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Publication Date: 
February 24, 1959
PDF icon SCIENTIFIC AND POLITICAL [16426773].pdf141.12 KB
Approved for Release: 2-024/12/12 CO2001878 24 February 1959 TIFIC AND POLITICAL SIGNIFICANCE CV PUFFING IN ANTARCTICA pping of Antarctica has both political and scientific significance. Scientific eignificancelong recognised by US (proposed by National Academy 1949) and by Soviets; 1. 2. Essential to long-range planning of activities; Necessary for Plotting results of data (a) to determine character of continent and ice sheet, (b) weather and climate studies, (c) eventually 'for tracking of satellites (US and Soviet polar orbit vehicles), and (d) for resource exploration and charting; Essential tool for long-range military preparedness. r � Field operations require yea4:to tecOMPlish. tanabt be dons swiftly only when emeigeacies arise. . 'Mapping basic in Soviet scientific activities. Essential to their integrated and comprehensive earth science research in the study of Earth as a whole. 1. Aggressively pursued from start of their IGY prcgrams i955-56; 2. Mapped and charted over 30000-mile coastal zone (40�E-160�E); 3. Large-and medium- scale mapping begun; a. .Large scale topographic and geologic mapping of Hunger Hills OAZIS) and Mirnyy area. � b. 14200,000 planned for overall area of their acgvity. aocuMENT NO. I L Li xCL 100000.00.,......N 0.C7Ficl,L.NA'OE,sii.yIrC,)L..f-,33. AS3. CHAN:3:D TO:. TO 0 C NEXT ra.r.VETAV DATE: _ AUTI-I: HO 70-'' DATE.t7,14t REVIEWER: 372044 Approved for Release: 2024/12/12 CO2001878 Approved for Release: 2024/12/12 CO2001878 ing ba5::44emediate and pp:Lit Provides evidence of sophisticated activ and claims: .� Needed to determine .rtr Antarc ica is ,contint- merely ice plateau tied to islands. Eke direct bea on sovereignty problem. 2. If Soviets map more than US, Soviet rights likely to- , outweigh US, particularly, in unclaimed sector where W. rights now unchallenged. Soviet leadersillp in international mapping would be unequivoeal recorc. of J:.vr,3 ed ie:ceof Soviets in Antarctica. US vulnerable to Soviet propa6anda that despite many years of US activitjr includin ..ari7e-ale Operation High-Junp only small parts of cont'Inent ma .2�,y,, aerial photography- reatly limited due to lack Lgcr.!,1 control) . Approved for Release: 2024/12/12 CO2001878