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December 15, 1953
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TO 1"1:0:-1. 12 MI CO=III: -21c) 1).y name is Vincent L. uwet, a Lt. Colonel in the Chemical Corps. . . At the time of the death of Dr. Prank R. Olsen I was assi;.sed as Chief of Special Operations Divieion in which divicion Dr. Olson was a Branch Chief. I first net Dr. Olsen -on the 1st of July, 1951, on which date I re� ported to the Division . Trom July, 1951. tO January, 1952, we were in - intimate contact professionally and on comparable levels professiona17,7. that is, I was Assistant to the Division Clisf and he was a Branch Chi Also durir that time we became very friendly socially and I say a great -deal'of him and his family both at his home end they at my .1.ZOT.:44. � . � Januar'y, 1952, I left the Division to undertake the duties or :axe- - claire Officer of the Post at which time my daily professicnar content � was "more limited but I did work .with him on a liaison bssir, particu7larly, with_referente to ratters Tertaining to the Mission of SO Division- Sub� sequent to that time in Auguit, 1952, / became the Aseintnt Deputy Director of the Biologital-Laboratories and my relations with the decocted continued . � � ' on about the sane level. During this rericd we continued cur cocial friend� ship on a very close and. intimate basis. . � � In June, 1952. I was assigned as Acting Division Chief of SO Division � ���� in addition to my other:duties. In October, 1953, 1 was appointed Division Chief, which fact seemed to please Dr. Olson, very much. � � . During the merlod just covered Dr. Olson %sus:Branch chief until October, 1952, :at which time he was prevniled.uponby Dr. Schwab and. myself to be� cone Acting Chief of SO Division by reason of the fact that:Dr. Schwh had left the Divisien. Dr. Olsen did this reluctantly since he said that he w: . � ' � . : � -� � � � 7.-z if � ,/ adverse - takin sn administrative typa of wort�-end ?forred clo:-r touch with tho laboratory bench. Dr. Cleo= c:Arried cn no Lctir-.. Division Chief until 1 Kirsh, 1953 at which time 11C� was rensved at his. ca%=m reauest to revert to Branch Chief, his old job, and. in addition to hie othcr duties Special Assistant to the Division Chief. During the period described above and before the experiment my estimate Of Dr. Frank R. Olson is as follows.-- � Xis personality was that almost of an extrovert. Ea liked, a. prz:ctical � joke, did not carry it to excess. � �� Socially. he Was very popular. "11..fo of the parte typt. � Be vas the' first one on hand to assist anyone who might have troubles either profes.ic-- nalSv or personal.: Ea and his wife ware extremely popul,.: persons on the � Camp. . . - � � � - . � . _ � As a professienal man my.ectimate of his ability is sthat hp vas oUtstantl� int. The extant of my contact with hits has already been stated frrm Onto� bor (professionally ana at work) from July, 1951, to Jamlary, 1952, the cca� .. tact. was daily. : � � Yrom January, 1952 to Juno, 1953, it was prcibly on the order of 2 or 3 . ��� times a week. .Trom June, 1953, until his death the contact was daily. -.At . � -. all times fro :J June, 1951, and until his death ny social contact with hiM.am his family was intimate. ror the period in which I have knowledGe my estimate of the ter7:ornance of .his duties officially was satisfactory to oUtstandint. I would say that. from the cumulative standvpiat and in comparison with other scientists doinr � similar type of work he was outstanding. : During tha period prior to the experiment my opinion cf his ate of nine � = � ..�.=�.� .%. . � . � � .573 2k2_ � . � � vas that I noticed nothing which would lead. me to beleive that he was of unsound mind. Ee had the nornal family wonl.os, (worries that I con- sider to lo nor:4a1). Occassionally he had. trouble with his ulcers bat was always reluctant to discuss personal troubles with anyone. . Professionally he was making very fine progress particularly in the last year and was most successful in the work be was doing. I would further like to insert as regards to ihis'persomality on per- ! ionalhabito that he did smoko and did take social drinks but did not use either to excess. The experiment took place Thursday, I:el-ember 19th, 1953 in the evening. saw Dr. Olcon on Friday morning. 'do had breakfast and he appeared to � be agitated and.at the timo I did not consider this to be anormal.undor ' 'Us circumstances. Immediately after: breakfast on Fridaymorn:mg. Nove-bpr 20th, Dr. Olson . . . . � eams to3 and. had asked if.I would object if he rode back to "liono-statio: . . � -with Hr. Chauplin. I stated, "Of ccurso, not; that it wns porfectly right with me." � � . The next time I saw Dr. Olson was on Ponday morning, 23rd of rovenber, 29330 I. cane to work about 7:30 and Dr. Olson wit waiting for me in his - �Mae: Us appeared to be agitated and. askod me if I shwild fire hi n or. should he quit. I was taken "a-back" by thin-and. asked. hin.what was wronr- Ea stated that in his opinion he had massed up the expo:1=ot and did. not. - do wall at the neetiags. I talked. with D. Olson for about a half hour and furtn+r disoussed it with Mn stating that in my opinion he Lad. the wrong impression - that I the.zght he did very well at tho meetings and. in. � - 53')3 : 1 � . - .4 � . �� Liu participation in the experiment was above roproach. He appeared to be satisfied and relieved.. dr� � Wo attendoi two professional a:m:oint=ents tccether and. I notice& no- ; tbing.u.r.usual except� that he appeared to have sane difficulty in canc....a- trati^c-. We also had. lunch together on-that date. He di& not cat very well; / did notice that. Are attended an official movie and meeting at 1530 that afternconP1....e was riding home in a car-pool that night and. immediately . . .after the movie be said, "so-long," end.ran to catch his car. . - -2he next time I saw him .was the following' morning, Tuesday, 24 rove= er, 1953, when he again vas waiting for re in rzy office when I came to worl.:, . about 7:30 a.m....N.e.appeared to be grcetly dritated and in his own woran, ' "all mixt& up." Be-saidhe felt that ho was not competent, that he had. . . � � . don something ureng. When questicned closely he could not say exactly what .he. thought ho had Acne wrong. Ho made reference to the feat that he thoufht . - -:ho should not havo been retire& for physical reasosebut when this was pusha ho shifted to the fact that he felt intampetent to .the type of work he was . � - . � doing -.when this �. . . . had. done wrong. was.pursuod he seem& to look for something else wilich he ! -.- � � . Alter about an lacur-of discussion it became apparent to no that Dr. Olson ! � �- but..noeded psychiatric attention. I continued the &iscassion.in such a. way' at J� to attempt to get him to Suggest that be needed sena help. This he did, fir 3 � � .. � . lay. tor. Stuns, who was present, and I imnediate4 agree& that this was'ot . _ �� � : . -opinion also and. I sugsested to him that I call Rt.:- Robert Lashbrook and .� � . . � .. . . . arrange for such assistance. This he agreed to and. said. that ho would go h( . � - � at,once' and. discuss the situation withf his wife, which he did... .. � : I immediately called. rr. lashbroolt and e=plaiard to him what the situati at � war. and ompressel tha opinion that Dr. Olten ia serious trou'ale and V. needed. 1=mediato prcfeesinaal attention. -Dr. Lashbrock.said that he tn- .. dorstood and would talcs imneliate action.. Meanwhile Pr. Olson haa beaa disctssing this with his wife. I received a call from his wifo.ask4r, .f the could co=e along and. I tola her thnt she could. 1..re were to co to Wasu.- ingtoa, D.C. for further assistance. � Shortly after this Dr. Lashbrook called back and wanted to mow 'what time we would be in Washington since he had arranged for an appoint=ent. � in :gow York with a -nsychintrist and. that he would Obtain air reservations for us to Go to rale York. itp-Ait 5 minutes after that Dr. and. Mrs. �loom , arrived, at the office.; WO went fro= there to cy hone where I --hanged from - . � . . uniform to civilian clothes and we urivan from rAy }tomb. to Washinztop by' !Ir. Zahn. C. Malinowoki. %. . � . . 'n route Dr... bison ampeared to be greatly agitated, hi...,,h3y suspicious, and, in his owa words, null Mi70i up. 'Jo topped. at the Eot.Shoppe rostal7r- -_ . . : ant in Bethesda, Va., to havo lunch. 'Dr. Olson ordered lunch but ate or ... drank very little. .E ampeared to be highly suspicious of fool or drir'.. � � We then proceoaed to Dr. Lathbrookls offico. I went in and ssw D. Las 4b:- . � .� � - and explained the situation to him again. Dr. Olson stayed out in the car , . . �.- with hia wife and Vr. Raliaowski. I found aut later that he had asked Hr. � . ' . . . - Nalinowski.to leave ,the car' so that he could talk to his . . . wife, W"ch was - After about 15 minutos I cams out and sugzested to Mr. Eilinowski aria Mrs. _Olson that they leave us there and that we would get-to-the air-port with Dr. Lashbreok Who was going with us. We proceeded for the air-port as left for raw York L3 I can esti=ate the time now, ib.out 2:30 p.m. Y07. 24. . ,- � � � ���4.� � ' 6 . Murir- the tr5p Dr. Olson's condition acared to be hbout "the.serin. Ito was ver.3 anniour end. he Le. the feelIng that sereono wes out to ect him. Es didalt :Lapeer to b7.. quite sure why, etc., � We arrived in new York without incident, proceeded from Laluaraia 5/5? Airport to Dr. Abramson's office; arrived. there approximately 5 p.m. � � Va left Dr. Olson with. Dr. Abramsoa who requested us to come back in about. 1 hour. After an hoar we cane back and Dr. Abrarison suggested that we co to a hotel and we told him we had reservations at the Statler Hotel. ne . . state1 that he would. core up to cur room about 10:30 with some.sedativet and also suggested that we have a "high-ball." Dr. Olson, Dr. Leshbreck � �. and I wett. directly to the hotel, sat E.t.a talked. for a while, theu we. .�. � � .to the cocktail-lourf-e, had a 1.1artini and. then went to dinner. Dr. Oise:. , drar& a Ehrtint but refused to drink a second one. ne ate very little; �. *till appeared to very'suspicicusi of Dr. Icchbrook nna myself. � �� � � . � . � � � .After.dimner we went back to our rooms, .disccuselcd various thirze and. . 01s.- asked to talk with me alone. -train he ap-.ccared to very anxisui - upset and kept askir-. "What's behind all thio7 Give me the. low-dovn; What are they tryima to do with no; are they checkiaa me for .security, I dad my best to ta-assure him and tried to show Lam wherein factually � be was imagining these difficulties and. thought I had convinced him, at least, he said that ho thousht things were clearims up and. also he said 'that he thou:ht Dr. Abramson could. help him. About 10:30 p.11. Dr. Abrmmsen came and brought a bottle of bourbon a:. tome Nrenbutal." for Dr. Olson. We sat &round and had juq,t. a good, � z� discussion and a couple of "high-balls." About mid-nicht.Zr. Abramson � � . ��� a ��� as � eaid;'Well, it time to Co to bed.." 22 suzg .ed. to Dr. Olson that he take a "Nembutal" which he did at tlat, time and that Dr. Olson take ano- ther should he have difficulty slespir4,-. My tha way Dr. Olson had ccm- plainel to no from the start that ho had mot been able to 8106 after Thu; day. Es said that he got no sleep. Dr. Olsoa fell asleep. The umdersig: remained awake. " Dr. Olson fell asleep immediately after going to-bed andI heard him ae vp about3 to go to the bath-room. N.2 came to bed but obviously could. not fail asleep as he was tossing and turai-.- and talking.to himself. I don't romeMber what he 'was saying. I asked. him about that tie if he would_ take 'another Nembutal and he said no. 7inally about .5:30 a.m. hi appeared .to Innot again and I suggested that he take a Nembutal; he agreed and took-i; . Vi started discussing the situation over again -*the Content of the con-: sation was almost idantical to what it had been before. Then he went bac � - to sleep, or-I-belL'ave,-at least rested until about 9 30 n.. on the mor-,2 .of the 25th of November, 1953. -At this time he cot up, watched television and the three of Us, Dr. brook,-Dr. Olson and myself vent to breakfast. Be ate come breakfast and . . : copS � - appeared to be a little bettor although he still b-in a rather - state in my opinion. 41, We then accompanied Dr. Mashbrook, at Dr. Iashbrock � suggestion; on an official visit which he had to make. During this. visit .. Dr. Olson, again became highly SUCTACiOUS and. mixed up. When this.became a rent we tactfully cut the visit short and left. We went from there to t doctor's office for the l o'clock appointnent. We left Dr. Olson there a picked him shortly after 5 o'clock, Dr. "Olson had requested that he retv. '.home for .Thanksgiving dinner so that he could have dinner with his family � .5. .3-2P7 as � and this was ec .db by Dr. Abranson who suzg�ted that we make an app'i ment to cone back up p oa Tuesday, 1 D.:cerber 1953. I eakedt that time be would likz to have co core with Dr. Ols:n or if Dr. Olson should come Be said this :as entirely up to Dr. Olson � if he wished ho could. CCNO al � if ho wished to have conpany it would be 1:erfcctly alrizht fore to come. then wo left Dr. Abramsoals office; carx back to the hotel and at my suexe got tickets for a musical show, "Me and. Juliet." We went out to dinner s � from there to the show which started at 8:30 1::=. � 'Dr. Olson appeared to got up.sat Avring the first act and at_intermissic P be was highly agitatodaCd stated. that he knew that peeile were outside waiting to arrest him en his departure fren the show. I tried. to mass= %. 1.40.t6 that I personally guarantee him that he will be in Frederick' or at hs the following morn;^., and that he wculd.be there idth his family for Thaal: -.giving. He stated that he didntt beliiivo me and. I tola him,. "Well, he ri � so and .that I-would giTe him my word of honor that this would besse."--4 - out that we had. the plane reservations. I sugGested that mr-Lybe he diWt � ._ . .: to sea rest of the show and that he and I talk and walk.- To this sues .ho quickly agreed. We left the th tare lei..41:�hi.7;.a*,1 he was,Sn a very an.m. stets. 'do walked. back to the hotel from the theatre, talking all tha whl. � and. by the time we arrived at the hotel he appeared. to be more relaxed. went back to the hotel�room, talked and watched television, discussed go! hal � � bone. the ,following day,ad Dr. Lashbrock stayed fnr the remainder of the � � and. cane in about 11 or 11:30 p.m. We talked for a little while, desk to arrane:6 for being called in tine Get out to the airport the foils morning. The call was arranGed for 5:30 a.m. I went toted and unfsmt= I fell c.sleep, did, not hear anything until 5:30 when, the thonelcse. It %. � :�� ani � -; the hotel opera.,r waking us up. I flicked on le light; Dr. Ols:a was � not in his bed and .is clothes were gone. I immediately interned Dr. Lashbr-ek who was in tite nijoining room and-wq� dressed, went down to the-hetei lObby as speedily as pole . .and. there we found Dr. Olson fully dressed. With his over-coat and. hat on sitting in a chair. .Ee stated he.was walking arcinnl in the streets .and that in the precast) he had disposed of his identification button, his�wallc . and, his money. Es stated that he had done this because I had. Instructed him to'clo so since I was with him. ,I told .him that I in.:7.mq with himf-he said., "Yes, that's right, I must have been dreaming." Since there me no � to.S4C- . . time to we daciaed against looking for his wallet and identitic-ti-n. � . . badge irm.i.distely went up to the room, shaved and. dressed; Dr. lson al= � shaved. We checked out of the hotel; got a taxi and went to 1...r..0uardia Air- :port in tire to cake a 7:30 plane. Plane was delayed approximate2y one . �� hour becal)sa of mechanical difficulties.. � Olson appeared to be =re relaxed at this tine. � . . -.Mr. Olson ate on the plane and. slept the entire trip,O. boa We . . � . . � ... . -I - arri4ed in Washin,-ton 1.cre net by Er. MalinowAl, Thtn-sday. rov. 26th, We arrived in Vashir.-ten; Dr. . - (Thanksgiving Day.) We got in Mr. Malinowski's ear and headed. f:r Fre- , - . - - derick. . � . . . � �� � In north-west 1.:ashin4ton on Wisconsin avenue Dr. Olsan asked. if We . .4 � 'couldatt.stop the car 'and. talk this thing evpr and I asl:ed h1 if there. � - was any-U:12-4; wrong and he said, "Well, I/would like to talk thii.,0 over." .� � VS stopted in the parking lot at Eoward Johnson's on Wisc.-nein -avenue . near.Bethesda-Chevy Chase Wood!.a..rd Lethrop store. Es asked Kr. nalincwsk .% to leave the car as. he wanted to discuss r.,mething with re - Er. Yalinows nsnplied. Fe tole no he could not go bac!: to Frederick since he was so ��� mixed up. Ee was ashamed. to meet his uifc and racily, and. re:I-tested to 2' � � � . just I :a him and would ce off ty hir.eelf Thi- told. him not de. He then &s!:ed me to turn hi= over to the polio:: since w-n- � � ted hi= an;-..my. We discusse.).-thicat csnsidern ble length and he o72;eared catisfidd - tl.at tho police did net want him. I then iur7ested nryt be would like to co back to SGO Dr. Abrsuson. Ea acreed to this c-la;es-- .� tion. ' '1 then called pr. Lachbrook e=d tol& hi= what the situatic-z vas and he told me to take Dr. Olsoa to his al.art=ent im7-.ediate1y. This as done. 'i.e decided to take Dr: Olson back to New York to see Itr..2,1ranson" and it was decided that since Ere. Olsen was eatItled to know vhat the .situatien MS ad because she vas exlectirr him for Thanksctvin;; dner shoulA proceod to Frederic% to brief Ytn. Clcom- Dr. 01s7n e..;red. to e � � . . to very Much uyset aad aditated. Ain, Lit. mi=c!.. up. This was the worst. e - . cgt:L.S. � that I had. ocen.hicv eines the ex:teriment took place. ..This ne1t tine I taw Dr. Olson. � Ou Triday eveni.Lc, a;proxinately 10:30, nr=7:ber 27th,. I receivcd � a call from York frsm Dr. lashbrook who staa2i that reservna � '' � . � - . .1:ad:been =Ade for Dr. Olson at Chestnut-Lc:6z.: imMockvil'e,Mtr;:lsne. and �� � that they had plane reservations for the rollout:4c =orning and WC70 sche- dx,Iled. to arrive in Ueshington at 9:34 on the 2E4L of NoveLber. �sucgested. that I meet the planco vaich I egrcatto do. I then asked if Dr. Ols.,= was still spcakinc to =a in a rather ma=nrr. I.heard. � -Dr, Lashbrsek ask him this question ar.d his answer was, "Why, yes, let rze i � � have the shone." Mt. Olson az-I:eare& on the pho=t qyite relaxed. Ee told � ro'about the trip in the norninc, about the fact that he had reservation: .at Chestnut Ledge. :I told hi= th..tt ItSlew the lal..ter'es Dr. 1..z..�=1:t-rock. i ;-% i � : . told me oo. I also told hi:a I would =cot the planet. Ea sugcested that I not do so se that day vas Saturday. and Le ko,.nf thst I prolabl:, hmd work to e.o around the Louse.. : told him to tht nothinc of.thmt and that I would. meet him. Ea said, see you in the norning." This is the last time I spoke to Dr. Olson. � At approximately 2:45 a.m. Sat. Nov. 28th, 1953. I recalTed a call irnm MT. Gottlieb with a messaee that Dr. Olsoa had died. -I IT..tiMY CZaTITY TO MST OP gY.KNOWL2DGn MT Ti2 ABOVE STL:F.Y.F::TS JJ TEZZ �ArD coaamT. . � � a' YIr.Z=T 72. HIT.r2T 14. Col. Cm1C S? Divlsica .Canp 1k:t7ick Frederick, Xarylnn! ' 7 - � � r �