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ru'.: ? 17 ) M unan Approved For Release 2002/1CPSOWliAtRteSiti43441.5A0111 1.3:',1':ne REPORT NO 25)(1 00400009-9 25X1 unaran Troops in Sighet _CAN DENTAL) .- 2 Rumanian. Troops in Sibiu .EVALUATION 25X1X PLACE OBTAINED_:_ prior to October 1951. DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED__ REFERENCES PAGE 2 ... ENCLpSURES ,-ER NARKS i ?1:k:::?---- \,. ,.., -,. (NO. & ifWv) 25X1 --DATE PREPARED_ F967parrj952 25X1 SOURI;E. 25X1X Rumanian Troops in :",ighet0 1. Prior to Sertember 191 source Observed a barracks installation lo:.atod in Sighet (S 1,bit 13) about 100 meters southwest of the main railroad staAon and consisting of one five-story brick building, about 100 meters long, not enclosed by a fence. Source saw trocps in the installation, IC?, it was rumored, belonged to a Rumanian infantry unite The zn wore garrisoa caps) the officers had round service caps; Soviet-.star emblems were fixed to the caps. r, Another ole barracks installation) vhich was being reconditioned, was located 100 meters west of the Infantry Barracks, on the south side of the same sb:eet. It included one four-story brick building, about 100 meters long, and an un- identified nurber of other structures and was not fenced. The installat,ion also seemed to be occupied to capacity. The soldiers wore blouses, ski trousers, nountain boots and berets and displayed a good, soldierlike behavior. Eorse-teams and Skoda trucks were observed in the barracks area From the Pa camp located on the eastern.porimeter of the city in an old, partially destroyed Hungarian artlE.ery barracks, source frequently saa a total of 200 Rumanian soldiers na/ching three abreast on this street, equipl:ed rith not more than six short-barr31ed light ,7ans (1, avro by FL. From the southern bank of the Theiss River, source observed Soviet soldiers doing excavation work on the northern ban of the river. ,atchtowers and saU searchlights were seen there, facept for a snail guard detail for the, FT camp, no Soviet units were located in the city of Sighet, Rumanian Troons in Sibiu, 4. Prior to Septenber 1951, Sibiu (r, 35/R 20) was occupied to capacity by Rumanian troo-sd According to German residents, artillery, infant:y and cavalry units were located in the city. In addition, Waitia and Security r.[ASSiFiCATION -?0401**T 1[V)7,f cir): lc it q 'Ir A 1.1 yrr d II !Ito, Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA- eftmatid s. oisse lbw farels******44. ;rot Is sow Nflh12 011ible-0443414 4140 0 0 25X1 25X1 H*1 25X1A Appewidef CONFIDENT1)L r ReleasF 2002/10/30 : CIA-R P82- Jr 00457R011100400009-9 troops were observed, No details as to the equipment of the troops wore known retoriecd eltillseey units with guns of about 100-mm were frequent- ly Observed in the city area, Barracka installations located in the city included the Artillery Barracks on the west side of the road to Cisnedie CR 35/U 29), which was occupied by a Rumanian artillery unit; and the Infantry Barracks, adjoining the Artillery Barracks to the south? and the Cavalry Barracks on either side of the road to Brasov CR 35/Z 37). Both of these installations were occupied by Runanian units, e. 25X1A The offices and the billets of the Sccuritate were located in the foemor palace of the commanding general on the former Schesisgasse? which led to Pepiaca (R 35/11 19), The former court house and the building of the former Klausenburg University were located opposite the palace. Tho neighboring private houses were requisitioned by the Securitate, 60 Prior to mid-1951, the Rumanian troops wore the rank insignia of the old Rumanian Arry. In the summer of 1951, the new insignia, similar to those of the Soviet troops, vas introduced. In September 1951, source still observed both the old and new style insignia. 7Q Prior to September 1951, source Observed an infantry unit in the barracks installation of the former ;90 In! Regt in the central sector of the citiv. Detachments seen marching out of the installation carried rifles only. No Soviet troops were observed in the city, 30 Prior to early October 1951, another source Observed a Rumanian unit of 400 to 500 young soldiers billeted in the suburb of Turnisor? southwes'e of Sibiu, in the former town hall on the market place and in a former theater on Hinter- gesso. The troops moved in during the spring of 1951, The soldiers wore green uniforms with long trousers and blouses and wore blue-bordered epaulets. Mat officers wore visor-type service caps with red bands; but a few officers wore caps of the same type with blue bands. Source thought these troops were an infantry unit. She was certain that the troops did not belong to the air force, ** Several trucks pere parked in front, and at the rear, of the billets Rifles were observed but no heavy weapons, Soldiers riding in trucks were frequently seen treareling towards the north, 9Q Prior to late September 1951, source observed another old barracks 5nstalistion in a park enclosed by a wall, opposite a corn market on Strada Sibiu140 formerly Ecaptstrasse, Its former designation was flonved Kaserne, The instal- lation consisted of one U-Shaped building with its closed side, including a large gateway, facing the street. It VMS common knovledee among the local people that the installation was occupied by a Rumanian infantry aait 10, According to statements made in early October 1951, by a worker elopleyed at the ordnance depot in the southwestern sector of the city, nuns were frequent- ly shipped fnom this depot, No information concerning tanks was' known. Source did not know of any Soviet units stationed at Sibiu. Comment. The statements of the present report largely substantiate sev ra previous reports on the occupation of Eibiu bn-Ruranian unate, According to a previous report, a former cadet school, located in the south- aestern sector of the city on the road to Poplaca and occupied by an officer candidate school for officer candidates of all branches of the service, is also located in Sibiu. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2002/10/30 : CIA-RDP82-00457R011100400009-9 25X1A 25X1 25X1