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Appct CO ? UNNRY lerranv (Soviet /08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200 1_I TOPIC Military Information from snhwnrin x.aait.,aremaroaarweam.seasuntawmonm.nn FVALUA11ON_.-1 b.PLACE OBTAINED_ 5k.fitTE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED_ 5AFERENCES--1 PAGES?',/__ __ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE early Dennnber 1.7)E1 f.n 11 JpnlInrIrl0e.9 0007-9 naTr PPFPARrn 2r) -Fn.', Trr?, 1,7717:2' 25X1 SOURCE 25X1 [--1 2. On 27 Decamber 1)51, a unit of about 2) soldiers wearing-red?bordered black epaulets 7lith artillery insignia and equipped with 8 x 76.2?mm field rains, 12 trucks? , aid 1 field kitchen, was loaded at the chwerin froiL:ht yard. The unit came from the 25X1 Iiindez.bur2; Kasorne on juestrowerstrasse and, accordinc: to a raiIroadnan? went to the schweinrich OJ 54/u 21) troop trainirr; crounds. arneseimatamare.wesiameuttreateas..v....7,.....rer,..a.-- rartnosc.nyaNze.moscernsraegrrry.arnrxec.mannarm.reamtAmax.. Between 2 and 11 January 1952? the headquarters at the restricted L,chlossgarten area, Schlerin (1 54/1. 46), moved to the Goerrics airfield. According to a rumor all buildings in the chlossgarten area would be turned over to the civilian population. Several private houses in the imnediate vicinity of aoerries airfield -mere requisitioned acain. 4. 26x1 26x1 In the evening of 27 Decombcr one buildin: of the 7indenbur Kasorne was observed to be uno:tcupied. From 450 to 500 :troops wore believed to be quartered in the othe buildings of the installation. Twelve caterpillar tractors towing 100?mm AT guns., with eight soldier riding on each vehicle, left the installation on 28 Decen-Lor. Intensive trainin, both individual and at the group level, with and without small arms, was observed in the barracks yard between 27 December 1951 and 2 January 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 On 4 January? the southern section of the Fritsch Kaserne on Johann, Stellingstrase was occupied by an 'artillery unit; the northern section was occupied by a unit cf .s.Adiors who wore black?bordered black epaulets, sone with sinal insignia lour 3.22?m:1 field howitzers and 203 to 250 drillinP soldiers nr,, ohFInrirpr7i 4-hc barracks 7ard. 25X1 5 On 7 Januarys the Moltke Kaserne on Ludwigslusterstrase was occuDied by about 1,000 troops who wore rod?bordered black epaulets with artillery insirnia. l'our 122?rar: field howitzers and 10 armored half?track vehicles were observed in the barracks :lard where about 60 soldier,- were -,nr,a,.n0 in (-1,yo?ordk...,,r drill, ' CLASSIFICATION 133CZET fF1' ,(31:n3, 11 17-1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 CIA_R; DP8 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200050007-9 on 7 january, the Krueger Kaserne on Ludwigslusterstras,e 7:as occupied by about 1,2A troops. Lentrics wore red-bordered black epaulets. There was much training activityp inc1.udin7 snall-arms drill at squad level. Six 1:734/85 tanks and 5 313-100 SP guns wore seen in the barracks yard. iron UYI) to 700 trools received field traininc,' at the Gros,Jer Dresch drill fiold. On 1) Januarys the Adolf Ilitler Kaserne on Ludwislnster L%haussee was cccu3ied by 250-3 te 3303 troops. .eltries wore black-her'erad red epaulets. Four armored scout cars towing 37-mm oins entered. the installation coning from t direction of Ltern-:luchholzs, while 700 to 000 iwirnnr1 ,Irvoo (71-111in .itsrinnr lnvel in the barracks rarrio 25X1 25X1 25X1 25k1 On 9 Januarys, the Fritsch Laserne on Johann btellinstrasso was occunied by about 1,000 troops who wore red-bordered black coaulots includinz sone -with. zrtillory or motor transport insinia and black-bordered black epaulets's, including some with oir.:nal insignia. L,everal adjacent private hcrlscs on Lischstrase, Johann L,tellingstrasse and ''ZLam !charrerstrase were requisition- and added to the billeting area between 20 Decolbor and 9 January. 1=11 quarters wore fully lighted in the evenings, with the excention of the n rth- ern wing of the northernmost barracks. This.barracks housed priniarily recruits who wore rod-bordered black epaulotss, including some with artillery or rotor transport insi7nia and black-bordered black onaulets, including some with signal insignia ildjoining this building to the south there was an officers, moss, and another building als,) occtroiod by recruits who yore black- bordered black eoaulots and red-bordered black epaulets with notor transport :Lnsignia0 crirce believed that a headvartors was located in the next four hull dings farther to the south; ho saw many of:icers with black-brirdered red epaulets, red-bordered black coaTiets and 'black-bordered black epauleto3 and numerous sedans there. . 25X1 9. al 7 January o the Ilindenburg Koserne on ',uestrowerstrase occmiecl by - about 11003 troos host of t:to soldiers yore red-bordered black epariets) :nostly with artillery insignia but a few had motor transport and sf..?Tnal insignia while some soldiers wore black-bordered black coaulets. One Ouildin in the southern section of the LIT:.tallation.contnined ordcrly .roor; another building, adjoining,the above building to the north and facni7,7 Guestroverstras:e? quartered primarily fully trained s-.)1diors who wore :rod-bordered black epaulet Ilth artillery and signal insignia, ..cljoining 25X1 the buildin on -Liestroworstrasf3e to tho west the-i-e was a mess building 77ith. Oil-Lets on its upoer floor.c-ljoining the building to the north thero worc lontly occupied by recruits who wore red-bordered black eoaulets. 'Preens observed between 2 and 7 January received close-order drill at elet:)on 25X1 level and physical trainirn:. in carl-,- i)ecoilber wnzi Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200050007-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200050007-9 CONNUE 10, On 9 January, the Ildelf Kaserne on Ludwigsluster 0aus-oe was occupied by about 2,200 troops, most of whori yore black- bordered rod epaulets and a few who wore red-bordered black epaulets. -11 qunrtors were fully lighted at dusk, Hetweari28 jeoomber 1951 and 9. January 1952, intensive training, ectivity was observed in the billeting area and on the adjoining drill - ground. Clone-order drill with and without arms was noticed in the bilIctinr area, while troops on the drill ground practiced with 30-ma mortars g received field training at squad level, and practiced with telephone, equipment. Ja four afternoons, ten groups? each of about 40 Ilea weorin.r black-bordored rod epaulets - and equipped with about 16 submachine c2ns? 10 double-bitted pickaxes and spades, 4 range finders and 4 x 30-m-1 mortars, entered the Adolf Hitler Kaserne. At least 50 x 80-mm mortars were observed with the troops who wore training .1 1.,)aut 53 trucks were seen in the ;.arages-. 11. On 3 January, the 7:indonburg Kaserne on :,-uestrowerstray c was occunied by about 1,800 troops, most of when yore red-,bordcred black epaulets with artillery and rocket launcher'insignie, A few wore black -bordered black eoaulets 7ith signal insirnia, Uniformed Ibassian women with rod-bordered black epaulets wore quartered in a building in the southern section !)J: the instal' tion0- djoining this building to the north there was a buililng containing orderly room and classrooms sndtseveral other.bullis*s occupir,d by soldiers, most of whom wore re-bordered black epaulets but some of whom wore black-bordered black epaulets. One of these buildings almost exclusively quartered recruits who wore red- bordered black epaulets with artillery and rocket launcher insignia and black-bordered black epaulets. On 4 January, 25 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia and carryinr: lugrar;e went to th railroad station 25X1_ carrying 25 soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets, cams from the direction of 0oerrios airfield. and drove into the . barracks installation on 6 January also occupied by. 25 soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets and coning from the 25X1 direction of doerries? entered the, billetirv: area on 8 january? On 10 January, 4 officers and 25 soldiers with red-bordered black epaulets from tho Hindenburg Kaserne boarded the regular Berlin,- bound train which they left in tittonberge ("A 53/Y 79) to board. - another train going toward 7:ittstock (N 5)i/t 11). Iletween 1 and 8 january, training activities at the adjoining '::erderholz drill ground included drill wit, and without rifles at squad level in the barracks yard, entrenching practice range estimation by groups up to 4J soldiers, practice with an 80-mm porter and. the strirjnr of telephone lines by soldiers wearing black-bordered black epa.i1ets4 Soldiers werring rod-bordered black epaulets with rocket-lartncher Insignia were soon with all groups. The ontire ii1iotjJ arca brightly illuminated until taris 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 (2) Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200050007-9 25X1 25X1 13 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200050007-9 SGM n.2 and 9 January, th? DAF building at the intersection of Hagenover- stzasse and Ludwigslusterstrasoc was vacated by the headquarters located there up to that date. Billoting equipment was hauled on trucks Ito the Hindonburo Kasorno on juestrowerstrasoor, 2rucs hauled biretino. equipnent to Goerries airfiold. The sionboards were removed, and the sentry was no loncer present. The telopone cables runnino tooard Fauler Soo and to the Fritsch laserne on Johann Litollinostrasso were removed0 truck with civilians was seen in tho yard of the DAF buildino. On january, the barracks at uoerrios airfield southwest of Jchwerin wnrc ocoupfied to caoacity by at least 2,60D troops who yore rod-borC:ored blaeic epaulets, includino- some with artillery and rockot-launchor insignia, and black-bordered black coaulots? including some with eno,ineer insionia. All wind= of the installation and of the three buildings on ')storf Lake were brihtly illuminated at dusk. Two new, leo Wooden buildino:s were so.r?n at the southeastern corner of the airfield and at its northern border near Faoananhof respectively. Civilians wore seen clearing debris from the airfield and a ruin at the southern perimeter of the field. Open wooden sheds, apoarontly to serve as garages, wero constructed in the barracks yard. Training activities observed between:3 and 0 January includod drill with and wiohout ems in the billeting areas field training on the airriolds and firiw. with live aqauaition at the rifle ranoes. Threo towin 100-mmAT guns were seon durino the same period.' 14? On a January, it ?7;at; observed that t1.7o nulber of antenon masts belonging to the rndio station at the sootheastorn corner of -Ioerries airfield, south of the billeting ar:!a? had boon incronood to eioht. It was also noted that the te7_ophone line from.600rrico airfield to Ludwioluster Chaussee with a branch lino to th) 1:rueoer Kasernos as well as the telephone lines from the 1:ruegor Kasorno, the ::;eltkc 1:aserne, c1 1f atlor Lesorneane_ Comp Zipoend,orf converged at a five pole tel.-L.11ml distribution center located at Ludwigsluotor ?ChClITS5CC.. 15. On 3 January, the Loltke Kasorno on Ludviir.;slusterstras::,o was occupied by troops wooring rod-bordered black epaulets with tank insignia and uniformd Siviet women with the snme eonulets nod insionia. r'--324. talk eai seen in the barracks yard. Another 25 tanks of an un13entified tra worn nrou471 the aeon cnnrn nr vage" 16. In early December 1351, .'Tenoral Inapri (fnu) world rove into the renovated residence of the former Gorman airfield conoandant at ;cierrios airfield in early 1952. A Soviet employee told. . 25X1 source that T?ocket Launcher Unit with Lieutenant Colonel Kirilov (fnu) in the Hindenburg Kaserne had been received many replacements 25X1 and occupied additional quarters which were vacated by -hoineor Unit Zimon in tato 2Jovemi'er 1)51, The coa.tandinc officer and the deputy coi.L.:ianderri Iwere to be billeted in a renovated house at 23 -:-Juestrewer- 25X1 strasso. iho other Soviet-Occupied houses on duestraworstrasso, Kaothe Kollwitzstrast ' iiicarda Huchstrasso were returned to tho Gernan autiori ties 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200050007-9 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200050007-9 .41MI Ara. IA IR 0=3 El 112A to %Algal IA S3CRET/ 25X1 25X1 17. 25X1 25X1 Contents. L.t o din-,; to other sources, the lId IX if 13 C-.1rps moved from the restricted chlosegarten area to loerries airfield in late Uovember and early Jecen.ix)r 1251. 25X1 (2)The variety of weapons observed. at the Ilindonbur: Kasorno still hinders an attempt to establish the identity of most of the units in this installation. 7)n1y the rocket launcher insinia indicate that (31011:Lints of the 10th Gds hLRest ..)f the IX Mtz Rifle Corps ace quartered in the li,..n.renburg Kaserne? This is to some degree confirmed by the source of parayraph 16. It is unlikely that a' unit llith 76.2?mm field guns should have come from the andenburg Kaserno? because the only unit al: t:le Ath Gds Mtz Aifle Div with this typeof 71..1nti is to 19rth Gds Gun ,rty Augt which is carried in ':ismar. . Lieutenant Colonels Kirilov (fnu) and Zimon (ran) are kn(xyn from previous ro-oorts.1 t3)Pararaph 3 indicates that the Ici 94th Gds Ltz ifle Div moved from the DAP building to the Fritsch Kaserno0 ield howitzers of 122 nm are observed in the .Pritsch Kaserne for the first title. The ton armored half?track vehicles sen in the :bine Kaserne are vaguely indicative of the unidentifiec . roconnaisaneo battalion of tlio')4t1i 0-.1s tz Aifle Div. '2ho number of mortars in the .olf hticr I.:acorao, as specified, in parraph 10, an.pears greatly everectinatod? as the motorized rifle re:;iment which is believed to be stationed there has only about 27 mortar:70.1n other respects, the report centins no new information on the ,,chtlerin nilitary post. 25X1 25X1 25X1 )Thore have boon no in ications that :ajor loneril Incur! (fnu)s carried as corrandin; :pneral of the 13th .:ocz Div should have been a-) iitod to a corriandin position in ?chzerin. I 25X1 S2CRUIli Approved For Release 2003/08/06 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011200050007-9 25X1