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Document Creation Date: 
January 23, 2025
Document Release Date: 
November 30, 2000
Publication Date: 
March 27, 1979
27 March 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: - NEULTRA Subproject 22 A letter was sent to 111111111111111111111bon 28 December 1978 asking for information about work he may have participated in or might know anything about at the University of Illinois, and the Butler Health Center in Providence, R.I. as well as training courses conducted at Agency facilities or under Agency sponsorship. Because we received no reply. to that letter I telephoned on March 19, 1979. seemed wil- ling to cooperate and assist but said that he had not responded to my letter because he had been involved in a heavy teaching schedule at the time it arrived and had wanted to chat with the head of the University Counsel before answering. He said he would have that chat now and call back in a few days. When I did't hear from him I tele- phoned again on 27 March 1979. In the second conversatim41111111iiii Psaid that the University Counsel had been fully occupied with a labor dispute on the Univer- � sity campus on the other side of town and there had been no oppor- tunity to consult with him. 11111111said he had our interests in mind and would consult the University Counsel at the earliest opportunity. Be said that, after reviewing my letter again, he felt certain that there would be nothing he could tell us that would be helpful- I asked him if he had received substances for testing from 411111111111111111at Montana State University. He replied that the name of meant nothing to him and he did 'hot remember having anything to do with Montana State University. I asked him if the address 81 Bedford St. in New York City meant anything to him and he said it didn't ring any bells. I told him that our file indicated that he may: have visited that_address_and_wewere_interested in knowing whether- he Might -anything abQut the visit..d the manner 'in which those premises were used. He didn't deny that he Might have been there but-disclaimed any-recollection of such-a:visit. - - - at the He recognized the name of but knew nothing about any 111110110acknowledgediiud ing research that might have been done involving drugs. He knows nothing about work that might have been done at the 11111Por the Butler Health Center in Providence, R.I. He did not recomaize the names of R :ED r.": A r: ow I reminded411111111111that our only interest was to identify individuals who might have been harmed by having been administered drugs without their knowledge or consent. said, he was certain he had no information that would be helpful to us. There seems to be no purpose in pursuing further the inquiry within/VIEW. c.c. OGC/ . - 7 2 - �