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Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO12000120004-5 FORN NO. 51-4A01 FEB 1952 CLASSIFICATION CONFI ENTI.A~r 25X1 INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. CD NO. COUNTRY China SUBJECT Purge of Chinese Communist Party and DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794,. OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROH IBITEO BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. 25X1 DATE DISTR. 22 May 1952 NO. OF PAGES 5 NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25 X1 25X1 1, On 14 February 1952 the Central and South China M itary and Administrative Committee held a conference at Li Huang Poi ( 0- j* VL ) Roads Hankow4 under the chairmanship of TENG Tzu-hui and attended by the following persons. CHANG Nan.-.hsien ( ] 1 ) CHAO I-min CH 5ENG Chien CH' IEN Tin, CHOU Chun-=ch ?uan ) I, t } vice chairman of the Central and South China Military and Administrative Committee in charge of publicity for the Central and South China Military and Administrative Committee. chairmaan of the Hunan Provincial Govern- ment. in charge of personnelo3 25X1 STATE :X NAVY X NSR8 DISTRIBUTION MNAVS 1#7 i AC TS#a -- V C I TCF,J F ' ? TAI AN 'ALUSNA M13#141 A CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457RO12000120004-5 11 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012h6M 0004-5 CONFIDENTIAL CHOU Tug-kuang FANG ChB sang (~Q " ) Ht K B o-shih (i~ -it KUALA Han-t B ao LI Hsien-mien LI: YBUm-feag I commander of the Central and South China Navy in charge of the organization of Communist youth in the Central and South China area,4' mayor of Hankow. assistant secretary general of the Central and South China Military and Administrative Committee. LIU Chien-hsv.n (I ~~ )5 ~ PAN Chi A ) in charge of organi zation, 6 PBA1 Tzu-nien ( ) in charge of education.7 TRAIT Cheng ( ) director of the Kwangtung Public Security Department. TBANG Hs ink; ( ) TENG Shao-yam TS BENG I-fan ( )q ) WANG Shih-hsunb director of the public security bureau., The following decisions were made at this meeting; a, To remove WU Te-feng (A- It * ) from his position as mayor of Wuhan as an example to other officials. b. To have all organizations promote the movement for self and mutual criticism. c. To practice strict discipline and frankness in carrying out the three-anti 's movement, which is to be completed by the end of April, d. To have local militia and regular troops help farmers in spring planting, e. To send intelligent members of the militia to engineer and artillery train- ing schools, f. To promote technical research and study among workers in defense industries in order to increase the production of weapons. g. To complete defense works at the hsien level by the end of May. h. To improve and extend military, roads. i. To order all farmersI associations, workersI unions, and party organizations at provincial, hhien, anad municipal levels to cooperate closely with the armed forces stationed in their areas. j. To improve and supply all strategic bases in the Central and South China area. In February the following members of the Chinese Communist Party in Canton accused CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012000120004-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/06: CIA-RDP82-00457R012Z6&120004-5 CONFIDENTIAL under the three-anti es movement were awaiting trial., CHU Ching-chihl0 LI Chan-yuuan ( * I tJ ) (K 4 .1 :t ) ( ~)L *AI) WANG Chien-min, QQ )12 general manager of the Canton National Cox- struction Company and deputy chief of the Canton Construction Bureau. -3- I chief of the Canton People's Court. He was charged with having embezzled. JMP 400,000,000. LI Mu a section chief in the Kwaragtuxg Commuxica- tions Bureau. LIN Hsi-feng (, , IV ) n head of the general office of the South China Bureau. MAO Shao-i a section chief in the Kwangtuxg Commuxica- Wiz tions Bureau. TSO Hu.xg-t ?ao ( ,,' , )l head of the General Office of the K.wangtuxg Provincial Government, chief of the Canton Enterprising Bureau. He was charged with having embezzled JMP 800,000,000. By February 1952 the following purge activities had taken place in the 7 Military Sub-District in Kwangtung Province under the three-anti's and five- anti's .movements: a. Persons fired from their positions: CHENG Ping-chUing ( ~~ ) a chief accountant of the supply service of the South China Navy. KAO Shou-p'eng (~ ) section chief of the supply department. YANG Tzu-chiu 14 deputy section chief of the supply department. b. Persons suspended from their positions and given courses in thought reformation., CHANG Li-hsing ( h 13 ) CHIEH Chuing-pin HUANG Hui ( ) LU Ling ( 1j ,, ~)- chief of the investigation and commun- ications wait. operator of a guest house. an accountant in the political. department. a staff officer of the sub-district command. TIAN Hsii ( ) . an official of the supply department. 1'U Li ( ) : chief clerk of the supply department. c. Persons given warnings and permitted to return to their jobs: HSU Chiem-chic (44-,410) chief of the finance section of the CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012000120004-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-004578012 120004-5 CONFIDENTIAL HUANG Shan-chaxg YANG Pei-sham FENG Kuang (~~~ - ' ) . deputy secretary of the Chiangmen govern- ment. 25X1 0 5. By 15 March 1952 the East River Commissioner's office in Kwangtung had seat fifty persons to a political training class in Canton and had assigned thirty others to a land reform work squad under the three-anti's and five-anti's movements; 6. By 14 February 1952 fourteen members of the Chinese Communist Party in Shanghai had been accused of waste and minor corruption under the three--anti's movement, and after giving voluntary confessions had been released. The following persons in Shanghai had been discharged from their positions and were awaiting trial on more serious charges: & 11 CH'ENG Wen-li (, ' ) a adviser to the Shanghai Military Control Committee. LUr K'un-yua.n 7. supply department. 25X1 an accountant in the political department. a section chief in the supply department. d. One of the persons to be placed on trial at the mass trial under the three- anti's and five-anti's movements to be held at Chiangmen (113-06, 22-34) on 5 March: SUNG Jen-chieh (1 ` A - , ) a section chief in the Shanghai office of the Ministry of Communications. head of the finance section of the Spinning Mill Control Bureau. TS'AI Hui head of the finance office of the East China Military and Administrative Committee. In Shanghai the five-anti's movement is directed against Shanghai store owners, and store employees are urged to write to the local public security bureau concerning corrupt practices of their employers. By mid-February the following prominent Shanghai businessmen had been arrested under this movement: CH'IN Chi-kuang (C CHU Chia nung CHU Kuang-hua TENG Chung-ho t WANG K ' ang-ni en ( 1.- ) 8. In February the South Kiangsu Commissioner's office accused WANG Kuei-san (.. ), manager of the South Kiangsu Native Products Company, of corruption. 9. From 2 to 20 February 1952, a three-anti's exhibition was held at Chin; Shan 1 ~'I ) Park, Pei pi , der the sponsorship of the Peiping Economy Committee headed by P'ENG Chem ).14 Since the opening of'the three-anti's move- ment in Peiping 173,000 cases of bribery, graft, embezzlement, smuggling, and other types of corruption, involving over JMP 10,000,000 have been discovered there. Of these cases, 47,000 concerned merchants. 10. In early March in Peiping the five-anti's movement was being enforced by small CONFIDENTIAL, 25X1 0 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012000120004-5 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012&DX20004-5 CONFIDENTIAL '25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1. 25X1 25X1 25X1 purge units aided by the local public security bureau. These units were compelling all businessmen, the main target of the fine-anti's movements to write confessions beginning with an early age and continuing to the present. Through these confessions, a large number of businessmen were fould to have doubtful backgrounds or to be unlawfully in business, All such persons were either jailed or forced to repent. 1. I IComment. CH'EE I-hsin is chief of the Public Security Department of Hupei Province L onsent. WANG Shou-atao is head of the Hunan Provincial Government, according to available reports. 3. I IComrent, The personnel department of the Central and South China Military and Administrative Committee, of which CH'IEN Ting is a member, is probably intended. 40 Comment. The Communist youth organization department of the Central and South China Military and Administrative Committee is probably intended, HU K'o-shih is also an alternate member of the executive committee of the China New Democratic Youth Corps. 5. Comment, LIU Chien-hsunn is a member of the Central and South China 25X1 6. 1 (Comment. The organization department of the Central and South China Military and Administrative Committee may be intended. Comment. The education department of the Central and South China Military and Administrative Committee, of which P'AB Tzu-aiem is, a member, is probably intended. 8. Comment, Presumably the T'AN Chen-wen renorted as head of the Kwang- uxg Public Security Bureau 10. Military and Administrative Committee and a political commissar of the Chinese Communist armored group at Pengt'ai near Peiping, 25X1 I_ Comment The public security department of the Central and South China Military and Administrative Committee may be intended. Comment. CHU Chimg-chih is deputy director of the Kwangtung Trade ureau aid former manager of the N A Kuang Trading Company in Macao, 11. JCo:smaent. TSO Hung-teao is deputy secretary general of'the Kwangtuxg provincial government. He was reported to have connections with LI Feng-min, manager of the Southwestern Trading Company in Hong Kong, which has been smuggling goods from Hong Kong to China. 25X1 12. JComment. WANG Chien-mini; was appointed to the Finance and Economics omm tee of the Canton municipal government in June 1951. 13- 14. Comment, TENG Chun-ho is a multimillionaire and owner of the Palace o e and An Soh Cotton Goods Company in Shanghai. According to a press re- port in 1948 he was charged with having collaborated with the Japanese during World War II, LJComment. P'ENG Chen is mayor of Peiping. In May 1951 he attended a public trial of 221 anti-Communist suspects in Peiping, during which the suspects were judged guilty and executed. CONFIDENTIAL/ 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R012000120004-5