would have raised a similar psiat.
The Group than approved this. prolse~t, with jV;t'?IW a
stipulation that his approval was coati g a>ft on pelit3ye replica to
pertain questions which kate had posed to the astadss.
Mr. Johnson ref. .d to the approval by the the 19th
25X1 of April, of a pay of Oto an ladlvidmal iw 9901
'he Ambassad h
r e
raised certain queatto ab.a tW but the
Ambassador has been isfQnrd that the Departmiaaat te#di~ai t1ia N7+ t
-) be made.
1r. MCCone said that he had had a talk with
I I i ==I
about the polit c in had said
'"wt he thought the Would tP support sows of
the members of the act on of #-km is ardor to
dasure their cooperattele with' the an spesia#
to the left. This would tie true because these pe pla Wit, by such
action, remove tbessse mantis l suipp" t X10 #pt of the
or?saw an a~dizlmU a lieial
the Additional) be
ah" seas outside
S lipport y, fiU
his faction should be oiled through
t "p is order to achiavs the eh je tires of the
openir, to the left:, Mr. NcCoae pointed ou that this puts tbto
gituatton in a sosmWhat new light, amid that this aftle is bring
invetrigated further.
Approved For Release 2006/03/1? k 1301676R001900120019-1
Approved FWelease 2006/03/17: CIA-RDP80B0I 001900120019-1
Mr. Parrott as d" t,.hat Ges era I ' lour had had salt que stiems sa
to the extent t` ? the Sp"ial. actuslL ap,u ss iisiWcial
figures for tM came Were its After some discwaian,
It was agswd t at Lee of the Grow 10,40 Sivas peltop appre"I
sod that, while p srp to ash sack 419with kw.-
ledge of the &*W*jl off' of meWitu a of the P jft ?" s .
the Group should a : to pass era the dsiahil pd at cost
figures for each project. It was agreed that ett> it 1 frow
the estimated figesfs =sc old ct r.qut*o srNiird