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FEB.".1.;;2 51-4" cocunient No, tagishiceiad For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R0CI1ZOSIO3D0OZ-6. Cia7s. Chan:- Tz: TS Ha 7.C-2 6.. Date: ___11_0f( 7? 25X1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION CONVIDMITIAL SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. 25X1 CD NO. COUNTRY Korea 'DATE DISTR. 2 May 1952 SUBJECT Industrial Inetallatione in North Korea NO. OF PAGES DATE OF NO. OF ENCLS. INFO. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1 PLACE SUPPLEMENT TO ACQUIRED 25X1 REPORT NO. lo; Low.vmcni LAiniAina Arrv,Itnia lOt MAIIVMAL UtrUlbt OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANINGOFTITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE? LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS ?PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 25X1 1. In nd.d4ebruary 1952 Factory Number 226 of the Ministry of Indus at Chtongi-ri (127-37, 39-51) (CV-8212), managed by CHANG Man-ho (ift, ), aged 42, and employing 230 male and 380 female workers, was producing hree tone of gun- powder daily. The plant was in an underground shelter 220 meters wide, 280 meters long, and 18 meters high. Officials of the plant included KIM Ok4.ytig AK,), aged 38, deputy manager; MN' f4 in, aged 33, director of administration; PANG ow-nam 0,4 ), aged 34, director of accounting, and .C'AE Sik-yong ( Aft.,), aged 4o, foreman. These officials and approximately 70 percent of the emp yees were radical North Korean Labor Party- members. 2. In January 1952 a hand grenade factory at Tongsong-dong (124-27, 39..56) (EE2421)? house& in a two-story building 80 meters long, 12 meters wide, and 12 meters high, was producing 7,000 grenades to 9,000 grenades daily. The building, with galvanized iron walls, is camouflaged on the roof with wood, CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL 25X1 STATE NAVY ARMY AIR NSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION eT1'ET4i1A4; RIV:04 I I Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 Approved For Release 2003/R9i6thWAI2P84.0457R011700030007-6 Facilities 25X1 a. In mid-January 1952 the Central Motor Repair Plant at the Ochnng mine (approxi- mately YD-404533) near Tongam-ny (125-h7, 39-20) (M-4057), staffed with 290 nen and under the Munitions Bureau of the Rear Department of the North Korean Army General Headquarters, was principally repairing vehicles of the 536 Unit of the Wnitione Bureau and Vehicles of units other than the 536 Unit with the approval of the Bureau. The plant was repairing approximately 35 vehicles each day. The factory,s manufacturing section, in the coal pits throughout the nine area, were producing some vehicle parts. 4. In November 1951 the Central Motor Repair Plant at Yongagng (125-47, 39-07) (M-4133) moved to the Ochung mine and merged with the Sunan Machine Manufacturing WOrks1 there to form the present repair installation. In January 1952 this plant was staffed with more co etent technicians than most other North Korean factories. Colonel KIM Chae-ho ); 39 years old, and director of the former Sunan manufacturin plant, was C.w ding officer of the repair facilities, and 0 Yeng- sen ( ), 45 years old and director of the former Central Motor Repair Plant 0 /ongsong, was deputy commanding officer of the repair facilities. 5. Tho plant was equipped with two melting furnaces, ten lathes, five power drills, six welding sets, three motors, five trucks, and casting and. forging tools. Iron plates and angle irons were being moved by rail from Antung to Sunan and trans- shipped to Ochung by truck. The Kopongsan coal mine at Inwin-myen, Taedong- gnn (125a51, 38-57) (M-4715) supplied coal and coke. 6. Plant emtloyees, restricted at all times to the plant compound, were wearing North Korean army uniforms with rank insignia. Twenty-five guards, each armed with a rifle, patrolled the mine area. One guard room was at the ma iqn entrance to the plant; a second room was at the plant's side entrance. The plants political section employed 6 men; the general affairs section, 11; the production section, 12; the planning section, 6; the labor section, 10; the cast section, 45; the lathe section, 20; the assembly section, 15; the power section, 8; the engine section, 58; the forge section, 10; the welding section, 12, and the carpentry section, 5. 8, In January 1952 minor locomotive repair irnrk using equipment moved in August 1 1950 from the lir6nsan railroad yards was being done at the Musan iron mine (129.15, 42-14) (RS-2175).2 The mine caves had been adapted to the installation of this equipment. The equipment included seven lathes, two drills, two welding machines, three grinders, a tire polishing machine, an electric welding machine, a planing machine, a pipe cutting apparatus, an air hammer of one-half of one ton, a gun metal cupola, a small blower, and two cranes, one of five tons and one of one ton. 25X1 Damage to Industrial Installations By early February 1952 United Nations air and naval bombardment had destroyed the lansan railroad factorw, the Wnsan kerosene plant, the WAlsan shipyard, the cement factory at Ch96nnae-ri (12(412, 39,2.2) (CU-4559), 60 peroent of the NUnplydng (127-21, 39-14) (CU-5844) chemical factory, 50 percent of the Munplyeng zinc plant, 40 percent of the Munp,Ag steel refinery, and 60 percent of Kan 4 4w) nine equipment. Prisoners of South Hamgyehg Province were being confined to the Ka"tn. mine area. The MunpgAg steel refinery, employing about 200 workers, was producing Babbitt metal for locomotives with equipment which escaped damage. Equipment installed in the Munp'Ag zinc plant prior to August 1950 was moved at that time to Yattae-ri (127-22, 39-16) (CU-5947) CCIFIDEITIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08405'161XEROP82-00457R011700030007-6 and SOkhung-ni (127-2, 'r9,-24) (1, . .12) to escape boMhing damage. The Munp,yong chemical factory has closed_ The Ch,;nnae-ri steel plant was continuing to operate with eTaipment not damaged. by United. Nations' bombing. NAMber iIr -tory ju 10 In late January 1952 t`le Number 10( Factory, Sinuij," in a:5 underground shelter at the base of a monntaln three kilometers west of the Sinuiju railroad station 4o-o6) (o9) was prcd',Jni77.g daily one and one-half tors of hand greraaeo eaA fokerzeition for it rifles and PPsh machine guns. The plant began proluction in NoveMber 1951. factory employed 200 male and 520 female workers. Seventy percent of the employees were members of the North Korean Labor Party. CTOF ak-ha ( ), 42 years ola, managed the factory. t2Ae finished ammunition WAH being packed in wooden boxes, approximately 2i inches long, 14 inches wide:, 372:i elght inches high. Trucks transporting the ammunition in the direction of P'y&gyang uozally departed from the factory at 10 p.m- daily. 12. Other oftie1.a1 t the plant .7..c111',ie:1 the follrwing: KIM Tong-ch.'1 (( if ), aged 38, assistant x.,ager, 4r, ; aged 29, director of administration. KIM ge2ng-kzIk ( IL M 40); aged. 1, director of labor. YI Son-ho ( Jo, aged 31, director of finance. KIL Wan-poLg ( , aged 33, director of planning. TI Yong-sign ( 71t..)9 4,6gee"; 23, director of mobilization. 25X1 FAX. Ta-yong (14 lv ill), aged 33, chairmen of the factory branch of the North Korean. Tabor Party. PAY: RA?-1 ( Ajt)? aged. 26, heir an of the factory ,s Democratic Youth YI Yong-chOh ( It), aged 29, c7aairman of the plant? -vocational league. (WOE Ok-pun 141), aged. 28, chairman of the plants women,s alliance* T,Topn Aauminum and Clothing Tlants 13, In mdd-Decemher 1951 the AVanghae-do iron. Works at Kyomip,o, employing 700 ten- and producing sixty hand grenades daily, was engaged principally in reconStruction after having been four-fifth Jw1o.ged. by n1te Nations air attacks in July . 1951.3, The p/ant, managed by YIN Ohq.11 (.su , it 41, 45 years old, a,fOrmer employee of the japanese at the Eungnm ferti izer factory, had been rebuilt to one*.third of its previou capacity by mid.December. The plantls lathe, construction, and casting sections were producing the grenades -because re.- habilitation or their facilities was almost -complete. The repair', power, trans- port, general affairs, planning, and. statistics section were engaged in re... constructing the facillties of these sections. In mid-December the iron factory was operating 5 lathes and. had 140 tons of coal in stock. The plant consumed 1 ton of coal each day. 14. In early January 1562 a plant at Tangchignni (12541, 39-04) (YD-3227)? producing aluminum utenEils for the North Korean army, employed. 65 persons Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 Approved For Release 2003/00MDLIAERDP82-00457R011700030007-6 25X1 and. Was managed by ?AK :F.Iyong-kan ( / agtal 30. Aluminum Vas being -obtained. from dsmaged plant:s by village2 county, and provinc.ial authoritie-- miler directions cra procurement staff of the Ministry of Industry. Monthly production wt a averaging 24;000 units of table ware, less than one hundred pans, and. aome canteens. 15 in mi January i.2 a clothing depot at Solmae-ri (125-56, 38-53) (YD-514.07) under the MililitiOnEl Bureau of the North Korean Army Rear- Service? Depart-men employed 256 persons. The depot was managed by Captain CAM )? , aged 23, and as producing each raonth 3,600 winter uniform, 700 pairs of oots, 3,900 caps, aria 3,950 shoulder straps. All products were being shipped to North Korean 574 Ariv? unit. One storehouse used by the depot was at Tangsang- ni (125-42, 39-02) CM-3424). Khaki used by the plant was being- procured in Ylkinchuria and moved to the atorage of the :Rear Department at Yongzeng (125-47, 39.07) (YD-4133) by trucks of the 4 Battalion, 536 Unit, Munitions Bureau. Cotton used. by the plant was collected. during 1951 as tax-in-kind., Employees, drilled. in the use of a rifle, were organized into taro 11.-hour shifts and were prohibited from leaving the plant compound. 16. Other officials at the clothing depot and the number of employees in their sections included the following: KM Sang-man (*t) aged 24; director of the political section; three I .9 employees. PA K Kyaam ); aged, 29, director of the general affairs section, six employees. ? Chae-kyeng (/. tf, ) ged 32, director of the uniform section; 119 employees. NONG Ch?1-pok ( it;t1,) , aged. 29, director of the hoot section; 34 employees. CIVOE Yong-ka (,ILuftt) , aged 30, director of cap production; 26 employees. KIM Ch ichun ( Kit aged 25, director of production of shoulder straps, 19 Employees. ICIM Yong-sgn 41 aged 27, diTector of storage, five employees. 17. In mid-December 1951 a NVILIcorean army clothing plant at Icyengsang-ri (approxi- mately n.3872311,),, 1".yongiang? equipped with 3 power cutters, 25 electric sewing machines, 2 leather sewing machines; and 2 motors; was producing. daily 30 uniforms? 5 pairs of boots, 20 caps a- d. 40 shoulder Straps.. The plant, managed by Senior Lieutenant KIM Tong-su ( ) and employing 47 laborers, 12 office-workers, and 11 guards, was shipping its ouput to the Munitions Bureau. 18, in midcember 1.951 approximately one hundred persons were producing 50 uniforms and .50 caps daily at a clothing platat at KambYng-ni (approximately YD-383253), in PtyMauang, to 'be distributed to city and county conscription offices. The plant was equipped -with 1 power cutter, 53 sewing machines, and 1 motor. 19. In mid-Dece,Mber 1951 d.ivilian suits for hig,h-ranking North Korean army officers were being ma,nufactured and uniforms repaired at a second clothink plant at Kamhung-ni. The plant tailored. -uniforms upon requisition from. the Admit:dart-ration and Accounting Section of the Munitions 'Bureau and. repaired approximatel,y 40 uniforms each day. Materia,la were being received from Macao and from the Sari:wen spinning plant. The Kameinglai plant, equipped with 30 sewing machines, employed 70 persons. CONFIDEINTIIAT, Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 Approved For Release 2003/6e/S1iJ2EMSP82-00457R011700030007-6 -5- 25X1 25X1 I Int. In 3'1:me 1951 the Sunan Machinery Manufacturing Plant employed. 20 engineers, 130 office -workers, 2:100 laborers, and 50 guards 25X1 and produced 3,500 hand grenades daily. 25X1 25X1 2. ComPent. The three operations of the 1.1&san railroad roundhouse, transjerred to Masan (129-15, 42-14) (ES-1875) on 1 September 1950, in, eluded special, overhaul, and minor repairs. Minor repairs 'were those repairs on lecorntivesv1i ch "hal been operated for six months, excepting boiler repairs. 25X1 3 Comment. The equipment and produ?tion of the Hwangrae Smelting 25X1 or at KyciiiIp'o tn May 1950 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 . I, FORN NO. iti_RAA FES 1.952 ? ApproOftneelaase 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION CONFIDMIAL ncument JL 1,11 i.f?ailizn in Cass. ustunsineu Class. Changed To: TS S C25X1 tiuth.: Ha 13-2 Date: COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACOLIIRED SECUR I TY INFORMATION INFORMATION Korea Monazite Mines in Northeast Korea 25X1 REPORT REPORT NO. CE1 NO. DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT 25X1 RE PORT NO. 25X1 25X1 2 May 1952 TO THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794. Of THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF rni5 FORM 15 PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 .1. The Monazite mine at Marhwi-ri (127-59, 38-37) (DT-J2?'),. -which opfted. in early December 1951 and yielded the highest ouality ore of all mon.azite mines in North Korea, in mid-Petruary 1952/ was producing approximately two tons of ore daily for tra.nsport to the, refinery at Muncht"cln (121-17, 39-17) (CU-5:49) for processing and eventual shipnent to the Soviet Union. The deposits were first discovered. by Chinese Corm:mist technicians in late October 1951. The mine, which had 200 male and Iwo female employees: of whoi many had been conscripted in the area, was kaown as Mine N'istaber 805 by the Ministi7 of Industry. 2. Crfficials of the Merl ri mine includ-ed Y1 Pyong-ik ( A%7 i )., aged 34, rAnage2 Yng-,-.13.1Z;1 ( aged 351 director of actrnin stration; SIN 1Co-yeng ), aged 2 ector of labor h'YI ang -ho )? aged 34, director supp1y; PAE Mun-sik ( fc As, ), aged. 98, dt....ekor of transportation; ( A liii W ( A.. Ca.) Mi ( Mr ), ag..,,.d. 33, d4e or of mine affairs; PAK Seng-t,aek 014. Mik 1 aged. 31: foreman;K..1.7K Wong-m.1. ( f. 4,...), aged 4-1, chairman of the minels labo Party or.ganization, and. Yl lia_r_,-cho (), aged ha 27, chairman of the. mine 'branch of the Deocratic Youth t Lilian-A . ( le. )(Thu), aged 40, was the aclvis4 of the Chinese dbmmumist government to the mine officials. 3. A mona.zite mine IA Yongw("Sn-ni (123-42, 11.0-14.1) (DA-7503), which trened in NoveMber 1951 following an inspection of the deposits by Soviet technicians; in mid- Februa2_7 1952 was shipping approximately one and one-half tons of ore daily to the ItanchtTn ref in for processing and eventual shipment to the Soviet Union. Because the North Korean Ministry of Inklustry aid. not believe that the size of the deposit was lane enough to warrant extraction, it had decided not to exploit the ore wen. it was first discovered by Korean. geologists. The monazite is only of fair quality. CLASSIFICATI ON C0XVIDEJW.121.Al. 25X1 jx ARMY X AIR STATE NAVY NSRB FBI ---A-F-3proved For Release 2003 /08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 CONFIDENTIAL -2- 25X1 Qfficials of the Yongwen-nit mine included 0 To-sik ( r it)11, ), aged 33, manager; Itr If iSng-tlask (t )1 aged 34, director of ...? nistratiol TIM Ung-ho director of supply; KIM Yen-mu (4. r ), aged 29, director ot Vansportation; ( itt. L ), aged 36., d' ector of lqprhPAK Pyeng-sen (4 piii ), aged. 28, lax Song-yong (k. hi it), aged. 32, foreman; PAEK In-ho (( if- gi, ), aged 33, chairman of the mine s bor Party organization., and HO Chin ( tT #00, aged 27, chairman of the mine branch of the Democratic Youth Alliance'. / COKFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 PUI 19111 1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL tNTELLIGENCE AGENCY CONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. 25X1 CD NO. COUNTRY Korea DATE DISTR. 2 May 1952 SUBJECT West Plyengyang Power Distribution Station NO. OF PAGES 1 DATE OF NO. OF ENCLS. INFO. (LISTED BELOW) 25X1 PLACE SUPPLEMENT TO ACQUIRED 25X1 REPORT NO. II: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, Of THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON 15 PROHIBITED err LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1 naci-Jemary 1952 the West Ply power station at Inhting-ni (125-45, 39.03) (YD-3825), managed by BAN ( J, 1O yeas old., was receiving approximately 20,000 kilowatts each no th from the Suplung Dam complex and. supplying power to the 'western sector of Plengyang and. to the Plyongyang broadcasting station on Nligna Is3rtrd (125 7., 39-03) (M-4126). The electric ,priver control department of the Ministry of Industry, which s?aperv-Ised the station, procured materials and. electric parts in the Soviet Dili= for the station and. arranged. the shipment of these purchases by rail from Siniliju to Pli5ngyang. The station was charging 20 won for each 30 kilowatts supplied to buildings other than those housing political organizations or nationalized. industries . The station' s line restoration unit was repairing da.age from United Nations air raids in three or four hours. flMyong.son ( t), aged. 29, a member of the North Kore. Labor Party, was director of the s tion's staff section, and KIM Tok-man (4. It.), aged. 32, a member of the North Korean Labor Party, was director of e siness section. The station had 58 male and. two female employeeo. Manager HAN Tlaek-su had previously been employed by the Japanese at the West Korean Electric Company in Plyenivang. CLASSIFICATION oeument Ho, No Chznge In Class. ki Declass:Eed Class. Changed To: TS S C 25X1 Ruth.: HR 10-2 I Date: $.171 C GlIFIDEINTIAL 25X1 STATE X NAVY x MB ARMY X A I R X FB I Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011700030007-6