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Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400260004-4 FEB 19:x; 11-4AA 11 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION SECRRET/I INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. CD NO. COUNTRY China/Western Europe/Hong Kong SUBJECT Chinese Purchasing Agencies in Western Europe DATE OF 25X1 INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED TH15.:DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANINO OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OP THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMIS510N OR KEYS- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIRED PERSON 15 PROHIBITED DY LAWS THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 25X1 DATE DISTR. 27 October 1952 NO. OF PAGES 3 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 1. In August 1952 there were the #ol1owing Chinese OommVaniot purchasing ageaoieal in ffesterr. Europe= as Switzerland. The moot important Chinese Communist purchasing eenoy in Kestern Europe is in Zurich, tahnhofmtrusao 20. It hee large a=e of ;money aVailabl? and can fineno the largest orders, In February 1952 ito heedp Miss L~ L ANG1, flew to China and Hong font for new instructional her return was expected in May 1952. Mims LWANQ in one of the leading funotionar oa of the Metropolitan Comm?roiel Oompeny, a cover organisation for e branoh of the Ctineee Communist Ministry of Supply, in Europe. Also in Zurich are Mine Oanevicve 0 and en engineer nerved !AE?Q N The latter vvl rke for e Swim firm and his relationrl with Mine L1 Q and Miee QU may be moreiy fr ieudlyN b. France. The agency is at 15 .ue ;mile Duelaux. 1-te head, dir. 140-UA -left for a trip to Gerroany at the end of August. Co 4estern Germany. There is an agency at Ce.tlerstrasse 144/IV, Hannover, headed by Mr. C. H. CIIUANG, managing partner of the Fe . Tri-Union Indus- trial Supplies, cable address "UNIONTEX;1'~' CHUAMG is a. capable commercial .gent, young; and very intelligent, who speaks gg~good German and English. He has five assistants in his Hannover office. Another agency is in Tubingen, benzenberr;strasse 49,, and is managed. by Dr. John TSFIN of the iv idland Company, Printing House A 18 Ice House Street, Hong Kong.3 T H.Z ; a merchant with no rie:ht to the title of doctor. is a Communist whose brother is a Party functionary in Communist China. TSHIN lives well but quietly, and does not appear very bright. He reports frequently to Zurich for instructions and money. In addition to his position in the Midland Company, TS.. !.N is an authorized representative of the lAetropolitan Commer- cial Corapany, as well as of the Chung, Kong Company, a firm which appears CLASSIFICATION SL,.C?'ET/I I N NB t h l L _ - DISTRIC.UTI0N Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400260004-4 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400260004-4 to have little importance. The Midland Company is especially concerned with the procurement"of medical supplies in the widest sense -- surgical instruments, equip- ment for field hospitals and motorized ambulances, microscopes, and similar goods. In the last year 1.8 million Hong Kong dollars were spent legally for such mate- rials in Germany. The Tubingen agency has also tried to make important purchases in the name of the Metropolitan Commercial Company, but without much success. d. Belgium. Continental Lines, 31 Marche aux Souliers, Antwerp, appears to be a Chinese Communist purchasing agency, but its connection with the other agencies is dubious. it makes deliveries by way of Antwerp-Lisbon-Macao-Hong Kong, or Lisbon-Tientsin, and is regarded as reliable by Hong Kong. 2. The European agencies of the Chinese Communists are directed from Hong Kong, but apart from the connection between TSHIN in Tubingen and LIANG in Zurich, the relations between the European agencies seem loose. German firms frequently are asked about orders by more than one of these purchasing agencies. 3. The duties of the purchasing agencies, as outlined in a directive from Hong Kong of May 1952, are primarily to evade the limitations on exports. The directive stated that although the shipment of goods on the limited lists through hamburg and other German harbors was not possible, shipments must be forwarded. To evade the restric- tions, the goods should be bought by a representative from one of the Western nations, paid for and shipped through Hamburg to a Western harbor. Payment should be made from the country to which the shipment is made, preferably in Swiss or belgian francs. Shipments should be made, for example, to Antwerp or Amsterdam, but not unloaded; they should instead. be taken to a free port and shipped to Gdynia, from where goods can be sent to China. When a buyer in a Western country cannot be found, the matter can be handled by a firm in London which is headed by a Chinese who has much exper- ience in the business. The name is this firm could not be ascertained, but its cable address is "LINDA" or something like that. In addition, Kanden Electrical, Limited, 111-113 Fulham Road, London, SK G, will deliver thermometers, pyrometers and other similar instruments through Hong Kong. 4. The Metropolitan Commercial Company, which has the use of a number of steamers whose names and tonnage are unknown4, is particularly interested in the purchase of stra- tevio materials on the embargo list. Up to the end of August 1952, the Tubingen agency had received the following orders from Hong Kong, none of which was filled: January 1952: 100,000 ampoules of penicillin. January 1952: Complete equipment for a chemical and pharmaceutical factory of medium size (400 to 500 workers), including building plans. May 1952 50,000 meters of gasoline tubing of various sizes.,. August 1952 Rails and locomotives. August 1952 : Measuring apparatus for the founding industry. 5. In late August 1952 a Mr. CIiA05, had been in Europe for six weeks, visiting first Paris, then Zurich, Tubingen, Iaannover and hamburg. Ile was planning to go to Antwerp, and eventually fly to Hong Kong. his objective is the control of the Chinese Communist agencies in Europe, and the investigation of possibilities for the illegal purchase of strategic materials. The Chinese were very secretive about him, never naming him in letters. He himself writes no letters and frequently changes his place of residence. He had trouble with his papers in Switzerland. He 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400260004-4 Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO14400260004-4 SECRET/ 25X1 25X1 is believed to be head of the Metropolitan Commercial Company, or at least an 25X1 important functionary of the Chinese Communist government. CLAO left Paris at the end of August in company with a Mr. LIOU. SECRET) 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/09/29: CIA-RDP82-00457R0144D SUO04-4