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Document Creation Date: 
January 21, 2025
Document Release Date: 
January 15, 1983
Publication Date: 
March 27, 1962
sa. ; � � MEWZANDUM 1'0R3 Chief, up 6- SUBJECT .71 -'Dr. ea� � 27 Phroh 1962 T5D Chemioa s on r has a projeo ereby in return for oonduo ng experiments in support of T5D's program to develop means of controlling behavior, they fUnd a portion of the laboratory thro the This arr nt I was originally made by Dr. /4 the contact is now retain and myself, I suggested that / should like to talk with2. In a telephone conversation yustorday between Dr. (The occasion C- T in oonnection with the case; this is covered in a separate memo-. of the conversation ues a h5 thetical queation which I put to 41- /9 randum). 1111111111Psaid that he would contact ...by 'phone immoliataly and would set up a meeting among the three of is. :��2�� �Im 3. .s . :: e*.:: J. . " i.:. ...: .-.' - .7 � .., - � 4! � .,:, ; ;' :-.�-s:�.;:r .�:!:.-8,,, ..:..7...... i......--Ir......!:::11 il. . s et. , � - 4 t -1 - ' '1 1 t - 1 r " ... _. . � � It 4 � , J 4 `.. * �:.-.)..rW ..., . ..� , "1"... 3.... - ""'. " "e' ." ..��- 0.ar .14 74; � 7 � - ao. � ' � � � �-�!�:.,,r : : � � � .� � � . � .:Zt 1,/: it . , �� � � Irailone papers in the file on the experimental objectives zrof thellIIIIIPprogram have ostablinhed a rather rough and ready group of criteria by which we hope ultimately to know whott�or trance can be intro� duoed instantaneously on a hostile and unwitting aubject. Translated into somewhat more technical termi these criteria amount to our being able to � determine whether and undsr what circumstances trance can be introduced without a process of acquaintanceship between subject and hypnotist. That la, the degree in which the transferenoe element can be introduced after regression bas been caused by some trauma. 5. At the present time, there appears to be little disagreement among the psychiatrists sdth whom this subject has been discussed that amnesia and post�hypnotic control can be caused once trance is introduced. Dr. /1- 11111Pf the Medina]. Staffs qualifies this view only by noting that in some circumstances typnosis can cause certain types of psychotic episodes to occur which cannot be controlled completely the h notist. fir F -114 foregoing indicates the nature of the theoretical and expert.. mental diSOUssion that must continue at this stage of the program. :Obviously, the answers to the questions raised can only be acquired by further experiments under realistic conditions. � : ..ri!*:::eisie,;:1110,::t.14aisiiV*.�� ..:41Vaill:T!'ls: n .*U �attl!lf;i:'iiiN:i:**1- :r!!! 1.771ITS-1:4-.4!:**i�ti?1",*:"*. ta:iii:rsiirirerigii:ti:i;:asiweell'lip - 1. :- -' - * .."��. r*7....j...i. - -- - * - 1 '....:7"'"'";�:-� � - It, -1- w - ' A 42'4-- irt,-' ': .4r,:r114 '44, -!-;�� 4:- IL .:1L; ..4-4*