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Document Creation Date: 
January 23, 2025
Document Release Date: 
January 15, 1983
Sequence Number: 
Case Number: 
Publication Date: 
December 2, 1955
. ga, We have examined your cheek book and bank statements relative toMNINVIII11111111111111111111111111i and submit herewith a Summary Statemesburselpents for the period from July 4, 1954 to July 3, 1955. Receipts and disbursements for this fund.are maintained in a Special Account with In our opinion, the- accomoanying Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements correctly sets forth all transactions for the Fiscal Year ended July 3, 1955, as well as the unexpended balance on deposit as of July 3,. 1953. Respectfully submitted, "8 4. � � (70 * 411111111111111111111M!!! ruz.6.1.L. � �12�FLAINI11111111111011". SUMMARY STATEMENT OF CASH RECIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS OF laigiaingillainitelMaL.----6.. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JULY 3. 1955 Uflkftlauce - July 31.1954 43,8'0.32_ Leh Riceipts July 9, Nowember 17, 1954 .january 28, 1955 harch 18, 1955 Total Cash Receipts 424,220.00 16,146.67 16,146.67.. 3A,146.67 Leh Disbursements --.,,,s- 427,770.00," : . r.:1,200 Fund Expenses IF �Salary - Dr. ansImiallmeram 7,999.95 Salaries - Other 1,800.55 , Supplies &Squipment Purchased 1,g3:23 Consultation Fees . Cost of Meals, Transportation and other apenses provided for subjects and. Doctors 4,256.17 Telephone 498.00 Expenses in connection with publication of technical 2,400.00 Audit Fee papers 150.00 Malpractice Insurance 77.27 Total Cash Disbursements Cash Balance . July 3, 1955 - 46,770.06 19.215.77 1953, an add tion � sferred to forth. a nes due July 3, 1955. � � 72.660.01 76,530.33 65.985.77 410,544.56 *WOMEN, 41,11. =MI 26. 1954 Domenber 3, 1954 Wooer? 31. 1955 mamma - $10,740.00 5,390.00 -ISAEI�22 $26.170.60 =MIMES 26.431.64 167.65 82.17 5.631.46 Maisaialtaffai v/a/54 te 7/2/55 � Social Security Tsz Compensation Insursamo ILAINIMMINIMILZWEULIWII 1466.14 30.30 Social Security Paz Compsneation Insurancs 19.16 2.024.60 1111.111111111111.1111 7/4/54 to 7/3/55 3.939.75 78.81 Social Security Tax- � Oempensation I nserenee 36.33 Slue Cross ?realms 4.072.49 -_ 7/4/54 to 7/3/55 ......1141 1,947.22 Social Security Tax 36.93 Compensation Irsoreneo 19.05. 9,005.21 41111.11 7/4/54 to 7/3/5Q 2.791.07 36%83 al Security 1!az Compensation Insurance 27.4$ 311mi Cross Preston 9.993653 NINIMINIMININN 714/54 ia 713/35 ...1.2a10 3.465.90 Social Security mos 69.32 Compensation !neuroses 33.80 21ne Cross Premium 3.588.22 _nom 111.1111.111.011 7/4/54 t, 9/30/54 352.50 Seeial Socurity Zez 7.06 Oespensation 'megrims 3.96 21em Crass Proud= e.m110110..11�12 368.:73 � � Carrie& %rowed 1E1E 1671-4:r0 ����� a. 23300210335 COoatiA) 10/4/54 to 1/16/55 Social Security Tax Ompensation Tax 310 Cross Premium MOM 1i19/66 to 5/29/51 Social Security 2 ax Ocepensaticr Insurance 310 Cross Premium 11111 4/4155 to 4/8/56 L... 00213=2 M SOPPL138 aude* glassware. office sopplies. tests, etc.) MICURNEM (Includes traveling espiwes for se14ects sad also . for Mr.11111i151. 21%4Unli, et el) SHIUMELNEKEZ (Iseludes pay for satjects, mewl labor. etc.) SIIIIii2 ..... pc.ig togigillillgenatta xivena tures 3rought ferunrd $ 41240 8.25 4.46 683.60 11.067 4486 �������jillat Total Personnel Costs � natinalairlan Mee:trio Counter OP31112121 2321012 /VI TRU =DUO JOLT 3. us CU1! 0751M5 7304 P2271008 MI5 OP38A2135 8011108 702 TZAR latIS JUST 3, 1933 0163312120 SOX= 701 730 31111133 JOLT 3, 1954 532 MMUS 202 MI5 (3) Tail 1033103 � -MEL" 025.634.21 $36,170.00 423.00 .- 606.43 30.00 .1W--00.64 986.* 1.335.06 818.11 4.252.43 AIJAMat 8.892.52 $10.440.93 ----222632 -11.144261 1-114111AL ?Morel 10'2 LOW deft January 23, 1956 C*411111111111.grissuaw C "'" Dear 4111.11111. Enclosed herewith is the audit of the Fbundationos fund for the fiscal year ended July I, 1955. Mt oath balance of $20,544.56 less 2,723.9R ...ep'esents the us �t overall :Undo drovided skis settlement goes through as ant ipated. Very many thanks for the support of your inundation. Yours sincerely, C. -OP 01111111111/111111111110mie (Err 1 � � 11�1. .11�111. FIMM1 SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM RICEIPT rvuz 4�;-7 _ I hereby acknowledge receipt of tae following: sg)co.o a if f f Os .ct-tEcK# IN THE Ali�IUNT. OF. 9- .gr RECE!VED. /S72 Co /f077 Please return si,led seeplieel ef this receipt 1. rain O. WAN 111411 � 316411111111 ar attir..wr Q511 41C11110 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM RECEIPT I hereby acknowl:.dge receipt of the following: CHECK# RECEIVED. IN T:-IE AMOU1-41- s�erlid.ra A Phelps return sigood copylies) of this receipt To FORM NO. 311.AO MAR 1111411 � 0-10 /reds?, NA CIFIENT / OA E RECEIVED �=1 =2NT 0== Chief Chmaleal Division, TS3 z � cod p "Ei!' ei-lEer:OAELO:N: 1= :v.Ez,',.. tate,i, CV.; /477. -stutttd - 32422A2M4 702: =tr. =UM DMUCS " 1136/Budget (Cficer =NAM Subfroieet 27, FM%et laMt= Invoice No. 2, Allotment 4-250240-001 1. Invoice No. 2 for Subpro4act or of Project NOLTNA. is attached. Min Invoice Is V* Mal one to be =batted under Wbproject 27 ea Visa paid, constitutes complete payment of this project. D.; is requosted that Ms= be wide by two eashicc't checks far *1,537.60 end 148,440.1X) 1111d, at Inse cheeks Amid be sent to Chief, WV= th.-onh Officer by 13 *emit 1954. 2. The two illtVOiCell *miring thix 3ubprojor4 saxeciAth 473.165�40 and represent tbe total coenditure to be mods racier this Saiaproject. It Is requested., therefore, that the Mite am this 5ubprojeet clasped. Attachments 135�0100 lb. 2 Certiflaatiows 21stwitatians Addressee Orig. es 2 w/e. T3S/VA31 ZNIAM - 2 Casptroller 1 A eis ��� ' CSMII=ATIC:IS - - (1) It is hareby certified that this is Invoiceflrj. 2 applying to ftbpraject 27 of Pro,lact 1ZULMA, that technical pertorAerma 3yelifill1111011111111111011111111111111.001.8111111111111111Hata gattelietdar that the work vas accamplaitAdIn accor.lance with the mutual � sr �-� a=esmant reached witanigpilwrommumilinemillimPomp � - that this b2,21 is just and correct and that molest bis not "et been find*. cue, mita (2) It is bsrshy sertifisil. that this invoice applies to Subproject 27 urikr" r ProAct MUM shift vas Mali approved and that the project has beau =fried eat in accordance With the =VP essorandan to = data 3 April 1953 end the = memoranda* to 13D/A dated 33 Apr13. 1953. Data: 41111111 �Man .apumulamr., Research IkLyeetor CERTIFICATE May 24, 1954 This is to certify that I have today received Cashier's check No. '35992 ofillatrilinlipl& 11111111.11111111rn the amount of $968.80. May 24, 1954 MMIP� This is to certify that I have today received Cashier's check No. 185994 of swarataimatiper Ammillowin the amount of *24,220.00. .1 ASSERETM Security Informs am jeldatANDUM Cr UNDERSTANDIK 1. I acknowledge the fact that because of the confidential relationship between maelf and the U.S, Government, I will be the. recipient of il7Zormation which, in itself, or by the implications to be drawn therefrom, will be such-that its unlawful disclosure or loose handling may adversely affect the into:vett-and the security of the United States. I realize that the methods of collecting and of using this information, as well as the identity of persons invnlvedvare as ser.ret as the substantive information itself and, therefore, must be treated � by me with an equal degree of secrecy. 2.. 1 shall always recognize that the U.S. Government has the sole interest in all informatics: which I or my arganizatim my possess, compile or acquiro pursuant to this understanding. No advantage or gain will be songlit by me as a. result of the-added significauce ar valme suad information may have.. due to the Government's interest in it. 3. I solemnly pledge my word that I will never divulge, publish, nor reveal either by ward, conduct, or by any other means such information or knowledge, as indicated above, unless speciftcally authorized to do so. 4. Nothing in this understanding is to be taken as imposing any restriction upon the normal business practices of myself or my organization: i.e., information aerially possessed t5Pun or gathered in the regular course of.business will continue to be utilized in accordance with our normal practices. Signature: C Signature: 2 Representative of M.S. 'Government /lf Date " (r and n)