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Document Creation Date:
January 21, 2025
Document Release Date:
January 15, 1983
Publication Date:
November 3, 1960
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-7- I 7 ' TO: FB211 OBJECTs /4- 3 I:eves:her 1960 1. :Wactivos. The 11111111Progrma is daaigned to test and apply methods of hypoosis that differ in several important respOts from those employed in conventional psychotherapy, in conventional - experimentation and in conventiona/ applications to clandestine problems. The first objective of the progrma is to carry through realistic teats =der field conditions. The second objective is to establish procedures on the basis of these tests to =by the techniques ev4.1abIe for operational use. 2. Elements to to tested. For ra-r4roxa operational application, the technique must be able to achieve the following effects: a. Induce deep trance in an unwitting and unwilling subject. b. Induce deep trance rapidly, i.e., mithin seconds. c. Produce indefinitely durable a=mcia conceihing the trance. d. Produce tildefinitely durable control of future behavior through post hypnotic sugEestion, including behavior in conflict rith the subject's normal pattern. 3. Criteria for Field Tests. Because of the sensitivity of the method, field toots must meet certain criteria. These arm a. Minimam flan potential. If a test fails in any of its vg, elements, the results must be of minimum concern, eabarrass-cnt and security damage WM" (Note .7- that the nature of the technique is each that normally the Acme:its can be scheduled for testing a sequence that will prevent disclosure of embarrassing or da=aging intentions. Individual cases must be adaptable to this scheduling.) b.,Security of 1111111, The fact thatIllillremperiments with hypnosis is not ebocially sensitive, but the ISM # /ro -2- elements mt ars tecting in this program roprceant a potential breakthrough in clandrsatine technology. Them. Lore our oxperimento vith those elemcnts must be protactet to the maximum. (Note, the naturo of the techniqao lends itself to stageby-stage progress from elemunt to element, with.the possibility in Lost eituationn of disguicinc each element as it is tested. Caeca chosen for tectinc muet Lit the situations in 'which such phasing is poesible.) es. Maid-us Produt. It is desirable, though not mandatory, that test cases bd choaen from the tasting of which valukblo information can he expected. d. Confirmable Croea-Chcake. In ardor to determine the general validity of ay tent, it is desirable, though not mandatory, that information be on record that wi/1' cross-chock the information obtained. This cheald preferably be derogatory or personally painful infor- mation known to us from other sources but withheld from us' hy the aubject. (Note. As part of the testing of elements 3 (durable amnesia) and h (controlled post hypnotic behavior), that experimenters can synthesize cross-chocks, but those will not be a perfect substitute for information originating outside 'the experiment. Li. Planning Conaidorations. a. Lanruage. The staff consultant who originated the techniques speaks only English and11111111Muently enough at the present time to apply them oparationally according to his own criteria. Tests must therefore be made initially on fluent English or IlMillrapeakcrs. b. Scheduling. In order to keep up the momentum of the staff consultant's enthusiapm and the level of his skill, it is dasirabae to provide him as much opportunity to practice as possible. Test camas are therefore solicited of whatever level is available. Much experimental progress can be nark, in cases whore the criteria listed at 3. c Ai d are not rigidly met. Needless to say the criteria of mini=mm flap potential 'and security of the program are absolute. �