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Publication Date:
May 28, 1961
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Approved for Release: 2024/10/24 C00366559 4, - � ,";
Cx.1.44.1(41 SY 00.:(.4. &NO
UFGA-1699 1
To Chief, iHD
Chief of Base. JMWAVII
,,.0 _..
':s3.....:1 OperationalATMATE
RE, '43-3" � ICHECV 'Y.
AMCLAT1ER-5 Meeting 'With AMDIP-1 and Other
Related Matters
.4.:710,, REC.,4E2:. 1,
None, for information and files
&MgEKE% ,
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1. On 28 May 1961 AMCLATTER-5 reported to Gerald L. GARDYMB
the results of
his private meeting 4th AMDIP-i. on 27;)tay
--- i
2. A-1 said be wanted to talk with A-5 about the reports'that
the pilot's association under A-5 was going to break a.ay
from AMBUD. A-1 said he had beard that AurelloANChEL
Arango and others had expressed interest in accepting the
pilots into their own independent organization.
3. A-1 said that he himself could not approve or accept "the
designation of personnel by a military organization being
made to a civilian group". A-5 said A-1 did not fully
understand either A-5's position or the position of the
pilot's association. A-5 explained that the pilot's ;
association (the reorganized Cuban Air Force) was not,
bas1ca1ly a military group, but a civilian organization
which was democratically formed and that the leader bad
been elected by democratic process. A-5 said the pilots
bad not voted on withdrawing from AMBUD (A-5 privately.'"
told the Case Officer that many of the pilots objected to
almUTI, to A!flaUD-1, A'D'-1, at., hut their sentiments
were more personal than official). A-5 said he told A-1
that under the new reorganization of the air force in exile,
it had gained strength aa it now had five jet pilots among
. its members. A-5 told A-1 that the pilots did not ..ant a
naka+ on AYAUD, that the eir fares group was not a political
body and it would not enter into politics. A-5 said the
pilots would submit a list of officers and its staffing to
AMBUD for AYSUD'a decision and acceptance. A-5 said that
the air force was opposed to the designation of air force
. staff and leaders by APBUD and felt that as a unit they had
the right to select the best men for staff positions.]
4. A-5 asked A-1 to let the pilot's organization prove its
worth to AMBUD since it now represented
a united body.,i
A-1 allegedly replied to A-5 that it was
alright to
continue with the organization as such for the time being.
A-I said he would contact AMBUD-1 and discuss the matter
with him. A-1 said that AMBUD -1 had already talked with
President Kennedy and had received from the President the
assurance of full backing for AMBUD-1 and AMBUD. � 1
5. A-5 said he had expected such more opposition from
- (known locally as The Mule") and felt that the initial
conversation had gone quite aell. A-5 said that they4
(the air force group) aould remain loyal to AMBUD. A-5
said be would willingly resign his position in the grdup
� if AMBUD refused to acknoaledge his appointment. i
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Approved for Release: 2024/10/24 C00366559
Approved for Release: 2024/10/24 C00366559
Soroposier T
. On 31 May 1961 GARDYNE again met with A-5 for the purpose
of debriefing Subject on his current activities. The Case
� Officer gave A-5 $200.00 for his May 1961 services.
7. A-5 was queried aeRin about his 27 May meeting with AMDIP-1.
A-5 said be did not receive re impression that AMDIP-1
� thought that the air force grcup wanted a seat on AMBUD.
� A-1's opposition was based on the consideration that AMBUD-1
should have the authority to appoint his own leaders and not
be required to accept the selection of such a leader by a
military group. A-5 said he explained that the air force
group was not military and :as comprised of civilians, as
previously reported. A-5 had the impression that A-1 was
more considerate and willing zo listen to reason. A-1 said
A-5 could continue his reorganizational efforts for the sake
of unity.
8. A-5 said the air force group had selected the following for
air force staff positions:
Chief, Air Force - Alberto 'ALBERTI G.
Lssistant Chief - Rene z.ARCIA
Intelligence (A-2) - 'PE= Esoandon (fnu)
Personnel - Leonardo 'a:LA
Cuartel Maestre (Supply) - 'CABALLERO (fnu) former Air
Force officer
Operations - Joaquin 'VARELA, Naval aviator
Assistant Operations - 'SORRECILIA (fnu) captain in the
Air Force and Jet pilot
Astultos Civiles (Public Relations):
No. 1 - Luis 'FERNANDEZ Ardoiz (civilian)
No. 2 - William AAIEIANDRE
No. 3 - Eduardo xwEITEHOUSE (former CAA head during
the Batista regime and alao in the training camps
for the fight against Fidel CASTRO).
A-5 reported that the followinm persons attended the special
meeting called by Eduardo GARCIA of "Garcia Lines" on 27 May
1961: A-5, Hector LAMAR and his brother (possibly Agustin),
who represented infantry elements- Sylvio LITRE2, who was in
charge of the landing crafts at Ba7ihia de Cochinos; Miguel
'ALVAREZ, member of the infiltration teams; NAVARRO (fnu)p a
former member of the Mayor of Habana's staff; a Luis (lnu), a
former Representative from tte Oriente under BATISTA and one
of the men who survived the fifteen days at sea on a raft and
came to New Orleans after the invasion failure; and another
man (name not heard) who was former FDR recruiting chief in
Miami, described as about 45, bald and wearing a mustache.
10.. At-the-meeting GARCIA said that the overall principle should
bit that all the "groups" should back AMBUD. However, GARCIA
suggested three different positions regarding the agreed
principle to back AMBUD:
That all present members of MUD should be replaced'
-by new officers, 1
� �
b. 'that AMBUD-1 and ANDIP-1 should be fully backed (no"
changes), or
c. to decide to enlarge AMBUD to include on it more 1
representation from all the united groups. This I
would include representation for economic adviaors
workers, and students.
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Approved for Release: 2024/10/24 C00366559
11. GARCIA told the group he had excellent contacts in Washington,
D. C. and would advise Washington as to the recommendations
made by this group at the meeting. It was agreed to meet again
on 2 June 1961. A-5 said that GARC/A felt that the men assembled
at this meeting represented a cross section of all anti-CASTRO
groups and that their decisions were important. 1.AMAR5 reprewented
the infantry; ALVAREZ, the infiltration teams; A-5, the pilots;
and PEREZ, the Navy. No decisions were taken at this meeting.
9 June 1961
3 _ ifs Division
joijor,�.; Nor T
End of Dispatch
- 3 -
Approved for Release: 2024/10/24 C00366559