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IHTELL'OFAX 21 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIMRDP82-00457R014500190002-3 CLASSIFICATION C"?T SECIMITY jNivKIATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT NO. ONFOATON REPORT CD NO COW7W East Germany SUBJECT East German Smelting and Mining Industry 25X1A 10 --1) 25X1A DATE DISTR. 4 Novbev 1952 NO. OF PAGES - NO, OF ENCLS. (LTD tiELovv) S PLEM ENT TO REPORT NO, 4 25X1 TIM, No ;mesa CONTAINS INFONLIATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFEtISS OF TNE ,INITED STATES. WITHIN ME LIErtNIVIG OF TITLE IS. SECTIONS 793 AND 19,,, or THE U. S. CODE. AS MENDED. ITS TRANSIVSSION OR REVEL- 25X,1IS PRON DITED LAW THE REPRODUCTION OF TINS FORN IS PROHIDITED. AMP/ ITS CONTENTS To on merlin DY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON '1272aMag75111aliit 11 - THIS IS 'UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Xradisitca The total production plan of the Ninistrv-for !lining and Snelting during the first quarter of 1952 has been fulfilled by 105.6 percent.. For the first five months of the year the percentage is expected to be even higher, since several backlogs will have been eliminated by then. A- U191 1. Of far?reaching importance in the steel branch is the failure i) carry out the pig iron plan. DurIng the first five 1 onths this tan was realized by only 76.7 percent. The planned to-cal of 2Cl0,030 tons fell short by aT:nroximately 65,000 tons. The c'iof reas(n rsr the discrepancy is to be found in the slot: develo:-ment :4' the ?Y,aan? hlittenItabinat Ost (EIO) and Uest (71atA It was as re,:ontly as Iny that La), through the assistance of Soviet advisers, was able to reach full prolvetion of its installations for the first timer thile 4L, has not reached that level to this day. The defc'aney in -,-)fi; Iron, was purposely limited to open?hearth pit; iron and 8plegel arm, because it was felt that in this field the steel braLch vas in a r,osition to conpenrate for the s'crtage through increased scrap da? liveries. Instead of the planned 41,000 tons of foundr7 pig Lr,n, 42,500 tons were actva7.1y delivered. This represeoto 103.5 percent of the foundr-r iron plrx frr the first five t.ortqs. In epite c: open?nearth pig iron shortage, it vis roc,sibLo to fvlfill thee 7arts of the iron and steel prc4uctIon he .rc,ceec (f the entire sconomv rj2o, for cofi v,c1 '01-1-1 ,1SSIFICATION SECRET z NS,AS,J rY3TRI3UTiON X-Pi ORP. , x . ? Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014500190002-3 VT: Approved For Release 2003/08/12".`CIALRDP82-00457R014500190002-3 - 2 - 2bAlkk The plen for steel casting vas 17,1f!lled by 102,8 percent during thrf five ronths; this represents a sImplus of 400 tons, A_ The nlen fcr cast iron castings was fulfilled by 115,5 percent) c. H strDIus of 4,300 tons, 5. Poring the same period, the rolled steel plan vas ftHlfilled by 111, rent e.1,' 41,000 tear. The plan for semi-fininhed preduct. or-thfr 'rolling mills va-1 achieved vith 109.1 percent or 11,000 6, The nor-realizotion of the Plan ,or see:less pipes will, however, a :serious efect on the entire occnorty. The plan van only 17.2 percent realized. The reason for this shArtace lies in the .L31 thLt the production pion had counted on the output of a new factcr7 wh?ch did not nateralize, :ificinee is tne non-folf131..ment of the conFor pro- n onTsjen. Th3 plan for elec.xolytic and refined corpor vat, t accom-li3hed by 110,9 corcent, but this pro uction was porr,ible (n1 by drain'. upcn scraf) reserves, Comer pre- rct on frctfi ore te-ounted to on17 87,41 percent cf the plan. Al-. ft first noDths cho'ef a Phertege of 1,400 tons of ocpper 1, the prolucltion of natiwi ores. This si-Irrtce resviLed from pon-Cu]fillreat of tha c-pner ore pjan. The prof:motion of )2p-,r oPe durir . the firsT, five nonths reached only 90 percent, it ret he added thnt thn ore ct,nta_uod less copper than the had foreseen, 2. The isilre of the coper ore plan lies in the ct:.:.traordinary goo- !ewTh91 diffici1t1e encolmtpred in the coppor ore nine of thz "Wilheln. .1?ecIr 1,1 the inadequate and belated i;rn:1,--cations or new nine worinzP, in the lae.;. of mechanization :A* t'rie z'pper Indust/7 and -:,7A wealnesses and errors in the oLnt orgerisation of the Masfei-'ronbi.nat dlho1 Pieck". In tn renew ':-.,hese difficlties, to which must be added thes.9 Thj,ed to plant -aiEmurity, wcrlers housing end trensocxtation, a 1:csolotion is .iiitz-i7itted to the Council of Ninisters by :ecreter1si of Centml Col-mittee of efrer nonferrfus metels, the year 1952 saw acain the the plan of re fling nih pro'ucts fror nonferrous nerx;, cliph WPB by only re,S percent during the first .ivomontls. The olan has not bien fulf!lld for years, because or- J included which nvesuppose the import of L,.0tale which never 'r!v2, ,h(-4.tages are partcpThrly felt in the fleds of lead and 5nc, n rr a result of the not-fulfiAmont of the plan for re- e!ectrolytic lead, who-e two Prtinn mounted to only 82.5 f:t Jr an7entisl to tanrove. the oPaiii7 of sheet petal. In tis con- . .qoti,")r. the f'ollflwirs: factors hp-Je to he pointed out: A nert of -the heavy plte espoolP:ly tl.,st, delivered by .the rr11in7 Pill, in stila. furrj.shed in an uncut .conditfon,. . ....iit2 he ncinted out thct the TED sheet natal nills, vitt) c.ctioitf Averlirnner, cut end direct ther plates. Only reninr nil? 1.101;-, the instaletions for cutting di licnI7 bcilcr end ship nitrites and tNa leads again and cgain? ? (npi_oi_nts by the procet!sing indrrtries, SECRET Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014500190002-3 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014500190002-3 ILLEGIB Continuing effort to 17urchass the o(-olete tube rolling Atli in West Germany and to bring it Into the DDR. Simultaneously? and :Independent of the above, undertaking averything to make possible th cons -motion of the mill ia 1410 DDR itself, The acquisition cf construction plsns -to the most urgent task. Here again ' here are various 2Q.5sibilitiest SECRET Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014500190002-3 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA:RDP82-00457R014500190002-3 STCRET - 4 - 25X1A b) Attempts should be made to lavire if sefirient blue- prints eyist in ?the 'AG enterorj;ee TC ould, permit. a shcrt-tert deltvery snd completion of constructior blueprints for a tube rollAn e) During the next meeting betveon the co-rnAssin for scientific-technical -cooperation and tLe Soviet Unf,On in Lieseow? the question stoUld be raised whether the oviet Union cais furnish tbe blueprints (r a complete tube rolling mill, in order that the as s,.1:2- could tale place in Riess: this year yet and ciruction _could. start in early 1953 Another important project is the instilation of the pint,e-nill (850 size) in, Brandenburg. This train will servo 6D pre-roll ti-o blocls from Brandenburg in order to overcome the bottIonech in processed goods. This train will also supply the '.:4117 'i3cker m-:.-11 in Klrehmoser and other plate rolling mi/is with pro-blooled Lab ingots, neroby improvinp: not only theluality of the plates b1 the capocitY of the rinte rolling mills, The decisive bettlenec. rigbt nor is the acquisition of the electric motor by the ,SAG wari Iliedersedlitz, and the Gearing of the logged cylinders by the Otte Grusen plant in Mag,'eburg,, 4. Urgently needed is the twc-hii7J1 rollin mill train (650 size) for the hf.gh-grade steel plant at Dbhlen, This on'er is in the hands Cf Un ABUS Schwernaschinenbau plant at Extriely.urgent is the completion of the hydraulic forge press 61' 6000 ton pressure for the large forge in Gr6ditz. Upon the deliicj- of this press depends the fulfillment of the energy prograr for 19t:W. This 'order is also assf4Ted-to ABUS4 Wildauo.nhich so fax. has no won ed on it vith suffclent intensity, 6. In addition, ABUS, Vildau is to, supply ?a rolling stand fo7t: the nto rolling -mill Ilsenburg. Ilsenburg will then be able to roll five- bloe s and satisfy the demand for ship plate. 7_ AB1J, Wildau is also to supply a three-hh roughing-mill train ife the Finew rolling flll This tra7n is esrocialiv important since ao espaeity exists at present for the manufacture of hot-band prc.(11 The Mansfeld Kombinnt .ftliAlholn Heal" mu t have ?the assurance tA t will obtain this year or next year a ccriploto ?.;oreen'Inc, nru.thq? and sintering installation for 1,200,000 tons of copper slate Supplier in SAG Folysids, Dessau This irstalaton is essentia, because otherwise the snelting plants of the llonsfeld Komhinat no longer be in a position to absorb increased quuntitieS of or 9, Lnother important project is tho completion of on electric overn1 trolley for the furnace charging in the "Vilholm Pieer."Kr!Hbinat, f.s requested that the necessar7 construction plans be sunpliod by tAG-Bleichert. 10. Of great importance to the lead ore mining imlustry will be the dil.- 11vsry of hoists and hoist stands to the Viii load orc. Plant Funi;17 at '1reiberg. Lumliers are ABV UOrdhausen, StahlbLui Per_s rnd AHW Gispersleben If these installations are rot deliverel, it 1A.11 be impossible to secure the lead supply nsive brodwi- tion, as required by the Five Year Plan, Approved For Release 2003/08/12 : CIA-RDP82-00457R014500190002-3 3.7i:CE;r;