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Approved For Release 2003/811`2 R1 P82-00457RS"0340014-4 CLASSIFICATION , rG 7' INTELLOFAX 23 CENTRAL IN LLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO, INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Austria/USSR SUBJECT PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OF INFO. Spedit ioriakontor betureen 3 and 30 1y 1951 CONFIDENTIAL: Shipments of Juschwneschtrana Transport- rand. 25X1 r 25X1 UM E1MUMIILV2=I'FAfl WFOR{ Anat C&PSCTINGTs9SF!A?t0;3AXP-MR&E OF WjfW 09MO MAZES IaMnja ME 2ZA%11W6 OP T!!Q R:W1OA6u AC7 50 a. S. C., $ M-3 &2. A3 I "ETUD20.. 179 'riiAt $VZ6 O 00 =2 > Rs?V0ldTS6fi t r =ITFica8 cu L= a4gu" SO Aka u98I3TII0w1c6 asi;cu ss rza, WWN" & % &:a. 8? 7 0'S OP Bids I'OPi s6: t>i^.O149M0. 25X1 25X1 Y CD NO. 25X1 DATE DISTR. 17 July 1951 NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LI D BELOW). SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED' INFORMATION This report, lists shipments of the 25X1 25X1 Soviet--controlled Vienna transport firm Juschl,neschtrans betv:een 3 and 30 P.ia;/ 1951. As indicated in previous reports of this series, because of circumstances coves e of Juschvneschtrans shipments is not complete but has covered 75 to 80 25X1 percent of the shipments to the Soviet Union.. Shaments Handled?Juschvneschtrans Shunts to the USSR Via ?DSG Barge to Ismail 2 v ite ? turbines, sach weighing 6.1 tons,is`.-Voith,._St__ 'oe J 100 electric motors, each weighing 11Grkilograms, from Tirovn-Boveri erke A.0," 16 electric motors, each weighing 60~'kiloc*rams, frog: Broz~n-Boveri "`erke A.G. 65 electric motors, each weighing" 300' kilograms, from Siemens-Schuckert Engerthstrasse. 154 electric motors, each weiFghing 110 kilograms, from Sie!?terts--Schuckert; Engerthstrasse. 14 electric motors, each t:e .ghing i 00 kilograms, from Sierlens-Schucker Siemensstrasse. 35 electric motors, each weighing 800 kilograms, from Siemens-Schuckort Siemensstrasse. 27 transformers, each weighing 600 kilograms, from Siermens-Sehuckert Sie.. mensstrasse. 34 transformers, each weighing 600 kilograms, from AEG Union Elektrizitaets- gesel,isehaft. 30 Diesel motors for trucks from Austro Flat. S7AT# ~. rr X HAEJY 7C N5s8 _Oiftsullon ~~ppR~,iY l4 lhTii 1-RiS-p?I1)GU fT4 #3~raahv ra ratFart' 4~c'f ._.__, GIB ' CLASSIFICATION SE T/ CONFIDENTIAL A proved For Tease 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0081003ann Next Review Date: 20 I CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with the letter of 16 October 1978 from the Director of Central Intelligence to the Archivist of the Unit d States e SATE 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : IA-RDP82-00457R008100340014-4 Si0 I 25X1 6 rolls of underground cable from "Ariadne" Draht- u. 12 rolls of cable (Kupfer-Blei Kabel) from "Ariadne" Draht=. u. Kabelwerke .A.G.. 22 rolls of underground cable, weighing a total of 41 tons, from T"ienem Kabelw, u. 1 etailwerke A.G. 18 rolls of underground cable, weighing a total of 38 tons and measuring 9,000 meters, from ,`iener. Kabei- u. Metaliwerke A.G. 40,000 meters of electric cable from V iener Kabel-- ua "etallwerke A.G. 29 cases of milliammeters and millivoltmeters from C. P. Goerz. 10 washing machines, each weighing 850 kilograms, from. Strakosch u. Boner G.m.b.H. 10 clothes-pressing machines, each ti.eighing 850 kilograms, from Strakosch u. Boner G.m.b.H. 8 tons of shoemakers ? lasts from Austria llolzwarenfa.brik A .G.$ Ober-Piest, Lower Austria. 23 Cambridge harrows, each weighing 600 kilo;-moms, from Hofherr. SchranE z G.m.b.H. 15 threshing machines, each r.ighing 900 kilograms, from 'lofherr-Schrantz G.m.b.H.. 20 trans of paint (Grundfarbe) from Vinzenz 7"ag, -i,3r. 20 tons of quick-drying paint from Vinzenz ",agner. 50 tons of quick-drying paint from Herbig-Haarhaus A.G. 15 tons of quick-drying paint from ?". Vegerle r arbenfabrik. 15 tons of quick-drying paint from F.eichhold-sFluegger & Foecking4 By Rail via ttukachevo 300 tons of construction parts for emergency bridges from ~?'aagner.Biro 124 tons of component parts for boilers from "iener Lokomotivfabrik A.G., Vienna XXI (Floridsdorf). 40 tans of component parts for cranes from '"iener Lokomotivfabrik A.G,: 180 tons of corrugated iron barracks from Bahnbedarf A.(r. 15 carloads of corrugated iron barracks, weighing a tot ai of 280 tons,: from Bahnbedarf A.G. 230 tons of corrugated iron barracks from Niessen "'erke Ymdt. mGes., Vienna XXV. U3 tons of component parts for power-driven excavators from Ieober sdorfer Maschinenfabrik A.G. 27 tons of valves from the Ybbstals,.terice of Koehler Gebrueder & Co. A ". tons of band iron from the Ybbstalwerke of Boehlor Gebrueder &c Co. A1Crq 147 tons of fittings from Stahl- and Temperguss A.G., Traisen. 85 tons of galvanized sheet iron from Schmidhuette, Krems. 60 tons of sheet iron from Schmidhuette, Krems. 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100340QA1.EL:t RACTED k ut I 1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100340014-4 SE, Cm CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 430,000 electric light bulbs from Osram G.m.b.H., Kmdt..-',C;;. 40 tons of steel beams from St. Egydyer Sisen?-. and Stahli, i strier-C ese . schaft.$ St. Aegyd am Neuv.alde, 60 tons of batteries from the ' Varta" department of AccrunuIator 'r b ?i?c Geselischaft, Vienna UV. 40,000 meters of electric cable from ',.iener Yahel u. }Ietailimerke A.G. 116 tons of rayon yarn from Glanzstoff F'abrik St. Poelten, 38 tons of quick-drying paint from "hersbert*er Lack- and Farbenfabrik-en G0m.b,FI., Neulengbach, Lower Austria, 30 tons of industrial gelatine from Aktiengeseilschaft Mr Chemi.sche In- dustrie,, Rannersdorf bei Sc'hwechat. 3.5 toy! s of bone glue from Aktiengesellschaftffr Che.mi.sche Industrie, Rannersdorf bei Schwecrat. 0 Shit ments to Sasterrr; rmany 20 electric motors, each weighing 300 kilograms, to Chemnitz-Hart hau. 48 tons of sheet iron from Schmidhuette, Krems, to "Saviostin.." c/o Dresden Kisenbahnndirektion, 21 tons of sheet iron from Schmidhuette, Krems, to an unidentified recipient in Thuringia. 16 tons of automobile tires from a USIA warehouse at Tnzersfeld, Lover Austria., to Deru.tra: rlin., z. Shipments to Bu aria 769 tons of construction parts for emergency bridges from r'aagner-Biro A.G, to Despred, Sofia. 15 tons of band iron, shipped on a legal Austrian exhort license, from Uoehier Gebrueder & Co. A.G. to Deespred, Sofia. 25 tons of milling bearings (AMahikugeln) from t3oc filer Gebr ueder & Co ~ Mir, to Despred, Sofia. d. Shipments to Czechoslovakia 210 tons of construction parts from ""iener f3rueckenbau_ and jisenkon.str,'K. Lions A.G. to ','etrans, Prague, 1 crane bridge, weighing 31 tons, from "'aagner-b ro A.G. to 'T-trans, P ^~ t , 85 tors of iron construction parts from "aagner-Biro A.G. to Fietrans, 1 rague, 20 carloads of scrap from various USIA enterprises to P,5etrans, Prague? (I) P. Shit nt s to I; ar~tn 20 carloads of pit props from various USIA estates in Austria to Aika. f ~ S'iientto Poland 46 tons of al uidnum from a USIA warehouse in Enzersfeld, Lower Austria, to V/arsaw. 2 rotary depth-drilling sets, weighing a total of 350 tons, shipped in 1.8 carloads from ?laxuaesmann-Trauzl A.G. to R'arssw, (2) 25X1 25X1 S:UCRET'I I 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release ' : `lA-I(D -o2-OO4 /R00810034 - Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R008100340014-4 CENTT2_!IL IUTELLIGENCa AGONCY 4 x ~,'rtP -:~3 l f-1 t .'s ri ~i l ?;5 '{:.1.o + Sl~l .'f"i ;l l :_~"'l `:l P,r - ',1 ^` Y*tP C' :a:..Wds of as e ssto 25X1 25X1 25X1 r ~t 5t"y i. .1_t)e? d of i'"1.J tt .. n ? Per x ~e.--1C?~"'d nit"h5rtr, l;: A ruction a r i d NN 4 car.. oads of `"';:'aln z'f3S't 3? TPCt' 7 r k (T ; vllt);.~ f t'trl.''%z2"4F ~.[;`J+ r. _7 !; n si'"?},ction