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Approved for Release: 2024/10/24 C00352109
Chief, Task Force V
Chief, of Station, JMWAVE
summ. Operational/GYROSE/KUCAGE
Plans of Central American Countries for Action Against Cuba
References: A. WAVE 1636
B. WAVE 2413
C. WAVE 2461
� D. UFGA 2528
1.- At the Punta del Este Conference in January 1062 it was
readily apparent that the only Latin American countries sincerely
interested in taking a firm stand against Castro were the Central
American nations. Others were primarily concerned with their own
internal situations and the possible repercussions locally if they
should give an anti-Castro vote; others were cajoled and apparently
bought off to obtain a vote favorable to the U.S. position. The
Central American countries at one point were aggravated to such a
degree by the turn of events during the discussion period that they
even threatened to walk out en masse from the Conference. It
appeared at that time that fr-any kind of assistance were required for
positive action against Castro, the Central American countries might
well be prepared to provide such assistance.
2.- During the last three months, a number of reports have come
to our attention which indicate quite clearly that some kind of
action is contemplated by some or all of these countries, either '
individually or collectively. A number of these have been reported
to Headquarters (see references). In additicn to that information
(and other data undoubtedly available to Headquarters from sources
within the countries involved) additional information on some of the
meetings held in relation to this planned action is forwarded here-
with and is combined into one report for the sake of completeness.
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3. Reference. A of 28 February 1962 reported that AMCLATTER-5
had received word from Eduardo *GARCIA (owner Garcia Lines) N.Y.
.a few'days pretqoUsly that he had talked with Gen.' Anastasio *sommA
during his recent trip to the U.S. about the willingness of the
SOMOZASS to permit'the training of anti-Castro forces in Nicaragua.
SOWZA supposedly. expressed interest in such a venture, but did not
make a definite agreement on the subject. It was however decided
that GARCIA, along with representatives of exiled Cuban armed forces,
would go to Nicaragua to, exploit this possibility further. GARCIA
told AMCLATTER-5 that he wanted him to represent the Naval forces and
intended, to have Col. Angel *SANCHEZ. Mosquera represent the ground
forces. GARCIA said he would arrive in the WAVE area shortly and would
fill in the details.. AMCLATTER-5 was instructed by his Station case
officer to monitor the above matter and keep us advised on developments.
4. On 14 March 1962 a report was received from AMCLATTER-5
concerning a meeting held the previous evening attended by Eduardo
GARCIA, Col. Angel SANCHEZ Mosquera and AMCLATTER-5 on the subject
of GARCIA's talks in Washington with General Anastasio SOMOZA, head
of the Nicaraguan Armed Forces.. According to GARCIA, SOMOZA told
I him in strictest confidence that he had held discussions with "high
government officials" on the Cuban problem and its solution. '(From
the conversations, it was assumed that these were Pentagon officers.)
1 GARCIA was instructed by SOMOZA, who is a long-time friend, to effect
contact with responsible elements of the Cuban. Armed Forces. with a
I view toward organizing a Cuban military group in Central America.
iAThis Cubangroup, plus military groups of other countries would under-
take the liberation of Cuba. SOMOZA .commented that the Pentagon would
handle the military aspects and CIA would hndle the intelligence
\ ramifications. No other details on this aspect were provided by
..SOMOZA,. but he did add that "I cannot go to a failure...Fidel would
finish me".. SOMOZA then asked GARCIA to create a commission of
'respoasible, clean officers of the Army, Navy. and Air Force and impressed
upon GARCIA the strict security measured that�should be exercised in
discussing this matter with the officers. Once the commission were
established, SOMOZA was to be notified in order that visas Could be
issued and further discussions held in Managua.
5. On 13 March GARCIA., SANCHEZ and AMCLATTER-5 made up a
Commission consisting of the following individuals:
A. Col. Anger SANCHEZ Mosquera.
B. Capt. Oscar *ALFONSO Carol ex-Cuban army officer and first
chief of the training camps in Guatemala
C. Comandante Orlando *ENRIZO Martinez, ex-Army officer
D. Comandante Luis *PEREZ Escandon, ex-chief of the combat
squadron of the Cuban Air Force
E. Capt. Antonio *GONZALEZ Torrecilla, ex-officer Cuban Air Force
F. Miguel *ALVAREZ' Jimenez, civilian, but a member of the
cadre that founded the training camps in�Guatemala
H. Gustavo *PONZOA, pilot of Cubana Airlines and also a pilot
of the Cuban Liberation Forces in Guatemala and Nicaragua.
PONZOA was also a member of the 20th Of July Movement in
its fight against BATISTA.(known to Edward D. KNAPMAN)
I. Commander Armando *RODRIGUEZ Alonso, ex-Cuban Naval officer
6. All of the above (except PONZOA and 'RODRIGUEZ, who were out
of town) met at AMCIATTER-5's house on 14 March at which time GARCIA
briefed the group; all. concurred. A letter to SOMOZA was being drawn
up giving the names of the Commission. The representatives who were
to go to Nicaragua had not yet been selei:ted at that time, but a
meeting was to be held soon to pick thes7! individuals. 'These persons
would be accompanied by GARCIA, whose only function would be to
introduce these officers to SOMOZA. The delegates' only function in
Nicaragua would be to discuss with SOMOZA the possibility of creating
'a Cuban Armed Forces. It was to be made clear that although they are
on the Commission, it does not necessarily .follow that they would be
the commanders of the respective forces in the future. (AMCLATTER-5
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was hopeful that he would be named to group going to see SOMOZA and
was told by his JMWAVE case officer to try for the assignment since
it would be in our interests. AMCLATTER-5 and his companions apparent-
ly want to be assured by SOMOZA that this project is a serious attempt
against Castro and also that ODYOKE is behind this venture since they
feel that a project of this magnitude could only be sponsored by
ODYOKE.) AMCLATTER-5 is optimistic in general, and feels confident
over the choice of the military commission since they are "honorable
officers" who have 'a genuine backing and enjoy the sympathy of their
7. As of the writing of this dispatch, there has been no further
action by this group and no meeting involving these principals has been
held in Nicaragua.
8. On 20 March an AMOT-a sub-source reported a new development
related to Central American activity vis-a-vis the Castro regime.
General Joaquin *BONILLA, Guatemalan Consul General in Miami, who
claimed to be the personal representative of g,,r,es,ident,,,kiggea.�,tYlnaca45,.
Ellantes_pA,,Anatemala,Igho has the support of the Presidents of
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras and Panama) invited
certain Cuban exiles to a meeting with tasAdejytIGO/MSAn_Gnatemala
on the Cuban problem. Those invited were Jose *MIRO Cardona, Aur'e'fi6.no
*SANCHEZ Arango, Ricardo Rafael *SARDINAS, Eusebio *MUJAL, Carlos
*MARfUEZ Sterling and Julio *GARCERAN de Vail. The purpose of the offer
as stated was that they go to Guatemala and there establish- a government
or junta representative of the Cuban anti-Communist cause; that there
they could count on bases and arms for the training of Cuban army of
5,000 men who, in time, would be joined by 30,000 others for an
invasion of Cuba. In the event that MIRO Cardona did not want to
attend, BONILLA stated that ho had instructions to invite Engineer
Carlos *HEVIA in his place. (MIRO did not want to attend: if the other
individuals mentioned were also to be there; see reference D). The
invitation- to HEVIA was made through the Asociacion de Colonos de
Cuba en el Exilio and HEVIA replied that he would need time to meditate
and study the offer, but did not show himself either for or against the
9. On 21 March AMCHEER-1 stated that Jose *ARIAS, in charge of
intelligence for Dr. GARCERAN de Vall, said that they were very opti-
mistic because Dr. GARCERAN was to be designated as the integrator
of all sectors, movements and revolutionary anti-Castro organizations
in exile, with or without representation in Cuba, because a secret
pact had been signed by which MUJAL, MARCUM', Sterling and SARDINAS
would support GARCERAN to preside over the Cuban Government-in-Exile
and support the Constitutional Thesis for a Provisional Government. He
,added that MIRO had not been able to go to Guatemala with the others,
but that he. had agreed to make the trip one or two days later. The
meeting in Guatemala would be presided over by YDIGORAS (who had stated
that his government was in perfect control of the political situation
in Guatemala and that more propaganda than it deserved had been given
, to the situation so that the government would have justification for
special measures to eliminate Communist elements). Guatemala would be
the provisional seat of the Cuban Government-in-Exile which would be
formed by the union of all sectors. As soon as that was established,
four Central American Republics (with the aid also of Paraguay) would
give their "full" support to this government to attack Cuba. According
to ARIAS, camps have already been established for these objectives, at
least in Guatemala, and Cubans and other Latins were already training
there as if they were forces of the Guatemalan Army. 4e added that
e0DYOKE was supporting al/ this from behind the scenes. In response
to a question, ARIAS said that as far as he knew General PEDRAZA was not
included in this planning. t
10. The meetings with President YDIGORAS were held the latter
part of March in Guatemala and were attended by SANCHEZ Arango,SARDINAS,
GARCERAN and MUJAL. MIRO excused himself through a number of phone calls
to YDIGORAShon the grounds that he was very busy with the question of
the Playa Giron prisoners. MARCUEZ Sterling excused
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himself through means of an extensive letter to YDIGORAS in which he
' designated MUJAL as his representative at the meeting. References B
-and C reported the salient points of information received on this
meeting'froMAMCLATTER-54 .These.reports,,plUs 'others available on
.the same subject are elaborated below in order that Headquarters be
apprised of all information currently available te the Station on this
11. On 27 March AMCLATTER-1 provided the following information
� which he received from Carlos *PELAEZ who had talked with MUJAL upon
� his return from Guatemala. MUJAL told him that they had decided to
�back MIRO, Cardona if that were the desire of ()MORE since they did not
care who would head the Provisional Government as long as something
was done to liberate Cuba. Also that there are four (unnamed) Central
American countries who are strongly united and Mujal said that if
ODYOKE cannot undertake open war against Cuba, then these countries
are willing to go ahead and produce something and perhaps make ODYOKE
help in some way.
12. On 30 March a report was received from AMCRACKLE-1 which
he had gotten from AMP4I4M-4.
a. The latter stated that on 28 March MUJAL had visited
him and during four hours had given him a wealth of details about
his trip to Guatemala and his talks with YDIGORAS. The Cuban
invitees were requested through an envoy of YDIGORAS not to make
any public declarations. SANCHEZ Arango did not heed this
request and made some comments to a reparTamhich displeased
YDIGORAS who took up this matter at .the-Tilbt meeting. This
lead to a verbal exchange between YDIGORAS and SANCHEZ Arango
which showed in general terms not only displeasure, but also a cer-
tain dislike by YDIGORAS of SANCHEZ Arango. YDIGORAS Justified
the absence of Carlos PRIG with pretexts, although MUJAL thinks
the true reason for his absence was the memory which remains
In Guatemala regarding the .aid of ex-President PRIO to the
governments of AREVALO and ARBENZ..
b. During the meeting YDIGORAS put special emphasis
on the fact that he represented not only Guatemala, but also
the presidents of other Central American countries. Essentially
the meeting developed in the following stages: � a meeting of all
the Cubans with YDIGORAS; a meeting of the Cubans themselves;
and a private meeting of each of the Cubans with YDIGORAS. Accord-
ing to MUJAL he attended two meetings alone with the President.
YDIGORAS' 'proposal was to offer an invitation to unite for the
struggle in Cuba. In the event that he could count on the union
of the Cuban factions, he promised to provide a Central American
army of 10.1000 men, for which he declared he could count on the
acquiescence of the other Central American countries. Also,
he said he could count on another army of Europeans, essentially
Trench, of about 10,000 soldiers. The Cubans should contributp
.40,000 men and ODYOKE would supply thesame number. YDIGDRAS cle-
1,clared that these proposals would be discussed with GPIDEAL
nring the next visit he made to VRMETAL. All those present
took part in the discussions and MUJAL stated that SARDINAS
made some very timely remarks. .MUJAL Said he personally offered
a vote of absolute confidence and unconditionally supported the
efforts of YDIGORAS and said that he would accept the proposals
of the Guatemalan President regardless of what the terms or condi-
tions were.
. c. MUJAL added that when th%Cubans met by themselves, they
drew up a document on unity which they all Signed. This document
is so general that everyone could sign it without objecting to or
disputing anything. .The original is in the hands of YDIGORAS and
each participant promised not to publish it. (MUJAL promised to
let AMPALM-4 read it.) MUJAL said that as a continuation of the
discussion, editing and signing of this document he was obliged
to put his vote of confidence in YDIGORAS in writing. He invited
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the rest to sign it; SANCHEZ Arango put up an argument, but
finally signed. Then everyone had to sign another document
accepting the efforts of YDIGORAS and whatever conditions he might
impose. For example, the signers would accept his proposals
even though it might mean their absence from their implementation.
Later, upon the delivery of these documents, each Cuban had
a confidential and private interview with YDIGORAS. (MUJAL did
not provide any information on his interview.) In the general
meetings there was a discussion about the possibility of holding
a mass meeting in Miami with YDIGORAS (en route to 7RMETAL) as the
only speaker. No agreement was reached on this point, but they
agreed to inform him of their decision prior to 10 April. Also
in the general discussions, YDIGORAS said there was no reason
to worry about the necessary resources since ODYOKE would supply
the means and would take charge of collecting from the Cubans
later on.
d. MUJAL wont on to tell of a meeting he attended with
YDIGORAS outside of Guatemala, El Salvador to be exact. YDIGORAS
was accompanied by officials of the Guatemalan Army. The meeting
was held for the representatives of the General Staffs of the
other Central American nations, each of which had two or three
representatives. It was attended also by the president of the
Junta of El-Salvador. On returning to Guatemala, YDIGORAS
invited MUJAL to dine with the PBPRIME Ambassador on the pretext
that the Ahbassador had said to YDIGORAS that MUJAL was responsi-
ble for not having unseated Batista a year before he was thrown
out inasmuch as MUJAL was the Secretary Of the CTC. MUJAL did
not tell source about his conversation with the Ambassador, but
did mention that the latter was up to date on the development
of the events discussed above. (The Station is asking AMCRACKLE-1
to follow up on this point.)
e. MUJAL stated that during the entire proceedings,
YDIGORAS expressed himself ironicallypnot to say disrespectively,
of MIRO and Antonio VARONA as well as of the Council and the
Frente. MUJAL ended by saying that he cannot say that any of
those who took part in the meeting will head up any possible
action, but that his understanding is that action is inevitable.
f. Of special interest is the information given by MUJAL
that at the final meeting (presumably in Guatemala) an ODYOKE
official attended, although he does not know in what capacity.
However, the officer did give him his card in which he appeared
with the rank of Colonel or Lieut. Colonel. MUJAL did not offer
the name of the Colonel, or the theme of the meeting. (AMCRACKLE-1
%will be advised to attempt to obtain this information.)
-13. On 28 March AMCLATTER-5 provided additional information
from GARCERAN upon the latter's return from Guatemala,on 26 March.
GARCERAN said he was advised by YDIGORAS that there was a Central
American plan to overthrow Castro and although the details were not
spelled out, GARCERAN was left with the impression that ODYOKE would
supply the air arm and also that the military plan would be carried
out very soon. ,He said YDIGORAS has sworn him to secrecy and that he
could not give AMCLATTER-5 any more details. GARCERAN said he
planned to return to Guatemala within the next few days and would
visit Nicaragua and El Salvador with the President of the Guatemalan
Congress who will act as a special representative Of YDIGORAS to GARCERAN
and introduce him to high officials in the countries visited.
GARCERAN is reportedly preparing a military plan for YDIGORAS re
training his fifty-man commando tealiAl which he intimated YDIGOUS
would pay for.
14. a. On 29 March AMCHEER-1 provided the following information
which he obtained from conversations with GARCERAN, MUJAL and
SARDINAS. President YDIGORAS expressed a desire to keep confiden-
tial the matters which he and the Cubans were to discuss. The
cover story he suggested for the meeting was that they were
trying to obtain work for Cuban technicians for specialized jobs
in.Guatemala. The Cubans stated that this explanation would not
be believed since all Cuban exiles were awaiting news of political
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Meeting, agreements were made and YDIGORAS informed them of future
plans culminating in joint action for which they alreadybad the
secret support of four Central American nations. Other points
of interest were: (1) the participants got the impression that
Genef.al PEDRAZA was not included in these plans at all; (2) jet
combat aircraft are being received little by little in Guatemala
and apparently also in the other countries involved; and (3)
the disturbances in Guatemala were purposely exaggerated (for
example the announcement about the peasants' concentration in
Guatemala City was not completely true) as part of a large plan
so that the presence of foreigners or non-inhabitants in
leading cities and the capitol will pass unnoticed.
b. The report continued by saying that President YDIGORAS
will visit Miami in April during which time he will attend a
large rally held in Bayfront Park and will accompany Dr. GARCERAN
to give him support and recognition as the legitimate Constitu-
tional Provisional President of Cuba-in-Exile, or will publically
give his sapport to GARCERAN and his Thesis group in a similar
manner. He expects that by that time the leading political
factions will be united. Dr. GARCERAN agreed to include in his
Cabinet all those leading factions which are now fighting each
c. Dr. GARCERAN stated to a group of close friends that
when President YDIGORAS made his proposals he .told them not to
worry about other Latin American nations because that was his
problem and he would have all the necessary support. He continued
by saying that he had already discussed these matters in his
last trip to ZRMETAL and that they had the spport of PBPRIME
although it was not convenient to give that appearance for
reasons of international politics.
d.. AMCHEER,-I continued his report by relating some points
which came up at a meeting attended by Dr.. GARCERAN, GARCERANts
son, Jose ARIAS (in charge of intelligence matters) and AMCHEER-l.
Dr. GARCERAN stated that the following was of utmost secrecy and
should not be divulged to other persons. That.YDIGORAS entrusted
to him the accomplishment of the following project with the pur-
pose of augmenting the file of documentary evidence against the
Communist GOC, and also to perform a round-up of the leading
Guatemalan Communists or Communists resisting in that country.
This project was put into effect that' night (29 March) and involves
the preparation of letters, books, newspapers or publications
which must be forwarded to persons whose names appear on a list
prepared for this purpose. These letters, etc. are to contain
ciphered letters written in invisible ink and they must be
prepafed -in such a manner that these incriminating messages can
be deciphered. They are to involve the present GOC, the CP
and to include plans of espionage, subversion, rebellion and
information on war materiel, Communist propaganda in general
with regard to the Cuban Revolution. . These messages are to be
forwarded from Miami by alleged and apparent Castro agents obeying
ordeyfrom Cuba and should 'even mention that they are sent from.
Miami to avoid suspicion. The Guatemalan Government would then
be given advance notification about these messages and will be
waiting to seize the correspondence, decipher 'the messages
and act accordingly.
e. The following points of interest were obtained by
AMCHEER-1 on the meeting of the leaders of the "Tesis Constitu-
cional" which took place on 29. MarO: (1) dismissal of Colonel
Oscar *DIAZ as head of the Militar?Advisory Board; (2) designa-
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tion of Colonel Angel SANCHEZ Mosquera, by unanimous approval
even by those elements who were his revolutionary enemies, to
head and be in charge of the entire military operation; and
(3) consideration of all participants as a plain and initial
Working Commission until it is possible to departmentalize
responsibilitis through the general merger. Some of the partici-
pants at this meeting were SARDINAS, MUJAL, Ernesto *AZUA Font,
Dr. Francisco *ALABAU Trelles, Jesus *ARTIGAS and others totaling
about twenty.
f. Also on the afternoon of 29 March at the request of
GARCERAN and Jose ARIAS, AMCHEER-1 drove them at about 6pm to an
appointment which they described as important. They asked to be
dropped_off at the corner of SE 1st Street, between 1st and 2nd
Avenues in downtown Miami from where they walked towards the main
entrance of the Pan American Building next to the Pan American
Bank. When they came out about a half hour later, GARCERAN would
not say anything at all about this visit, but Jose ARIAS mentioned
the following tler AMCHEER-/ on a confidential basis: (1) they
no longer had any doubts about ODYOKE being behind the plan
ro osed by YDIGORAS because the YESVItiliusrs knew about it aud he
�RIAS)and GARCERAN hadearned that much through their conver-
sations: (2> ARIAS mentioned some names, but not
of persons not looked well upon by the PBPRIMErs including
Colonel Oscar DIAZ and Ruben de LEON. He then mentioned other
names of persons who were in the good graces of the pBPRIMErs
for inclusion into the military cadres including Colonel
*MONTEAGUDO, Colonel SANCHEZ Mosquera and others. ARIAS then
asked AMCHEER-1 for names of honorable, decent and pro-PBPRIME
military men who could be included in the latter list.
g. The end of this report by AMCHEER-1 gives a list of
"organizations or movements who support the "Tesis Constitucional"
group, Vhat is, who are pro-Cuban Constitutional Government"(see
attachment). The support of these organizations has, been ob-
tained through letters signed by the leaders of each of these
organizations and are classified as follows: revolutionary
organizations, political sectors, military organizations, student
organizations, labor organizations, civic organizations and
clandestine organizations.
15.. a. On 31 March AMCLATTER-5 provided additional information,
most of which was forwarded in reference C. In more detail, this
report is tsfollows. AMCLATTER-5 and Colonel SANCHEZ Mosquera were
summoned urgently by Dr. GARCERAN to his office at 17th Terrace
NE, Miami. In the strictest confidence he advised them that he
"had been ordered by the Pentagon" to conscript or recruit per-
sonnel. ..The exact purpose, target or specific assignment of these
men was not revealed by GARCERAN, but he indicated that it was
one more step toward the utilmate creation of a hemispheric army
to overthrow Castro. (AMCLATTER-5 understands .that these orders
were received on 30 March. When he inquired whether these orders
were from KUBARK or the Pentagon, GARCERAN asserted once again
"from the Pentagon".)
b. AMCLATTER-5 continues by saying that immediately
after this private meeting GARCERAN held a larger, but still
private, meeting with about 14 persons including himself and
SANCHEZ Mosquera, all of whom were unknown to AMCLATTER-5
except for Dr. Jose IRIARTE (CTC labor official) and the Director
of the Policemen's Club in Exile (name unknown to source). These
persons, all civilians except thost indicated, were said to be
the military coordinators of the �dIfferent political organizations
which make up the GARCERAN group. Without disclosing the Pentagon
"order" or the YDIGORAS relationship, GARCERAN informed the audience
that he was beginning the inscription of personnel for the purpose
of'taking stock of what was available in the event something
should come up later on. Those individuals accepted would receive
paramilitary type training in Miami in courses directed by a
"Training Academy" under General SANCHEZ Mosquera. AMCLATTER-5
was named. to make up the recruitment questionnaires. Persons
fining in the PRCs would not be told of their %rue Significance,
but an oath to be taken at th timnf
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out the obligation ,ach has to respond to a formal call to
� p. At this meeting GARCERAN called for, and received,
an unconditional and unanimous "vote of confidence" giving him
complete authority to call up the men at any time without answering
to anyone or being restricted in any disposition of the troops
he'deems necessary.
d. In' his report AMCLATTER-5 said that OANCHEZ Mosquera
told him that he (SANCHEZ) had been most active in the past weeks
contacting elements of the professional army WtIfioin Miami, New
York, Chicago, Los Angeles, etc. He said he also realized that
if this venture is to become a reality, members of the Rebel
Army must also be included in the planning. Consequently,
working toward this end, SANCHEZ has begun contacts with ex-Rebel
Army Comandante PANEQUE fnu, aka "Diego". Although nothing
definite has been reached as yet, it is presumed that if PANE(UE
and SANCHEZ agree, PANEQUE would be the "coordinator" of Rebel
Army groups in the new GARCERAN forces.
16. On the 6:45 pm radio program "Noticiero de Norman Diaz"
on 31 March 1962 the following announcement was made: Dr. Julio
GARCERAN del Valle, announced that beginning Monday, 2 April 1962;
at 222 NE 17th Terrace, Miami, the recruitment program of the Pro-
Constitutional Government of Cuba.will begin. The hours are 10-12 am,
3-5 pm and 8-12 pm.
17. On 4 April AMCLATTER.4 provided a sample of the recruitment,
or PRO. form, of the GARCERAN group which is entitled "Control de
Personal". This is forwarded as Attachment .
18. On 2 April a report was received from AMCHEER-1 (who
at the instructions of AMOT-2 is cooperating with GARCERAN) to the effect
that the secret writing and intercept program outlined by YDIGORAS and
mentioned in paragraph 14dabove has begun. A secret message will be
forwarded to Professor Victor Manuel *GUTIERREZ in Guatemala (who was
the first name on the list provided GARCERAN in Guatemala) in a book
sent from Miami. In order to alert the Guatemalan authorities, a
letter containing all the necessary information on the name of the
addressee, the title of thetook, the pages on which the secret message
is written, the text of the message, etc. has been forwarded to the
proper persons in that country. This letter was sent to Dr. Manuel
*ORELLANA, FederaCion Anticomunista Centro Americana, 10 Avenida No.
9-49, Zona 1, Guatemala. (The text of the letter as well as the
secret message is on file at the Station. The method used in this first
effort is by means of perforations under the desired letters on unevenly
numbered pages.) The letter for the Guatemalan authorities was �
written 1 April; it is planned that the book in question will be mailed
on 12 April.'
19. On 5 April BARR 0387 was received at JMWAVE and has been
forwarded to Headquarters with out comments. This informs Us that
Avelino *ROJAS, Key West distributor of Prensa Libre, reported the
following to a local Customs Agent on 4 April 1962: . FIGUERES, BETAN-
GARCERAN recently to discuss possible exile action against Castro. The
war plans which this group will present to ZRMETAL on 17 April will
call for Gutemala to declare war against Cuba. YDIGORAS will arrive
in Miami on 27 April to receive final orders. SANCHEZ Arango left on
2 April for New York to meet with Other exile leaders. JMWAVE's
comments stated that to our knowledge FIGUERES and BETANCOURT did
not attend subject meeting. Also, accoiping to AMGORRILLA-1, SANCHEZ
Arango was planning to go to New York on about 5 April, but primarily
for medical reasons (SANCHEZ Arango told him in strictest confidence
that he has cancer of the neck and that that was the main purpose
pf his trip.)
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20. Also on 5 April a report (FOB 4017) emanating from the
KUJUMP office hero provided information on the Guatemala meeting.
The source of this report was Jose ARIAS (see paragraph 9). The
source's information follows very closely that given above, but
he adds that YDIGORAS said that AMBUD-1 has agreed to join with the
other groups in accomplishing the unity of theCuban exiles. Also,
this source continued by saying that yDIGORAS announced thnt h will
be in ZRMETAL as official guest of GPIDEAL on about 28 April at which
trite he plans to present the ollowing plan to GPIDEAL: the establisl
ment of a Cuban Government-in-Exile located in Guatemala (the _chair-
manship ol this government will be rotated among the following -1-1ETir
leaders: Dr. Carlos *PRIG Socarras, Dr. Jose MIRO Cardona, Carlos
HEVIA, Dr. Julio GARCERAN, Dr. Carlos MARPUEZ Sterling, Aureliano
ANCHRZ Arango and Ricardo Rafael SARDINAS). YDIGORAS will also
present 'a military plan which calls for the training in Guatemala of
10,000 men furnished by the Central American Republics, 10,000 men
from Spain, France and other. Western European countries and 40,000
Cubans. Inasmuch as Guatemala does not have the capabilities to
finance this project, YDIGORAS hopes that ODYOKE will assume tnat
responsibility. In the event that GPIDEAL dees not want to get
involved in this plan, YDIGORAS and his allies will seek help from
friendly governments and corporations affected by the GOC position.
21. a. AMCLATTER-5 met again privately with GARCERAN on
2 April. Colonel SANCHEZ Mosquera was to have attended also
but was ill. GARCERAN wanted their professbnal advice on the
logistics problem related to setting up in Guatemala a base for
"commando type" action against Cuba. Reportedly YDIGORAS had
asked for Specific equipment requisites for such a base and
AMCLATTER-5 provided a list of military items which would be
:for 40-50 men, including .both naval and commando personnel
and personal equipment. GARCERAN will personally draw up the
proposed plan and told AMCLATTER-5 that they are the only ones
to know of this operation. GARCERAN will present this plan to
YDIGORAS with the understanding that it is in lieu of any
"greater venture" (continental army)) its basic purposes would
be to: destroy military objectives in Cuba; obtain intelligence
directly from the source (from coxmandos taking part in action,
personnel infiltrated and picked up later, capture and kidnapping
of enemy personnel on raids) and to lift the morale of Cubans
inside and outside Cuba. GARCERAN will ask YDIGORAS for a base
on Guatemala's Atlantic side from which to operate. In discussing
the distance involved from there to Cuba several alternate plans
were entertained (use of "mother ships"). Although GARCERAN has
not selected the personnel for this operation he asked AMCLATTER-
if he would go to this base when it is formed. The latter answere,
in the affirmative, but asks for Station counselling on this
issue. AMCLATTER-5 was asked to try to determine from GARCERAN
if he has asked, or plans, to ask, for a Pentagon or KUBARK cadre
to train or guide his forces. GARCERAN told AMCLATTER-5 that the
two young Americans (Korean War veterans) who had attended
previous meetings when Colonel Oscar DIAZ was presiding had been
separated. from the organization along with Colonel DIAZ.
.AMCLATTER-5 plans to see GARCERAN regularly during the next
few days, especially now that the questionnaires are to be
distributed and the problem of "recruitment" will become more
b. AMCLATTER-5 added that in these last few days he also
saw Eduardo GARCIA (Garcia Lines) who is still waiting for
General Anastasio SOMOZA to answer their letter. GARCIA tele-
phoned SOMOZA in Nicaragua a few days ago and was told he would �
be out of town for three or foiktr more days. GARCIA told AMCLATTER-
.that he is impatient with the situation and is trying to set up
contacts in the shipping business. He plans to go to Honduras
during the weekend 7-9 April to attempt to rent some merchant ships
during which time he will also probably drop in on SOMOZA to
activate matters. AMCLATTER-5 was told that if GARCIA's business
venture were realized he would have an officer's berth open for
him on the ships. GARCIA says he plans to go back into the shippin
business because his personal funds were getting low.
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22. The last report we will include in this dispatch is a report
from AMCLATTER-5 dated 4 April in which he stated that he talked with
Eduardo GARCIA on the night of the 3rd who informed him that through
the Nicaraguan Consul in Miami he (GARCIA) learned that General
Anastasio SOMOZA is expected in PBPRIME between 15 and 20 April. The
purpose of this trip and his itinerary are not known. In connection
with the GARCERAN organization, AMCLATTER-5 says that the "Military
Commission" has not been formally integrated, but he believes it will
include, among others: Colonel SANCHEZ Mosquera, AMCLATTER-5, ex-
Rebel Army Commander PANECUE, aka "Diego" and ex-Rebel Navy officer
fnu *VIDAL Santiago. AMCLATTER-5 has been selected to teach the
courses in "Map Reading" at the proposed "Training Academy". He
has not been able to determine from GARCERAN if this Academy will
include "PBPRIME elements" as professors; however, GARCERAN reiterates
that he has no RUBARK backing or instructors, but does have a Pentagon
23. There ire other reports received after the writing of this
dispatch and they will follow. We realize that this is a rather lengtl
dispatch, but we feel that it is important that Headquarters have a
chronological and detailed summary of the information available to us
at this time, especially since we feel that it is quite probable that
this Central American proposal might take on increased importance
within ODYOKE during this month, especially if, as reported, both
President YDIGORAS and General SOMOZA arrive in ZRMETAL at the same
time. (As Headquarters is aware YDIGORAS has Postponed his planned
April trip to PBPRIME.)
24. We suggest that Headquarters might want to give some thought
to the potential of this proposal for the following reasons: (a) the
Central American countries have openly demonstrated their sincere
opposition to Castro and their desire to take whatever action feasible
to change the situation (i.e. Punta del Este Conference), (b) the word
is out in the extle community here that something is in the wind in
regard to possible action through YDIGORAS and/or the Central American
nations, (c) the exiles are becoming more and more discontented and
disillusioned partially due to what they consider a lack of positive
action on the part of ODYOKE, (d) this desire for action is sufficientl:
strong that pro-Batista or other groups which are not in the best
interests of PBPRIME and/or groups over which we have no control, might
well become the rallying point for the exiles as the only alternative
open to them and (e) the implementation of ODYOKE positive planning
through these neighboring hemispheric nations would provide a basis
for multilateral action (if unilateral action is not deemed desirable)
and could also be used as cover for our activities.
25. Additional information on this subject will be obtained from
our various sources and will be forwarded as received. JMWAVE would
appreciate being advised of any information received by Headquarters
on this subject from its field Stations concerned, as well as any
information or comments on this subject from ODEARL, ODACID and
GPIDEAL's office. Since we receive data of this nature only from source
in the WAVE area, it is otherwise difficult to make a truly educated
.analysis of this matter or to provide it with an accurate frame of
A. Organization of Supporting Constitutional Thesis
B. Recruitment Form 44
- Addressee wiatts. as stated above
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